
Tender For Regarding The Provision Of Medicines, Materials, Laboratory Chemicals And Equipment For Hospitals/Dispensaries Run By Malegaon Municipal Corporation. (For Year 2025-26) - Anti D 300 2 Artesunate 60 Mg 3 Adrenalin 4 A.D.S. 5 Amickacin 5, Nashik-Maharashtra

Malegaon Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Regarding The Provision Of Medicines, Materials, Laboratory Chemicals And Equipment For Hospitals/Dispensaries Run By Malegaon Municipal Corporation. (For Year 2025-26) - Anti D 300 2 Artesunate 60 Mg 3 Adrenalin 4 A.D.S. 5 Amickacin 5. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-04-2025. Medicine Tenders in Nashik Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Regarding The Provision Of Medicines, Materials, Laboratory Chemicals And Equipment For Hospitals/Dispensaries Run By Malegaon Municipal Corporation. (For Year 2025-26) - Anti D 300 2 Artesunate 60 Mg 3 Adrenalin 4 A.D.S. 5 Amickacin 5
Open Tender

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Regarding The Provision Of Medicines, Materials, Laboratory Chemicals And Equipment For Hospitals/Dispensaries Run By Malegaon Municipal Corporation. (For Year 2025-26) - Anti D 300 2 Artesunate 60 mg 3 Adrenalin 4 A.D.S. 5 Amickacin 500 6 Amoxy .Clav.1.2 7 Ampilicine 500 mg 8 A.R.V. 9 A.S.V.S. 10 Atropine Sulphate 11 B Complex 12 Betnesol 13 Benzathiline Penicilline 14 Bupivacaine 15 Carboprost tromet 16 Calcium Gloconate 17 Chiorpheniramine Maleat 18 Cefoperazone+Salbactam 1.5 19 Cefotaxime 1 gm 20 Ceftriaxone 1 gm 21 Dicyclomine 22 Diclofenace 23 Diclofenace 24 Diazepam 25 Dexamethazon 26 Drotaverine Hydrochloride 27 Frusemide 28 Getamycine 29 Glycopyrolate 30 Heparin 25000 IU 31 Heamocoagulas 32 Hydrocort 33 Insuline human actrapid 34 Ketamine 35 Lignocain 2% 36 LMW 0.4 37 LMW 0.6 38 Lignocain Hydro. & dext. 39 M.V.I. 40 Magnesium Sulphate 41 Methyl Prednisolon 500 mg 42 Methargine 43 Meropenum 1gm 44 Mephentin 45 Midzolam 46 Metochlopromide 47 Ondensetran 48 Oxytocin 49 Pantapazole 40 50 Pentozocine 51 Phenargen 52 Ppaperacilline Tazo. 4.50 gm 53 Promethazine 54 Propofol 55 Rantidine 56 Remidisvir 100 mg 57 Tramadol 58 Tranexamic Acid 59 Theophyline 60 Soda bi Carbonate 61 Succinyl Choline Chloride 62 T.T.D 63 Thiopenton 64 Iron Soucrose 65 Vitamin K 66 Valethamate Bromide 67 Ampicilline 250 68 Ampicilline 500 69 Amoxycillin 250 70 Amoxycilline 500 71 Doxycilline 100 72 Tetracycline 250 73 Multivitamin 74 Carbonyl Iron with Folic Acid 75 Aceclofenac 100 mg 76 Aceclofenac + Paracitamol 77 Albendazole 400 78 Aspirin 300 mg 79 Amoxy.Clave.228.5 80 Amoxy.Clave.625 81 Antacid 82 Azythromycine 500 83 Betahistine Hydrochloride 84 B Complex 85 C.P.M.4 mg 86 Cefixime 200 87 Cefixime & Ornidazole 88 Cefodoxime 200 89 Cetrizine 90 Chloroquine 91 Cipro 250 92 Calcium with Vit D3 93 Dicylomine 10 mg 94 Diclofenac 50 mg 95 Diclo + Para 96 Domparidon 10 mg 97 Doxylamine +B6+Folic acid 98 Doxofylline+Montelucast 99 Erythromycin 250 mg 100 Favipiravir 200 mg 101 Furazolidone 100 mg 102 Folic Acid 103 Ferrous Sulphate 200 mg 104 Ferrous Sulphate 100 mg 105 Ferrous Sulphate 40 mg 106 Flucanazole 150 mg 107 Hydrazine Hydrochloride 10 mg 108 Hyoscine butyl bromide 10 mg 109 Ibu.+Para (ped.) 110 Iron with folic acid 111 Ibuprofen 400 mg 112 Isosuprine 113 Labebet 100 mg 114 Lactic bacillus 115 Methargine 116 Metronidazole 200 mg 117 Metochlopromide 118 Mebendazole 100 mg 119 Nephidepin 10 mg 120 Nephidepin 05 mg 121 Norfloxacine400 122 Ofloxacin+Ornidazole 123 Ondencetran 124 Omeprazole 125 Prochlorperazin 5 mg 126 Paracetamol 650 mg 127 Paracitamol 500 mg 128 Paracitamol 125(Kid) 129 Pantaprazole 40 130 Pantaprazole + Domperidon 131 Ranitidine 150 mg 132 Salbutamol 4 mg 133 T. M. P. Sulpa S. S. 134 TMP Sulpha Pead. 135 Tranexamic acid 250 mg 136 Vit.C. 500 mg 137 Zinc sulphate 20 mg 138 D - 5% 139 D - 25% 140 D.N.S. 141 Ciproflox 142 Hemaccile 143 Levoflox 144 Metronidazole 145 N.S. 146 NS 147 R.L. 148 Albendazole 149 Ampicilline 150 Amoxycilline 151 Amoxclave 152 Azythromycine 153 Calcium vit. D3 154 Cefpodoxime 155 Cetrizine 156 Cough Syrup 157 Cough syrup 158 Dicyclomine 159 Furazolidone 100 mg 160 F.S.drop 161 Iron with folic acid 162 Ibuprofen paracitamol 163 Levocetrizine+Montelukast 164 Multivitamin 165 Multivitamine drop 166 Metronidazole 167 Ofloxacin + Metro 168 Ondencetran 169 Paracitamole 170 Para+CPM 171 Tmp sulpha. 172 Zinc 173 Abb gel 174 Antiseptic Solution 175 Benzyl Benzoate Solution 176 Clotrimazole Veginal Pessary 177 Cotrimaxazole+clindamycine Veginal Pessary 178 Cefgaurd soln. 179 Doppler/ECG Jelly 180 Diclofenac Gel 181 ECG Paper Roll 182 Hydrogen Peroxide 183 Formalin 184 Gel for Foetal Doppler 185 Getamycine EYE/EAR Drops 186 Permethrin 5% Cream 187 Povidon Ointment 188 Povidon Solution 189 Protien Powder 190 O.R.S. Powder 191 Meidcated Spirit 192 Nitrofurazone Ointment 193 Sanitaizer 194 Soframycine Cream 195 Ciproflox + Dexa eye/ear drop 196 Lidocain 2% jelly 197 Alkaline Phosphatase kit 198 Albumine Kit 199 Amylase 200 ASO 201 Billirubin Kit 202 BiochemistryAnalyser 203 Blood glucose Kit 204 Beaker Plastic 205 Calcium Kit 206 Capillary Tube 207 Centrifuge Machine 8 tube 208 Cell Counter 209 Cell Counter Diluent 210 Cholesterol 211 Coverslip 212 Coagulant analyser 213 Creatinine Kit 214 CRP 215 EDTA Solution 216 EDTA Tube 217 D-Dimer 218 Distil Water 219 Dengue Kit NS1 220 Electrolyte analyzer sol 221 Fluoride Vacutainer 222 Field Stain 223 Filter paper 224 Grouping Sera (A.B.D.) 225 Gulcometer 226 Glucometer Strips 227 Glass Slide 228 HCL 0.1 N 229 HDL 230 HCV 231 HBSAg kit 232 Hb Pipette 233 HIV Kit 234 H.B. Square tube 235 H. B. Meter 236 I. G. G. I. G. M. Kit 237 Lancet 238 LDL 239 LDH 240 Lipase 241 Lyser +Diluent 242 Leshiman stan 243 Malaria Stain 244 Methanol 245 Multistick 246 Malaria Kit 247 Microscope Binocular 248 Micropipette 5-50 Ml 249 Micropipette 100-1000 Ml 250 Micro tips 251 Papanicolau (Pap) stain 252 Pipette 253 Pregnancy Strip 254 Protien Kit 255 Prothrombin Kit 256 Plastic Test Tube 257 Reticulocyte kit 258 Rheumatoid Factor (RA) 259 SGPT Kit 260 SGOT 261 Sodium citrate Vacutainer 262 Tourniquet belt 263 Test Tube Holder 264 Test Tube Stand 265 Tryglyceride 266 Sugar Kit 267 VDRL Kit 268 Vacuum plane bulb 269 Vacuum EDTA bulb 270 VTM Kit 271 Uristix 272 Uria Kit 273 Uric Acid Kit 274 Westergren Tube 275 Widal Kit 276 Wintrobs Tubes 277 Ziehl-Neelsen(ZN)Stain 278 Ambubag 279 Autoclave Drum 12” 280 Autoclave Drum 8” 281 Autoclave Drum 6” 282 Barbo Thread (40 No.)xzZ 283 Baby warmer machine 284 Bed sheet 285 B.P. Apparatus Mercury 286 B.P.App with Stand Mercury 287 Boyels Apparatus 288 Baby Kit (Zable,Topi, Plastic Sheet & others) 289 Blood Transfusion Set 290 Bandage Cloth 291 Bowel Trolly 292 Cotton 293 Catgut No 1(4259) 294 Cloth Gaun 295 Cord Clamp 296 Disc Cap 297 Dispo Needle 23/24 298 Dispo Plastic Gaun 299 Dispo Syringe 2 ml 300 Dispo Syringe 5 ml 301 Dispo Syringe 10 ml 302 Dinaplast 6” 303 Drug Trolley 304 Doppler Machine 305 Electric needle cutter 306 Endo tracheal tube 307 Ethilon No.1 308 Folly’s Cath. 309 Flatters Tube 310 Foetal Doppler 311 Feeding Tube 8/9/10 312 Gloves NonSterile 6.5 / 7 /7.5 313 Gloves Plastic 6.5 / 7.5 314 Gloves Sterile 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 315 Hospital Iron Bed 316 Hospital Cotton Bed with Rexin Cover 317 Hole sheet 318 IV Stand 319 Laryngoscope 320 Labor Table Gyenac 321 Monila sheet 322 Monitor Trolly Crash Cart 323 Macintosh 324 Nebulizer 325 Needle Cutter 326 N-95 Mask 327 Pulse Oxymeter with Monitor 328 OT Table Hydraulic 329 Oxygen Set 330 Oxygen Cylinder Connector 331 Pillow 332 Plastic gaun 333 Plane sheet 334 PPE Kit 335 Rolled Bandage 4” 336 Ryles tube 337 Rubber Catheter 338 Sanitary Pads 1 Packet per Beneficiary 339 Saline stand 340 Saline Set 341 Scalp Set 22/23 342 Spinal Needle 343 Sticking Roll 9m X 1” 344 Sticking Roll 9m X 4” 345 Suction Machine Electric 346 Surgical Blade 347 Surgical Drum Big 348 Surgical Drum Small 349 Shadow less Lamp 350 Stethoscopes 351 Stretcher 352 Sponge 353 Dispo Triple layer Mask 354 Tuberculin syringe 1 ml with Needle 355 Thermal Gun 356 Urine bag 357 Vein Flow 20/22 358 Vicryll 1 No(2347) 359 Weight Machine adult 360 Weight Machine Pad 361 Shayla LX Bipolar cattery 362 OT Light Kite 4 model 363 Obstetric labor table Telescopic 364 labor table Light with stand(mobile) 365 Labor table trolley 366 Fumigation machine 367 Vertical double drum Autoclave 368 Trolley Towel 369 Labor trolley with Bowel & Accessories 370 Foramaline chamber 23” 371 Suction Machine Large 372 O2 concentrator 373 Dressing trolly 374 Digital BP apparatus 375 Silicon Suction tube 376 PVC Suction tube 377 Foetal Doppler 28 weeks 378 Hydroulic OT Table Deluxe Model 379 Formaline Tablet 380 Plastic Coated Drap Sheet 381 Dead Body bag 382 Airways 383 Electrical Sterilizer Small 384 Electrical Sterilizer Big 385 Double Boul Stand 386 Bed Side Screen 3 Folder 387 ECG Machine Trolly 388 Single Step stool 389 Multiple Bins Trolly 390 Crash Cart 391 Instrument Cabinate 392 Pulse Oxymeter 393 Double Step Stool(MS Frame) 394 Signal Step Stool(MS Frame) 395 Nursing staff cabinet 396 X-Ray Film 8x10 397 X-Ray Film 10x12 398 X-Ray Film 12x15 399 Fixer 400 Ripleshner 401 Devloper 402 Artery Forceps 8” 403 Artery Forceps 6” 404 Artery Forceps Curved 8” 405 Artery Forceps Curved 6” 406 Allies Tissue Medium Forceps 6” 407 Allies Tissue Forceps 8” 408 BP App. Upper arm regular cuff set 409 Babcock Tissue Forceps 8” 410 B.P .Handel No.4 411 Bowel 412 Cautery Forecep 413 ChittleForcep 414 C-Shape Retractor 415 Cusco’s Scissor Middle size 416 Cusco’s Scissor Large size 417 Cuscose Specullum Small Size 418 Cuscose Specullum Medium 419 Cuscose Specullum Large Size 420 Dispo Delevery Kit 421 Dissecting Forceps Toothed 8” 422 Dissecting Forceps Plain 8” 423 Doyen Retractor 8 or 10” 424 Episiotomy scissor 6” 425 Finger pulse Oxy.digital 426 Finger Pulse Oxy Electric 427 Green armytage 8” 428 Green artery forceps 429 Hegers Dialators with set 430 Instrument Holding Clip 431 Kelies clam 432 Kidney tray 433 Long allies forceps 434 Mayo scissor 4” 435 Mayo Scissor 6” 436 Morrs Retractor 437 Mosquito artery forceps 4” 438 Needle Holder mayo 8” 439 Needle Holder 6” 440 Needle Holder8“ 441 Plastic gown 442 Plain Forceps 443 Ring Forcep 444 Sims Speculum small 445 Sims Speculum Medium 446 Sims Speculum Large 447 Sponge holding forceps 10” 448 Suction tube 449 Self retaining retractor 450 Tooth forceps 6” 451 Straight Scissor 452 Scissor 6” 453 Scissor Plane 8” 454 Scissor curved 6” & 8” 455 Structure Cutting Scissor 8” 456 Steel Tray With Lead 457 Stitch cutter 458 Stitch Stapler 459 Towel clip cross action 460 Tissue Cutting Scissor 8” 461 Uterine Soun 462 Veginal Wall Retracter 463 Vulsellum forecep

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 35400 /-
INR 300000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3 Crore /-


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