
Scientific Instrument, Universal Testing Machines, Scientific Equipment, Patna-Bihar

Indira Gandhi Institute Of Medical Sciences has published Scientific Instrument, Universal Testing Machines, Scientific Equipment. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-07-2015. Scientific Equipment Tenders in Patna Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Scientific Instrument, Universal Testing Machines, Scientific Equipment
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply And Installation Of Group-A- Rio 1. Auto Refrectometer With Keretometer(Qty.1) 2. Slitlamp With Observer Scope( Qty-01) 3. Appalanation Tonometer(Qty.01) 4. Instruments To Setup Orthoptic Services 5. Field Analyser(Qty-01) 6. A-Scan With Pachymeter.(01) 8. Hand Held Keretometer 9. Perkins Hand Held Tonometer(Qty.01) 10. Video Indirect Ophthalmoscope-(Qty-01) 11. Dynamic Pascal Tonometer Group- B- Pathology 1. 1. Slide C Abinet Capacitiy 1,00,000 Slides: Vertical Manner 2. Slide Cabinet Capacity 50,000 Slides (Horizontal Manner) 3. Block Cabinet Capacity 40,000 Blocks 4. Semi-Motorized Rotary Microtome 5. Centrifuge 6. Cryostat 7. Microwave 8. Automatic Tissue Processor 9. Haematology Auto Analyser: 6 Part Differential 10. Cytospin 11.Incubator 12. Hot Air Woven 13. Laboratory Electronic Balance 14. Ph Meter 15.Trinocular Microscope 16. Autoclave 17. Automated Semen Analyser 18. Fully Automated Esr Analyser 19.Semiautomated Coagulation Analyser 20. Water Bath 21. Fluorescent Microscope 22. Pentaheaded Microscope 23.Digital Calorimeter 24.Pathology Grossing Table 25. Autostainer 26. Embedding Station 27. Fully Automated 3-Part Haematology Cell Counter 28. Bone Decalcifier 29. Automated Histological And Cytological Slide Stainer 30. Urine Auto Analyser 31. Auto Urine Sediment Analyser 32. Automated Capillary Electrophoresis 33. Liquid Based Cytology (Thin Prep) 34. Automated Clinical Gel Electrophoresis Group-C-Cardio Vascular Thoracic Surgery 1. Blood Gas Analyzer 2. Act Machine 3. Invasive Cardiac Monitor 4. Autoclave 5. Defibrillator 6. External Pacemaker 7. Diathermy Machine 8. Surgical Instrument 9. Surgical Loupe 10. Surgical Led 11. Consumable Surgical Suture 12. Consumable (Cpb Accessories & Prosthesis) 13.Infusion Pump Group- D- Ent 1. Esophagoscopy 2. Bera With Otoacoustic Emission And Assr:-Omitted 3:Cold Light Xenon Nova Fiberoptic Light Carrier Endovision Tricam Sl.Ii, Camera Control Unit 4: Flexible Nasolaryngoscope 5: Rigid Otoscope 6: Rigid Sinoscope 7: Diagnostic Microscope 8: Carrying Trolley 9. Laryngoscope With Handle 10.High Definition Endoscope Camera 11. 300 W Xenon Light Sources 12. Fess Devise Carrying Trolley. Group-E—Cardiology 1. Bipap 2. Cardiac Biomarker Analyzer 3. Temporary Pace Maker Generator Group- G- Microbiology 1. Real Pcr With Accessories 2. Biological Safety Cabinet 3. Co2 Incubator 4. Binacular Microscope Group-H- Anatomy 1. Semi Motorized Microtome 2. Automated Tissue Processor 3. Embedding Station 4. . Auto Strainer 5. Water Wath 6. Bone Cutter 7. Bone Decalcifier 8. Pentaheaded Microscope 9. Mortuary Cooler(6 Bodies)

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