Supply And Installation Of Laboratory Equipments For Government And Government Aided Colleges Of Manipur. , Physics , Digital Function Generator , Dual Channel Variable Dc Regulated Power Supplies , Op-Amp (Ic741) , Coupling Coefficient Of Piezoelectric Crystal Expt. Set , Dielectric Constant Apparatus (With Tunable Frequency) , 20 Mhz Dual Channel Oscilloscope (Cro) , Four Probe Apparatus , Malus Law Apparatus. , Dipole Antenna , Wolaston Air Film (Asico) , Brewster’S Law Expt Setup , Plancks Constant Using Led , Determination Of Wavelength Of Laser Source Using Diffraction Of Single And Double Slit , Magnetic Susceptibility Gouys Balance Method Expt Set , Bh Curve Apparatus With Solenoid , Ultrasonic Diffraction Grating Expt Set , Microwave Optics System Trainer Kit , Stefan Boltzmann Constant Apparatus , Fibre Optic Trainer Kit For Numerical Aperture , Plancks Constant Expt. , Geology , Rocksmins Geological Hammer , Polarizing Microscope , Brunton Compass , Garmin Gps Etrex 10X , Botany , Portable Autoclave , Burette, 50Ml , Centrifuge Machine (Mini) , Digital Microscope With Inbuilt Camera , Digital Balance , Digital Spectrophotometer (Single Beam) , Medical Microscope , Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis With Power Supply , Garmin Gps Etrex 10X , Hot Air Oven (Digital) , Magnetic Stirrer , Micro Centrifuge Tubes 1.5Ml, 500/Box , Rotary Microtome , Auto Digital Ph Meter , Volumetric Pipette, Class A, 5Ml , Soil And Water Testing Kit , Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus , Silica Thin-Layer Chromatography (Tlc) Plates , Mini Vertical Unit , Water Bath, 6L , Chromatographic Chamber , Column Chromatography, With Integral Sintered Disc (Grade-1) , Colorimeter Cuvettes Glass , Dessicator, With Cover, Neutral Glass With Porcelain Plate , Ganongs Potometer , Ganongs Respiroscope , Kjeldahl Digestion Unit With Glass Part , Max And Min Thermometer , Ninhydrin Sprayer , Pipette Pump 10Ml , Porcelain Crucibles , Separating Funnel With I/C Polypropylene Stopper, Squibb Shape, Ptfe Needle Valve,(500 Ml) , Thermometer Mercury 360 Deg C , Digital Anemometer Cup Type With Counter , Conductivity Meter , Dissolved Oxygen Meter , Distillation Unit , 4L/Hr Make:- Supertek Features:- , Flask, Conical (Erlenmeyer) Graduated, (100 Ml) , Digital Flame Photometer (Single Channel) , Hygrometer (Digital) , Laminar Air Flow (Horizontal) , Muffle Furnace , Rain Gauge , Shaking Incubator, 12L , Soil Thermometer , Stopwatch , Tissue Grinder , Bod Incubator , Hydrometer , Vernier/Slide Calliper (Digital) , Soil Moisture Meter , Uv Transilluminator , Winkler Bottles (Bod), 300Ml (2/Pkt) , Zoology , Rotary Microtome (Erma Type) , Sahlis Haemometer , Haemocytometer , Sphygmomanometer (Dial Type) , Stethoscope , Centrifuge Machine (Fixed Rpm) , Museum Specimen – Balanoglossus , Museum Specimen- Herdmania , Museum Specimen-Branchiostoma , Museum Specimen-Petromyzon , Museum Specimen-Myxine , Museum Specimen-Sphryna , Museum Specimen-Pristis , Museum Specimen-Torpedo , Museum Specimen-Chimaera , Museum Specimen-Exocoetus , Museum Specimen-Heteropneustes , Museum Specimen-Echeneis , Museum Specimen-Anquilla , Museum Specimen-Hippocampus , Museum Specimen-Tetrodon , Museum Specimen-Flat Fish , Museum Specimen-Ichthyophis , Museum Specimen-Necturus , Museum Specimen-Alytes , Museum Specimen-Salamandra , Museum Specimen-Chelone , Museum Specimen-Trionyx , Museum Specimen-Varanus , Museum Specimen-Uromastix , Museum Specimen-Chameleon , Museum Specimen-Draco , Paper Chromatography , Digital Precision Balance (600G, 0.01G) , Distillation Unit, 4L/Hr , Calorimeter , Museum Specimen- Limulus , Museum Specimen- Peripatus , Museum Specimen-Nautilus , Model Of Ornithorhynchus , Dissolved Oxygen Meter , Hygrometer (Digital) , Hydrometer , Ph Meter Digital , Soil Moisture Meter , Thermometer 360 Deg C , Hot Air Oven (Digital) , Centrifuge Machine (Mini) , Medical Microscope , Bod Incubator , Slide- Sections Of Amphioxus Through Pharyngeal Region , Slide- Sections Of Amphioxus Through Intestinal And Caudal Region , Slide- Sections Of Balanoglossus Through Proboscis , Slide- Sections Of Balanoglossus Through Branchiogenital Region , Slide - Permanent Slide Of Herdmania Spicules , Museum Specimen-Ophiosuraus , Museum Specimen-Bungarus , Museum Specimen-Vipera , Museum Specimen-Hydrophis , Museum Specimen-Zamenis , Museum Specimen-Sorex , Chart- Different Types Of Fossils , Chart- Evolution Of Horse , Chart- Evolution Of Man , Disarticulated Skeleton Of 1. Frog 2. Varanus 3. Rabbit , Chart- Different Types Of Feathers , Geography , Brunton Compass , Spreading Calliper For Measuring Head, Face Etc , Cup Type Water Current Meter , Digital Anemometer , Hygrometer (Digital) , Rain Guage With Plastic Measuring Cylinder, , Wind Vane Cum Anemometer , 4 In 1 Soil Tester , Ph Meter Digital , Hydrometer (Digital) , Digital Sound Level Meter , Tree Increment Borer For Tree Ring Dating , Medical Microscope , Arithmatic Graph Paper (Inch Division) A4 Size (Packet Of 100 Pcs) , Semi-Log 5 Cycle Graph Paper, A4 Size (Packet Of 100 Pcs) , Log 2X3 Cycle Graph Paper, A4 Size (Packet Of 50 Pcs) , Rotameter (Map Reader) , Home Science , Refrigerator 234 Ltrs , Gas Stove , Pressure Cooker , Baking Cup , Dinner Set , Cup Plate Set , Electric Oven 20Ltrs , Mixer Grinder , Toaster , Sewing Machine , Adult Weighing Machine 0.10Gm To 300Kg , Microscope , Wooden And Plastic Frame For Stitching And Embroidery (Set) , Dyeing Set , Printing Board , Height Measure , Cooking Utensils 5 Litre Approx , Ladle For Dyeing , Glass Set , Spoon Set , Daugh Maker , Idlli Maker Cooker 4 Plates , Steel Sauce Pan , Scrubbing Board , Shears , Scissors Medium Size , Electric Cutter/Chopper , Trimming Scissors , Enamel Bowl Size Upto 16 Cm , Dyeing Tubs And Buckets , Spoon Set Of 6 And Containers 5 Pc , Wooden Ladle Set Of 3 , Fashion , Computerise Sewing Machine , Sewing Machine Manual Type , Small Looms Complete Weaving Kit: , Electric Iron , Measuring Tape , Cpg Measuring Tape , Leg Measuring Tape , Measuring Stand , Meter Scale , L-Scale , Graduated Square , Tailors Art Curve, 1/4 & 1/6 Scale, Set Of 4 Pcs , French Curve, Set Of 3 , Card Scale, Set Of 4 , Compass Both Side Glass , Shears , Scissors, Set Of 3 , Electric Cutter For Embroidery , Button Hole Scissors , Picking Scissors , Trimming Scissors , Hole Maker , Bodkin Pin , Tracing Wheel , Pin Cushion, 200Pc/Pk , Crewel Needle Or Darn Needle , Machine Needles, Set Of 5, No.-11, 14, 16, 18, 21 , Cutting Table Cutting Board , Pressing Table , Sponge , Damp Cloth, 5Pc/Pk , Hanger, 20Pc/Pk , Drafting Table 23X32 Inch , Tailors Chalk , Scrubbing Board, Plastic , Enamel Bowls Upto 16 Cm Size , Dying Tubs And Buckets, Plastic , Spoons Set Of 6 And Containers 5 Pc , Wooden And Plastic Frame For Stitching And Embroidery (Set) , Chemistry , Uv-Visible Spectrophotometer , Ph Meter Digital , Flame Photometer , Solo Microwave Oven 20Ltrs , Colorimeter , Conductivity Meter , Potentiometer Digital , Electrically Heated Melting Point Apparatus , Biochemistry , Digital Balance , Digital Weighing Balance 0.001G , Medical Microscope , Vertical Mini Dual Gel System , Ph Meter (Digital) , Uv-Visible Spectrophotometer