Sale Of Old Scrap Unserviceable Scrap Machine And Equipments Of Govt. Industrial Training Institute Bhandara- -Function Generator Trainer Kit FG-1 Adtron Linear 1.C. Trainer Model ATK(Abvoolt) Digital 1.0 Trainer Abvolt Signel Generator AMEM Digital LC. Trainer(PCB) Abvolt AF/RF Oscillator (Signet) Micro Processor Training Kit Abvolt Micro Processor Training Kit PCB Abvolt Barcode Reader model Action Barcode Reader Be-10 Adtron Function Generator Trainer Kil 1.C. Tester Adtron Analog Training Kit Adtron ATK-01 Kriloskar Engine Distoration Factor Meter Pattern Generator Multimeter Motwani Make) Pattern Generator Radio Frequency Signal Generator LCR Bridge Omega Out put Meter National M-7 EN VHS Pal System Camera with Acessories VCR Crown Make Function Generator Systronic make CRO 25MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope I.c.Make Wobbuloscope Systronic make Digital I.C. Tester CRO Aplab OMega Audio Frequency Oscillator Aplab Distortion & Level meter Signal Pluse Generator 10MHz CRO 50 MHz Dual Trace Turn Table Philips with Accessories Systronic Make Transister Tester Modi Xerox Machine Bench type Drilling Machine Hydraulic Jack 03Ton Hydraulic Jack 02TonPortable Lifting Crane Cap. 1000kg Grinder Bench Motorised with the motor Sectional working model of 2 stroke petrol engine of vertical scooter type Piller Type Drilling 20mm Cap. Model No S-1 Sr.No.17 GPRS Based Biometrie Attendance System Digital Copier Multification Office Machine Compressor Air Piston Type COMEX CNC LATHE MODEL CMT-200-11-CNC WITH FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES LATHE MACHINE MADRAS G.D MONO 1908,1911 DOUBLE ENDED BENCH GRINDER MC/NO-66 ME-CAM 12 1 HP HEAVY DUTY PEDESTAL GRINDER COMPLETE WITH PEDESTALLATHE MACTINE TUMI MONO-1040 1000 MM DEMOSTRATION STATION KIT FOR A/C MOTOR AND GENERATOR MODEL NO, 7478(944A) WITH CONTROL PANEL AND ACCESARIES ELECTRIC MACHINE TRAINER WITH CONTROL PANEL AND ACCESARIES MODEL NO. 4450 (944) ELECTRIC FURNANCE 600 TO 12000 HORIZONTAL DYANAMIC BALANCING MACHINE CABLE FAULT LOCATION MODEL NO. EF3949M CF $500,1000 MAKE APLAB SR NO. 9748025 BECO GRADE ONE DOUBLE COLLUM PLANNING M/C NO-467, 442 MMM ROYAL PRECISION LIGHT DUTY ALL GEARED HEAD STOCK LATHE M/C MODEL NO-170-02, SK NO-2429 CHANNAS ALL GEARED HEAD SS AND SC LATHE MACHINE AG53G190/1000 SR NO-1219 SUFACE GRINDING MACHINE MIC SR NO-3639B (PRAGA) Horizontal Milling Machine No.2814. M/c Vertical Milling Machine No. 1239 M/c HMT Horizontal Milling 2703 Mic No. Cener lathe machine 1350/1000 M/C No.4258 ATHERV CAR A.C. MODEL AT 50 cool MARUTI PETROL ENGINE ASSEMBLY NEW MODEL CAR TYPE SR NO 5 ASSESSORIES ASHOK LEYLAND 6 CYLINDER DIESEL ENGINE ASSEMBLY WITH SPARES 06 CYLINDER DIESEL ENGINE TELCO NO 516359 Krispcold condensing unit 3000 kcal/hr. Open type compressor. Evaporative type condenser with all accessory and spare. Model No SPL Sr. no 96055. RECEPROCATING COMPRESSOR. Make:-ACCEL, Model No SMC-2-65. Sr. no 2-691. with electric motor 5 HP Sr. No 9606186 with starter, ALL GEARED HEAD LATHE 800 MM DISTANCE BETWEEN CENTRES 350 MM. KIRLOSKAR MAKE TURNMASTER 35. With all Accessories, CO2 GAS WELDING MACHINE ME MIG 400. WITH ALL ACCESSORIES. POWER HACKSAW MACHINE MODEL NO:-KMT 10. SR. NO 0520102141. PROFILE UNIVERSAL GAS CUTTING MACHINE MODEL MINI OSTRICH MAKE MEMCO SK. NO 2004504 WITH STD. ACCESSORIES TIG WELDING MACHINE 300 AMP. SR NO 03870706 WITH ACCESSORIES.ARC WELDING GENERATOR ADVANI ORLICON ETD MODEL:-TRIODYN K-120 SERVICE TESTLAMP SWEUPGENERATOR AFRE OSCILLATOR AFRE OSCILLATOR AF RE OSCILLATOR MODEL 5-1098 ASIGNET) SIGNAL INJECTOR AND SIGNAL TRACER T.V. Colour Cammera with Video Recording System Aplab Serv ice Test Station With BNC-BNC to Mini Crocodile Mains Cord Wobbuloscape Model No. ST-846W. Wobbulator Marker Generator Wobbuloscape, Marker Generator Heavy duty electric oven working area (deck) Heavy duty gas oven Killburn Deh.drator Tempo Inds mark Grade 1 Universal Milling Mc Model Tapti TU Tapti Universal Milling Mic Batliboi Model TUI Sr.No 126 Video Colour Camera National NV-M7 with Following Accessories AC Adaptor, Battery Pact AV Convertor Battery pact Charging Connector Sr. No. K8NC02812 Condensing Unit 750 Kcal/hr Open Type Compressor with Accessories Computer Application Trainer 3 Axis Drilling M/c Knee Type Horizontal Milling Mic with Std. Accessories No.543 Welding Transformer 300A Model-Jet 300 Sr.No.953537Room Air Conditioner Split Model- Videocon RC155SPRC Pneumatic Valves & Actuators (Demonstration Model) Pneumatic Trainer Model-PNU06 Sr.No.7/2000 Hydrolic bearing puller VANKOS Eutalloy Micro Flow Powder Welding Process Hot Model-MEC-Spray Torch-100 Automatic Cylinder Printing Me Peco Clockner Make with Acce Thyristar Control Kit Hytech make Hytech to Clemonstrate AC Motor Contorl 0.5 11P Single phase with accessciores Wather Bath 25 lit cop. & Heater 1 KW, Digital Temperature Indicator, Senser, Solenoid valve for Automatic Procers Disturbance. Aplab Service Test Station Pulse generation model no-s 1154 make-signal with accessories RADART FAVAM Signal Generator Type 2354 sr. no. 453 Satellite Receiving System SRS-09 AboltMagnetic Crack Detector Model-Magnaport MK-1000-111 Electric furnace 150x150x300mm NO-572 Air Conditioner Discrete Component Trainer Profile Universal Gas Cutting M/e with Accessories Make SEC Voltage Stabliser 20 KVA Model-CNCDX1 Button Hole M/e Silversun SMX-781 Button Tucking Mic Novel N1.-173 with Accessories Double Needle Me Make Novel NL-82 31. Sr.No. 200505019 Pneumatic Board with necessary aggreate for differenc machine circuits. Motor Generator Welding Set Type WG-350 with 4 Rubber tyred wheel Mobile Trolly Bar tuck Me Usha Make 1308 Bar tuck Me Silverson SMN-1850 Signal Generator AM/FM($990 Signet) LVDT Transducer Trainer Make HYTECH CRO Trainer Kit (Adtron Make) Button Hole Me Novel NI.-781 Button Tucking M/c Usha with Accessories Valve Refacer Model-SD0-150 FE, KPT Make with Following Specification workhead-375 RPM, Wheel Head-5200 RPM, Engine Valves Up to 17mm Steam dia 100 mm Head dia 75mm, No.269-195 Planner Machine Beco Grade-1 with Stander Accessories, D/E Spanner Set.Oil Can. SNo. 729,769,732 Planner M/C No.Laxmi Make 42/161,62,65,166 APLAB service test station model NO-4047A with accessories RK Universal Milling M/ L/M-12-3 with Rapid Traverse DGSD Horizontal spindle Surface Grinder (hydraulic M/c 8TP421) SHREERAM USHA Windows type Air Conditioner, 1.5 ton model(4500kcal/hr) with RAC No-Dsgco609 Microprocessor Trainer Kit Make Anshuman with Accessories PLC Trainer Kit ANSHUMAN with accessories Drilling M/e 12 MM Cap.Model- SM 13 D-P with Accessories Thyrister Controlled DC Motor Drive | HP with Tacho Generator with Acce Horizontal Dynomic Balancing Machine Model HDM-10 make FIC with accesoires supporting Bed for Driving stand, Driving stand with Driving Motor starter, Fixed by Bed Control Panale Box of Machine for measuring of unbalace with for Meter, Calibration Rotor with Weight, Hex, spanner 17x19, Allen key Alarm Circuit Demondstretar Make-Bistronics Alodel-3 Cable Fault Locator Make Aplah Model 10-49M with Acce Phase Motor Fault Simulator (Bistronics Make) Incircuit Tester (Functional) QMAX Make Model-CATS-100 Automatic Platen Press Model Grapo Press Window Mounted At 1.51 Modell SHO Videocon Make Vertical Milling Me FVI No. 10457,30434 Horizontal Milling Mic-200(Feed Range) with Acce Lathe Enterprise 1330 Distance Hitween Centers 1000 mm & 150mm Swing Over Bed Ele. Motor With Standard Accessories, Coolant Pump with Motor, 200mm Four jaw Grease gun Lathe Center, Center Socket. Spanner set, AllenKey Box Spanner.Screw Divier Bed No.- EB-4015 Hydraulic Cylindrical Grinder Me No 58755 HMT Vertical Milling Me Model-ENLY No. 1351 Universal Milling M/s 2160 Model INIU with All Std. Accessories Tool & Cutter Grinding Machine Model T APAR 600 Shaper Mic R.K.All Geared Model- 185 Sr.No. 332 Pentograph Me with cam attachment & All Std. Accessories Tool Craft/3D/MH/36R Gear Hobbing Me Make-Laxmijot Cap M04/350MM Praga Surface Grinder Mod. No. 451 AP Centre Lathe Model Vikram 200/1500 mm with all accessories M/C No.15559 Air Compressor 2 Stage Model-Parkeen TSR R 10 Ashok Leyland 6 Cylinder Engine No. 116726 Diesel Engine D-301/E2 bajaj Tempo with Self and Dynamo Engine Assy with Transmission for Omni with Components Engine Assy with Transmission for Onani with Components ENTERPRISES 1330 LATHE M/C With All Accessories Sr.No.E-2/1755/1763 Bearing Analyser Make-Abros Kosha Type MV-410-8 Double Ended Pedestal Grinder Make Grindtools STR-300 Horizontal Milling M/c-Type HFO-070 with Std. Acces. HMT Vertical Milling M/e Model-FNIV-1241 with Std. Acce MKLS Tool Room Lathe Ent.E1320/1000 Me with Std Acces Hydraulic Board (with Me Circuits) Floating Carringe Micrometer 13 Wire Meas System Aditya manual Make) 5 र २ Maruti Car Engg. Assy. Model 1000 with Accessories Hydraulic Hoist 4 Ton Cap. Royal Make no of Ram, Daimeter Ram-267.1.ifting Height 1525mmn,Max Operating Air Pressure-10 giem, Size of super suructure-100x110x 4550 mmm, Air Contorol Valve. Top Plat, Tin Rods. Axle Lock Exhaust Gas Analyser for Petrol Engine Model TD-2040/EGA 200 Premier Padmini Petrol 4 CyLEngg. Assly with Spare 5 TR Central Air Conditioning Plant Engine assly with Transmission for Maruti 1000 CC with Spares Exhaust Gas Analyser for Diesel Engine Model Opax2000 11/DX200 Engine assly with Transmission for Maruti CGypsy Engine Tata 692 DI-6 Cyl. (Diesel Engg Stationary type) Wheel Alignment Tester Computerised Model-ML3000PC (Containing Comp.with AccessoriesWheel Alignment Tester Computerised Model-ML3000PC (Containing Comp.with Accessories CNC Milling M/C HMIT Make with Accessories CNC Lathe Mic Trainer Comex Make Mic No.4049/C2005/04 with Accessories Mechanical Heat Pump-Yashashree Make Cold Storage Plant 3TR Cap. 9000Kcal/hr Water Cooler Packed Type Air Conditioner Unit 7 TR Voltas Make Evacuating & Charging Station Model-ST-RA23 Shriram Usha Water Cooler SRA 4003F Tractor Chain Type (Crouler TI-30jSr.No. 1519 Lathe Enterprises 1330/1000 Mm with Accessories Tiger Brand All Geared Center Lathe M/c No. Centre Lathe all geared head stock SS and SC Model AG 53G/190/1000 mm with all accessories Sr.No. 1228 HMT All Geared Center Lathe with Accessories Tool Room Lathe Model Venus SU-41 150/1200 with accessories Bed No.-2396 Rototec Powder Welding Process Cold with Accessories Mig-Mag Welding System Make-MTP Model-MMG-250 Consist of D.C. Power source, Wire fidder unit. Mig welding torch, Co2 gas pre heater, Presare regulator and Flow meter ete २ Ultrasonic Flow Detector with 2.5 MHZ 20 mm Dia vertical Probe Tig Welding System Make-EUTECTIC CASTOLIN Model-CASTO-TIG-3002 AC/DC With following accessories Tig Torch, Remote Control with cable. Argon Gas pressure Regulator No.-800-47 Arc Welding Generator Advani oerlikon Make Model-Triodynk-320Arc Welding Lienerator Make-ADWA-ORLICON Model No. TRIODYN K-320 Current Range 35-130&110-320 with acce Welding Converter AC/DC Electronic Model-HYTMARC-NH3 Sr. No.15170 Specification-Open encuit voltage, Power Factor.98 Insulation Class-11, Protection-f Weight-19kg Diamention-45x260x298 mm.Remote Control Unit with 4 knob. Tig Torch G240RA, 9910 Cooled, No.-615370 Tiger Brand Super Vigo Model All Geared Center lathe Machine Tiger Brand Super All Geared Center lathe Machine Vernier calliper 150/200man Micromotor INC Handpiece Model Multi 600 Benet vice 150mm Lathe machine with Acessories Tool & Cutter Grinding Machine Universal Cutter Tool Grinder Kirloskar Turner Master lathe machine. Window Air Conditioner I Ton Button Tucking Machine Model No MK2115 Sr. No 372-002842 1 1 DC Shunt Generator 2.5 KW 230 Volt 1 Bread Board (BT-01) 1 R.F. Generator Signet Sweep Generator Signet EPROM Programmer Barcode Reader BC 01 AF/RF Oscillator 25 Mhz Analog CRO Video Transmitter Dot Matrix Printer Wep HQ 1070 DX CONDENSING UNIT 750 KCAL/HR 30 TON 4 COLOUMN UP STROK COMPRESSION MOULDING MACHINE SEMI AUTOMATIC VACCUME FORMING MACHINI TIG. Welding M/C300amp.with argon as cy. ALATHE MACHINE (Sigma) Slotting Mic Jayems No-180 Horizontal milling machine no-455 Lathe Machine Suprise no.4213 Shaper machine Cooper 12M/с по-12878Shaper machine Cooper 24 no-4497 KB 4 STROKE ENGINE BAJAJ CHETAK ENGINE SCOOTER ENGINE) NO-35EBGH-91148 Diesel Engine vertical type 4- cylinder (kirloskar)RATA GODREJ REFRIGERATOR 165 LTR CONDENSING UNIT 3000kcal hr WATER COOLER TUSHAR 150 LTR COLD STORAGE PLANT HINDUSTAN HORIZONTAL MILLING MACHINE 1017 all garded the model enterprise-1330 M/1000 Kirloskar Me No.EBM-211 all equipment & accessories Lathe Mic kriloskar enterprises lathe EB-1330 All gear head gap bed lathe 1000mm distance between center 350mm with std. euipment & accessories Me No.EB-3881.EB-3045 Muffle furnes electrical Max.temp.1200 C 3PH 14-40V 50cycle supply DC series motor 3HP with starter & field regulator susan make No.94 9514 Sliping motor 3PH 5HP 440V 50cycle with LT/LK starter ARWA make Sr.No.SL.P-94.9414 Cable fault locator 3 pin crocodi make Aplab. model-3049 Sr-No- 9748026. Rotary converter ASIA No.5650191 Perkins P-4 V engine No.61918 with std. complete engine with extra equipment & accessories as per DSR Sigma All Geard Lathe Machine No. 551 M/c Model No. 400/1000 Computer application trainer computorrised controler 3 axis steper motor with equip.& necessoriesMicroprocessor Trainer kit make Anshu with equip &accessories Colour TV camera with VCR make natie panosonic model NV-M-3000N 1.0KVA TOL UPS with batteries & sta Aplinet 1.0TR room AC Apline stemy 70125 installation Dual trace CRO-6MHz make APLAB 3934 Sr.No.98-148015 Pneumatic trainer model PNL-06-Alarm ckt. Demostrator make Bistronics 3 Thyrister controler kit make Hytech w accessories as per DSR XEROX Analog photo copy model No.5 star M/C No.2905744405 with stabiliz Sr.No.06/510213 Dynamic APLAB 3KVA LPH-UPS Sr.No.51805120100223 with batt. & iron Electric Machine Trainer Model 4450 Control panel 945 Demonstration Kit for AC/DC motor a Generator set with control panel 945. Modi Xerox Machine Model No-1025 ST.Table top type with 3.2K VA Volta stabilizer Digital IC Trainer Model- Adron Pattern Generator colour model No.40 GTAW (TIG) Welding System Make EUTECTIC CASTOLUN Exaust Gas Analyser For Diesel & Pet Engine A) Analyser for Petrol Engine Gas Check-2000 (Without Printer) Analyser for Diesel Engine Model Sma Check 6000 Gear Hobbing Machine Make Lasni Jyoti Capacity M04/350 men with std AccessoriesSurface Grinder 451 M/C No. 36-40 EPROM Programer Model P-01 lake-Adtron with accessories Aplab service test lah Srno-4749604 Video transmeter Make-Electro Model LENTX St. no-337 Anolog training kit 1091AT Sr No 258/06-06 & 257/06-06 Satellite receiving station, Abvolt Make, Model- SRS-09 with accessories AF/RF oscillator Model: S-1098A Make Signet with accessories Scientific Analog Oscilloscope Model SAM 331 SR NO-0806011 30 MHZ Analog Oscilloscope Scientific SM 4.30 4.5 Digit Digital Multimeter Autouranging Make PLA DM-20AR Carryscope 100, 435mm Automatic slide Projector with Remote Control. Vertical milling Mic Knee Type size | type FV1 Mie No.30352 with mic vice & stub arbor27x21 Reciprocating type Hydraulic hacksaw Mie M/e No.88 with all equipment & accessores as per dar Drilling Mic Piller type Model PDM HD No.1006 Capacity-3/4 12mm) Pedastal Grinder 10 GECO No.GC. 1740 Investa Lathe SS &SC straight Bed Lathe Model L-160 complete with accessories Machine Sr. No. 648 SS&SC centre lathe 190/1000mm model AG-53G chanaas all geared head with std. equip.& accessories as per DSR M/e No.1218 Horizontal metal cutting band saw m/c model KL-1 complete welding Me with grinding with shearing attachment, circuler end less band saw blade Investa Lathe model L-200 grade 1 all gear head SS &SC cap-Bed Lathe with Equip & accessories as per DSR Machine Sr. No. 742,766 Investa Lathe SS &SC straight-Bed Lathe Model L-160 complete with accessories & equip. Machine Sr. No. 1-160/647.1.-160/651 Hindustan centre lathe model 1.13-13/1000mm straight bed with 101HP motor Mic code No.051 & complate with special accessories a per DSR M/C No.3883 Hindustan centre lathe model LH-17/1000mm straight bed with 10HP motor Me code No.051 & complate with std. accessories & Jequip. Mie No.3903 Capston Lathe metalexport polish make model RV-32 with std, Equip. & electric suitable for 400/440V 3P11.50cycle with std. equip.&accessories as per DSR Mic No.043 Turret Lathe Yogoslavian model no.RTES-28 with normal equip. & accessories as per DSK Me NO.21/62/257 MTP make mig-mag welding sys.aCO2 Gas) model MMG-250 capacity 250A supply 3PH 440V forced air cooled with equip. & accessories as ner DSR Petrol Engine Assy. (Ambassador) with accessories as per DSR DC shunt genrator 2.5KW with control pannel ARWA make Sr.No.G/96/312/14 A DC shunt genrator 2.5K W with control pannel ARWA make Sr.No.G/96/311/14 Motor genrator set ARWA make SHP. 440V AC with 3KW compound genrator etc.complete unit Sr.No. MGAD95/7814A Motor genrator set ARWA make 5119. 1400 AC with 3KW compound genrator etc.complete unit Sr.No.MGAD94/9614 Squirrel cage indication motor 51IP 440V 50 cycle ARWA make with LT/LK Dol starter Sr.No.AC/5/14/9419 Squirrel cage indication motor 311P 440V 50 cycle ARWA make with 1.11.K Dol starter No.AC/3/94/9414, Pattern Generator colour model-5.9144 Make-SIGNET with accessories Motor senrator set (Alternator) techno wearAC with 3KW compound genrator lete.complete unit Sr.No. MGAD95/7814A Motor genrator set ARWA make 511P 440V AC with 3KW compound genrator etc. complete unit Sr.No.MGAD94/9614 Squirrel cage indication motor 51IP 440V 50 cycle ARWA make with LT/LK Dol starter Sr.No.AC/3/14/9419 Squirrel cage indication motor 3HP 440V 50 cycle ARWA make with L11,K Dol starter No.AC/3/94/9414, Pattern Generator colour model-5.9144 Make- SIGNET with accessories Motor genrator set (Alternator) techno gear make DC shunt motor 5HP 440V 1500rpm with accessories as per DSR M/C No.910938 DC compound genrator 2.5KW.250V (ARWA make frame size 132 horizontal foot mount SPDP with controll panel Moter genrator set ARWA brand consisting shunt motor SHP 440V 3PH. With coupled to gerirator AC 3.5KVA 400/230V Sr. No. MGDA94/9614 Double ended pedastal grinder size 200mm VEEKY brand with straight wheel Jeep crane(Hydrolic Type) portable on trolly wheel lifting capacity 2000Kg Car washing plant electricaly opratated 311P motor with two spraygun 30Galan tank capacity with accessories as per DSR Maruti car engine assembly dscription of part No. as per DSR Hindustan petrol engine complete assy.part no.3046072 Engine assy.complate diesel suitable for ambessdor car No.361.DU32885 Maruti engine assy.800°C with transmission no.of cylinder 3 with special tools Pentograph Engraving Machine with CUM Attachment & All Accessories Make Tool Craft Model No JD/MH/36R Microproccesor training kit Make Electro Make-11 MTK Sr No-872.875 with accessories Anolog training kit 10991 AT Make-Adtron St. No-1115 with accessories Intercom cum EPABX sistem (Digitali with operator console (Digital key phone 1D model syntel delta, configuration with 8 telephone Instrument Make Bestel Aplab 20MHz Function/pulse Generator Marker Generator Sr. No. 225M Service test Lab Model 40470 Analog Training Kit Model 1091 AT Make Adtron Analog Training Kit Model Make Adtron Heavy Duty Zerox Machine Model Kilburn Mita 2010 Aplab 20MHz Dual Trace Osciloscope with Frequency Counter Mig Welding M/c (co2) 400Amp Technocrat Model 300 SQ with All Accessories Tig Welding Machine 300Amp AC/DC Make Technocrats Model 300SQ Mahindra Camonder 750 DP2WD Jeep M1135-D13 Metador Diesel Engine 4stook model D-301 E2-341208 Deep fridge 165 lit. Kilburn Dehydrater Tempo Make Heavy duty gas oven Heavy duty gas oven Heavy duty electric oven Deep freezer Deep freezer CRO Dual SMHZ CRO Dual 50MHZ Pattern Generator Coloured Wohhuloscope Marker generator Wobbulator FM/AM Signal Genaretor model no. st 945 LCR bridge digital TV Reciver EC make Aplab service test station Sweep genrator with marker, signet make Colour TV TrainerOn fine UPS system SINGLE PHASE Microprocessor Trainer Kit Bar code reader On line UPS I KVA In circuit semiconductor tester Oscilloscop 5 Mitz Oscilloscop 10 MHz 1.CR bridge-LCIR Q Tester Wobhulator Marker generator Pattern Genrator Coloured Wobbuloscope Sweep genrator with marker Microprocessor Trainer Kit AF/RF Oscillator on line ups system single phase 3kva WINDOW TYPE MIRCONDUIONERIS TON Phil Overhead Projector WINDOW AC Elgi car washer, Model WM 5011 Driven by IP. Three phase motor, As per DSR Accessories Water cooled Disel Engine-16 11P 150 гри Engine no- 16052, Type 1 VGT with accessories & toolkit Water cooled Disel Pump set, 6.5 119/1500 rpm, Type LV-2 Engine no-1225, set with 66x750mm pump with tool kit & Accessories Make Laxmi cylinder 4stroke Disel assy. Ingine 1692,028 Engine no-OSO 7395 70 Air cooled Are Welding Transformer-21 KVA, 3 phase, 300 Amp with 10 meter cabile & holder and 10 meter cable & clamp Model Centre Lathe Machine with Standerd Accessories 3086 & 3077 Ataching mm-11 Lathe Machine with Acc.& Equipments Kirloskar Make Machine no-2991 Comex piller Drill Machine with accessories RWelding Transformer, Air cooled 300 ams R R R Are welding rectifier, 300 amp with necessories Drilling Machine with Extra accessories Machine no-KL90033470 EPL Brand Motor Generator type D.C.Are welding Set, Model-WG-320 Comex piller type Drill Machine. Model-CMT GEM Brand air cooled welding transformer R200 amp with brazing unit & complete accessories Arc welding rectifier, 300 amp, with Racesssories Make WARPP Engg Machine Sr no-177 Are welding rectifier, 300 amp, with Raccessories Sr no-A-014 Make-Spark line Machine 2.2KW,3HP,1500RPM,250V 132 Frame,D.C.compound Motor along with panel board & M.S.Stand (JEPICA Make) 1.5 window type Actvideoconi Greaves Garuda 360 Diesel Auto Riksha Hydrolie Floor Cranw Top Capacity Model 1000 Ashok Kuland 6 Cylinder Diesel Engine Tata Diesel Engine Tata Mini Truck Stroke Premier Petrol Engine With Radiator Bajaj Scooter thetak Bajaj Nurmy Zip Advani DER Linkan ARC Welding Generator Trade MCW 400 amp MIG Welding MC 12 R Laseweild ARC Welding Rectifier R HP DC Motor Coupled With 15 KVA Altarnator With Control Panel Arwa Make Sr.No. 97/77/18162 R Motor Generator Set With Control Pamiel te Compound Generator & W With Field Regulator For Voltage & Power RUPSTAY ON LINE RAM IM Sterne synthesized RAnolog Training Kit R Microprocessor Training Kit Ras Machine canon RVagi Antenna (YAA Digital Storage Oscilloscope 60 mhz R Satellite receiving system abovit R Desk Top Compoler REprom programmer Liltasonic Cleaning System Type 15-500 Preumatic Circuit Board Hydraulic Circuit Board Mobile Cleaning UnitDynamic Balancing Machining Model FBM-50M1 Sr. No. 96 -43 CNC Lathe Machine Make Kirlosker P-51.1-56040 with CAM software Baker Electronics Gauging system Profile Universal gas Cutting mochine Arc Welding transformer with 1KG sysytem Aplab auto compute LCR-Q Meter-4010 isr no 9733115 29733116 Oscilloscope 60MHZ (Analog) 806 Sr. no 1210200 Micro processor Trainer kit XPO-864 Anshuman) Analog Oscilloscope 30 mhz 80-1 St. no.03113220 Digital Epabx sistem with digital key phone 7nos Water Cooler usha make 554080 21 KVA Air colled are welding Transfarmer Portable OXY Acetylene mit with Track Lathe machine 200 mm center Button Hole Machine Smoke Tester EM-10601 Cannon Digital Copier and Multifnction office machine IR 2018N Tata Sumo MH-317-9826 SINGLE PHASE WELDING TRANSFORMER AND BRAZING PORTABLE MACHINE FOR STRAIGHT LINE etc