Etender For Supply And Installation Electrification Commissioning And Comprehensive Support Of Plant And Machineries For Common Facility Centre Of Onion Dehydration Cluster Limpangaon, Dist. Ahilyanagar, State Maharashtra, India ,-1 Hot Section for Dehydration Facility-Hot Section for Dehydration Machine(Dry Machine (Size :55 Ft/ 8 Ft) Motor, 25 HP /3, 1 HP/ 5, Blower 25 HP/3, (Blower CFM-22000, Pressure-135mm) Side Door Front & Back in SS-304, Feeding Belt SS-304, Gear Box / 5, Dryer Belt /5 in SS-304 Food Grade, B - Class of Radiator – 50mm Machine roll/10, Supporting roll and Structure in M.S Material, Dryer Ducting of Dryer in GI Material Total Dryer Electrical Load- 80 HP Input Capacity :2080 kg Output capacity: 277 kg Per 1 Hour. S.S. Hot Dry Machine (Size: 30 Ft / 8 Ft / 2Stages) Motor, 5Hp/2, 1Hp/1, Blower 5Hp/2 Gear 1, SS-304 Material S.S. Cold Dry Machine 25Ft/4Ft Motor, 2Hp/1, 1HP/1, Blower 2Hp/1, SS - 304 Material Spiral roller conveyors { X 8. ft} 2500 mm X 200 mm screw Total body ms material. Capacity 3000 kg per 1 hour. Gear box 1hp/2, Blower 3hp/1 S.S. Tanki, S.S. 304 Structure / PVC val 2 S.S. Conveyor Spreading Moveable, 1Hp Gear Motor 2, Screw spiral conveyor for skin remove Ss 304 Compressor of abrasive 2hp motor S.S. Hydro Conveyor And Washing Tank 3Hp Gear Motor 1, 1Hp Gear Motor 2 S.S. Conveyor Belt Tanki To Peeler Size: 12 Ft Food Grade Belt, 1Hp Gear Motor 1 S.S. Conveyor Belt Charno To TakiSize : 25 Ft Food Grade Belt, 2Hp Gear Motor 1 S.S. Conveyor Belt (Spiral roller conveyors) Size: 20 Ft Food Grade Belt, 2Hp Gear Motor 1 M.S. Kapcha Dry Machine 25Ft/4Ft/3 Stages Motor, 5Hp/2, 1Hp/3 Blower 5 Hp/2 S.S. Conveyor Belt (Hot Dry Size :12 Ft) Food Grade Belt, 1Hp Gear Motor 1 S.S. Conveyor Belt Halar to Kapcha (Size: 25 Ft) Food Grade Belt, 2Hp Gear Motor 1 S.S. Conveyor Belt A/C Room (Size: 58 Ft) Food Grade Belt, 2Hp Gear Motor 1 S.S. Conveyor Belt A/C Room (Size: 45 Ft) Food Grade Belt, 2Hp Gear Motor 1 Halar Machine jambo 2Hp 960 rpm /1, 3Hp 2800 rpm/1, 3Hp Blower /1 Halar Machine Midiyam 2Hp 960 rpm /1, 3Hp 2800 rpm/1, 3Hp Blower /1 Bin Drayer 2Hp Motor 1, 2Hp Blower 1 pal pal Motor 5hp/1 punching machine Gaer motor 3hp/1 round grader (8 ft) m s 5hp/1 Z elevators (110ft) Gaer motor 2hp/3 2 Cold Section for dehydration Facility-Cold Section for Dehydration Machine S.S. Conveyor Belt Halar To Kapcha (Size: 25 Ft) Food Grade Belt, 2Hp Gear Motor 1 Z Conveyor Belt Halar To Kapcha (Size: 25 Ft) Gear motor 1 hp/1 Total body MS materials Powder coating Barring Size 206 UCT 30 mm Qty. 2 ms 207 UCF 35 mm Qty. 2 ms 6206 - 30 mm Qty. 20 40 mm pitch chain nylon roller Bucket 4-Ltr Clutch set – 1 Z Conveyor Belt A/C Room (Size: 58 Ft) Gear motor 2 hp/1 Total body MS materials Powder coating Barring Size 206 UCT 30 mm Qty. 2 ms 207 UCF 35 mm Qty. 2 ms 6206 - 30 mm Qty. 20 40 mm pitch chain nylon roller Bucket 4-Ltr Clutch set – 1 Z Conveyor Belt A/C Room ( Size : 45 Ft) Gear motor 2 hp/1 Total body MS materials Powder coating Barring Size 206 UCT 30 mm Qty. 2 ms 207 UCF 35 mm Qty. 2 ms 6206 - 30 mm Qty. 20 40 mm pitch chain nylon roller Bucket 4-Ltr Clutch set – 1 SS Jumbo Grander Machine 2Hp 960 rpm /1, 3Hp 2800 rpm/1, 3Hp Blower /1 Leant: 13.5 Ft Width: 5.5 Ft Height: 7 Ft total Charana’s Size: 10x1 Feed Saycone Size: 3.5’ Round x 9’ Height STANDARD SUPPLY Heavy M.S Frame of 4 x 2 pipe Grader charna, Heavy s.s. 304 frames of 1l” x=0 angle and 22 gaj SS 304 Sheet. A Cutter material of Grader 25 mm angle and structure 25 mm S.S. 304 angel. Sayclone material 16gaj S.S. with 25 mm angel ss Blower New matic screen remove chambers S.S.304 PRODUCTION CAPACITY 400 TO 450 KG. (1 hrs. working) approx. fading material SS Medium Grander Machine 2Hp 960 rpm /1, 3Hp 2800 rpm/1, 3Hp Blower /1 Leant : 13.5 Ft Width : 4.5 Ft Height : 7 Ft total Charana’s Size : 10x1 Feed Saycone Size : 3.’ Round x 9’ Height STANDARD SUPPLY Heavy M.S Frame of 4 x 2 pipe Grader charna, Heavy s.s. 304 frame of 1l” x=0 angle and 24 gaj SS 304 Sheet. A Cutter material of Grader 25 mm angle and structure 25 mm S.S. 304 angel. Sayclone material 16gaj S.S. with 25 mm angel ss Blower New matic screen remove chambers S.S.304 PRODUCTION CAPACITY 250 TO 275 KG. (1 hrs. working) approx. fading material AC duct line From AHU to AC room only AC cooling plant 40 tons cooling tower, compressor, pump, pipe line, motors Z elevators in AC department-3 1-sortex input 2-MD input 3-chips kibble input Gear motor 1 hp/1 Total body MS materials Powder coating Barring Size 206 UCT 30 mm Qty. 2 ms 207 UCF 35 mm Qty. 2 ms 6206 - 30 mm Qty. 20 40 mm pitch chain nylon roller Bucket 4-Ltr Clutch set – 1 3 Sorting Machine-Sortex machine Vetalswiss series 384 channels trichromatic Sirius ms 6 chutes Sortex machine Compressor30 hp/1 Sortex machine accessories Inlet-outlet hoppers, vibrator feeder, table structure including labour work Metal detector Fer-0.8mm, non-fer-1mm and ss 1.2mm Sorting belt 2 Metal detector Z elevators (18 Ft.) Sorting belt PU with magnetic roller 10000 gaus-4 Grading machine-Onion round grader (8 ft) m s 5hp/1 -5 Packing Machine- 6 Electrification-Three phase electric cable work From TC to plant(total) Panel-boards- 9-7 Water Tank )