
Tender For Electricity Line Construction & Other Related Works For Issued Of New Electricity Connections Under Deposit Scheme In The Jurisdiction Of Edd, Iglas - Cartage Of Followingpoles From Store Centre Or From Any Other Place To The Respective Site Of, iglas-Uttar Pradesh

Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited has published Tender For Electricity Line Construction & Other Related Works For Issued Of New Electricity Connections Under Deposit Scheme In The Jurisdiction Of Edd, Iglas - Cartage Of Followingpoles From Store Centre Or From Any Other Place To The Respective Site Of. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-03-2025. Transmission Line Tenders in iglas Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Electricity Line Construction & Other Related Works For Issued Of New Electricity Connections Under Deposit Scheme In The Jurisdiction Of Edd, Iglas - Cartage Of Followingpoles From Store Centre Or From Any Other Place To The Respective Site Of
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Electricity Line Construction & Other Related Works For Issued Of New Electricity Connections Under Deposit Scheme In The Jurisdiction Of Edd, Iglas - Cartage of followingpoles from Store centre or from any other place to the respective site of work through the Kachha Pacca roadincluding the work of its loading & unloading at the respective ends, also including the work of dragging etc. and also including the cost of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. (Dist. 0 to 50 Kms.). 2 PCC/STP poles 8.5/11/13 Mtr. 3 Cartage of line material viz LT Cable, Conductor/ GI earth wire, Barbed wire, Cross Arm, Angle, Channel, Insulator, various Clamps, XLPE cable, Cable, Stone pad & other line material from Store centre or from any other place to the respective site of work through the Kachha Pacca road including the work of its loading & unloading at the respective end, also including the work of dragging etc. and also including the cost of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. (Dist. 0 to 50 Kms.). 4 Erection of single support including complete H.T/L.T fittings (with drilling & cutting) as per RESSPO manual and as per direction of Engineer incharge including the cost of labour, T & P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 5 PCC/STP poles 8.5/11/13 Mtr. 6 Erection of double/Section pole on following poles including including complete H.T/L.T fittings (with drilling & cutting) & the work of complete line as per RESSPO norms manual and as per direction of Engineer Incharge including the cost of labour, T & P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 7 PCC/STP poles 8.5/11/13 Mtr. 8 Installation & fixing of 11 KV TPMO. 9 (a) Erection & Grouting of stay set including the work of nozzling etc. as per RESSPO manual and also including the cost of arrangement of all grouting material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 10 (b)Providing and fixing of stay insulator. 11 Laying, sagging, stringing, binding and jumpering etc. of line conductor on the newly erected pole as per RESSPO manual and as per direction of supervising engineer, including the cost of arrangement of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 12 ACSR Weasal/Rabbit/Dog Conductor. 13 ABC Conductor 3x50+1x35+1x16 Sq.mm./3x95+1x70+1x16 Sq.mm./ 3x120+1x95+1x16 Sq.mm./1x16+1x25 Sq.mm. 14 Grouting of PCC/STP poles 8.5/11/13 Mtr. Long as per RESSPO norms 15 Making the plinth of Steel poles. 16 Fixing of earthing rod as per RESSPO manual and as per direction of supervising engineer including the cost of labour, T&P etc. Required for proper completion of work. 17 Chopping of tree branches which are touching to HT/LT lines. 18 Providing & Fixing ofClamps of LT,Cross Arm Holding, F-Clamp, Stay Clamp, Danger board clamp & all type clampswith Nut & Bolts as per actual site requirement. 19 Providing & Fixing of LT shackle insulator. 20 Providing & Fixing of missing Nut bolts and washer 21 Carriage & Installation from site to Store/store to site following capacity transformer including the work of its loading & unloading, dragging etc. and also including the cost of labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion (earthing & Jumphering) of work. 22 25 KVA T/F 23 63 KVA T/F 24 100 KVA T/F 25 Dismentling of oldPCC/STP polesfor shifting after dismentling of all accessories.It includes the work of cartage, cost of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 26 Dismantling and removal of existing conductor/cable/GI Wire from the various area preparing their coils and then stacking in the respective JE’s (Store) as per direction of Supervising Engineer. It includes the work of cartage, cost of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 27 Erection of section Tee pole including fixing of all fittings as per RESPO norms. 28 Carriage& Installation of LT distribution box (three phase) distribution box from store centre Sarsol to pit site including loading and unloading at both ends mounting and fixing on pole also by making connections as per RESSPO norms. 29 Provding & Fixing/Filling of 3x70/3x120/3X185 11 KV XLPE heat shrinkable cable jointing kits indoor & outdoor type including the cost of labour T&P carrier etc for proper completion of work. 30 Laying of 3x70/3x120/3X185/3x300 Sq.mm.33 KV & 11 KV under ground cable by straight through after digging trench of 600 mm. wide, 1500 mm deep, providing the fine sand cushion beneath and above the cable. The cable shall be duly protected by Ist class bricks, two on either side and third on top of the cable, laid in series one after the other. The work includes supplying of fine sand and bricks, filling and ramming of the left out soil, closing the trench and levelling. Spare cable shall be left and buried in the trench in the shape of rings at both ends. All material (except cable), labour, T&P carrier etc, required for proper completion of work will be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. 31 Laying of 3x70/3x120/3X185/3x300 Sq.mm.33 KV & 11 KV Overhead cable work includes labour, T&P carrier etc, required for proper completion of work will be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. 32 Guarding of 11 KV Lineby laying two nos. GI wire parallel and fixing of lacings (tilli) at a distance at 2-3 Mtr. as per RESPO manual and also including the cost of arragement of labour, T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 33 Safe Carriage & Installation of 33KV/11 KV CT-PT Pole Mountedmetering unit on double pole after fixing of channel with M.S. Clamps and nuts bolts for holding the channel angle etc. The unit body shall be earthed by connecting M.S. strip of size 1/8x1 finally connected to earthing rod of size 20mm x2540 mm. 11 KV line shall be connected to unit as per instructions of SDO/AE(M). The M.S. Strip & earth rod shall be included in the scope of work. 34 Safe carriage & Installation of 33KV/11 KVpilfer proof metering cubicle from store centre, Sarsol to site of work. 35 Provding & Fixing Wearing GI pipe 6” dia on the feeder cable before mounting the cable on the double pole lifting, mounting and clamping of 11 KV feeder cable with boxes on the feeder double pole structure and making connections including supply.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1180 /-
INR 10000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-


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