
Supply Of Laboratory Equipments At Swarnim Gujarat Sports University Gandhinagar 1. Lactate Analyzer, 2. Body Composition Analyzer, 3. Metabolic Analyzer, 4. Pedometer, 5. B. P. Apparatus ( Manual ) , 6. B. P. Apparatus ( Electronic ) , 7. Skin F-Gujarat

Department Of Sports Youth And Culture Activities has published Supply Of Laboratory Equipments At Swarnim Gujarat Sports University Gandhinagar 1. Lactate Analyzer, 2. Body Composition Analyzer, 3. Metabolic Analyzer, 4. Pedometer, 5. B. P. Apparatus ( Manual ) , 6. B. P. Apparatus ( Electronic ) , 7. Skin F. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-08-2015. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Laboratory Equipments At Swarnim Gujarat Sports University Gandhinagar 1. Lactate Analyzer, 2. Body Composition Analyzer, 3. Metabolic Analyzer, 4. Pedometer, 5. B. P. Apparatus ( Manual ) , 6. B. P. Apparatus ( Electronic ) , 7. Skin F
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Equipments At Swarnim Gujarat Sports University Gandhinagar 1. Lactate Analyzer, 2. Body Composition Analyzer, 3. Metabolic Analyzer, 4. Pedometer, 5. B. P. Apparatus ( Manual ) , 6. B. P. Apparatus ( Electronic ) , 7. Skin Fold Calliper, 8. Dry Spiro Meter ( 5 ) , 9. Heart Rate Monitor, 10. Multi Function Pedometer ( 10 ) , 11. Computerized Tread Mill, And 1. Emg Biofeedback, 2. Depth Perception Apparatus, 3. Anticipation Assessment Apparatus, 4. Finger Dexterity Test, And 1. Force Plate ( Latest Module Complete Set ) , 2. Electronic Gonimeter ( Latest Module ) , 3. Gait Analysis System Pressure Plate, And 1. Digital Back / Leg Dynamometer, 2. Digital Hand Grip Dynamometer, 3. Skin Fold Capilar, 4. Anthropometry Kit ( Computer ) 5. Heart Rate Monitor, 6. Weighing Machine, 7. Reaction Time Apparatus ( Visual & Audio ) , 8. Food & Hand Reaction Time Apparatus Vibrators

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Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 120000.0 /-
Tender Value
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