Supplying Of Repairing And Construction Material/Equipment As Given In The List For The Financial Year 2025-26 , Supplying Of Repairing And Construction Material/Equipmentas Given In The List For The Financial Year 2025-26 , Boulder With Spreading 0.75 To 20 C.M. , Fata With Spreading Rubble Stone , Stone- Black / Redstone Masonary , Steel Bars 6,8,10,12,16Mm Dia Hysd Bars (As Per Isi Specification) , Soft Murrom With Spreading , Hard Murrom With Spreading , Bajra With Spreading , Course Sand As Per Specification , Fine Sandshahgad Sand , Crusher Stone Dust With Spreading , 06 Mm Metalb.B. Metal , 12 Mm Metalb.B. Metal , 20 Mm Metalb.B. Metal , 40 Mm Metalb.B. Metal , 90 Mm Metalb.B. Metal , Crm( Mix In Plant ) For 45 Mm Max Size , Crm( Mix In Plant ) For 53 Mm Max Size , Red Sand Stone (Flag Stone)Fine Dressed With Rough Backing 70 Mm Thick , Red Sand Stone (Flag Stone) Fine Dressed With Rough Backing 60 Mm Thick , Red Sand Stone (Flag Stone)Fine Dressed With Rough Backing 50 Mm Thick , Red Sand Stone (Flag Stone)Fine Dressed With Rough Backing 40 Mm Thick , Red Sand Stone (Flag Stone) Fine Dressed With Rough Backing 300Mm Thick , Flag Stone 150 Mm To 200 Mm Dasa , Kota Stone, Green & Black1 To 1 1/4 , Bricks (Gitta)8 X 4 X 4Open Bhatta , Bricks (Local)9 X 4 X 3Open Bhatta , Lime Dust , Limedingla , Yellow Soilpirotha , Red Soilgeyuri , Half Round R.C.C. Pipe150mm Dian.P.-2 With Laying Complete , Half Round R.C.C. Pipe250 Mm Dian.P.-2 With Laying Complete , Half Round R.C.C. Pipe300 Mm Dian.P.-2 With Laying Complete , Half Round R.C.C. Pipe450 Mm Dian.P.-2 With Laying Complete , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe200 Mm Dian.P.-2 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe300 Mm Dian.P.-2 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe450 Mm Dian.P.-2 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe600 Mm Dian.P.-2 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe1000 Mm Dian.P.-2 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.3300 Mm Dian.P.-3 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.3 450 Mm Dian.P.-3 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.3 600 Mm Dian.P.-3 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.3 1000 Mm Dian.P.-3 , R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.31200 Mm Dian.P.-3 With Laying Complete , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.4300 Mm Dian.P.-4 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.4 450 Mm Dian.P.-4 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.4600 Mm Dian.P.-4 , Providing And Placing In Position R.C.C. Hume Pipe N.P.4 1000 Mm Dian.P.-4 , R.C.C. Hume Pipe 1200 Mm Dian.P.-4 With Laying Complete , R.C.C. Cement Pole2.20 M-H2.20 M-H , R.C.C. Cement Pole2.40 M-H2.40 M-H , Barbed Wire Steel9.38 K.G. Per 100R. M. , Wire Mesh (Steel)50X50 Mm Strengthing 4Mm With Nut Bolt Baser , Iron Jaali , Angle Iron All Size Mild Steel , Winding Wirewire , Welding Gaslabour Complete With Accessories , Welding Electriclabour Complete With Accessories , Steel I Sections All Sizei.S.I. Mark , Steel Door & Windows With All Fittingsangel Iron 30X30x5 Mm Flat Iron 25X5 Mm Sheet 18 Gauge , Collapsible Shutter With All Fitting (Steel) , Iron Chamber/Drain Grill (Complete With Labour And Fixing) , Corrogated G.I. Sheet0.63 Mm , Corrogated G.I. Sheet0.80 Mm , Distemper Asianinterior I.S.I. , Emulson Asian Companyinterior I.S.I. , Oil Paints Asian Tractor All Colouri.S.I. Marka , Brushes1 1 I.S.I , Brushes22 I.S.I , Brushes33 I.S.I , Brushes44 I.S.I , Brushes55 I.S.I , Cement P.P.C. Isi Markisi Mark Each Bag Of 50 Kg , Cement O.P.C. Isi Markisi Mark Each Bag Of 50 Kg , Centring Shutering With Fitting And Cartling Below Plinth Level , Centring/Shutring With Fitting & Cartingabove Plinth Level , Lime Washing Labour , Distemper Washinglabour , Emulsion Wasinglabour , Oil Paints Paintinglabour , Putty Double Coat With Finishinglabour , Steel Bindinglabour , Transportation Of Malma With Loading & Unloading0 To 1 Km , Transportation Of Malma With Loading & Unloading1 To 2.5 Km , Transportation Of Malma With Loading & Unloading2.5 To 5.00 Km , Tiles All Size I.S.I. , Vetrified Tiles60 X 60 Cm 10Mm Thik 15:15622 , Glazed Tiles300 X 300 Mm 10 Mm Thik 15:15622 , Tiles Fitting Labour , W.C. 580 X 440 Mm With Footrest & P-Trap With Fittingodisa Petarn , W.C. European Type With Fittingisi Marked White Solid Plastic Seat And Lideuropean Type , W.C. European Type With Fittingisi Marked Black Solid Plastic Seat And Lideuropean Type , Chequr Tiles With Fitting18 To 20Mm Thick Ordinary Cement , Polished Red Stone 25Mm Thick , Steel Chamber Cover Including All Fitting & Labour Mild Steel , Steel Frame Including All Fitting & Labour M.S. Tube , Steel Frame Including All Fitting & Labour M.S. Angle , Cement Concrete Work With Requiredequipment As Per Specification - M-20 Grade , Mistri (Mason) , Labour , Pokhlene Machine With Diesel , Jcb Machine With Diesel , Concert Breaker Machine With Diesel , Vibratory Roller With Diesel , Hosting Crane With Diesel , Paver Block 60 Mm Thickness , Paver Block 80 Mm Thickness