tender for Augmentation Work Of 132/33 Kv, 80 Mva (With Filtration Work) In Place Of 40/50 Mva Transformer At 220Kv Gss Vkia With Transportation Of Replaced 132/33 Kv 40/50 Mva Transformer At 132 Kv Gss Sitapura For Replacing The Existing 132/33 Kv 20/25 Mva - Augmentation work of132/33 KV, 80 MVA in place of40/50MVA Transformer at 220KV GSS VKIA (WBS: AUTR/23.53.01) Sl. No. Item Description 1 Work Details 2 Laying of earthing risers of 75x12 mm size M.S. Flate at a depth of .80 meter from top level of foundation including excavation of trench of required depth and backfilling of the same transportation of M.S. Rod from site store to locations,preparation of risers bendinf as per requirement (after heating if nccessary(,fixing on and welding /bolting to equipment/structure and peacks of structures layinf in the trench welding to the earth mesh of M.S Rodas per drawing,including welding of extra length of M.S.Flate ifrequired application of btumen compound and covering with bitumen impregnated tap on all welded joints,paiting of all surface of risers above ground level with red oxide and green paint, for the type of soil prevalent at0 .80 metre below top level of foundatios(M.S.Rod of above sizes&M.S.Flate as rquired shall be made available by RVPNL).a)In case electricity is made available by RRVPNL without charges.i)Any soil, soft rock other than hard rock 3 Placing/Drawing of earth electrode of 40 mm dia.M.S.Rod of length 3.30 meters(approx) to a depth of 3.80 meters from the top level of foundations, including excavation of pit as required and backfilling of the same transportion of M.S. Rod from site to locations,cutting of M.S. Rod to desired length preparation of one end as spike if necessary ,welding of earth electrode to earth mesh.OF M.S. Rod as per drawing,application of btumen compound and covering with bitumen impregnated tapon all welded joints,for the type of soil prevalent at 3.80 metres below top level of foundation (M.S.Rod of above sizes&M.S.Flat as required shall be made available bya)In case electricity is made available by RRVPNL without charges.i)Any soil, soft rock other than hard rock 4 JUMPERS of ACSR conductor(3 nos Y type)between equipment or between bus to bus,including transportion of conductor,disc insulators and hardware from site stores to locations ,cleaning and assembly of disc insulators as along with fitting of suspension hardware and erectoin as reqired, cutting reqired length of conductor, making connections,fixing of spacers & spacer T-clamps as reqired,tightiening of clamps/connectors,dressing ect. For three phases.(Per jumper basis)1)Anyconductor 5 Erection of 132 KV class EHV Transformer (Gas filled tank already placed on foundation with wheels), including transportation of accessories from site store to locations,erections of HV,IV,LV & Netural bushings, Main & OLTC conservator ,radiators,equalizing pipe line,MK etc as per Manufactures drawing preparation of oil,oil filling,dehyradation of transformer(filter machine, oil tank & operating staff shall be provided by RVPN) electrical wiring from individual equipment, e.g. Buchholz relay,MOLG,OSR etc. to Marshalling kiosk,etc. but excluding testing & commissioning of transformer.a) if electricity is available & arranged by RVPN without charges . 6 ERECTION OF SUB-STATION STEEL STRUCTURES columns, beams, lighting mast and equipment structures (excluding Circuit Breakers and Capacitor Banks) of all types including transportation of structure members, nuts & bolts, washers etc from site store to locations, their assembly, placing on foundation, fixing of template, with foundation bolts as required, levelling and preparing for grouting as required, but excluding grouting, erection after grouting and tightening & punching of nuts & bolts. (Maximum height of structures up to 20 metres) 7 ERECTION OF SUB-STATION EQUIPMENTErection of Isolators (Motorised/ Non motorised) on already erected steel structure including transportation of base frame, P Is contacts, mechanism box, clamps & connectors etc from site store to locations, minor fabrication as required and fixing of terminal connectors etc, adjustment / alignment of isolator and its earth blade, if provided for their smooth operation and final adjustment if required after jumpering including erection of PI.i) 132 KV a) Without Earth Blade 8 Erection of Current Transformer / Potential Transformer / Capacitive Voltage Transformer / Series Reactor / Residual Voltage Transformer / Neutral Current Transformer with clamps & connectors on already erected steel structure including transportation from site store to locations, fabrication of base frame, fixing of terminal connectors, tightening of nuts & bolts etc, complete in all respects. iii) 33 KV or 11 KV CT / PT 9 ERECTION OF MARSHALLING KIOSK / Line Matching Unit (LMU) / Line Matching & Distribution Unit (LMDU) complete in all respect including transportation from site store to location, placing on foundation / cable trench as per layout, preparing for grouting of foundation bolts but excluding grouting etc.i) 220 KV or 132 KV Marshlling Kiosk 10 LAYING AND TERMINATION OF CABLES.Control Cables i)Laying of PVC insulated unarmored /armored control cables of 1.1 kv grade with copper condutor in cable trenches as per sepecification as required, including transportion of cable drum from site store to locations,cutting to required length,placing them on cable racks/cable trays/ cable batten and dressing,including removing and re-fixing trench covers as required, making necessary connections testing,cable marking on both termimating ends,ets.as required for all size from 2cx2.5 sq.to 20x2.5 sq mm & 4x4 sq mm and 4cX6 sq. mm.a)Unarmored control cable 11 ii) Fixing of control cable in position with single compression nickle plated brass cable glands confirming to IS 12943 & having three metal washers and one rubber ring including preparion of cables and drilling of corresponding holes in gland plated etc as reuired & including cost of cable glands,for each gland sizes.a) 19 mm Unarmored control cable 12 b) 25 mm Unarmored control cable 13 c) 32 mm Unarmored control cable 14 iii) Termination of wires of cables with copper conductor using copper terminal ends (pin or ring type as required of Dowell,s or equivalent make as approved by the Engineer-In-charge) duly cnmped with crimping tool,including making wire ends ready for crimping ferruling & dressing of wire etc as required including cost of terminal ends for all wires for each cable al lboth ends for cables of the following sizes.2.5 sq.mm For any number of core 15 4 sq.mm For any number of core 16 Erection of control &Relay panels complete in all rsepects including transportion from site store to control room,placing on foundation/cable trench as per layout,interconnection between control&Realy panels and with existing panels,fixing of side/top cov per layout,interconnection between control & Realy per layout,interconnection between control&Realy per layout,interconnection between control&Realypanels and with existing panels,fixing of side/top covers and doors,earthing to existing earth strip in control room,connection of bus wiring to existing panel and between control and realy as requirediii) Simplex panel,DC panel,RTCCpanel,PLCC panel etc. 17 Dismentaling of132KV EHV TransformerGas filled tank already placed on foundation with wheels), including transportation of accessories from site store to locations,erections of HV,IV,LV & Netural bushings, Main & OLTC conservator ,radiators,equalizing pipe line,MK etc as per Manufactures drawing preparation of oil,oil filling,dehyradation of transformer(filter machine, oil tank & operating staff shall be provided by RVPN) electrical wiring from individual equipment, e.g. Buchholz relay,MOLG,OSR etc. to Marshalling kiosk,etc. but excluding testing & commissioning of transformer.a) if electricity is available & arranged by RVPN without charges . 18 Dismentaling of JUMPERS of ACSR conductor(3 nos Y type)between equipment or between bus to bus,including transportion of conductor,disc insulators and hardware from site stores to locations ,cleaning and assembly of disc insulators as along with fitting of suspension hardware and erectoin as reqired, cutting reqired length of conductor, making connections,fixing of spacers & spacer T-clamps as reqired,tightiening of clamps/connectors,dressing ect. For three phases.(Per jumper basis)1)Anyconductor 19 Dismentaling of Current Transformer / Potential Transformer / Capacitive Voltage Transformer / Series Reactor / Residual Voltage Transformer / Neutral Current Transformer with clamps & connectors on already erected steel structure including transportation from site store to locations, fabrication of base frame, fixing of terminal connectors, tightening of nuts & bolts etc, complete in all respects.iii) 33 KV or 11 KV CT / PT 20 Erection of control &Relay panels complete in all rsepects including transportion from site store to control room,placing on foundation/cable trench as per layout,interconnection between control&Realy panels and with existing panels,fixing of side/top covers and doors,earthing to existing earth strip in control room,connection of bus wiring to existing panel and between control and realy as required iii) Simplex panel,DC panel,RTCC panel,PLCC panel etc. 21 Transportation Charges of Truck for 132/33 KV, 40/50 MVA Transformer 22 LoadingCharges of 132/33 KV, 40/50 MVA Transformer from old location 23 Unloading Charges of 132/33 KV, 40/50 MVA Transformer at New location 24 Dragging charges for 132/33 KV, 40/50 MVA Transformer from old location to track and track to new location 25 Filtration of Transformer oil of 132/33 KV, 80 MVA Power Transformerat 220 KV GSS VKIA (Jaipur) by providing High vacuum Filtration machine and oil testing kit, having 100kV capacity.