
Tender For Renovation Work Of Butati Dham Talab Village Butati Tehsil Sanju District Nagaur - 1 Cutting & Clearance Of Jungle, Bushes, Shrubs Ankra/Ipomoea, Julicflora Typna Etc. On Canal And Bunds In Dry/Moist/Slushy Conditions Including Disposal As Pe, tehsil-Rajasthan

Water Resources Department has published Tender For Renovation Work Of Butati Dham Talab Village Butati Tehsil Sanju District Nagaur - 1 Cutting & Clearance Of Jungle, Bushes, Shrubs Ankra/Ipomoea, Julicflora Typna Etc. On Canal And Bunds In Dry/Moist/Slushy Conditions Including Disposal As Pe. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-04-2025. Lake Development Tenders in tehsil Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Renovation Work Of Butati Dham Talab Village Butati Tehsil Sanju District Nagaur - 1 Cutting & Clearance Of Jungle, Bushes, Shrubs Ankra/Ipomoea, Julicflora Typna Etc. On Canal And Bunds In Dry/Moist/Slushy Conditions Including Disposal As Pe
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Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Renovation Work Of Butati Dham Talab Village Butati Tehsil Sanju District Nagaur - 1 Cutting & clearance of jungle, bushes, shrubs Ankra/Ipomoea, Julicflora typna etc. on canal and bunds in dry/moist/slushy conditions including disposal as per instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. Cost of wood has been deducted from rates and thus will be property of contractor after cutting.(b) THICK 2 Benching base and depositing the excavated material including dressing etc. complete within initial lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m 3 Excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, de-watering wherever required complete in all respect. Hard soil mixed with Kankar/boulders,Morrum 4 Earth work in rough (borrow area) excavation for embankments in hard soil, morrum or highly weathered strata dry or moist, including laying in20 cm layers (before compaction) and breaking of clods, sorting of grass, pebbles etc. and dressing when compacted by vibro compactor, vibro sheep foot roller, sheep foot roller/pneumatic tyred roller to obtain dry density of at least 98% of Standard Proctors density with initial lift of 1.5m (Excluding charges for compaction and watering) including loading and un-loading wherever required complete in all respect.With initial lead of 250 m 5 With initial lead beyond 1250m and up to 1750m(for avrage lead 1.5 km) 6 With initial lead beyond 1750m and up to 2250m(for avrage lead 2.0 km) 7 Add extra for earth taken from private land with all lead and lift, land to be arrangged by contractor through private negotiations. Item applicable on certification by E.E. that no Government land is available with 250 meters nfrom borrow area. 8 Compaction of earth or highly weathered strata By mechanical equipment such as sheep foot roller/ pneumatic tyre roller/vibro compactor/vibro sheep foot compactor required as per site condition to obtaindry density of atleast 98% of standard Proctor density 9 Watering of earth including cost of carriage of water when source of water is up to 1 Km 10 Lip cutting and final dressing as per designed section including re-handling and disposal of excavated earth in layers 20cm on embankments etc with cost of dewatering wherever required and complete in all respect 11 Side shuttering including propping etc. complete (to achieve finish F 2 for :Retaining wall, counterfort, abutment, wing walls up stream or down- stream slope facings of dams and open faces of construction joints etc. 12 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete Nominal mix (1:3:6) including leads of all construction materials, curing, compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excludingthe cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusherbroken stone aggregate of maximum size upto.20 mm 13 Random rubble stone masonry (using R. R. stones where 75 % stones to be not less than 15 cm in size in any direction and weighing not less than 23 kg.) for foundation including curing with all leads of all construction materials including curing etc. complete.(c)In cement sand mortar 1:5 14 Add extra over item for Masonry work in superstructure in Random rubble stone masonry (using R. R. stones where 75 % stones to be not less than 15 cm in size in any direction and weighing not less than 23 kg.) for superstructure including curing all leads of all construction materials including curing etc. complete. .In cement sand mortar 1:5 15 Brick masonry (using well burnt clay bricks of size 230 x 110 x 70 mm, class designation 75 as per specification) up to plinth including all leads of all construction materials including curing etc. complete.In cement sand mortar 1:4 16 Add extra if well burnt clay brick size 230 x 110 x 70 mm class designation 100 as per specification are to be used over item no 15 17 Providing and laying ofpaver block as per IS 15658 : 2006 (Indian standard for precast concrete block for paving- specification) and IRC : SP:63-2004 (guidelines for the use of interlocking concrete block pavement)M-30, 60 mm thick to be used in non traffic areas like building premises, monument premises, land scapes, public gardens/ park, domestic drives, paths and patios, Embankment slopes, sand stabilization Area etc.( As per table 1 ofIS 15658:2006 Category A Denated units to key into each other on four faces zigzag shape as per IRC SP 63:2004 18 Supplying, Laying & consolidation of quarry rubbish / Murrum / Murda to required grade & camber in layers not exceeding 15 cm. thickness (loose) by road roller as per specifications including dressing etc. complete 19 Supplying stone, spall and laying Rip rap in required profile properly hand packed using stone of specified size including all lead & lifts 20 Plaster in cement sand mortar 1:4 including racking of joints, smooth finishing& curing etc complete including all leads of all construction materials of thickness: 20mm(a) In Cement Sand Mortar 1:4 21 Supply and fixing jodhpur sand stone machine cut Dash, Coping, Sill, Lintel fixed in cement sand mortar 1:4 9 cm (3.5) thick 22 Supply and fixing jodhpur sand stone machine cut Dash, Coping, Sill, Lintel fixed in cement sand mortar 1:4 5 cm (2) thick 23 Supply and fixing in cement mortar welded hand railing made out of MS round or square bars, flats etc. for staircase or verandah as per design complete in all respect (wooden or PVC hand railing to be paid extra) with priming coat of red oxide. 24 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of approved brand and manufacture and or required shadetogive an even shade including all scaffolding: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm). 25 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture togive an even shade : Two or more coats on new work 26 Supplying of M.S. reionforcement including labour charges for bending binding and placing in position all reinforcement as per drawing including cost of binding wire and all leads and lifts using tor or ribbed bars. 27 ProvidingandLayingin position of CementconcreteNominalmix (1:2:4) including leads of all construction materials,curing,compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excludingthe cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken stone aggregate of maximum size upto (d)20mm 28 ProvidingandLayingin position of CementconcreteNominalmix (1:1.5:3) including leads of all construction materials,curing,compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excludingthe cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken stone aggregate of maximum size upto (d)20mm 29 Extra labour charges for RCC due to obstruction in laying and placing the reinforced cement concrete due to reinforcement.Columns, slabs, cantilevers projections staircases, lintels, beams, chajjas, Retaining walls, piers, abutments, galleries, arch covers, bed plates, sluice capstan bases etc. 30 Supplying and fixing Jodhpur machine cut stone Kadau in CM 1:4 with rock facing with proper projection and machine cut edges of stone, two line dressing of building corners, jambs etc. including uniform joints using aluminium square section of size 12 mm to 15 mm as per requirement of course and width of stone not less than 12 Cm., with reqisite humber headers (minimum length of stone 0.9 M) 31 Structural steel work in single section fixed with or without connecting plate including cutting, hoisting ( height upto 10 m), fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 32 Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 20 mm (average) thickbase laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing completewith base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) For area of each slab from 901 to 2000 Sq.Cm : 33 Fine dressed stone flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 ( 1cement : 4 coarse sand) with joints finished flush. White Sand stone size not less than 1350 Cm250mm thick. 34 Providing corrugated G.S. sheet roofing including vertical / curved surface fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8 mm diameter with bitumen and G.I. limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead and including a coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint on overlapping of sheets complete (upto any pitch in horizontal/ vertical or curved surfaces)excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape whenever required. 1.00 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gm/m2 G.S. sheet for roofing 35 Providing and fixing Red/Pink sand stone post (Mataga) having size 100x100mm heights 600 to 750 mm as per ornamental design such as like flower octonogal head border etc. to fixed with white cement/epoxy mortar including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment, matching the stone shade. 36 Supply and fixing ashlar lintels and Dassa exposed horizontal and vertical faces 3 - lines fine dressed (bearing bed & top surface made perfectly even) Above 20 cm. thick & above 2.15 m length (a) Soorsagar or eqvt. White Ashlar 37 Supplying and fixing ashlar solid block pillars fully fine (3 lines) dressed (a) Soorsagar or eqvt. White Ashlar 38 Providing, laying and fixing in position RCC spun or hume pipe with collars (ISI 458-2003) in required size packed in gasket for hume or spun yarnandneatly finished with rich grout of cement mortar 1:3 perfectly air tight including testing of joints. 1000mm NP3 39 Nominal mix of Plain Cement Concrete well mixed and laid in position using 20% max permissible limit of plums above 160 mm and up to 450mm, including curing and finishing etc including all leads of all construction materials complete in all respect with well graded crusher broken stone aggregate. The plums shall be distributed evenly and shall be not closer than 150 mm from the surface. PCC Nominal Mix 1:3:6 with plum Max size of Aggregate 80 mm,

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5000 /-
INR 798269.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.99 Crore /-


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