Tender For 2000165196-Bus Trans Amnst To Plant 2000 Km For Emp 2000165196 10 10 10 HIRING OF VEHICLE FOR TRANSPORTATION 36 NO 20 EXTRA KM FOR HIRED VEHICLE 18,000 KM 30 EXTRA HOURS OF VEHICLE RUNNING 1,000 STD Email : nikhil.singh@amns.in Contact : Name : Admin_SS Admin_SS Item Details : Supply of AC Bus (non-branded) for Employees from AMNS Township to plant. 2000 KM from 1st March 25 to 31st August 25: - Deputation of Buses along with driver under Contractors own supervision (minimum 6) on monthly hiring basis at AMNSI, Hazira. Transportation: - In Contractor scope. Insurance In Contractor scope. Cost inclusive of - RTO Tax, Insurance, Permit, Fitness, Maintenance, Fuel, Drivers, PUC, Parking, Cleaner, etc. including complete cost of services as per this scope document. Additional safety requirements: Seat Belt for drivers, GPS. 1. A Telephone number to be displayed on rear side of bus for other road users to report Behavior of Driver. 2. Requirement of Buses: Driver’s License to be verified on Parivahan MORTH Site, IX: Driver fitness (High Diabetic) 3. Special Terms and Conditions: Age of Bus to be defined: Max 5 years (model 2020) (basis on corrosion rate/ costal region). 4. Speed limit: Follow regulatory req uirements as specified by NH/ RH etc. Fire Extinguishers, First Aid Box and Glass Breaker / Hammer (for AC Buses) to be installed. Control/access of all bus CCTV <(>&<)> GPS to be shared to AMNS transport team. Detailed SOW as below: Role of AMNS Transport department in Bus Services: - Giving direction regarding route, Timing, Stops etc. Inspection of the Bus. Monthly Audit Checking the strengths of the buses regularly. Ensuring all buses should reached timely at plant location. Route authorization Requirement of Buses: - Documentary: - I. RTO registration II. PUC III. Insurance IV. RTO tax V. Permit VI. Fitness of vehicle VII. Road Tax VIII. Heavy Driving license IX. Driver Fitness certificate (No color blindness, epilepsy <(>&<)> blood pressure) X. Driver should have a minimum of 3 years heavy vehicle driving experience XI. Driver Police verification before joining Physical Condition: - I. Seat Cover II. Driver Seat Belt IV. Maintenance to be done in regular mode and report to submit to AMNS transport team. V. Bus Condition VI. Tyre Condition VII. Cleanliness VIII. Road worthiness IX. Driver <(>&<)> cleaner should be in uniform X. Shoes are mandate for driver <(>&<)> cleaner Attending the complaints: - If there are any complaints received Note down the complaints, The particular of the complaints and proceed the investigation and inform to Transport Manager. Rectify if possible and seek assistance from your seniors. Daily Reporting: - Driver <(>&<)> cleaner daily scrum report. SCRUM is a gate pass process at AMNSI Hazira Works. Daily GPS report to submit at AMNS transport office Vehicle engagement and dedicated vehicle list. Driver attendance. Page 2 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000130026 Date 06.03.2025 Submission Date 13.03.2025 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Shail Kumari Yadav Contact Email ShailKumari.Yadav@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details The permit for the movement inside the city is obtained by the vendor from RTO office. Vacuum cleaning machine <(>&<)> water jet spray should be available with the agency for bus cleaning activity. Parking <(>&<)> water for cleaning will be under service provider scope Special Terms <(>&<)> Conditions 1) All buses provided under contract must be commercial passing (as per Surat RTO Act) and with Complete documents. 2) The contractor should claim Garage to Garage running KM (3 km / one side) and needs to be certified by Transport In charge. 3) Contractor should depute 1 representative to cover all shift monitoring mentioned below: - 4) Buses Should be in good condition as per the requirement of company management. 7) Safety <(>&<)> Medical kit should be available in each bus. All-purpose Fire Extinguisher should be available on the bus 8) Emergency Exit provision should be there. 9) 24/7 Emergency helpline details should be displayed in the bus. - AMNSI reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vehicles as and when such need arises. For any such increase or decrease in the number of vehicles, the same rate <(>&<)> terms shall be applicable. 3.0 ACCOUNTABILITIES The contractor will ensure the following: 1. Original R.C Book, R.T.O <(>&<)> Insurance of the vehicle. 2. Driver should not leave the vehicle without reliever. 3. Allocate the dedicated mobile along with the SIM card to each car driver and supervisor. 4. Any recurring breakdown more than 2 times in a month will be penalized. The penalty amount will be 2 % of the billing value of the breakdown vehicle. 4.0 TIMING 4.1 Vehicle in General shift <(>&<)> Rotating shift vehicle shall start from designated locations on time and follow the notified route only as per the instructions of Officer in Charge, AMNSI. 4.2 All the vehicles shall arrive at Site 15 minutes before the start of the shift. 4.3 The delay in arrival of vehicles on account of reasons beyond your control, like stoppage at railway crossing, roadblock, heavy rain etc will not be treated as late arrival. 4.4 Shift vehicle drivers duty should not be more than 12 hours. 4.5 In case of any breakdown of a vehicle on the route, Contractor will ensure the replacement of a vehicle / substitute vehicle within 30 minutes, failing which, Contractor shall be liable to reimburse expenses incurred by employees / company to reach the notified location / residence. 4.6 All seat covers will be maintained in a neat, clean and good condition and to be washed periodically (6 monthly) as per the instruction of Officer in-charge. 4.7 All vehicles should have first Aid boxes and the same are to be properly maintained. AMNSI will provide necessary support to ensure that first aid boxes are re-plenished as per requirement. 4.8 The speed limit is to be maintained as per decided by and informed by Officer In charge from time to time. The violation of exceeding the speed limit will be penalized. Speed limit as below: - In Plant 20 kmph and out side plant 60 kmph. 4.9 None of your staff, including drivers/conductors will consume alcohol/toxic material during duty hours. If found under the influence of alcohol penalty of Rs 50000/per incident. 4.10 The spare wheels and tools kit must be made available with each vehicle for replacement of tyre/minor repairs. Make sure Spare wheels are in working condition. If found non-compliance than Rs 5000/per incident. 4.11 Windows of all buses shall have a proper locking system. No water leakage 4.12 Window glasses should be tinted or covered with sun control films as per R.T.O norms. You should also provide cloth curtains on windows as per RTO norms. 4.13 Space between seats, width of seats, interiors, music system etc. shall be in place as per the instructions of the officer in charge, AMNSI. 4.14 Seat ergonomic should be comfotable 6.0 GENERAL 6.1 All vehicles shall have a complaint and suggestion book <(>&<)> it shall be provided to authorized people on demand. 6.2 All your staff including drivers/conductors should not engage in any unpleasant argument / disc ussion with our employees /authorized person. 6.3 The vehicles designated for us shall not be used for any purpose other than for AMNSI. 6.4 No people other than our employees / authorized persons will travel in any vehicles. 6.5 Contractor will ensure the availability of Page 3 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000130026 Date 06.03.2025 Submission Date 13.03.2025 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Shail Kumari Yadav Contact Email ShailKumari.Yadav@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details driver, spare tyres, tools and other necessary accessories, diesel, oil etc at your own cost to ensure that the vehicles are available for us every day in a ready condition. Similarly, the entire running cost, payment of salary, overtime, insurance premium, taxes, permit etc will be in your scope. 6.6 In case of breach of any term and conditions of this contract, the company reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason thereof and that you will not be entitled to claim any damage or compensation from the company. However, the contract can be terminated by either party after giving 30 days’ notice to other party. 6.7 Contractor shall ensure proper maintain logbook duly verified by officer in-charge. 6.8 Any communication / letter delivered to your driver / representative shall be deemed to have been delivered by Contractor. 6.9 Contractor shall comply with all labour and in dustrial laws including contract labour (regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, all relevant RTO formalities <(>&<)> t Fund, Family Pension Scheme, Minimum wages act, Workmens compensation act, Deposit linked Insurance and such other acts and statutory compliance as may be applicable to you in respect of your employees engaged by you in co nnection with the work of the company. Contractor shall get himself statutorily registered and comply with such requirements as specified in the relevant Act/Rules/Scheme. i) It is contractors responsibility to provide Insurance copy/and renewal of Insurance copy to Admin Dept. 6.10 AMNSI shall not be liable for any past statutory dues to be paid by you as on date. 6.11 Contractor shall strictly observe Motor Vehicle Act <(>&<)> its Compliance. 6.12 Contractor shall arrange insurance for vehicles and staffs under comprehensive insurance and submit the copy of the same to the Admin Dept. AMNSI shall not be liable for any claims on account of loss or damages, injury or death or any other cause whatsoever which may occur while executing this Service Order. 6.13 Contractor shall have to submit copy of all papers related to vehicle, as demanded by officer in-charge from time to time, such as certificate of registration, fitness certificate, comprehensive insurance paper, PUC certificate, driving license, etc. 6.14 Contractor shall co-ordinate with our Admin department section for routes <(>&<)> their timings. 6.15 One day in every month may be allowed for maintenance, for vehicles plying in shifts, subject to prior permission and deployment of replacement of vehicle. For vehicle plying in general shift, Contractor shall take-up maintenance on weekly off days and no maintenance days shall be allowed. 6.16 The Driver/Cleaner of vehicle should wear neat and clean cloth and properly dressed up. 6.17 Contractor shall provide mobile phone to your vehicle drivers for better co-ordination. 6.18 Contractor shall depute one supervisor at their office, and he shall be responsible on your be-half to co-ordinate with our Admin department. He should be empowered to take day to day decisions and should be capable to resolve day-to-day problems. 6.19 Lodging, boarding <(>&<)> transportation of Contractor employees/ drivers shall be in the scope of contractor. 6.20 During the course of this contract, the contractor will have to obtain security entry passes for the driver and vehicle from competent authority of AMNSI in advance as per the rules. While working at AMNSI premises all safety and security rules as may be laid down from time to time by AMNSI will have to be strictly followed/observed. 6.21 Act and all the labour and industrial enactments at his cost and risk, in respect of all staff employed by contractor. It is to be clearly understood that the AMNSI shall have no privity with the staff employed by the contractor, viz. supervisors, driver, cleaner, conductors etc. for the operation of this contract. The contractor shall be their Page 4 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000130026 Date 06.03.2025 Submission Date 13.03.2025 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Shail Kumari Yadav Contact Email ShailKumari.Yadav@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details principal employer for all purpose. If due to any reason whatsoever, the AMNSI is made liable for any payment under any of the laws/acts the amount involved shall be payable by the contractor to the AMNSI and all such payments shall be recovered by the AMNSI from the dues payable to the contractor. 6.22 In the event of any dispute between the parties, the decision of competent authority of AMNSI shall be final and binding on both the parties. 6.23 The validity of contract can be extended further with same rates, terms and conditions based on satisfactory performance. The extension shall be only on discretion of AMNSI. (6) HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT AND SECURITY CLAUSE: - a) Contractor shall comply with all applicable safety, health, <(>&<)> Environmental laws, standards, codes and regulations, including the HSE rules framed and established by the AMNSI. Contractor shall cooperate and coordinate with AMNSI employees as well as with other contractors on safety matters and shall promptly comply with any specific HSE (Health, Safety, <(>&<)> Environment) instructions or directions given to Contractor by AMNSI. b) Within five (5) days after the date of this Contract, Contractor shall submit Contractors Health, Safety, <(>&<)> Environment program to the HSE department of AMNSI for approval. However, that the AMNSI#s approval of any such program shall not relieve Contractor of its other obligations hereunder. Contractor shall inform his employees, all HSE practices and the requirements of AMNSI. Contractor shall furnish suitable safety equipment and enforce the use of such safety gadgets / equipment’s by its employees. c) Before commencing work at AMNSI, the Contractor will ensure that the personnel being deployed: i. will be over 22 years of age (with minimum 03 years driving experience) ii. will have no Police Record iii. will have no record of alcohol or drug abuse iv. will have no chronic or contagious diseases v. will be physically and mentally fit vi. will be a trained and competent person (certification for same to be listed) vii. will be provided with Personnel Protective Equipment as per ports HSE department guidelines required for the work being carried out viii. will have completed the AMNSI Basic Safety Induction course. d) Upon the failure of Contractor to comply with any of the requirements set forth herein, the AMNSI shall have the authority to stop any operations of Contractor affected by such failure until the condition is remedied. Such part of the time or loss to property or injury to a person due to any such failure on the part of Contractor shall be made the subject of a claim by way of penalty in addition to the costs borne by AMNSI or loss or damage to any third party to bring the damaged property or other loss in reinstatement condition. e) The contractor will have to comply and follow the safety rules, regulations, penalties etc. published, modified, amended from time to time by AMNSI. f) Any breach of AMNSI Health, Safety, Environment and Security rules and regulations could result in suspension of work, statutory fines, claims for delays and damages / injury etc. and/or cancellation of the agreement. 5.0 CHARGES TOWARDS NON-COMPLIANCE: 5.1 In case of failure to comply with requirements the penalty shall be levied per instant as below. Penalty below is incident wise. a. Not following instructions of our representative. Rs.500/- b. Breakdown of vehicle thus causing inconvenience of staff Rs.10000/- c. Not positioning on vehicle at proper time. Rs.1000/- d. Vehicle not in clean condition. Rs.1000/- e. Misbehaviour of driver with staff Rs.2000/- (Min Rs. 200 or as Page 5 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000130026 Date 06.03.2025 Submission Date 13.03.2025 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Shail Kumari Yadav Contact Email ShailKumari.Yadav@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details decided by the Staff Member / Guest). f. Logbook to maintain if GPS is not working, without travel record Rs 1000/- g. Giving lift to unauthorized persons Rs.1000/- h. Non replacement of vehicle, vehicle will be de hired discretion of Company <(>&<)> payment in full will be deducted as per market rates for vehicle hired. i. Continuous duty of driver beyond 12 hrs. Rs.500/day in case of vehicle is hired for 24 Hr. j. Drivers without valid license Rs.5000/- k. Vehicle not insured. Rs.10000/- l. Tax for vehicle not paid in time Rs.1000/- m. Vehicle not parked in an orderly manner at site Rs.1000/- n. Non availability of spare wheel <(>&<)> tools and tackles Rs.1000/- o. Driver not available for duty Rs.5000/- (Contractor will ensure the replacement of a driver / assistant immediately, failing which, Contractor shall be liable to reimburse expenses incurred by employees / company to reach the notified location / residence.) p. Not following designated route Rs.5000/- q. Non-availability of First Aid Box Rs.3000/- r. Use of vehicles other than AMNSI Hazira. - Rs.2000/- s. Vehicle reaching late by 15 minutes Rs.500/-