Supply Of Surgical Items, Consumables And Equipments For Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gmch, Guwahati, Assam , Bilateral Table Mounted Retractor , Field Post,18” , Post Coupling 1” X ½ “ , Hinged Crossbar Frame , Angled Lateral Arm ½” X 8” X 16 “ , Quick Lock Blade Clamps , Swivel Blade, Harrington 11/2’’ X 5 ½ “ X 3 ½ “ , Swivel Blade, Sterna, 3 “ X 3 “ , Swivel Blade,Balfour 3 ½” X 3 ½” , Swivel Blade , Malleable 2 “ X 8 “ , Swivel Blade, Malleable 3 “ X 8” , Univ.Tmr Blade,Kelly,3 X 3 ½ “ (7.6 X 8.9 Cm) , Univ.Tmr Blade, Kelly, 2 X 4 “(5.1 X 10.2Cm) , Univ.Tmr Blade,Deaver, ¾ X ¼ “ (1.9 X 8.3Cm) , Univ,Tmr Extension Bridge , Offer For Laparoscopy Hand Instruments Make:Karl Storz,Germany. , Trocar ,Size 11 Mm , Trocar,Size 6 Mm , Clickline Kelly Grasping Forceps , Clickline Reddickolsen Grasp, Forceps , Clicklinegrasping Forceps , Clickline Croce-Olmi Grasping, Forceps , Clickline Bowel Forceps , Clickline Dissecting And Grasp, Forceps , Clicklinescissors Insert With Outer She Ath, Curved,Double Action Jaws, Spoon-S Haped Jaws, Length Of Blades 17 Mm, Size 5 Mm, Length 36 Cm, Sterile,For Single Use, Package Of 10 , Clickline Plastic Handle, Without Ratchet, With Larger Contact Area At The Finger Ring, With Connector Pin For Unipolar Coagulation , Coagulating And Dissecting Electrode,Lshaped,With Connector Pin For Unipolar Coagulation,Size 5 Mm,Working Length 36 Cm , Coagulating And Dissecting Electrode,Spatula-Sheaped,Blunt With Conn Ector Pin For Unipolar Coagulation,Size 5 Mm, Working Length 36 Cm , Robi Kelly Grasping Forceps,Clermontferand Model,Rotating,Disman Tling,With Connector Pin For Bipolar Coagulation, Especially Suitable For Dissection,Double Action Jaws,Size 5 Mm, Length 36 Cm, Color Cod:Light Blue Consisting Of:38151 Robi Plastic Handle,Without Ratche 38600 Robi Metal Outer Shealth 38610 Md Robi Forceps Insert , Bipolar Cablr , Unipolar High Frequency Cord,With 4 Mm Plug,Length 300 Cm, For Model S Karl Storz,Erbe Type T,Older Models And Eliman , Koh Macro Needle Holder,Ergonomic Handie With Ratchet,Left Curved Jaw S, With Lungsten Carbide Inserts, 0 5 Mm,Length 33 Cm For Use With Uture Material 0/0-70/ , Clip Applicator,Dismantling,Rotating,Size 10 Mm, Length 36 Cm, With Ratchet To Look The Jaw Holding The Clip, Consisting Of :30440 Et Insert,For Se With Ethicon Titanium-Clips Lt-300?(Medium Large) , Reducer, 11/5 Mm , Reduction Sleeve, 11/5 Mm , Seal Bonnet (50/4) , 392350 Item Name , A. Forceps(D3) , Ring Tipped Micro Forceps 0.5 Mm , Adsons Forceps Nontoothed , Gerald Forceps , Angled Tipped Forceps 2Mm , Angled Tipped Forceps Fine , B. Bull Dogs(D3) , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Glover Straight , Gregory Straight , C.Scissors(D3) , Iris Sharp Straight Scissors , Kelly Vascular Straight(Iris Like Tip) , Reynoids Tenotomy Straight Sharp , Reynolds Tenotomy Curved Blunt , Diethrich-Hageman(“Potts)60D , D.Needle Holders(D3) , 8/0 Castrovieijo Ss , 6/0 Castroviejio Ss , 5/0 Castroviejo Ss , E.Miscellaneous(D3) , Nerve Hook , Micro Mosquito Curved , Comp-Continental-Lt General Donor Set(D1)V2 , (A)General(D1) , Kidney Tray , Bowl Big , Bowl Small , Poole Suction , Fine Suction , Tower Clips , Tibbs Cannula , Tibbs Cannula , Bp Handle , Bp Handle , Wastson Cheyne Medium , Wastson Cheyne Small , Lacrimal Probe 1-2.5 Mm , Clip Applicator Large , Clip Applicator Medium , Clip Applicator Small , (B)Grasping/Retracting Instruments (D1) , Allis Long , Allis Long , Sponge Holding , Babcocks Small , Babcock Nt Medium , Duvalforceps , Langenbecks , Langenbecks Medium 6.75” , Langenbeckssmall 6.75” , Cats Paw Retractor , Morris , Deavers , Kellys , Malleable , Cushing Eyelid Retractor Medium 8” , Cushing Eyelid Retractor Small 8” , (C)Dissecting Instruments(D1) , C1.Forceps/Arteries/Rt Angles , Long Debakey(Thick Tip) , Long Debakey(Fine Tip) , Medium Debakey , Debakey , Debakey , Toothed Forceps (Skin Closure) , Curved Mosquito , Straight Mosquito , Curved Artery(Kelly) , Long Roberts , Long Roberts , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Mixter Rt Angle , Gemini Rt Angle , C2.Scissors , Mayo Curved , Mayo Curved , Mayo Straight , Long Curved , Long Curved , Long Curved(Fine) , Metzenbaum Curved , Metzenbaum Curved , Sture Cutting(Fine) , (D)Suturing Instruments(D1) , Needle Holders , Heavy Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , Comp-Lt Cadaver Set Vs 25.02.25 , (A)General , Kidney Tray , Bowl Big , Bowl Small , Poole Suction , Fine Suction , Plastic Suction , Tibbs Cannula , Tibbs Cannula , Bp Handle , Bp Handle , Watson Cheyne Medium , Watson Cheyne Small , Multi Clip Applicator Medium , Gigli Saw + Handles , Towel Clips , Bone Wax , (B) Grasping/Retractor Instruments , Allis Long , Allis Long , Sponge Holding , Langenbecks Medium , Langenbecks Small , Babcocks , Morris Retractor , Deavers Retractor , Kellys Retractor , Balfour Abdominal Self Retaining , Chest Spreader Double Blade , Nerve Hook(Krayenbuh) , Kochers , Cats Paw Retractor , Eyelid Retractor(Large Tip) , (C) Dissecting Instruments , D1.Forceps/Arteries/Angles , Long Debakey Forceps , Medium Debakey Forceps , Debakey Forceps , Toothed Forceps(Skin Closure) , Curved Mosquito , Straight Mosquito , Curved Artery(Kelly) , Long Roberts , Long Roberts , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Mixter Rt Angle , Kockers Straight , D2.Scissors , Mayo Curved(Heavy) , Mayo Straight , Long Curved , Long Curved(Fine) , Metzenbaum Curved , Metzenbaum Curved , Suture Cutting(Fine) , Diethrich Scissors 60 Degrees , Jameson Scissors Curved , Right Angled Scissors(De-Martel) , (D) Vascular Instruments , V1.Clamps , Spoon Clamp Medium , Satinsy Small , Straight Clamp , V2.Bull Dogs , Straight , (E)Suturing Instruments , (S1).Needle Holders , Heavy Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , (F)Miscellaneous , Arterial Cannula , Arterial Caannula , Venous Cannula , Adaotors For Cannula , Umbilical Tape , Vascular Loops(Col , Weighing Scale , Perfusion Solution , Perfusion Iv Sets , Comp-Lt General Recipient Set(R1)Vs , (A) General(R1) , Kidney Tray , Bowl Big , Bowl Small , Poole Suction , Fine Suction , Towel Clips , Tibbs Cannula , Tibbs Cannula , Bp Handle , Bp Handle , Watson Cheyne Medium , Watson Cheyene Small , Lacrimal Probe 1-2.5 Mm , Clip Applicator Large , Clip Applicator Medium , Clip Applicator Small , (A) Grasping/Retracting Instruments(R1) , Allis Long , Allis Long , Kochers , Sponge Holding , Langenbecks Medium 6.75” , Langenbecks Small 6.75” , Babcocksmall , Babcocks Nt Medium , Duval Forceps , Cats Paw Retractor , Morris , Deavers , Kellys , Malleable , Eyelid Retractor , Travers Self Retaining Retractor , Bowl Clamp Straight , Bowel Clamp Curved , (C) Dissecting Instruments , C1.Forceps/Arteries/Rt Angles , Long Debakey , Long Debakey(Fine Tip) , Medium Debakey , Debakey , Debakey , Russian , Toothed Forceps(Skin Closure) , Curved Mosquito , Curved Mosquito , Straight Mosquito , Curved Arty(Kelly) , Long Roberts , Long Roberts , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Mixter Rt Angle , Gemini , (C2.Scissors , Mayo Curved , Mayo Curved , Mayo Straight , Long Curved , Long Curved , Long Curved(Fine) , Metzenbaun Curved , Metzenbaun Curved , Suture Cutting(Fine) , Potts Scissors Long Tip , Potts Scissors Short Tip , Curved Tenotomy Scissors , Straight Tenotomy Scissors(F) , Gold Handle Curved Sciss(F) , Gold Handle Curved Sciss(F) , Gold Handle Curved Sciss(F) , De-Martel Right Angled 90D Scissors , (A) Suturing Instruments: , Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , (F) Miscellaneous , Nerve Hook(Krayenbuh) , Benching Set , Bowl (For Liver)2 Sizes , Ice Breaker , Hammer , Light Source , Metzenbaum Scissors Curved Small , Metzenbaum Scissors Curved Medium , Metzenbaum Scissors Straight Medium , Tenotomy Scissors Straight 4.5” , Potts Scissors Right Angle , Potts Scissors 45 D , Debakery Forceps 7” , Debakey Forceps 8” , Adson Fine Forceps(Straight)6” , Angled Tip Forceps(Fine) , Bayonnet Forceps , Right Angled Forceps , Needle Holder Standard 8” , Castrovieijio(6/0)8” Straight Ss , Castroviejio(3/0)8”Straight Ss , Wastson Cheyne Probe Medium , Waston Cheyne Probe Small , Mosquito Curved , Mosquito Straight , Bull Dog Medium Straight 16Mm Law , Tibbs Cannula Small , Tibbs Cannulamedium , Babcocks Small , Langenbecks Small , Lagenbecks Small , Laheys Right Angle Small , Mixter Right Angle Medium , Nerve Hook , Comp-R2-Recipient Clamp Set V3 Revised 25.02.23 , Spoon Clamp Small 14 Cm , Spoon Clamp Medium , Long Straight Vascular Clamp , 45D Vascluar Clamp For Pv , Comp-Lt Recipient Micro Vascular Set(R3) V3 , A.Forceps(R3) , Ring Tipped Micro Forceps 0.5 Mm , Ring Tipped Micro Forceps , Adsons Forceps Nontoothed , Gerald Forceps , Angled Tipped Forceps 2Mm , Angled Tipped Forceps Fine , B.Bull Dogs(R3) , Heavy Bd Curved , Heavy Bd Straight , Heavy Bd Spring , Fine Bd Spring , Fine Bd Curved , Fine Bd Curved , Titanium Mini Glover(Straight) , Titanium Mini Glover(Curved) , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Glover Straight , Gregory , C.Scissors(R3) , Iris Sharp Straight Scissors , Kelly Vascular Stright(Iris Like Tip) , Reynolds Tenotomy Straight Sharp , Reynolds Tenotomy Curved Blunt , Microscissors 25D Angled Straight , Microscissors Curved , Diethrich Hagemen(“Potts)60D , Diethrich Hagemen(“Potts)90D , D.Needle Holder(R3) , 8/0 Castroviejio 8” Titanium , 6/0 Castroviejio 8” , 6/0 Castroviejio 7”Ss , 5/0 Castroviejio 8” Ss , E.Miscellaneous(R3) , Neve Hook , Micro Mosquito Curved , D 2 Clamp Set Revised V3 25.02.23 , Spoon Clamp Small 14Cm , Spoon Clamp Medium , 45D Vascular , Required Instruments In Gi Surgery Operation Theatre Gmch , Thomson Abdominal Retractor Set , C-Arm , Argon Plasma Coagulator(Apc Applicator) , Thromboelastrography-Graph (Teg)Machine , Articulating Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 45 Mm Blue Cartridge Compatible With Gia Ultra Universal Stapler , Articulating Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 60 Mm Blue Cartridge Compatible With Gia Ultra Universal Stapler , Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic Universal Stapler Shaft Length Of 6 Cm Which Can Accommodate All Sizes Of Cartridges Like 30 Mm, 45 Mm And 60 Mm Cartridges , Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic Universal Stapler Shaft Length Of 16 Cm Which Can Accommodate All Sizes Of Cartridges Like 30 Mm, 45 Mm And 60 Mm Cartridges , Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic Universal Stapler Shaft Length Of 26 Cm Which Can Accommodate All Sizes Of Cartridges Like 30 Mm, 45 Mm And 60 Mm Cartridges , Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 60 Mm Stapler With Preloaded Medium/Thick Tristaple Cartridge With Fresh Knife And Varied Height Staple (With Open Staple Height 3 Mm-3.5 Mm-4 Mm And Closed Staple Height Range 1.5 Mm - 2.25 Mm) In Three Different Rows , Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 60 Mm Medium/Thick Tristaple Cartridge With Fresh Knife And Varied Height Staple (With Open Staple Height 3 Mm-3.5 Mm-4 Mm And Closed Staple Height Range 1.5 Mm - 2.25 Mm) In Three Different Rows , Over Bed Instrument Trolley (Stainless)