Supply Of Fittings From Fabricated Plate_Cs_ As For Ag And Ug Piping For Msb, Pfcc,Gds And Ff For Nrep As Per Technical Specifications For Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Assam, India. , Group-1 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - As For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges As Specified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr As (H2 Ser.), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp11-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Elb 45 Deg Lr As (H2 Ser.), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp11-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Con Red As, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 60, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp5-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 60, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Tee As, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 60, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp5-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 60, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Tee As, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 60, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp5-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 60, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Group-2 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Cs-(Nace+Amine) For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges As Specified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 30, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 30, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Con Red Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Ecc Red Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Ecc Red Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Group-3 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Cs - H2 Ser And Int & Ext Coatingfor Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges Asspecified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs (H2 Ser.), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int.&Ext.Coat, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Externally Fbe Coating Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0015, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Xs, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Xs, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Xs, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Xs, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Tee Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Ecc Red Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Group-4 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Cs - For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges Asspecified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs, Mss Sp-75, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Con Red Cs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Tee Cs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Group-5 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Ltcs - For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges Asspecified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Tee Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Tee Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 => Limited