
Supply And Delivery Of Hand Bores Materials For Maintenance Hand Bores In Ae-9 Section, Work Division -Iii Area.1St Call General Funds, Vijayawada-Andhra Pradesh

Vijayawada Municipal Corporation has published Supply And Delivery Of Hand Bores Materials For Maintenance Hand Bores In Ae-9 Section, Work Division -Iii Area.1St Call General Funds. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-03-2025. Bore Well Tenders in Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply And Delivery Of Hand Bores Materials For Maintenance Hand Bores In Ae-9 Section, Work Division -Iii Area.1St Call General Funds
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply And Delivery Of Hand Bores Materials For Maintenance Hand Bores In Ae-9 Section, Work Division -Iii Area.1St Call General Funds-40.00 Supply and Delivery of the following materials suitable to Mark-2 hand bore spares as approved make including cost and conveyance of all materials etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities. For Bucket Washer 40.00 Supply and Delivery of the following materials suitable to Mark-2 hand bore spares as approved make including cost and conveyance of all materials etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities. for Axles 40.00 Supply and Delivery of the following materials suitable to Mark-2 hand bore spares as approved make including cost and conveyance of all materials etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities. for Pump bearing no 6204 50.00 Supply and Delivery of the following materials suitable to Mark-2 hand bore spares as approved make including cost and conveyance of all materials etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities. for Cealing rings 60.00 Supply and Delivery of the following materials suitable to Mark-2 hand bore spares as approved make including cost and conveyance of all materials etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities. for Pump bolts 50.00 Supply and Delivery of the following materials suitable to Mark-2 hand bore spares as approved make including cost and conveyance of all materials etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities. for Chain bolts 45.00 Supply and Delivery of the following materials suitable to Mark-2 hand bore spares as approved make including cost and conveyance of all materials etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities. for 32mm dis G.I Couplings 90.00 Manufacture, supply, & delivery of GI Pipes of various sizes and transportation anywhere in Andhra Pradesh, excluding GST. For 32mm GI B Class Pipe 90.00 Manufacture, supply, & delivery of GI Pipes of various sizes and transportation anywhere in Andhra Pradesh, excluding GST. For 50mm GI B Class Pipe 90.00 Manufacture, supply, & delivery of GI Pipes of various sizes and transportation anywhere in Andhra Pradesh, excluding GST. For 80mm GI B Class Pipe 6.00 Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of DI/DF Gate valve (soft seatd) resilient seated soft sealing gate valves (sulice valves) with boby bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/12 or equivelent grade as per I.S.3896/part-2 1985 and subsiquent revisions wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seales of NBR and the valves should be of vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/DIN 3202 F4 all the valves should be Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage Drilled as per IS 138.PN 16 For 50mm dia P.N-.1.60 7.00 Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of DI/DF Gate valve (soft seatd) resilient seated soft sealing gate valves (sulice valves) with boby bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/12 or equivelent grade as per I.S.3896/part-2 1985 and subsiquent revisions wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seales of NBR and the valves should be of vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/DIN 3202 F4 all the valves should be Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage Drilled as per IS 138.PN 16 For 80mm dia P.N-.1.60 6.00 Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of DI/DF Gate valve (soft seatd) resilient seated soft sealing gate valves (sulice valves) with boby bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/12 or equivelent grade as per I.S.3896/part-2 1985 and subsiquent revisions wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seales of NBR and the valves should be of vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/DIN 3202 F4 all the valves should be Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage Drilled as per IS 138.PN 16 For 100mm dia P.N-.1.60 7.00 Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of DI/DF Gate valve (soft seatd) resilient seated soft sealing gate valves (sulice valves) with boby bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/12 or equivelent grade as per I.S.3896/part-2 1985 and subsiquent revisions wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seales of NBR and the valves should be of vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/DIN 3202 F4 all the valves should be Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage Drilled as per IS 138.PN 16 For 150mm dia P.N-.1.60 2.00 Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of DI/DF Gate valve (soft seatd) resilient seated soft sealing gate valves (sulice valves) with boby bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/12 or equivelent grade as per I.S.3896/part-2 1985 and subsiquent revisions wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seales of NBR and the valves should be of vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/DIN 3202 F4 all the valves should be Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage Drilled as per IS 138.PN 16 For 350mm dia P.N-.1.60 1.00 Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of DI/DF Gate valve (soft seatd) resilient seated soft sealing gate valves (sulice valves) with boby bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/12 or equivelent grade as per I.S.3896/part-2 1985 and subsiquent revisions wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seales of NBR and the valves should be of vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/DIN 3202 F4 all the valves should be Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage Drilled as per IS 138.PN 16 For 400mm dia P.N-.1.60 1.00 Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of DI/DF Gate valve (soft seatd) resilient seated soft sealing gate valves (sulice valves) with boby bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/12 or equivelent grade as per I.S.3896/part-2 1985 and subsiquent revisions wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seales of NBR and the valves should be of vacum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/DIN 3202 F4 all the valves should be Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage Drilled as per IS 138.PN 16 For 450mm dia P.N-.1.60 5.00 Supply and delivery of Mark-II Cylinders of approved make including cost, conveyance of all materials and labour charges etc 5.00 Supply, Delivery of ISI marked fully hot dipped galvanized deep well India Mark-H Hand Pump assembly complete unit with 10 Nos of connecting rods (bright bar of 12mm dia and 100 mts length each confirming to IS 9301/1990 & IS 14101 to 14104:1994 with their amendments/revisions but excluding taxes. 10.00 Flushing of bore well of dia 165/150 mm with power rig at an average pressure of 150 PSI, including crw charges, completely done to the satisfaction of the department including detachable of all accessories and refix all material as per the original conditon including all labour charges, but excluding cost of materials & excluding taxes etc., complete. 10.00 Labour charges for erection of IM-II Hand Pump Assembly with all its accessories and with the required number of 32mm dia CI-13 GI pipes including all taxes and as per the diretions of the departmental officers but excluding taxes. 200.00 Manufacture,Supply & Delivery of HDPE pipes conforming to IS 4984-2016 including transportation to anywhere in A.P. excluding all taxes (Supply up to 90mm dia in coil & above 90mm dia straight length. For 20mm dia 16.00 Kg/Sq.cm 200.00 Manufacture,Supply & Delivery of HDPE pipes conforming to IS 4984-2016 including transportation to anywhere in A.P. excluding all taxes (Supply up to 90mm dia in coil & above 90mm dia straight length. For 25mm dia 16.00 Kg/Sq.cm 120.00 Manufacture,Supply & Delivery of HDPE pipes conforming to IS 4984-2016 including transportation to anywhere in A.P. excluding all taxes (Supply up to 90mm dia in coil & above 90mm dia straight length. For 110mm dia 6.00 Kg/Sq.cm 120.00 Manufacture,Supply & Delivery of HDPE pipes conforming to IS 4984-2016 including transportation to anywhere in A.P. excluding all taxes (Supply up to 90mm dia in coil & above 90mm dia straight length. For 160mm dia 6.00 Kg/Sq.cm 3070.00 Supply and delivery of Welding electrodes 4mm dia speciales including cost, conveyance etc., complete

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 16810.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 16.80 Lakhs /-


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