
Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items, Consumables And Equipments For Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gmch, Guwahati, Assam, guwahati-Assam

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items, Consumables And Equipments For Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gmch, Guwahati, Assam. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-03-2025. Surgical Disposable Tenders in guwahati Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items, Consumables And Equipments For Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gmch, Guwahati, Assam
Open Tender

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply Of Surgical Items, Consumables And Equipments For Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gmch, Guwahati, Assam , Bilateral Table Mounted Retractor , Field Post,18” , Post Coupling 1” X ½ “ , Hinged Crossbar Frame , Angled Lateral Arm ½” X 8” X 16 “ , Quick Lock Blade Clamps , Swivel Blade, Harrington 11/2’’ X 5 ½ “ X 3 ½ “ , Swivel Blade, Sterna, 3 “ X 3 “ , Swivel Blade,Balfour 3 ½” X 3 ½” , Swivel Blade , Malleable 2 “ X 8 “ , Swivel Blade, Malleable 3 “ X 8” , Univ.Tmr Blade,Kelly,3 X 3 ½ “ (7.6 X 8.9 Cm) , Univ.Tmr Blade, Kelly, 2 X 4 “(5.1 X 10.2Cm) , Univ.Tmr Blade,Deaver, ¾ X ¼ “ (1.9 X 8.3Cm) , Univ,Tmr Extension Bridge , Offer For Laparoscopy Hand Instruments Make:Karl Storz,Germany. , Trocar ,Size 11 Mm , Trocar,Size 6 Mm , Clickline Kelly Grasping Forceps , Clickline Reddickolsen Grasp, Forceps , Clicklinegrasping Forceps , Clickline Croce-Olmi Grasping, Forceps , Clickline Bowel Forceps , Clickline Dissecting And Grasp, Forceps , Clicklinescissors Insert With Outer She Ath, Curved,Double Action Jaws, Spoon-S Haped Jaws, Length Of Blades 17 Mm, Size 5 Mm, Length 36 Cm, Sterile,For Single Use, Package Of 10 , Clickline Plastic Handle, Without Ratchet, With Larger Contact Area At The Finger Ring, With Connector Pin For Unipolar Coagulation , Coagulating And Dissecting Electrode,Lshaped,With Connector Pin For Unipolar Coagulation,Size 5 Mm,Working Length 36 Cm , Coagulating And Dissecting Electrode,Spatula-Sheaped,Blunt With Conn Ector Pin For Unipolar Coagulation,Size 5 Mm, Working Length 36 Cm , Robi Kelly Grasping Forceps,Clermontferand Model,Rotating,Disman Tling,With Connector Pin For Bipolar Coagulation, Especially Suitable For Dissection,Double Action Jaws,Size 5 Mm, Length 36 Cm, Color Cod:Light Blue Consisting Of:38151 Robi Plastic Handle,Without Ratche 38600 Robi Metal Outer Shealth 38610 Md Robi Forceps Insert , Bipolar Cablr , Unipolar High Frequency Cord,With 4 Mm Plug,Length 300 Cm, For Model S Karl Storz,Erbe Type T,Older Models And Eliman , Koh Macro Needle Holder,Ergonomic Handie With Ratchet,Left Curved Jaw S, With Lungsten Carbide Inserts, 0 5 Mm,Length 33 Cm For Use With Uture Material 0/0-70/ , Clip Applicator,Dismantling,Rotating,Size 10 Mm, Length 36 Cm, With Ratchet To Look The Jaw Holding The Clip, Consisting Of :30440 Et Insert,For Se With Ethicon Titanium-Clips Lt-300?(Medium Large) , Reducer, 11/5 Mm , Reduction Sleeve, 11/5 Mm , Seal Bonnet (50/4) , 392350 Item Name , A. Forceps(D3) , Ring Tipped Micro Forceps 0.5 Mm , Adsons Forceps Nontoothed , Gerald Forceps , Angled Tipped Forceps 2Mm , Angled Tipped Forceps Fine , B. Bull Dogs(D3) , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Glover Straight , Gregory Straight , C.Scissors(D3) , Iris Sharp Straight Scissors , Kelly Vascular Straight(Iris Like Tip) , Reynoids Tenotomy Straight Sharp , Reynolds Tenotomy Curved Blunt , Diethrich-Hageman(“Potts)60D , D.Needle Holders(D3) , 8/0 Castrovieijo Ss , 6/0 Castroviejio Ss , 5/0 Castroviejo Ss , E.Miscellaneous(D3) , Nerve Hook , Micro Mosquito Curved , Comp-Continental-Lt General Donor Set(D1)V2 , (A)General(D1) , Kidney Tray , Bowl Big , Bowl Small , Poole Suction , Fine Suction , Tower Clips , Tibbs Cannula , Tibbs Cannula , Bp Handle , Bp Handle , Wastson Cheyne Medium , Wastson Cheyne Small , Lacrimal Probe 1-2.5 Mm , Clip Applicator Large , Clip Applicator Medium , Clip Applicator Small , (B)Grasping/Retracting Instruments (D1) , Allis Long , Allis Long , Sponge Holding , Babcocks Small , Babcock Nt Medium , Duvalforceps , Langenbecks , Langenbecks Medium 6.75” , Langenbeckssmall 6.75” , Cats Paw Retractor , Morris , Deavers , Kellys , Malleable , Cushing Eyelid Retractor Medium 8” , Cushing Eyelid Retractor Small 8” , (C)Dissecting Instruments(D1) , C1.Forceps/Arteries/Rt Angles , Long Debakey(Thick Tip) , Long Debakey(Fine Tip) , Medium Debakey , Debakey , Debakey , Toothed Forceps (Skin Closure) , Curved Mosquito , Straight Mosquito , Curved Artery(Kelly) , Long Roberts , Long Roberts , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Mixter Rt Angle , Gemini Rt Angle , C2.Scissors , Mayo Curved , Mayo Curved , Mayo Straight , Long Curved , Long Curved , Long Curved(Fine) , Metzenbaum Curved , Metzenbaum Curved , Sture Cutting(Fine) , (D)Suturing Instruments(D1) , Needle Holders , Heavy Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , Comp-Lt Cadaver Set Vs 25.02.25 , (A)General , Kidney Tray , Bowl Big , Bowl Small , Poole Suction , Fine Suction , Plastic Suction , Tibbs Cannula , Tibbs Cannula , Bp Handle , Bp Handle , Watson Cheyne Medium , Watson Cheyne Small , Multi Clip Applicator Medium , Gigli Saw + Handles , Towel Clips , Bone Wax , (B) Grasping/Retractor Instruments , Allis Long , Allis Long , Sponge Holding , Langenbecks Medium , Langenbecks Small , Babcocks , Morris Retractor , Deavers Retractor , Kellys Retractor , Balfour Abdominal Self Retaining , Chest Spreader Double Blade , Nerve Hook(Krayenbuh) , Kochers , Cats Paw Retractor , Eyelid Retractor(Large Tip) , (C) Dissecting Instruments , D1.Forceps/Arteries/Angles , Long Debakey Forceps , Medium Debakey Forceps , Debakey Forceps , Toothed Forceps(Skin Closure) , Curved Mosquito , Straight Mosquito , Curved Artery(Kelly) , Long Roberts , Long Roberts , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Mixter Rt Angle , Kockers Straight , D2.Scissors , Mayo Curved(Heavy) , Mayo Straight , Long Curved , Long Curved(Fine) , Metzenbaum Curved , Metzenbaum Curved , Suture Cutting(Fine) , Diethrich Scissors 60 Degrees , Jameson Scissors Curved , Right Angled Scissors(De-Martel) , (D) Vascular Instruments , V1.Clamps , Spoon Clamp Medium , Satinsy Small , Straight Clamp , V2.Bull Dogs , Straight , (E)Suturing Instruments , (S1).Needle Holders , Heavy Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , (F)Miscellaneous , Arterial Cannula , Arterial Caannula , Venous Cannula , Adaotors For Cannula , Umbilical Tape , Vascular Loops(Col , Weighing Scale , Perfusion Solution , Perfusion Iv Sets , Comp-Lt General Recipient Set(R1)Vs , (A) General(R1) , Kidney Tray , Bowl Big , Bowl Small , Poole Suction , Fine Suction , Towel Clips , Tibbs Cannula , Tibbs Cannula , Bp Handle , Bp Handle , Watson Cheyne Medium , Watson Cheyene Small , Lacrimal Probe 1-2.5 Mm , Clip Applicator Large , Clip Applicator Medium , Clip Applicator Small , (A) Grasping/Retracting Instruments(R1) , Allis Long , Allis Long , Kochers , Sponge Holding , Langenbecks Medium 6.75” , Langenbecks Small 6.75” , Babcocksmall , Babcocks Nt Medium , Duval Forceps , Cats Paw Retractor , Morris , Deavers , Kellys , Malleable , Eyelid Retractor , Travers Self Retaining Retractor , Bowl Clamp Straight , Bowel Clamp Curved , (C) Dissecting Instruments , C1.Forceps/Arteries/Rt Angles , Long Debakey , Long Debakey(Fine Tip) , Medium Debakey , Debakey , Debakey , Russian , Toothed Forceps(Skin Closure) , Curved Mosquito , Curved Mosquito , Straight Mosquito , Curved Arty(Kelly) , Long Roberts , Long Roberts , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Long Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Medium Lahey Rt Angle , Mixter Rt Angle , Gemini , (C2.Scissors , Mayo Curved , Mayo Curved , Mayo Straight , Long Curved , Long Curved , Long Curved(Fine) , Metzenbaun Curved , Metzenbaun Curved , Suture Cutting(Fine) , Potts Scissors Long Tip , Potts Scissors Short Tip , Curved Tenotomy Scissors , Straight Tenotomy Scissors(F) , Gold Handle Curved Sciss(F) , Gold Handle Curved Sciss(F) , Gold Handle Curved Sciss(F) , De-Martel Right Angled 90D Scissors , (A) Suturing Instruments: , Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Heavy Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Fine Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , Ryder Needle Holder , (F) Miscellaneous , Nerve Hook(Krayenbuh) , Benching Set , Bowl (For Liver)2 Sizes , Ice Breaker , Hammer , Light Source , Metzenbaum Scissors Curved Small , Metzenbaum Scissors Curved Medium , Metzenbaum Scissors Straight Medium , Tenotomy Scissors Straight 4.5” , Potts Scissors Right Angle , Potts Scissors 45 D , Debakery Forceps 7” , Debakey Forceps 8” , Adson Fine Forceps(Straight)6” , Angled Tip Forceps(Fine) , Bayonnet Forceps , Right Angled Forceps , Needle Holder Standard 8” , Castrovieijio(6/0)8” Straight Ss , Castroviejio(3/0)8”Straight Ss , Wastson Cheyne Probe Medium , Waston Cheyne Probe Small , Mosquito Curved , Mosquito Straight , Bull Dog Medium Straight 16Mm Law , Tibbs Cannula Small , Tibbs Cannulamedium , Babcocks Small , Langenbecks Small , Lagenbecks Small , Laheys Right Angle Small , Mixter Right Angle Medium , Nerve Hook , Comp-R2-Recipient Clamp Set V3 Revised 25.02.23 , Spoon Clamp Small 14 Cm , Spoon Clamp Medium , Long Straight Vascular Clamp , 45D Vascluar Clamp For Pv , Comp-Lt Recipient Micro Vascular Set(R3) V3 , A.Forceps(R3) , Ring Tipped Micro Forceps 0.5 Mm , Ring Tipped Micro Forceps , Adsons Forceps Nontoothed , Gerald Forceps , Angled Tipped Forceps 2Mm , Angled Tipped Forceps Fine , B.Bull Dogs(R3) , Heavy Bd Curved , Heavy Bd Straight , Heavy Bd Spring , Fine Bd Spring , Fine Bd Curved , Fine Bd Curved , Titanium Mini Glover(Straight) , Titanium Mini Glover(Curved) , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Straight , Diethrich Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Debakey Curved , Glover Straight , Gregory , C.Scissors(R3) , Iris Sharp Straight Scissors , Kelly Vascular Stright(Iris Like Tip) , Reynolds Tenotomy Straight Sharp , Reynolds Tenotomy Curved Blunt , Microscissors 25D Angled Straight , Microscissors Curved , Diethrich Hagemen(“Potts)60D , Diethrich Hagemen(“Potts)90D , D.Needle Holder(R3) , 8/0 Castroviejio 8” Titanium , 6/0 Castroviejio 8” , 6/0 Castroviejio 7”Ss , 5/0 Castroviejio 8” Ss , E.Miscellaneous(R3) , Neve Hook , Micro Mosquito Curved , D 2 Clamp Set Revised V3 25.02.23 , Spoon Clamp Small 14Cm , Spoon Clamp Medium , 45D Vascular , Required Instruments In Gi Surgery Operation Theatre Gmch , Thomson Abdominal Retractor Set , C-Arm , Argon Plasma Coagulator(Apc Applicator) , Thromboelastrography-Graph (Teg)Machine , Articulating Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 45 Mm Blue Cartridge Compatible With Gia Ultra Universal Stapler , Articulating Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 60 Mm Blue Cartridge Compatible With Gia Ultra Universal Stapler , Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic Universal Stapler Shaft Length Of 6 Cm Which Can Accommodate All Sizes Of Cartridges Like 30 Mm, 45 Mm And 60 Mm Cartridges , Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic Universal Stapler Shaft Length Of 16 Cm Which Can Accommodate All Sizes Of Cartridges Like 30 Mm, 45 Mm And 60 Mm Cartridges , Endo Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic Universal Stapler Shaft Length Of 26 Cm Which Can Accommodate All Sizes Of Cartridges Like 30 Mm, 45 Mm And 60 Mm Cartridges , Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 60 Mm Stapler With Preloaded Medium/Thick Tristaple Cartridge With Fresh Knife And Varied Height Staple (With Open Staple Height 3 Mm-3.5 Mm-4 Mm And Closed Staple Height Range 1.5 Mm - 2.25 Mm) In Three Different Rows , Gastro Intestinal Anastomotic 60 Mm Medium/Thick Tristaple Cartridge With Fresh Knife And Varied Height Staple (With Open Staple Height 3 Mm-3.5 Mm-4 Mm And Closed Staple Height Range 1.5 Mm - 2.25 Mm) In Three Different Rows , Over Bed Instrument Trolley (Stainless)

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INR 50000.0 /-
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