
Tender For Installation Of Equipment In The Earthen Dam As Per The Revised Cross Section Of Height Rising In Nardave Medium Irrigation Project Tal Kankavli Dist Sindhudurg., kankavli-Maharashtra

Water Resources Department has published Tender For Installation Of Equipment In The Earthen Dam As Per The Revised Cross Section Of Height Rising In Nardave Medium Irrigation Project Tal Kankavli Dist Sindhudurg.. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-03-2025. Dam Work Tenders in kankavli Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Installation Of Equipment In The Earthen Dam As Per The Revised Cross Section Of Height Rising In Nardave Medium Irrigation Project Tal Kankavli Dist Sindhudurg.
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Tender Details

Installation Of Equipment In The Earthen Dam As Per The Revised Cross Section Of Height Rising In Nardave Medium Irrigation Project Tal Kankavli Dist Sindhudurg. - 1 Item No.1:- Providing, supplying, fixing erecting, testing and commissioning of Vibrating Wire Piezometer having operating range 0 to 10 kg/cm2 including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance and having warranty not less than 36 months at design level as per the approved design and drawing in all respect as directed by engineer in charge. 2 1.For Embankment 3 2.For Foundation 4 Item No.2:- Providing, supplying, fixing erecting, testing and commissioning of Earth pressure cell (Vibrating wire type sensor) with thermistor having operating range 10 kg/cm2 including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance and having warranty not less than 36 months lat design level as per the approved design and drawing in all i respect as directed by engineer in charge. 5 Item No.3:-Item No:- Providing, supplying, fixing erecting, testing and commissioning of Surface settlement Gauge / Marker having plate 500 x 500 x 20mm, Upright: 2 inch diameter tube, 1m length with Brass Cap, support buttresses, including a 2 inch | BSP socket, Enclosure Pipe- 60 mm , Material- All the above components are of Stainless Steel except the Brass Cap including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance and having warranty not less than 36 months at design level as per the approved design and Idrawing in all respect as directed by engineer incharge. 6 Item No.4:- Providing, erecting, testing and commissioning of a Casagrande type Piezometer in a 100 mm dia. Cased drilled hole with all its required accessories as follows as per IS- 17356 part-I at the dam site with all lead and lift 7 A) Drilling perfectly vertical cased bore hole of 100 mm Idiameter for casagrande piezometer indusive of charges of transporting, lowering age 9 50mm diameter M.S./G.I./P.V.C. casing pipe inside the cased bore hole including all works pertaining to drilling such as transportation,! Installation and removal of drilling machine etc. complete in all type of collapsible strata consisting of soft soil, clays, murum, Igravel as per direction of Engineer-in-charge upto 100 mtr depth below ground. 8 B) UPVC, (Schedule 40) pipe of 50mm diameter for casing of borehole, ISI mark with required length and all required Imaterial complete 9 C)100 mm dia and 1.80 m deep well graded sand filter (2.36 to 4.75 mm screened) around the casagrande piezometer with all lead and lift. 10 (D) Rigid UPVC (Schedule 40) riser pipe of 20 mm inner dia. (min wall thickness 2.87 mm)with required length and all its required accessorie. 11 (E) 37mm dia, 6mm wall thickess and 60cm long porous tube piezometer with stopper and top adapter made up of carborundum with porous tube fillter of grain size 60 micron jas specified in IS 7356 part-1. 12 F) 25 mm brass hexagonal pipe top cap. 13 G) Providing 100 mm dia and 0.60 m deep bentonite clay iplug above sand filter. 14 H) 100 mm dia and required depth cement grouting above Isand filter. 15 I) 50 mm dia and 1.25 m long G.1 pipe, Heavy, (Schedule C) type for casing protective cover 16 J) Construction of cemerge platoon/block/muffing of size 700x700x700 mm around the piezometer pipe below ground with cavity around the pipe of 300x300x300 mm in icement concrete in M15 including excavation, centering, shutting arrangement of RCC cover (frame 300x300mm with lifting arrangement including laying of angle iron frame of angle size as 50x50x6mm to be fixed/ embedded on the top of ichamber complete.) cost of all materials and labour and curing Jetc.complete. 17 Item No.5:- Providing, supplying, fixing erecting, testing and commissioning of 2 P/ 4 Core, annealed copper, armoured, jelly filled signal cable including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance and having warranty not less than 36 months at design level as per the approved design and drawing in all respect as directed by engineer incharge. 18 Item No.6:- Providing, supplying, fixing erecting, testing and commissioning of Splicing Kit for signal cable to make a water resistant sealed joint between two cable ends properly gripping and armouring including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance and having warranty not less than 36 months at design level as per the approved idesign and drawing in all respect as directed by engineer incharge. 19 Item No.7:- Providing, supplying, fixing erecting, testing and commissioning of 10 Way waterproof Junction Box with switch for signal cable to make a water resistant sealed joint including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance and having warranty not less than 36 months lat design level as per the approved design and drawing in all Irespect as directed by engineer incharge. 20 Item No.8:- Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.6 m diameter (0.113 cum) for signal cable trenches as per the specifications of IS: 12949: 2013. Placing the excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of service road/ Jembankment including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc. Complete with lead up to 1 km and all lifts as directed 21 Item No.9:- Excavation in hard murum including boulders upto 0.6 m diameter (0.113 cum) for for signal cable trenches as per the specifications of IS: 12949: 2013. Placing the excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of service road/ embankment including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, Idressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc. Complete with lead up to 1 km and all lifts as directed. 22 Item No.10:- Excavation in hard rock of all toughness for signal cable trenches as per the specifications of IS: 12949: 2013 by breaker including boulders above 0.6 m dia. (0.113Cum) minimising damage to side slopes of excavation and placing the excavated rock neatly in approved dump area including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, levelling bed etc., icomplete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts as directed 23 Item No.11:- Providing, supplying Identification tag with nylon thread to signal cables of instrumentation provided in dam body with all lits required accessories as per IS 7356 part II including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance at design level as per the approved design and drawing in all respect as directed by engineer incharge 24 Item No.12:- Providing, supplying artan Epoxy on each splicing kit and junction box provided on signal cables at design level as iper the approved design and drawing in all respect as directed by engineer incharge. 25 Item No.13:- Providing and supplying Bentonite for mixing with hearting material in Bentonite bands in cable trenches, bentonite plug (a mixture of 5% bentonite and 95% fine embankment material by volume) should be placed at 15 metre interval at design level as per the approved design and drawing in all! Irespect as directed by engineer incharge. 26 Item No.14:- Providing crushed sand at the time of installing vibrating wire piezometer in the bore hole as per the specifications of IS: 12949: 2013 at design level as per the approved design and Idrawing in all respect with all lead and lift as directed by engineer incharge. 27 Item No.15:- Providing hearting embankment for bentonite bands using selected impervious soil from approved borrow areas (Government acquired land) in layers including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all other operations such as collection of soil, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness, sorting out, breaking clods, levelling, sectioning edges/sides, watering, compacting each layer to density control of not less Ithan 95% of Proctor density using vibratory compactor jincluding cost of water etc., complete with lead uptol km for water and all lifts as directed. 28 Item No.16:- Providing electronic water level indicator for taking water level reading in casagrande piezometer with stainless steel probe connected with indelibly graduated electric measurement cable having graduation at 0.5 m interval & 200 m length (100 m on spool with the device and 100 m as (spare) as per IS 7356 (Part I) 2002 29 Item No.17:- Providing, supplying, fixing erecting, testing and commissioning of Portable Vibrating Wire Readout Unit for junction cum switch box suitable for connecting and switching inputs from group of sensors including packing and forwarding charges, freight charges, transit insurance and having warranty not less than 36 months at design level as per the approved design and drawing in all respect as directed by Jengineer incharge. 30 Item No.31- Royalty Charges 31 Hearting Embankment soil 32 1% Insurance on Work Portion

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2360 /-
INR 103800.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.07 Crore /-
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