
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Additives Supply, Indicators and Reagents-Karnataka

Sri Jayadeva Institute Of Cardiovascular Sciences And Research has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Additives Supply, Indicators and Reagents. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-07-2015. Chemical Supply Tenders in Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Additives Supply, Indicators and Reagents
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemicals, Reagents And Consumables -01 Actinomyces Agar02 Actinomyces Broth03 Aesculin Himedia04 Agar Agar 05 Anaerobic Agar Base01 Anaerobic Blood Agar Base02 Anaerobic Thioglycolate Medium Base 03 Anaerobic Thioglycolate Medium Base 04 Anaerobic Thioglycollate Medium Base - 100 Gm05 Andrade’S Peptone Water06 Arginine Dihydrolase Broth07 Azide Blood Agar Base 08 Bact Alert Reflectance Standard (Biomerieux) 09 Bact/Alert Fa Blood Culture Bottles10 Bact/Alert Pf11 Bact/Alert Sn Anaerobic 12 Bacteriodes Bile Esculin Agar Base- 100 Gm13 Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar Base With Bacteriodes Selective Supplement( 500 Grams)14 Beef Extract Rm 00215 Bile Esculin Agar16 Bismuth Sulphite Agar17 Blood Agar Base 18 Brain Heart Infusion Agar M 21019 Brain Heart Infusion Broth M 21020 Brucella Selective Medium Base M 82221 Candida Identification Kit22 Chlamydospore Agar23 Chromogenic Uti Agar24 Chromogenic Uti Agar25 Citrate Media Agar 26 Coagulase Mannitol Salt Agar27 Cooked Meat Media28 Corn Meal Agar29 Corn Meal Agar30 Culture Medium For Riedel Walker Coefficient Test (Disinfectant Test Broth)31 Deoxycholate Agar32 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar M 06533 Dermatophyte Test Agar Base With Dermatophyte Supplement (100 Grams)34 Dextrose Agarabase Emmons (Modified Sda) With Cc Supplement ( 100 Grams)35 Dnase Test Agar Base36 Dnase Test Agar Base With Toluidine Blue37 Enterococcus Confirmatory Broth38 Fermentation Medium For Staphylococcus And Micrococcus39 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Himedia M009 100 Gms40 Gelatin Agar41 Gelatin Agar42 Gelatin Iron Agar43 Gelatin Iron Agar44 Gelatin Peptone45 Glucose Phosphate Broth46 Haemophilus Test Agar Base 100 Gms M 125947 Hi Crome Candida Differential Agar 48 Hi Crome Canidida Differential Agar 500 Gms49 Hi Crome Enterococci Broth 1376 500 Gms50 Hi Viraltm Transport Kit 51 Hicrome Candida Agar 500 Gms52 Hicrome Ecc Agar M 1293 500 Gm53 Hicrome Uti Agar M 1353 500 Gm54 Hicrome Uti Agar Modified 1418 (Himedia) (Ready)55 Hiviral Transport Medium & Swabs 56 Hugh Leifson Glucose Medium - 100 Gm57 Hugh Leifson Medium58 Indole Nitrate Media59 Indole Nitrate Medium60 Kligler Iron Agar61 Lead Acetate Agar62 Lj Media Slant (Readymade)63 Lj Mediium Slant With Kanamycin 30 Μg/Ml- 25 Slants 64 Lj Medium Slant 25 Slants - Ready Slants65 Lj Medium Slant With Capreomycin 20 Mg/Ml- 25 Slants66 Lj Medium Slant With Capreomycin 40 Mg/Ml- 25 Slants67 Lj Medium Slant With D Cycloserine 30 Mg/Ml- 25 Slants68 Lj Medium Slant With Glycerol 25 Slant69 Lj Medium Slant With Ofloxacin 2 Μg/Ml- 25 Slants70 Lj Medium Slant With P Amino Salicylic Acid 0.5 Μg/Ml- 25 Slants71 Lj Medium Slant With P Nitro Benzoic Acid 500 Μg/Ml- 25 Slants72 Loeffler’S Medium (Readymade)73 Lysine Iron Agar74 M 012 Urea Agar Base 75 M 082 Macconkey Agar 01 M 1084 Muller Hinton Agar No 02 02 M 113 Chaymodospore Agar 03 M 210 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 04 M 213 Brain Heart Infusion Agar Base 05 M 394 Enterococcus Confirmatory Agar Himedia06 M 539 S Himedia Macconkey Broth Double Strength07 M 827 Fermentation Medium For Staphylococcus And Mocrococcous 08 M 837 Blood Agar Base No: 02 09 Mac Conkey Agar M 082 10 Macconkey Agar Plates (Ready Made)11 Macconkey Broth (Double Strength) W 0Neutral Red12 Mannitol Motility Nitrate Medium13 Mannitol Motility Nitrate Medium M 132014 Mannitol Motility Test Medium15 Modified Middle Brook 749 Broth With Indicator ( 25 X 5 Ml)16 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth With Arginine Hcl17 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth With Ornithine Hydrochloride -100 Gm18 Moller Decarboxylase Broth With Lysine Hcl19 Motility Indole Lysine Medium M 84701 Mudler Hinton Agar With Sheep Blood Agar 5%02 Mueller Hinton Agar M 108403 Nitrate Broth04 Nutrient Agar M 0871 500 Gms05 Nutrient Agar Mv 00106 Nutrient Broth07 Nutrient Gelatin M 060 S08 Of Basal Medium09 Ornithine Decarboxylase Broth 10 Oxacillin Resistance Screening Agar Base With Oxacillin ® Selective Supplement11 Oxacillin Resistance Selective Supplement12 Peptone Rm 001 13 Peptone Water 14 Potato Dextrose Agar15 Pyr Agar M 1489 16 Sabourand Cycloheximide Agar- 100 Gm17 Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar M 66418 Sabourauds Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar M 66419 Sabourauds Dextrose Agar M 06320 Sabourauds Liquid Medium M 033 Himedia 21 Semi Solid Nutrient Agar22 Sheep Blood Agar Plates (Readymade)23 Simmons Citrate Agar24 Streptococcus Selection Agar M 304 25 Streptococcus Selection Broth M 303 26 Stuart Transport Media M 30627 Thiglycollate Medium W/Hemin Vit K-Himedia28 Thioglycolate Medium Agar M 608 (Himedia) 500Gm29 Thioglycollate Medium W/ Hemin And Vitamin K M979 30 Todd Hewitt Broth 31 Triple Sugar Iron Agar Mm 021 32 Tryptone Soya Agar33 Tryptone Soya Broth34 Urea Agar Base M112a35 Yeast Extract36 Yeast Extract Powder - 500 Gm01 1-1000 Microlitre Pipet Tips (100 Tips/Pack)02 1-200 Microlitre Pipet Tips (96 Tips/Pack)03 8 Channel Multi Channel Pipette 10-200 Micro04 Absorbent Paper For Laboratory Use (Sheets/ Roll)05 Axygen Quality 1-1000 Microlitre Pipette Tips Tf-1000 R-S (100 Tips/Pack-10 Packs)06 Axygen Quality 1-200 Microlitre Pipette Tips T-200 C-R (96 Tips Pack-10 Packs)07 Bd Mgit 320 Calibrators 08 Bd Phoenix Ast Indicator Solution 10 X 6 Ml09 Bd Phoenix Spec Galibrator Kit 10 Blood Collection Tubes Plain 4 Ml11 Blood Collection Tubes With Clotactivator & Gel 3 Ml12 Blood Collection Tubes With Clotactivator 3 Ml13 Blood Collection Tubes With Vaccum & Gel 4 Ml14 Blood Collection Tubes With Vaccum 4 Ml15 Blotting Paper16 Blue Star Cover Slips 22 X 22 Mm17 Blue Star Cover Slips 22 X 30 Mm18 Blue Star Cover Slips 22 X 40 Mm19 Blue Star Cover Slips 22 X 50 Mm20 Carbon Brushes (For Table Top Centrifuge Remi R-8C)21 Centrifuge Tube 15 Ml Conical Bottom Sterile Pw231 1 X 100 Nos22 Centrifuge Tube 50 Ml Pw 1283- 100 X Nos23 Concavity Slides One Cavity. Dimension 75 X 25 Mm, Size 1.4 Mm (Himedia)24 Culture Plates Autoclavable (Plastic 10 Cm Dia)25 Disposable Flexi Loops (10 Microlitre 4.4 Mm Diameter) Pw013 100 Nos/ Pkt26 Disposable Plastic Flexi Loops Pw 015 (Himedia)27 Dry Heat Chemical Process Indicators (La933) 1 X 100 Nos Circular Dot (12.7 Mm 0 Temp <180`C28 Enamel Trays - Medium : 1” X 13”29 Enamel Trays - Small : 11”X9”30 Enamel Trays-Large : 24”X13”31 Forceps - Big32 Forceps Big Toothed33 Forceps Small Pointed34 Fresh Deodorising Pearls (Himedia -Le 008 B)35 Graduated Glass Pipettetes With Rubber Bulb 0.1 Ml - 1 Ml36 Graduated Glass Pipettetes With Rubber Bulb 50 Ml - 200 Ml37 Graduated Glass Pipettetes With Rubber Bulb 1 Ml - 10 Ml38 Graduated Glass Pipettetes With Rubber Bulb 10 Ml - 50 Ml39 Halogen Bulbs 20 Watts 6 Watts40 Hi Antibiotic Zone Scale41 Hi Cap B-12 Pw 036 Himedia (500 Nos /Pack)42 Hi Cap R-12 Pw 037 Himedia(500 Nos /Pack)43 Hi Cap R-15 Pw 037 Himedia (500 Nos /Pack)44 Hi Cap W-12 Pw 035 Himedia (500 Nos /Pack)45 Hi Cap Y-12 Pw 034 Himedia (500 Nos /Pack) 46 Hi Indicator Ph Paper La310 Ph2-10.5 (Himedia)47 Hi Viral Nylon Flocked Swab Pw1172 1 X 100 Nos48 Hi Viral Transport Medium 3 Ml Ac167 (Himedia)49 Inoculation Loop Holders50 Laboratory Deodorising Pearls 51 Membrane Filter Holder52 Micro Pipetes Volume Range 1000-5000 Microliters (Imported)53 Micro Pipetes Volume Range 100-1000 Micro Liters (Imported)54 Micro Pipetes Volume Range 10-20 Microliters (Imported)55 Micro Pipetes Volume Range 1-5 Microliters (Imported)56 Micro Pipetes Volume Range 20-200 Microliters (Imported)57 Micro Pipetes Volume Range 5-50 Microliters (Imported)58 Micro Tips Eppendrof Automated Gemini Elisa Processor 1100 Microliters (96 * 10/Pkt)59 Micro Tips Eppendrof Automated Gemini Elisa Processor 300 Microlitres (96 * 10/Pkt)60 Micro Tips Volume Range 1000-5000 Microliters61 Micro Tips Volume Range 10-200 Microliters62 Micro Tips Volume Range 1-5 Microliters63 Micro Tips Volume Range 200-1000 Microliters64 Micro Tips Volume Range 20-100 Microliters65 Micro Tips Volume Range 5-50 Microliters66 Microscope Lens Cleaning Paper/Tissue67 Millipore Filter68 Multi Sample Blood Collection Evacuated Tubes - 2 Ml Capacity69 Nichrome Wire70 Nicrome Loop D 1 La 021 Himedia 5 X 5 Nos71 Paper Labels72 Petriplate Carrier Le 0010 (Himedia)73 Ph Paper (Universal) 6 - 12 Range (Himedia)74 Ph Paper (Universl) 5-10 Range (Himedia)75 Poly Propylene Tubes Autoclavable Screw Caps 10 Ml 76 Wire Baskets Autoclavable Poly Lab (18Mm X 18Mm)77 Reagent Container 15 Ml (For Euphoreia- Tulip 4.1 Fully Autimated Elisa Processor) (10 Nos/Pkt)78 Reagent Container 60 Ml (For Euphoreia- Tulip 4.1 Fully Autimated Elisa Processor) (10 Nos/Pkt)79 Reagent Tip 800 Microlitre (For Euphoreia- Tulip 4.1 Fully Autimated Elisa Processor) (1000 Nos/Pkt)80 Sample Tip 300 Microlitre (For Euphoreia- Tulip 4.1 Fully Autimated Elisa Processor) (1000 Nos/Pkt)81 Scissor - Big82 Scissor - Small83 Semi Disposable Cuvettes For Turbidimetry84 Serum Collecting Vials 85 Slide Staining Rack For 30 Pieces (Himedia) 5 X 1 No86 Slide Trays87 Spactula 20088 Spatula Size 200 Mm Length89 Staining Stand90 Steam Indicator Tape La 984 Size 18Mm (1 X 55 Mts)91 Sterile Cotton Swab In Screw Capped Polypropylene Tubes: 150 Mm X 12 Mm Indv. Packed (Himedia)

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INR 550 /-
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