
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, hyderabad-Andhra Pradesh

Employees State Insurance Corporation has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-11-2013. Chemical Supply Tenders in hyderabad Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Purchase of Laboratory Items,Amylase, Albumin, Alkaline phosphate, Blood Glucose, Serum creatinine, Serum cholesterol, Bilirubin total, Uric acid, SGPT, Total protein, Triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, Trop-T,Urea, Bilirubin direct, SGOT, Biochemistry,Iron + TIBC, ADA 15T, Uric acid system pack, ALP system pack, Direct Bilrubin system pack, Total Bilirubin system pack, Cholesterol system pack, LDL Cholesterol system pack, with free calibrator, Glucose system pack, SGOT system pack, SGPT system pack, Total protein system pack, Triglyceride system pack, Urea system pack, Direct HDL system pack, with free calibrator, Magnesium system pack, Creatinine system pack, Multical system pack, Lipase system Pack, Albumin system pack, Amylase system pack, Phosphorous system pack, Microprotein system pack Calcium system pack, HbA1C Kit, HbA1C callibrator, Microcentrifuge serum bullets 0.5ml, Keto diastix, 0.1NaoH, Glucostrips with free 20 glucometers, Microtainers plain, Distilled water 5 litres, Blue tips, Yellow tips, Test tubes 12x100, Test tubes 12x75, Test tubes 12x100, N/10 Hcl, Plain vaccutainers, Sodium flouride vaccutainers, Gel vaccutainers ,Vaccutainer needles, RA kit. ASO Kit, CRP kit, VDRL, Widal, HIV test cards, Hbs Ag cards, PPD-5TU Montoux, HIV tridot, Grams stain solution, Sterile culture urine containers 25ml, Blood culture bottles, Sterile culture swabs Dengue cards IGG+IGM+NS1 Antigen, Prothombin time Liquiplastin)-5ml, Heamo spot occult blood, Pregnancy cards, Multisticks, Uristix, Drabkin solution 5 litres, Sodium citrate 3.8% -500ml, Microtainers EDTAOG-6 solution- 125ml, Leishmanns stain solution-500ml, Labolene -5, litres DPX mount- 500ml, Isopropyl alcohol- 5 litres, Tourniquet belt- paediatric and adult, Cover slips 22x22mm -0.13 to 0.16mm thick, Cover slips 22x50mm -0.13 to 0.16mm thick, Microslides 75x25mm- 1.45mm thick, Esrite sets, Filter paper -Whatmanns, ESR cups, ESR tubes glass, ESR tubes- disposable Giemsa, stain Malaria test card, Antigen detection, Blood lancets, EDTA vaccutainers Trisodium PT) vaccutainers, Disposable Urine containers -25ml, Eosin yellow 125ml.

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