Tender For Supply Of Plumbing Items - Adaptor 12V Allunium Patti Aluminium patti ANchor Fastener 12 100 mm, 14-100mm Angle stop cock Aquaforce submersible puma 2.SHP Aquaforce submersible pump 2HP Ball cock set Ball cock set Bail cock set (Cast Iron) Ball cock set (PVC) Belt/Chain wrench 36 inch Bib cock 2x1 Bleaching Powder Bengal Chemical Brass Check Valve 1, 135, 2, 3 inches Brass Push cock Brass Valve %, 1, 14, 1%, 2, 3 inches Bushing washer Carbon filter Caustic soda Centrifugal pump 5 HP 3-phase Change over 5 way cock for iron removal filter Check valve 1.5 Check valve 2 Check valve 3 Cistern Cistern Handle Cistern Siphon Cistern syphone. Cistern syphone Cistern syphone cistern washer Connection pipe (cold) 18 Connection pipe (cold) 18 Connection pipe (cold) 24 Connection pipe (cold) 30 Connection pipe (hot) 18 Connection pipe (hat) 24 Connection pipe (hat) 30 Connection Pipe 24 Hot & Cold CPVC bushing CPVC elbow N, 1,14,16,2 inches CPVC FDT %, 1,14,16,2 inches CPVC pipe 4, 1,1,1,2 Inches CPVC Reducing Socket %, 1, 1 %,1%, 2 inches CPVC Socket CPVC Solvent cement CPVC TM-Tee %, 1,14,1%, 12 inches CPVC TM Tee M, 1,14,1%, 2 inches CPVC T Union Socket X, 1, 1 X 1,2 inches CPVC Tee %, 1, 14,18,2 inches CPVC Valve %1,14,15,2 inches Domestic water purifier Drain Strainer 4 and 5 Extension mape Extension nipple 15 Extension nipple 2 Extension nipple 3 Extension nipple 4 Filtering ements RO Plant Filtering ements water cooler Flange Flexible Pipe M size Flexible water pipe 1 Flexible water pipe 1.5 Full valve 1 Full valve 1.5 Full valve 2 Full valve 4 G. Elbow Tata medium %, 1, 1K,14,2,3 inches G. Nipple Tata medium 4, 6, 19.17. 18 inches. G. Pipe Tata medium %, 1, 1 1% 17% 2.3 inches G. Plug Tata medium 4, 5, 9, 12. 18, inches G. Reducing Socket Tata medium % 11% 1% 23 G. Socket Tata medium K. 1, 1%,1%,2,3 inches G. Tee Tata medium %, 1, 1 %,1%, 2, 3 inches G. Union Socket Tata medium %, 1,1%,1%, 2, 3 inches Gi plug 2 Gi plug 1.5 Gi plug 1/2 Gi plug 2 Gi plug 3/4 Gutka 1%, 2 inch Hacksaw frame with blade (18 inch, Taparia) Haj nipple 1/2 Hammer 1 kg Hand Pump for Plumbing system Hand Shower Hald tight Indian Seat iran removal filter chemicals IRP valve 3 way IN Key set Msear Membrane candle Mirror/Looking Glass (15x20), for Bathroom/washroom Mixture Bend Pipe Mixture Head Mixture Lag Mankey pliers Monkey Wrench Motor Nylon Gardening pipe Over head Shower Pillar cock Pipe wrench Pipe Wrench 14, 18, 24 inch Pressure switch Push cock (Angle sta cock) PVC 45degree Band 1%. PVC Ba inches PVC bushing PVC Connection Pipe 24 inch PVC Door Band 1%, 2,3,4,5,6 inches PVC Doar Tee 1,2,3,4,5,6 Inches PVC Pipe 1%, 2,3,4,5,6 Inches PVC Socket PVC Socket 1,2,3,4,5,6. inches PVC Tee 1%, 2,3,4,5,6 inches RO angle stop cock Rotary water pump 2.5 hp and hip Screw driver sets Screwdriver 12 Screwdriver 18 Screwdriver set Screws 1%, 2 inch Seat Cover of Commode Sediment filter Siphon Slide Wrench 12 inch SMPS Kent RO Purifier Soap Case Spindle (Mixture bibcock) Spindle for Bib cock Spindle for bib cock Submersible Pump 5 hp Tefion Tape Towel Ring Towel Rod Towel Ring Towel Rod UF candle UPVC pipe fitting 1.2 inch Urinal basin Urinal censor Urinal censor battery 9V lithium 1200mAh Urinal waste pipe UV adaptor UV lamp Wall Mixture 3x1 Wash Basin Washbasin piller cock Washbasin push cock Waste coupling Waste Pipe Western Commade White Cement 1.5 CPVC socket (Supreme Brand) 1.5 CPVC Endcap (Supreme Brand) 1.5 clamp CPVC solvent coment UPVC solvent cement SHP 3phase submersible pump Starter Cr .