
Tender For Supply Of Fittings From Fabricated Plate_Cs_ As For Ag And Ug Piping For Msb, Pfcc,Gds And Ff For Nrep As Per Technical Specifications For Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Assam, India., numaligarh-Assam

Numaligarh Refinery Limited has published Tender For Supply Of Fittings From Fabricated Plate_Cs_ As For Ag And Ug Piping For Msb, Pfcc,Gds And Ff For Nrep As Per Technical Specifications For Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Assam, India.. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-03-2025. Pipe and Tube Fittings Tenders in numaligarh Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Fittings From Fabricated Plate_Cs_ As For Ag And Ug Piping For Msb, Pfcc,Gds And Ff For Nrep As Per Technical Specifications For Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Assam, India.

Tender Details

Supply Of Fittings From Fabricated Plate_Cs_ As For Ag And Ug Piping For Msb, Pfcc,Gds And Ff For Nrep As Per Technical Specifications For Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Assam, India. , Group-1 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - As For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges As Specified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr As (H2 Ser.), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp11-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Elb 45 Deg Lr As (H2 Ser.), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp11-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Con Red As, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 60, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp5-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 60, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Tee As, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 60, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp5-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 60, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Tee As, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 60, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wp5-W Cl.1, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 60, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 , Group-2 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Cs-(Nace+Amine) For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges As Specified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 30, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 30, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Con Red Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Ecc Red Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Ecc Red Cs (Nace+Amine), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Servicenace, Category 1, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, For Sour(Nace) Service Req. Acc. To, Nace Mr0103,Nr-0Zzzz-Pi-Spe-0025 And In-043 , Group-3 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Cs - H2 Ser And Int & Ext Coatingfor Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges Asspecified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs (H2 Ser.), B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int.&Ext.Coat, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Externally Fbe Coating Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0015, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Xs, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Xs, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Xs, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Xs, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Tee Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Ecc Red Cs Int. Coated, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042, Internally Liquid Epoxy Coated Acc. To, Doc. Nr-0Zzzz-Cv-Spe-0019 , Group-4 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Cs - For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges Asspecified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Cs, Mss Sp-75, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Con Red Cs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Tee Cs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A234 Gr.Wpb-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Group-5 (Group Wise Evaluation) Supply Of Fittngs From Fabricated Plate - Ltcs - For Ag+Ug Pipping For Nerp Project Including Tpi Charges Asspecified In Material Requisition. , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 90 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Elb 45 Deg Lr Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Tee Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Tee Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Run Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch 40, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch 40, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 , Ecc Red Ltcs, B16.9, Bw Ends,Sch Non-Std, Lw, Weld Factor E = 1.00, A420 Gr.Wpl6-W, Mat. Deliv. Cond. Sch Non-Std, Add. Information, Schedule Indicated Is For Higher Size, Documents To Be Followed, Tk-1Zzza-Pi-Spe-0005 And In-042 => Limited

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