Tender For Execution Of Works Related To Supply And Installation Of Submersible Pump Sets, Panels, Cables And Other Allied Works Including Commissioning Of Tube Well Under District Div-I Jodhpur - 1 Supply & Installation of 3 phase ISI marked submersible motor pump set of three star or better ratingof BEE and asper IS: 8034-2018 (pump) and IS 9283-2013 (motor) or as amended up to date of approved make offollowingdutyconditionwithrequiredaccessoriesincludingmaking connectionsuitablefortubewell/DCB.Thejobincludesloweringof motorpump,installationofcompletefitting&accessories,jointingof electrical cables up to switch board, testing of submersible pump set and interconnection up to water mains, complete in all respect. 2 Up to 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 3 Up to 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 4 7.5 KW (10 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 5 7.5 KW (10 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 6 9.3 KW (12.5 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 7 9.3KW (12.5 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 8 11 KW (15 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 9 11 KW (15 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 10 13 KW (17.5 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 11 13 KW (17.5 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 12 15 KW (20 HP) and above, head up to 120 mtr. 13 15 KW (20 HP) and above, head above 120 mtr. 14 Supply and Fixing of electric control feeder panel comprising of suitable rating MCCB , fully automatic star-delta starter, over load relay,ampere meter with CTs, volt meter, phase preventer, suitable starting capacitors, phaseindicators,lightingarrangementetc.completesuitableforthree phasepumpset.Thepanelshouldhavespaceforenergymeter( suppliedby DISCOM). Alltheseequipmentsshallbehousedby panel boxmadeoutfrom18gaugeM.S.Sheetwithpowdercoating.Panel should be ofminimum size 900 x 600 x 450 mm withStand ( made of angleironofsize35x35x5mm) duly bolted/screwedwithenclosurebox having4legs,eachleg’slength18anddoubledoorincludinginbuilt locking system.The legs should be embedded in M-15 cement concrete platform.ThesizeofCCplatformshouldbeequalorbiggerthanthe base size of panel having height of at least 200 mm from ground level. Thepanelshouldhaveopeningofsuitablesizeinfrontofspacefor energy meter with glass for meter reading. The operation of panel should be suitable for on 440 Volt AC Supply. 15 Above 5 HP and up to 10 HP 16 Above 10 HP and up to 15 HP 17 Above 15 HP and up to 20 HP 18 Above 20 HP and up to 30 HP 19 Supply & Fixing of ISI marked three core PVC flat submersible cableas per IS 694:1990 or amended up to date and conductor as per class 5 of IS 8130:1980including making connection etc. 20 3 core 4.0 Sq.mm 21 3 core 6.0 Sq.mm 22 3 core 10.0 Sq.mm 23 3 core 16.0 Sq.mm 24 Supply & Fixing XLPE insulated / P.V.C. sheathed cable of 1.1 KV grade with aluminium conductor Armoured of IS:7098-I/1554-1 approved make ingroundasperIS:1255includingexcavationof30cmx75cmsize trench, 25 cm thick underlayer ofsand, second Class bricks covering, refilling earth, compaction of earth, making necessary connection, testingetc. as required of size. 25 10.0 Sq.mm, 4 core 26 16.0 Sq.mm, 4 core 27 25.0 Sq.mm, 3.5 core 28 35.0 Sq.mm, 3.5 core 29 PlateEarthingasperIS:3043withG.I.Earthplateofsize600mmx 600mm x 6.0mm by embodying3 to 4 mtr. below the ground level with 20 mm dia. G.I. B class watering Pipe including all accessories like nut, bolts,reducer,nipple,wiremeshedfunnel,andC.C. finishedchamber coveredwithhingedtypewithlockingarrangementC.I.Cover, C.I. Frameofsize300mmx300mmcompletewithalternatelayersofsalt and coke/charcoal, testing of earth resistance as required. 30 Supply & Fixing M S clamp set of 50x6 mm flat from iron with nuts and bolts etc. for holding the riser pipe assembly of submersible pump set. 31 Providing & Lowering in tube well ISI marked GI Pipe medium duty (“B class), Steel tube as per IS:1239 or amended up to date and zinc coating as per IS 4736, threaded and double flanged (welded) on both ends and twonumber 25x3mmMSflatweldedonbothendsbetweenpipe& flange, rubber washer & nut bolts etc. complete in all respect. 32 32 mm dia 33 50 mm dia 34 65 mm dia 35 80mm dia 36 Providing&Fixingofdoubleflanged,CIbody,ISImarkedNRVofapproved make of following sizes 37 65 mm dia 38 80 mm dia 39 Providing,installation,testingandcommissioningofCentrifugal Monoblock pump set conforming to IS 9079 , 2 pole motor operating at synchronised speedof 3000 RPM withrequisiteMOCimpeller, priming funnel,cock,suitableflangesatsuctionanddeliveryside.Pumpshall havecommonshaftforpumpandmotor.Motorshallbesuitablefor working on 415 V ± 10%, 3 Ph, 50 Hz A.C. Supply. Motor shall be TEFC type and Pump set shall be suitable for working at various discharge and head requirements as per scope of work. Pump shall be erected onC.C. foundation/crosschannels/RSJframeblockwithsuitable foundation bolts grouted in C.C. foundation block etc. complete in all respect as per specification,scopeofworkanddirectionofEngineerinChargeof following power rating, suitable for prescribed duty conditions mentioned in TD. 40 Centrifugal Monoblock Pump set (Single Stage) 41 2.2 KW (3.0 HP) 42 3.7 KW (5.0 HP) 43 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) 44 7.5 KW (10 HP) 45 9.3 KW (12.5 HP) 46 11.0 KW (15 HP) 47 15.0 KW (20.0 HP) 48 18.5 KW (25.0 HP) 49 Centrifugal Monoblock Pump set (Double Stage) 50 3.7 KW (5.0 HP) 51 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) 52 7.5 KW (10.0 HP) 53 9.3 KW (12.5 HP) 54 11.0 KW (15.0 HP) 55 15.0 KW (20.0 HP) 56 Providing and fixingat site with necessary packing,Horizontal Centrifugal Split Casting pumps with 4 poleinduction motor operating at synchronisedspeedofspeed1500RPMasperIS12615:2011or amendeduptodate,CIcasingandcasingring,SS316impeller,SS410 Shaft and shaft sleeve, coupling guard, common base plate, foundationbolts,Cementconcretefoundationetc.completewithall respectasperthespecificationandscopeofworkanddirectionof Engineer in Charge of following range of duty conditions.Note: Duty condition of required pump shall also be mentioned in BoQ. 57 Discharge 20 to 30 LPS and head 20 to 30 M 58 Discharge 20 to 30 LPS and head 31 to 40 M 59 Discharge 20 to 30 LPS and head 41 to 50 M 60 Discharge 20 to 30 LPS and head 51 to 60 M 61 Discharge 20 to 30 LPS and head 61 to 70 M 62 Discharge 20 to 30 LPS and head 71 to 80 M 63 Discharge 20 to 30 LPS and head 81 to 90 M 64 Discharge 31 t0 40 LPS and head 20 to 30 M 65 Discharge 31 t0 40 LPS and head 31 to 40 M 66 Discharge 31 t0 40 LPS and head 41 to 50 M 67 Discharge 31 t0 40 LPS and head 51 to 60 M 68 Discharge 31 t0 40 LPS and head 61 to 70 M 69 Discharge 31 to 40 LPS and head 71 to 80 M 70 Discharge 31 to 40 LPS and head 81 to 90 M 71 DOL STARTER 3.7KW (5 HP )- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C -MCB 32A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0- 500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1),Amp.SelectorSwitch(1),C.T.30/5ACL1.05VA(3),Indicating Lights( Red-1, Yellow -1)(2), IndicatingLights(Blue-1 )(1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3)andO/G- MCB25A,TP,10KA,CCurve(2),PowerCont12ATPAC3Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (7-10A )(2), ControlMCB6ASP10KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2), IndicatingLights(Red-1,Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5( Red-1,Green-1)(4),SelectorSwitch1Pole,2Way(2),Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 2 Kvar (2) 72 DOL STARTER 5.5 KW (7.5HP)- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C -MCB 40A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0- 500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1),Amp.SelectorSwitch(1),C.T.30/5ACL1.05VA(3),Indicating Lights( Red-1, Yellow -1)(2), IndicatingLights(Blue-1 )(1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3) andO/G- MCB25A,TP,10KA,CCurve(2),PowerCont12ATPAC3Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (7-10A )(2), ControlMCB6ASP10KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2), IndicatingLights(Red-1,Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5( Red-1,Green-1)(4),SelectorSwitch1Pole,2Way(2),Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 2 Kvar (2) 73 STAR DELTA STARTER 7.5 KW (10.0 HP)- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C -MCB 63A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0- 500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1),Amp.SelectorSwitch(1),C.T.60/5ACL1.05VA(3),Indicating Lights( Red-1, Yellow -1)(2), IndicatingLights(Blue-1 )(1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3) andO/G- MCB32A,TP,10KA,CCurve(2),PowerCont18ATPAC3Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (7-10A )(2), ControlMCB6ASP10KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2), IndicatingLights(Red-1,Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5( Red-1,Green-1)(4),SelectorSwitch1Pole,2Way(2),Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 5Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2) 74 STAR DELTA STARTER 9.3 KW (12.5 HP)- :For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C -MCB 63A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0- 500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1),Amp.SelectorSwitch(1),C.T.60/5ACL1.05VA(3),Indicating Lights( Red-1, Yellow -1)(2), IndicatingLights(Blue-1 )(1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3) andO/G- MCB40A,TP,10KA,CCurve(2),PowerCont18ATPAC3Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (7-10A )(2), ControlMCB6ASP10KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2), IndicatingLights(Red-1,Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5( Red-1,Green-1)(4),SelectorSwitch1Pole,2Way(2),Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 5Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2) 75 STAR DELTA STARTER 11.0 KW (15.0 HP)- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C -MCB 63A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0- 500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1),Amp.SelectorSwitch(1),C.T.60/5ACL1.05VA(3),Indicating Lights( Red-1, Yellow -1)(2), IndicatingLights(Blue-1 )(1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3) andO/G- MCB40A,TP,10KA,CCurve(2),PowerCont25ATPAC3Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (9-13A )(2), ControlMCB6ASP10KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2), IndicatingLights(Red-1,Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5( Red-1,Green-1)(4),SelectorSwitch1Pole,2Way(2),Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 7.5Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2) 76 STAR DELTA STARTER 15.0 KW (20.0 HP) : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C-MCCB100ATPN25KAWithT/MBasedOverCurrent&Short Circuit Protection (1),Spreaders (2),Extended Rotary Handle (1) , Analog Voltmeter96*96mm(0-500V)(1),VoltSelectorSwitch(1),Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1), Amp. Selector Switch (1), C. T. 100/5A CL1.05VA(3),IndicatingLights(Red-1,Yellow-1)(2),Indicating Lights(Blue-1)(1),Control MCB6ASP10KACCurve(3) andO/G- MCCB63ATPN25KAWithT/MBasedOverCurrent&Short Circuit Protection (2), Power Cont 32A TP AC3 Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (12-18A )(2), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2),IndicatingLights(Red- 1, Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5(Red-1,Green-1)(4), Selector Switch 1 Pole, 2 Way (2), Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPPType 7.5Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2) 77 STAR DELTA STARTER 18.5 KW (25.0 HP)- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C-MCCB125ATPN25KAWithT/MBasedOverCurrent&Short Circuit Protection (1),Spreaders (2),Extended Rotary Handle (1) , Analog Voltmeter96*96mm(0-500V)(1),VoltSelectorSwitch(1),Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1), Amp. Selector Switch (1), C. T. 125/5A CL1.05VA(3),IndicatingLights(Red-1,Yellow-1)(2),Indicating Lights ( Blue - 1 ) (1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3) andO/G- MCCB100ATPN25KAWithT/MBasedOverCurrent&Short Circuit Protection (2), Power Cont 32A TP AC3 Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (16-24A )(2), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2),IndicatingLights(Red- 1, Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5(Red-1,Green-1)(4), Selector Switch 1 Pole, 2 Way (2), Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 10 Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2) 78 STAR DELTA STARTER 22.0 KW (30.0 HP)- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C-MCCB125ATPN25KAWithT/MBasedOverCurrent&Short Circuit Protection (1),Spreaders (2),Extended Rotary Handle (1) , Analog Voltmeter96*96mm(0-500V)(1),VoltSelectorSwitch(1),Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1), Amp. Selector Switch (1), C. T. 125/5A CL1.05VA(3),IndicatingLights(Red-1,Yellow-1)(2),Indicating Lights(Blue-1)(1),Control MCB6ASP10KACCurve(3) andO/G- MCCB100ATPN25KAWithT/MBasedOverCurrent&Short Circuit Protection (2), Power Cont 40A TP AC3 Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (23-32A )(2), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2),IndicatingLights(Red- 1, Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5(Red-1,Green-1)(4), Selector Switch 1 Pole, 2 Way (2), Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPPType 12.5 Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2)