
Tender For Loading, Carriage, Erection And Installation Of 40 Mva T/F At 132 Kv Substation Gadwara, Under Electy. Trans. Division-Pratapgarh - Part A- Supply Related To 20 Mva T/F 2 Supply Of Pg Clamp Suitable For Acsr Moose To Moose Conductor Having 04, pratapgarh-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited has published Tender For Loading, Carriage, Erection And Installation Of 40 Mva T/F At 132 Kv Substation Gadwara, Under Electy. Trans. Division-Pratapgarh - Part A- Supply Related To 20 Mva T/F 2 Supply Of Pg Clamp Suitable For Acsr Moose To Moose Conductor Having 04. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-03-2025. Transformer Supply Tenders in pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Loading, Carriage, Erection And Installation Of 40 Mva T/F At 132 Kv Substation Gadwara, Under Electy. Trans. Division-Pratapgarh - Part A- Supply Related To 20 Mva T/F 2 Supply Of Pg Clamp Suitable For Acsr Moose To Moose Conductor Having 04
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Loading, Carriage, Erection And Installation Of 40 Mva T/F At 132 Kv Substation Gadwara, Under Electy. Trans. Division-Pratapgarh - PART A- SUPPLY Related to 20 MVA T/F 2 Supply of PG Clamp suitable for ACSR Moose to Moose Conductor having 04 G.I.nuts & bolts with suitable washer 3 Supply of PG Clamp suitable for ACSR Moose to Panther Conductor having 04 G.I.nuts & bolts with suitable washer 4 Supply of PG Clamp suitable for ACSR Panther to Panther Conductor having 04 G.I.nuts & bolts with suitable washer 5 Poartable AFF Mechanical foam type fire extinguisher complete with initial charge hose pipe and all other accessories and fitting as par IS 1024 troully mounted 45/50 ltr cane 6 Supply of 75x10 mm MS Flat 7 Supply of 50x6 mm MS Flat 8 Supply of 25x6 mm MS Flat 9 Supply of Single tension fitting suitable for ACSR Panther 10 Supply of 33KV Isolator Clamp suitable for ACSR Twin Panther Conductor 11 Supply of 33KV Isolator Clamp suitable for ACSR Twin Moose Conductor 12 Supply of 33KVBi-Metallic CT Connector duly made of LM-6 Aluminum Ally suitable for twin ACSR Moose conductor 18 mm dia one saide twin moose with hot dippedGI Bolts, Nuts, Spring & plane washer as per Technical Specification & Sample. 13 PART B- WORK 14 Drain out of transformer oil in empty oil drum/oil storage tank and dismantalling of 20 MVA T/F main tank at 132KV S/S Gadwara Pratapgarh(Crane shall be arranged by the contactor) 15 Shifting of main tank of 132/33 KV 20MVA Transfromer from plinght to safe place(132 KV S/S Gadwara) upto plinth including turning of tank up to 30mtr (if required) including men, t&p all other work required to complete the job satisfactorily. 16 Additional Shifting of main tank of 132/33 KV 20MVA Transfromer from unloading place (132 KV S/S Gadwara) upto plinth including turning of tank (if required) including men, t&p all other work required to complete the job satisfactorily. (Additional shftin of 5 mtr/ job) 17 Shifting of main tank of 132/33 KV 40MVA Transfromer from store to loading place from where it is carriage at 132 KV S/S Khurram nagar including turning of tank up to 30mtr (if required) including men, t&p all other work required to complete the job satisfactorily. 18 Loading of 40 MVA T/F main tank at 132 KV S/S Khurram nagar along with accessories, making the wooden sleeper plate from jacking the T/F tank up to trailer height placing the rail under T/F tank and shifted up on trailer, removed the rail under T/F tank and proper tightening the main tank with trailer bed with the help of steel rope and turn buckle. 19 Carriage of 40 MVA T/F tank fromat 132 KV S/S Khurram nagar to 132 KV Sub-Station Gadwara, Pratapgarh(approx. distance 190km) along with all accessories by Pvt. Truck / Trailer. 20 Transit Insurance of 40MVA Transformer shall be got done by the contractor and actual shall be reimbursed by the department after submission of relevant document 21 Shifting of main tank of 132/33 KV 40MVA Transfromer from unloading place(132 KV S/S Gadwara) upto plinth including turning of tank up to 30mtr (if required) including men, t&p all other work required to complete the job satisfactorily. 22 Additional Shifting of main tank of 132/33 KV 40MVA Transfromer from unloading place (132 KV S/S Gadwara) upto plinth including turning of tank (if required) including men, t&p all other work required to complete the job satisfactorily. (Additional shfting of 5 mtr/ job) 23 Replacement of oil gasket of top cover and and all associated parts of 40 MVA T/F where gasket is used are replaced by providing and fixing of new gasket as per existing size made of rubberised corck sheet Kotika/Turboze/Neucork brand grade 7 after due fabrication. 24 Spray painting of 40 MVA T/F with one coat of good quality red oxide primer and two coat of light smoke gray synthetic enamelpaint of 1st quality Asian/Nerolac/Burger/Shalimar make after cleaning of rust dust and oily surface by enemy paper and wire brush including the cost of all matetials,labour and T&P. 25 Complete erection of 40 MVA Transformer by erection of radiators, conservator tank, all bushing with its turrents, connecting pipe lines, cooling fan, motor drive mechanism of tap changer, RTCC Panel and associated oil pipeline etc. to complete the job satisfactorily, including first filling of oil and topping up transformer oil (not circulation) in tank, radiator, oil pipeline, conservator tank etc and attending oil lekage if any and other associated work to complete the job satisfactorily. Crane, t&p shall be provided by contractor, all assistance in getting the transformer successfully commisoned by providing qualifed manpower till commissoning.All men, extra material(if required any) & T&P will be provided by contracor without any extra cost. 26 Centrifusing of complete transformer oil of 40 MVA Transformer in transformer tank or oil tanker by connecting pipecirculating the transformer oil through centrifusing machine to be provided by the contractor and taking the BDV value of the oil perodically till the required value is achieved as per direction of superviser engineer at 132KV S/S Gadwara. All t&p labour centrifusing machine will provided by the contractor at his own cost. 27 Electrical connection of 40MVA transformer including Laying,dressing and binding of cable including fixing of cable tray support structure and termination of cable making the loop and its ferruling as per schedule and interconnection as per requirment of RTCC panel, marshalling box, WTI, OTI, Buchholz relay, cooling fans OLTC& other driving mechanism etc.All men, extra material(if required) & T&P will be provided by contracor without any extra cost. 28 Earthing of 40 MVA Transformer main body at two point using MS flat of size 75x10mm and 50x6mm connected with marshalling box and drive mechanism, OLTC panel, providing the wheel stopper with MS flat as per site requirment as per direction of service Engineer/site Engineer.(M/S Flat will be provided by Department.) 29 Earthing of all equipment of structure by using 75x10mm/50X6mm MS flat below 600 mm formground level and connecting it with existing Earthmats includes back filling of excavated earth its leveling and proper ramming and associated works including the cost of labour and T&P required to complete the job satisfactorly 30 Painting of 75X10 mm and 50x6mm and 25x6mm earthing strip above the ground level by one coat of red oxide and two coat of green paints. Paint will be provided by contractor. All men, extra material(if required any) & T&P will be provided by contracor without any extra cost. 31 Jumpering of 40MVA TF HV/LV side cutting of conductor and tightening of conductor with connector and complete all job satisfactorily.All men, extra material(if required any) & T&P will be provided by contracor without any extra cost. 32 Testing of 40MVA TF oil for following test- BDV, PPM, DGA from NABL/CPRI approved lab by arranging appropriate equipment at erection site of 132 KV S/S Gadwara. Testing kit, Labour& T&P will be provided by contractor. 33 SFRA Testing of 40MVA TF including tan-delta of all HV / LV bushingsby arranging appropriate equipment at erection site of 132 KV S/S Gadwara. Testing kit, Labour& T&P will be provided by contractor. 34 Height raising of 33 KV LA side 03 no. ALP Structure parts upto 1 meter with the help of cutting and welding of steel structure parts 35 Erection of equipents etc required for installation of 145 kv/33kv CTs etc at 132KV S/S Gadwara. The job consist shifting of all material i.e. store to site of erection. matching holes, cutting notching of members if required shall also be done by the contractor without any extra cost of complete the work satisfactorily. All material to be erected shall be supplied by UPPTCL free of cost but all men, material and T&P required for satisfactorily completion of work shall be arranged by the contractor on his own cost. 36 145 KV CT 37 145 KV CT/PT Junction Box 38 33 KV CT 39 33 KV CT junction box 40 Providing and fixing of 160 watt LED light make syska / Philips/ Bajaj etc. Along with MS bend pipe (2dia 1.25 mm long) and fitting clamp at 220KV SS Phulpur. The job includes fixing of above light fitting with help of MS bend pipe and clamp then jointing with 1 phase supply after laying cable and complete with all respect. The job includes labour materials (ie 160 watt LED make syska /Philips/ Bajaj etc . MS bend pipe , fixing clamp etc) and T&P required for completion of all job will arrange by contractor to complete the job satisfactory 41 Providing of 2Ton window air conditioner of Voltas /Hitachi/Carreir make including installation and commissioning of above with making wooden frame. Providingof 5KVA copper wounded Voltage Stabilizer ISI marked of standard make suitable for each 2 Ton air conditioner including laying of multistrand 4mm2 PVC insulated Cu wire and fitting of Single phase MCB of 32 Amp with each AC box circuit wise comprising of load of each circuit including supply of Cu wire and MCB and other consumables associated the work. 42 Laying of following sizes of Copper control Cables in the Cable trenches from various equipments/marshalling boxes/J.B.s in switchyardto control/relay panels in Control Room as per cable schedule, its saddling with 25x 33 A.I saddle to every 750mm distanceand termination of control cable of control panels, Relay panel, CT. PT CB Isolator, ACDB. DCDB, Control Room and Switchyard. including carriage of cable drum from store to site and shiftin back to store and all other associated work to be complete the job saisfactorly as per technical specification. 43 2 core x 2.5 Sq. mm Control Cable 44 4 core x 2.5 Sq. mm Control Cable 45 6 core x 2.5 Sq. mm Control Cable 46 Termination of following size control cable as laid above as per cable schedule including making necessary holes in glands plate of junction boxes, supply and fixing of cable gland ferrule of appropriate size and quantity respectively for each core of cable and its termination with crimpingtype lugs including lugs, ferrules & other minor accessories to complete job satisfactory 47 2C x 2.5 mm² 48 4C x 2.5 mm² 49 6C x 2.5 mm²

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 18000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 14.66 Lakhs /-


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