
Providing Pipeline And Pumping Machinery For Shirsi And Lendavechinchale Tal Mangalwedha, mangalwedha-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Providing Pipeline And Pumping Machinery For Shirsi And Lendavechinchale Tal Mangalwedha. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-03-2025. Pumping Machiney Tenders in mangalwedha Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Providing Pipeline And Pumping Machinery For Shirsi And Lendavechinchale Tal Mangalwedha
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Providing Pipeline And Pumping Machinery For Shirsi And Lendavechinchale Tal Mangalwedha- 1 Item No. 1 Excavation for foundation/pipe trenches in earth, soils, of all types ,sand, gravel, and soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m and lift as below stacking and spreading. as directed ,normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and Excluding back filling etc.complete 2 Item No. 2 Excavation for foundation/pipe trenches in Hard Murum including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m and lifts as below ,stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-In-Charge, normal dewatering ,preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc.complete 3 Item No. 3 Excavation for foundation /pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and Lime masonry foundation asphalt roadincluding removing the excavated material up to a lead of 50 mbeyond the lift as below ,Stacking as directed by Engineer-In-Charge normal dewatering , preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. Complete 4 Item No. 4 Excavation for foundation /pipe in hard rock by Controlled Blasting including trimming and Leveling the bed by Chiseling where necessary and removing the excavated material and Stacking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 m from the area and lift as below ,normal dewatering ,excluding backfilling etc. Complete. 5 Item No. 5 Excavationfor foundation/pipetrenchesin hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling by mechanicalmeansorbyallmeansother than blasting including trimming and levelling thebed, removing theexcavated material upto a distance of 50 metres beyondtheareaandliftsasbelow,stacking asdirectedbyEngineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding backfilling, etc. completebyallmeans. 6 Item No.6 Filling in Plinth and floor murum beddingin Trenches with approved murum for excavated material from foundation 15 cm to 20 cmLayer including watering ,ramming and compactionetc complete Murum from Excavated Stuff 7 Item No.7 Providing and Supplying in Standard Length of ISI Mark rigid Unplasticsed PVC pipes for potable water with solvent cement joints including cost of couplers as per IS specification no.4985/1988 including all local and central taxes, transportation ,foreign charges ,inspection loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental store/site and stacking the same enclosed shed duly protected from sun rays and rains including cost of jointing material. i.e. solvent cement , etc.complete PE-100,8Kg/Sq.cm: 180 mm 8 PE-100,8Kg/Sq.cm: 110 mm 9 Item No. 8 Lowering, laying and jointing PVC pipes and special of following class and diameter including cost of conveyance from stores to site of work including cost of all labour ,material, except cement solvent ,rubber ring, giving satisfactory hydraulics testing as per IS codeetc.complete (with cement solvent joint/ring fit joint). PE-100,8Kg/Sq.cm: 180 mm 10 PE-100,8Kg/Sq.cm: 110 mm 11 Item No. 9 Refilling the trenches with available excavated Stuff with soft material first over pipeline and then hard material in 15 cm layer with all leads andlift including consolidation ,surcharging ,etc.complete 12 Item No.10 Providing and laying situ cement concrete M-15 of trap /granite/quartzite/gneiss/metal for FOUNDATION & BEDDING INCLUDING bailing out water, Frame work ,Compacting, Curing etc .Complete. PCC 1:2:4 13 Item No.11 Providing and constructing BrickMasonry Inspection Chamber 60cmx 45cmx 90cmincluding 1:4:8 cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 cement concrete channels half round G.S.W.pipes,Brick Masonry, plastering from inside and with frame fixed in cement concrete with R.C.C. Cover medium duty 140Kilogramwith frame etc complete. 14 Item No.12 Hydraulic testing of H.D.P.E./M.D.P.E.pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour andwater for testing for specified length including cutting,placing endcap making arrangement for filling safewater using reciprocating type pump swhich should be able to provide specified test pressure gauge sand other necessary equipments, labour,operation charges, etc. required for testing.Therate under this item shall also include cost of retesting, if necessary and reinstating too riginal position.. PE-100,8Kg/Sq.cm: 180 mm 15 PE-100,8Kg/Sq.cm: 110 mm 16 Item No.13 Providing and Supplying ISI mark CI D/F Sluice Valve with jointing to pipe work (including all hardware and packing ),water quality having non-rising spindle with hand wheel and without bypass arrangement ,Spindle of stainless steel as per requirement excluding CC foundation /Structure steel support (1) up to 300 mm Dia conforming to IS 780(2) Above 300 mm Dia confirming to IS 2906b) Sluice valves-PN-1.0 (With by pass arrangement) 150 mm Dia. 17 Item No.14 Providing and supplying ISI mark CID/F reflux valves (non-return valves ) of following dia including railway freight, inspection charges, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck, transport at i on upto departmental stores, unloading, stackingexcludingGST leviedby GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete.RefluxvalvesasperI.S.5312PartI(1984) With bypass arrangement-PN-1 150 mm Dia. 18 Item No.15 Lowering, laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/FReflex valves, Butterfly valve sand Sluice valves including cost of all labour jointing material, including nut bolt sand giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete.(Rate for all class of valves.) 150 mm Dia. 19 Providing, erecting and giving test of submersible pump set conformingtoIS8034andmotor conforming to IS 9283, with waterproofwinding.Pumpshall besuitable for variousdelivery head and discharge with stainless steel shaft. Motor suitableforworkingon415V± 10%,3Ph,50HzA.C.Supply, with cable guard, thrust carbon/fiberbearingtowithstand entire hydraulic thrust. The pump set shall be suitable for direct coupling, with suitablesuctionstrainer. Pump Section & Code No. Sr. No Unit Supply Rate Rs Erection Rate Rs Total Amt Rs. Description suitablesuctionstrainer. Pump shouldhavesuitabledischarge out let as per manufacturers design. Antithrust stream lined non return valve shall be providedwith the pump. 3m submersible copper conductor cableinsingle/doublerunand 2pairsof suitablesizeerection clamp 10 mm thick shall be provided with each pump.Centrifugal Monoblock Pumpset (Two Stage) PM 2-2-4- 12.5 HP 20 - Providing and fixing G.I.Pipe B Class 150 mm dia 3 m length Flanged etcMJPMJP DSR 2023-24 P.N 93-94 I.N.I-Bv- 2B v 21 PW 10 M.S. Flanges Providing, fabricating, erecting, M.S. Flanges sleep on type (all tables) of required size and thickness with both side machined. PW 10-1 Up to 300 NB Kg 134 0 134 4 jointsx 2 =8 kg 22 providing & fixing 100 mm G I BendMJP DSR23-24 P.N.15 PW 2-8 23 providing & fixing 150 mm G I Nipple MJP DSR23-24 P.N.15 PW 3-8 24 providing & fixing 150 mm Sluice vlave PN 1 without bypass SS Spindal CIDF IS 780MJP DSR23-24 P.N.122 25 Supply & erection of capacitor APP2 KVAR . D.S.R.23-24 Page no.61Item no.cp 1 upto maintain P F 0.9 26 Providing, erecting Pressure gauge ofrequired range complete with syphon tube,isolating cock suitable for 12 mm dia G.I.Pipe. Pressure gauge shall be installed asdirected, with tapping on rising main.Pressure gauge (150 mm dia) I N PM 11-2MJP DSR 23-24 27 Supplying and erecting Fully AutomaticStar Delta starter to operate squirrel cageinduction motor working on 380- 440 Volt,3 phase, 50 Hz with no volt coil, over loadelement, and ON - OFF push buttons, withnecessary material and connected tosupply, etc complete. Starter with originalsheet steel encloser.LG 3-2 > 12.5 HP & Up to 20 HP 28 Internal Wiring panel of12.5 Hp. Dual MJP DSR 2023-24 Page no 35 Item no. Note 1 (2 ) 29 Providing structural steel work in rolledstanchions fixed with connecting platesor angle cleats as in main and crossbeams, hip and jack rafters, purlinsconnecting to truss members and like asper detailed designs and drawings or asdirected by Engineer-in-charge includingcutting,fabricating, hoisting, erecting,fixing in position, making riveted / bolted /welded connections and one coat ofanticorrosive paint and over it two coats ofoil painting, etc. complete. (Bd-C-3/275) MJP DSR 23-24 I N 3 P N 57AS PER drawing design attached 30 6-1-2 Supplying and erecting GI sheet 1.6 mm (16 SWG) to be used forfabrication of boxes panel boards etc. including cutting, bending ,drilling, welding, riveting etc. and painting with one coat of red leadpaint and 2 coats of enamel paint.1833 431 2264 PWD DSR 21-22 31 6-1-20 Supplying and erecting self-locking arrangement with keys induplicate, made of brass duly erected, flush with surface ofpanel / cupboard.Each 212 44 256 PWD DSR 21-22 32 6-3-8 Supplying and erecting panel mounting type digitalvoltmeter having three and half digit LED display,calibrated for 0 to 750V AC suitable to operate on 500V ACsupply with necessary PVC wire leads and lugs andmounting hardware on provided panel complete with calibration certificate from manufacturer.Each 1038 272 1310 PWD DSR 21-22 33 6-3-7 Supplying and erecting panel mounting type digitalammeter having three and half digit LED display,external CT operated, calibrated for suitable to operate on500V, 0 to 1000A AC supply with necessary PVC wire leads and lugs and mounting hardware on provided panel complete with calibration certificate from manufacturer.Each 1094 272 1366PWD DSR 21-22 34 6-5-1 Supplying and erecting selector switch suitable for voltmeter/ammeter for 3 phase AC supply 500V, 50Hz, on provided box / panel and duly connecting with necessary PVCwire leads and lugs.Each 272 50 322 PWD DSR 21-22 35 9-1-1 Providing earthing with galvanized iron earth plate size 60 x60 x 0.6 cm complete with all materials, testing & recording theresults as per specification no. EA-EPEach 3105 1133 4238.PWD DSR 21-22 36 16-3-5 Making cement concrete foundation in 1:2:4 cementconcrete with foundation bolts and nuts complete.m³ 3883 914 4797 for panel & valve Y section2 X 0.5 X 0.5 X 0.5PWD Elect DSR 21-22 37 12-4-10 Supplying and erecting flat flexible 3 core 6 sq mm PVC sheathedsubmersible type copper cable suitably clamped at fixed intervalswith column pipe assembly complete.212 30 242 PWD DSR 21-22 38 16-5-3 Supplying and erecting ISI mark GI pipe 25 mm. dia. ‘B’ class atposition with accessories complete. Specification no. CW-PLB/GP.m 286 50 336 39 7-1-6 PWD Elect DSR 19-20 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armoured cable 2 core 6 sq. mm. aluminium conductor with continuous 5.48 sq. mm. (12SWG) G.I. earth wire complete erected with glands & lugs, on wall/trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipe as per specification no.CB-LT/ALm 104 17 121 40 MSEB Connection charges 41 Add GST 18% (excluding MSEB Charges)

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