Tender For Reboring Of 35 Hp Tubwell At Site Of Ambedkar Puram Colony Word No 16 - Transportation, Erection, Dismantling of Rig Machine and its T&P 2 Transportation, Erection, Dismantling ofCompressor 250/350 PSI 3 Transportation, Erection, Dismantling of2 Cusec/3cusec O.P Unit and Yield test 4 Supply of Tubewell AssemblyM.S.Tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain pipe, Slotted pipe (as required upto 50% of plain pipes) rings, well cap bail plug, clamp reducer, central guide, suport structure etc. as required & as per typed design complete in all respect.(Note- Axial Length of Reducer without Ring shall be measured with casing pipe) 5 300 mm dia M.S. Pipe 6 200 mm dia M.S. Plain/slotted 7 PEA-GRAVEL (As per IS:4097) 8 1.65 mm to 4.50 mm size Pea gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and properly stacked at sitefor Tubewell 9 Drilling of bore by rig machine As Per IS:2800(Part I & II): 10 Drilling of bore by 600 mm dia bit GL to 60 mt. BGL. 11 Drilling of bore by 500mm dia bit from 60mt GL to 100mt. BGL. 12 Drilling of bore by 500 mm dia bit 100 mt. BGL. To 160 mt. BGL. 13 Lowering of tube well assembly With M.S. rings, Bail Plug, Reducer Including welding: 14 Lowering of 300 mm dia M.S. Housing pipe from GL to 54 m.BGL 15 Lowering of 200 mm dia M.S. Plain/slotted pipe 54 m. BGL to 100 m. BGL 16 Lowering of 200 mm dia M.S. Plain/slotted pipe 100 m. BGL to 145 m. BGL 17 Development of tube well by 250 PSI air compressor and 3 cusec O.P. Unit to yield sand free discharge. 18 Development and testing of tube well by Air Compressor. 19 Development and testing of tube Well O.P.Unit to yield sand free Discharge. 20 Chemical and Bacteriological 21 test (Analysis of water sample) 22 Logging of bore hole by departmental/approved electric logger 23 Arrangent of water and digging of pit for water storage 24 Estimate of Necessary E&M work 25 Complete cabling to tubewall including power and control cabling complete in all respect 26 Gauges 27 2ton lifting tackle suitable for 40hp pumping Plant 28 Tools 29 Misc. Items such as prtection Ring Cutout Electric resistance Rubber sheet Transformer oil etc. 30 Painting of pumping plants and other equipments 31 one month watch and ward during insallation period 32 Pea Gravel connecting chamber and colum for girder 33 Excavation of earth in ordinary soll (lonm olay or and) Including lift upto 1.5 m and lead uplo 50 n.filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth in botwoon the bullding and sides of the foundation trenches or Into the plinth and disposal of surplus earth upto a distance of 60 m from the center of the foundation trenches. 34 Concrete with 40 mm gauge Ist class brick ballast, local sand and cement In proportion (8:4:1) In foundation including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc required for proper compition of work. 35 Ist class brick work in 1:6 cement and coarse sand mortar In foundation and plinth Including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc required for proper compition of work. 36 Ist class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar In Super structure Including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc required for proper compition lof work. 37 Providing 25 mm thick PCC apron of 1:2:4 with 12-20 mm stone grit over 76mm thick base concrete In 1:4:8 cement, local sand and 40mm guage over burnt brick ballast with finishing coat Including fixing of glass strips at desired Intervals and B.O.E at ends supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. Required for proper completion for the work. 38 Cement Concrete with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast in proper ratio of 1:2:4 with centering, curing supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of the work in following. 39 Supply & fixing of M.S. Gurder 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm including all material,labour, T & P etc, complete 40 12 mm thick plaster with cement local sand mortar in 1:3 (over brick work with 3 mm floating coat of neat coment Including supply of all materials, labour, T&P eto required for proper compition of work. From GL upto supor structure 41 White washing in three cont Including supply of all 9 materials, labour, T&P eto required proper completion of work. 42 Earth work in filling in plinth including supply of excavated earth from distance of 8 km 43 Site Clearance and other unforeseen items 44 Rising Main 45 Supply of following pipes Including rallway freight, Insurance charges and cartage ohniges F.O.K. eto, complete,(sor-mjp 21-22)200 mm dia M.S. Pipe 7.0mm thloknoss 46 Supply of D.1. specials for the above pipe lines 47 Supply of following size of C.1. D/F slülee valves us por I.S. 780- 1960 tested to 10 Kg/Sq.m fixing in pipe line trenches, jointing and testing complete. (UPJN E&M SOR) 200 mm dia 48 Earth work in ordinary soil loam, clay or sand with lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 50m filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches and disposal of surplus earth upto 50 m (SOR-GZB Circle)-2001 49 Carting, laying and jointing of the following sizes of pipes into the trenches including cost of all jointing materials, labour and T&P testing etc. complete. (SOR-GZB CIRCLE)- 2074200 mm dia 50 THRUST BLOCKRCC with cement, coarse sand & 20 mm gauge stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 in thrust blocks of pipe line excluding supply of reinforcement & its bending but including its fixing & binding the same with 0.50 mm thick binding wire in position & necessary centering & shuttering including curing and supply of sil materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (SOR-GZB CIRCLE)-1025 51 (1149) Mild steel or iron work in RCC wrought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work including supply of steel & wastage etc. GZB CIRCLE)-1149 52 Site Clearance and other unforeseen items (L.S) 53 Undergruound cableing work from old pump house to new rebor tubewell place including appropiret size of cable joint and other required material & work with inclding T&P all complete 54 Add GST 18%