Tender For Construction Of 110 Kv Substation Kothakurussi - Erection Of Yard Structures And Equipments At 110 Kv Substation Kothakurussi-Capital work of 110kV Substation,Kothakurussi -Erection of Yard structures and Equipments at 110kV Substation Kothakurussi.-after dragging up to 50M using suitable lifting device carefully without causing any damage to equipments and fastening in the lorry make it ready for transportation as per the direction of the department officers. 2 Unloading one 110/66KV LA from department lorry to substation site using suitable lifting device and dragging to safe place without causing any damage to CT as per the direction of the department officers. 3 Loading one 110/66KV CT / CVT / PT / CC from the place of its storage to department lorry using required lifting device without causing any damage to equipment and its parts. 4 110KV CT, PT 5 110KV NCT 6 11KV NCT 7 Unloading one 110/66KV CT/PT/CVT/CC from department lorry to substation site using suitable lifting device and dragging to safe place without causing any damage to CT as per the direction of the department officers. 8 110KV CT, PT 9 110KV NCT 10 11KV NCT 11 Loading one set 110/66KV Circuit breaker with its interrupting poles, mechanism box, structures and all its accessories safely without causing any damage using necessary lifting devices to department lorry and fastening for transportation 12 Unloading one set 110/66KV Circuit breaker with its interrupting poles, mechanism box, structures and all its accessories safely without causing any damage using necessary lifting devices from department lorry to substation site and stacking properly for safe storage. 13 Loading one 110/66KV LA from the place of its storage to department lorry, if required, after dragging up to 50M using suitable lifting device carefully without causing any damage to equipments and fastening in the lorry make it ready for transportation as per the direction of the department officers. 14 11KV LA 15 Unloading one 110/66KV LA from department lorry to substation site using suitable lifting device and dragging to safe place without causing any damage to CT as per the direction of the department officers. 16 11KV LA 17 Loading one set 110/66KV Line Isolator with its insulator stacks, supporting channels, connecting pipes, isolating rods, earth switches, mechanism box, structures and all its accessories safely without causing any damage using necessary lifting devices to department lorry and fastening for transportation 18 Unloading one set 110/66KV Line isolator with its insulator stacks, supporting channels, connecting pipes, isolating rods, earthing rods, mechanism box, structures and all its accessories safely without causing any damage using necessary lifting devices from department lorry to substation compound and stacking properly for safe storage. 19 Loading 1x500 sq. mm XLPE cable from its place of storage to department lorry and properly without causing any damage to its insulation and make ready for transporting as per the direction of department officers. 20 Unloading 1x500 sq. mm XLPE cable from department lorry to substation site and stacking properly without causing any damage to its insulationas per the direction of department officers. 21 Loading MS / GI materials hard ware fittings of line work and clamps for equipments and bus from the place of its storage to department lorry and make it ready for transportation as per the direction of departmental officers. 22 Unloading MS / GI materials, hard ware fittings of line work and clamps for equipments and bus from department lorry to substation site and stacking for proper storage as per the direction of departmental officers. 23 Transportingby head load, the materials issued departmentally to the site from the place of storage and distribution to erection site 24 Drilling holes in yard structure 25 Cutting of steel angle in yard structure erection 26 Welding charge for welding on iron parts using arc welding as per standards 27 Fabrication of structures for erecting equipments. The GI & MS angles will be supplied departmentally 28 Erection of yard structures and assembling of columns and beams using bolt and nut including punching of holes. 29 Erection of 1 No. 110/66KV CT/PT/CVT/CC/220KV NCT on the already erected structure of above 1.5m height after opening of crates at the place of storage, leading to site carefully keeping at vertically not allowing tilting from vertical position more than the specified angles, keeping lines and levels as per the direction of the departmental officers, including all labour charges, hire charges of tools& tackles etc. 30 Conveying to the erection site and erecting carefully 1 No. 33KV CT/PT/110KV NCT & RVT/NCT(52/36kV) on the already erected structure after opening of crates at the place of storage leading to site carefully keeping at vertically not allowing tilting from vertical position more than the specified angles, keeping lines and levels as per the direction of the departmental officers, including all labour charges, hire charges of tools& tackles etc. 31 Erection of 1 No. 11KV CT/PT/11KV NCT on the already erected structure after opening of crates at the place of storage leading to site carefully keeping at vertically not allowing tilting from vertical position more than the specified angles, keeping lines and levels as per the direction of the departmental officers. 32 Erection of 1 No. 11KV LA (station type ) /11KV Post insulator on the already erected structure after opening of crates at the place of storage leading to site carefully, keeping lines and levels as per the direction of the departmental officers. 33 Erection of 1 No. 110/66KV LA/Post insulator on the already erected structure after opening of crates at the place of storage leading to site carefully, keeping lines and levels as per the direction of the departmental officers. 34 Erection of one set 110/66KV Bus Isolator on the already erected structure including opening crates and conveyance of all accessories from the place of storage to the place of erection to lines and levels, erection of mechanism box , checking operation and aligning properly, including cutting, welding etc.complete as per the direction of departmental officers. 35 Erection of one set 110/66KV line Isolator on the already erected structure including opening crates and conveyance of all accessories from the place of storage to the place of erection to lines and levels including erection of mechanism box checking operation and aligning properly as per the direction of departmental officers. 36 Unpacking carefully and leading one set of 3 pole EHT110/66KV Circuit Breaker from the place of storage, including support structure , mechanism box compressor, pipe lines etc. to site , cleaning and erecting on foundation using suitable lifting tools, after disassembling necessary parts if required, to lines and levels and assembling all the parts , connecting mechanism etc. in complete shape and making ready for commissioning as per the direction of departmental officers. 37 Uncoiling, paving out, stringing and fixing of bus bar using ACSR Kundah / Moose single conductor for one phase of 66/110KV bus of span up to 30M by cutting the conductor to sufficient length, crimping using compressor / bolting the two ends, washing, cleaning and drying the insulator discs, fixing the conductors to the yard structure with sufficient tension using string of insulators and hardware complete. at both ends, fixing of arcing hornes including transportation of materials from the stockyard to the site under the supervision and direction of department staff at site.(All materials will be supplied departmentally at free of cost). 38 Stringing and fixing earth wire of size 7/9, 7/10 or 7/3.15 between top of the columns and to terminal tower at 33/66/110/220KV substations with compressed / bolted ends at proper tension including uncoiling and cutting of conductor , jumpering, giving earth bond connections by drawing the end of the conductor through the columns, jointing where ever necessary providing back stays at the time of stringing etc. as per the direction of the departmental officers. 39 Providinginterconnection between equipments using ACSR Moose/ Kundah/ wolfSingle conductor at both ends with compressed/ bolted ends including uncoiling and cutting of conductor as per the direction of departmental officers. 40 Providing droppers and connecting to lines / equipments or jumper between two buses without suspension insulators using ACSR Moose/ Kundah/ wolfSingle conductor at both ends with compressed/ bolted ends including uncoiling and cutting of conductor as per the direction of departmental officers. (For one phase) 41 Laying of departmentally supplied GI strip/Copper strip of suitable sizeincluding cleaning and neatly bending of strips ,cutting, removing of metal/earth in the yard and burying earth strip to the required depth re-doing the yard metalling as per the direction of the departmental officers. 42 Welding one end of the bended GI strip of size 50x6mm with the riser of the already laid earth mat, welding 150mm in length, 6mm thick on both sides & end of the strip & other end of the strip with yard structure at 2 points 50mm apart each welding points having 50mm length and 6mm thick on both sides & end of the strip including the charges for connecting the strip with structure using bolted joints as per the directions of the department officers. Charges includes hire charges of DC arc welding set, current charges, cost of low hydrogen content DC arc welding electrodes(No.E7018) cost of anti corrosive paint etc. complete.(Structure earthing) 43 Welding overlapping joints of 50x6mm GI strip with 50mm long, 6mm thick welding on all three sides after doing 2 Nos. bolted joints at the centre as specified after cleaning the surface. Charges includes hire charges of DC arc welding set, current charges, cost of low hydrogen content DC arc welding electrodes( No.E7018) cost of anti corrosive paint etc. complete. 44 Welding one end of the bended GI strip of size 50x6mm with the riser of the already laid earth mat, welding 150mm in length, 6mm thick on both sides & end of the strip and connecting other end with nuts & bolts if required as per the directions of the department officers. Charges includes hire charges of DC arc welding set, current charges, cost of low hydrogen content DC arc welding electrodes(No.E7018) cost of anti corrosive paint etc. complete.(Equipment earthing) 45 Welding one end of the GI strip 50x6mm with the structure with a welding length of 50mm & 6mm thickness on both sides & end of the strip and connecting other end with bolts & nuts if required including hire charges of DC arc welding set, current charges, cost of low hydrogen DC arc welding electrodes (No.E7018) cost of anti corrosive paint etc. complete. 46 Fixing departmentally supplied marshalling kiosk in the existing PT/CT structure by making suitable fixing arrangements including cutting , welding, drilling holes etc as required. 47 Collecting from store or substation wherever available tools and materials such as jacks pulling and lifting machines,rails,sleepers, plies, ropes, empty drums, dummy plates, bolts and nuts gaskets, etc. including loading and unloading in department vehicle and accompanying and returningthe same after completing the work as per the direction of departmental officers.( Only if required) 48 Unloadingthe power transformers of weight 20T to 30T, carefully and safely inch by inch inserting railsand trawling to the platform made with sleepers and thus lowering very carefully inch by inch for placing on the rail track and hoisting to the plinth with out causing damage to transformer and accessories as per the direction of the departmental officer observing all safety precautions. 49 Pulling the power transformers of weight 20T to 30T, on the rail track, travelling for a distance up to 30M, using sleepers, rails, jacking, pulling and keeping ready for placing on the correct plinth as per the direction of departmental officers at site, safely without damaging any equipments and observing all safety precautions. 50 Loading to the department lorry the accessories of 10/12.5MVA transformer such as bushings with proper package, coolers, conservator tank, connecting pipes, bolt and nuts, wheels, rollers, fans, driving mechanism, cooler control box and oil drums etc. safely fastening them properly, accompanying the vehiclewith transformer from ……………….. to ……………and unloading and stacking in convenient place, taking all safety precautions as per the direction of departmental officers. 51 Assembling the 10 /12.5 MVA, 110/11 or 66/11KV transformer with all accessories in complete shape and filling oil if required including arresting the movement of the transformer by locking as per the direction of the departmental officers. 52 Covering the transformer with tarpaulin using ropes, bamboos etc. 53 Giving three phase connection to the filter unit from the supply mains using cable including fitting three numbers of fuse units near the filter unit and laying the cable from control room to filter unit and trial run of filter unit after giving connection etc. complete. ( Only iffound absolutely necessary and where departmental staff is not available ). 54 Hot oil circulation after draining oil from transformer, evacuating the transformer by using vacuum pump after providing LT connection to the pump , connecting the hose to transformer, operating carefully and continuously for attaining sufficient vacuum and keeping in vacuum for 24 hours and operating filter unit carefully and continuously for 24 hours except halt due to poor voltage and trouble in filter plant etc complete as per the direction of dept. officers. 55 Disconnecting the power connections to the filtering plant/ vacuum pump, coiling the cable, disconnect the hoses and coiling them and folding and removing tarpaulin used for covering the transformer, moving the filter plant and vacuum pump to a distant place as directed by the department staff. ( where departmental staff is not available and is found absolutely necessary) 56 Loading the 6000/5000litre/hr.or above transformer oil filter plant tolorry using tripod, chain block, pulley block, rope etc., after pulling it to the convenient position for lifting and fixing it firmly for safe transportation to the location as directed by department officers, unloading the same without causing any damage and placing it carefully at convenient place etc. complete as directed by department officers at site where ever required. 57 Turning and shifting 6000 L/H capacity transformer oil filtering plant or wheel mounted 10000/15000 Litre. oil tank with all accessories for a distance of 20Mto road, towingthe machine with department lorry by the use of D-Shackle and iron ropes , accompanying the lorry including supervision through out the journey especially in turnings to avoid falling of plant. Remove the machine from the lorry and drags up to 10M for safe storage where ever required. 58 Loading the empty oil tank of capacity 10000/15000 Ltr. From the place of its storage using wooden blocks, lever etc. and moving the tank to a distance of 10M from switch yard then loading the same to the dept. vehicle using chain pulley etc. carefully tying the tank in vehicle accompanying the vehicle up to Kothakurussisubstation, removing ties andunloading the tank carefully by the use of wooden blocks rails, chain pulley etc. again moving the tank to a distance of 50M, for safe storage. 59 Loading one vacuum plant of capacity 3HP with its pipelines to department lorry and unloading the same at the required substation as per the direction of departmental officers. 60 Laying 1 x 500 sq mm XLPE cables in trench including drawing through pipes wherever necessary 61 Doing out door/indoor cable termination of 1x500 mm2 11KV XLPE cable very carefully observing directions of manufactures and departmental staff including crimping of socket 62 For mounting 1 x 500 mm2 out door / indoor cable termination 63 Unpacking the transformer / feeder C&R panels, 110V battery charger, OLTC cubicle LT panel at the place of storage transporting to the place of erection and erecting after providing foundation bolt keeping to lines and levels as per the direction of departmental officers. 64 Unpacking at the place of storage and transporting 11KV indoor VCB/SF6 switch gear panel and its accessories to the place of erection and erecting after fixing foundation bolts by chipping concrete wherever necessary, tightening, keeping lines and levels taking all safety precautions including erection of potential transformers as per the direction of departmental officers. 65 Interconnection of panels and 11KV bus bars after opening covers, earthing, inter panel wiring, etc. and making ready for commissioning of breaker as per the direction of the departmental officers. 66 Assembling 55 cells of 100AH conventional battery, pore the acid in required level, connect the battery to the charger and charge to the required specific gravity level, check the specific gravity and voltage of each cells hourly. After attaining the required specific gravity and voltage keep the same for 24 hours, discharge the same up to 50% of the rating and then boost charge the same monitor the voltage and specific gravity regularly and make the battery ready for station use. 67 For 200AH Battery 68 Preparing wiring schedule per transformer / feeder bay of 110 or 66kV with details of type of cable, core and colour, ferrule No. and terminal no of equipments/panelsincluding giving full details in A4 sheet with computer print providing outer border line and sheet no etc. and supplying in the shape of book with special binding etc. and assisting the departmental officers at the time of relay testing and commissioning 69 Master Copy 70 Additional Copy 71 Uncoiling 20/19 core 2.5sqmm, 12 core 4 sqmm control cable (Armoured or un armoured) from cable drums cutting to required length and laying through trench/pipe/cable tray grouping the same neatly using cable tie and carefullyincluding for providing loop wherever necessary and providing cable marker at both ends of cable as per direction of departmental staff at site. 72 Uncoiling 12/7/6 core 2.5 sq mm control cable (armoured and un armoured) from cable drums and cutting to required length and laying through trench/pipe/cable tray grouping the same neatly using cable tie and carefullyincluding for providing loops wherever necessary and cable marker, at both ends of cable as per direction of departmental staff at site. 73 Uncoiling 4/2 core 2.5sqmm control cable (armored or unarmored) from cable drums and cutting to required length and laying through trench/pipe/cable tray neatly and carefully including for providing loops wherever necessaryand cable marker at both ends of cable as per direction of departmental staff at site. 74 Uncoiling 5/4/3/2 core 4sqmm control cable(armoured or un armoured) from cable drums and laying through trench/pipe/cable tray neatly and carefully including for providing loops wherever necessaryand cable marker at both ends of cable as per direction of departmental staff at site. 75 Fixing all type of terminal connecting strip with terminal connectors in the marshalling box or panel boardwherever necessary (terminal connecting strip will be supplied departmentally ) charges includes for providing necessary suitable hole etc complete as per direction of departmental staff at site. 76 Termination of cables in panel by using cable glands of fixing the cable rigidly by any means as per direction of departmental staff at site charges include for providing necessary suitable hole in the gland plate etc. 77 20/19 core 2.5sqmm cable/12 core 4 sqmm cable (using gland of size 28-32mm) 78 12/7/6 core 2.5 sqmm cable (using gland of size 25mm) 79 4/2 core 2.5 sq mm cable/4/2 core 4 sq mm cable (using gland of size 16-22mm) 80 Doing termination of all sizes of PVC insulated copper control cable 2.5mm², pealing, providing number and letter ferrules in the wire, stripping ends, crimping with suitable lugs and connecting to the terminals in the panel board and marshalling kiosk etc., neatly and carefully including cost of copper sockets and ferrules as per the direction of Departmental Officers at site. 81 Doing termination of all sizes of PVC insulated copper control cable 4.0 mm², pealing, providing number and letter ferrules in the wire, stripping ends, crimping with suitable lugs and connecting to the terminals in the panel board and marshalling kiosk etc., using cable tieand cable tie neatly and carefully including cost of copper sockets and ferrules as per the direction of Departmental Officers at site. 82 Supplying aluminium cable tags punching number and alphabets up to 7 digits and binding to cable using copper wire including cost of all materials as per the direction of Board Officials at site. 83 Making of cable clamps using 25x 3 mmGI strip (hot dipped)as per no of cablesin cable tray cutting and holing to required length and for fixing as per the direction of departmental officers at site including supply of suitable nut and bolts. 84 Surface dressing of the ground including removing vegetation and inequalities not exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of rubbish, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m., asdirected by Engineer-in-Charge: All kinds of soil 85 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level: 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 nominal size) 86 Supplying and laying tarpaulin sheet of thickness 150GSM of approved make and quality over levelled surface including cost of tarpaulin sheet, wastage overlaps, conveyance and labour charges ect. Complete. 87 Supply and stacking Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size 88 Spreading 40mm stone aggregate/20mm stone aggregate in the yard about thickness of 15cm as per the direction of department officers at site 89 Conveying of precast RCC slabs (of various size) manually from stacking place within initial lead etc. complete and laying carefully in position without damaging the edges of slabs as well as cable trench side wall as per directions of Engineer-in- Charge. 90 Loading HT A type pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 91 Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance upto 5km and carrying upto 4 poles excluding loading & unloading. 92 Fitting and erecting one HT DP using A type pole in position incl. fitting 2 channel cross arms, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads. 93 Drilling hole of various sizes on existing Channel/Cross Arm. 94 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for A type pole in Hard Laterite. 95 Providing one Earth using earth pipe including digging separate pit at standard distance away from the pole/structure & backfilling. 96 Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2.5m depth) in Hard Laterite 97 Fitting one Additional 3m Channel cross arm (35x35x5mm), in existing 11kV DP incl. conveyance of materials. 98 Erection of one set 11KV Isolator / AB switch (station class)on the already erected structure including opening crates and conveyance of all accessories from the place of storage to the place of erection to lines and levels including erection of mechanism box checking operation and aligning properly as per the direction of departmental officers. 99 Erecting one 250kVA Transformer to existing Plinth/Platform and giving connections,includingloading from TMR/SRS/other stacking place & unloading at site but excluding cost for transporting transformer 100 Providing concrete muffing (0.45x0.45x1.5m) inclusive of cost of all material (as per specification). 101 Loading 3x300 sq. mm XLPE cable from its place of storage to department lorry and properly without causing any damage to its insulation and make ready for transporting as per the direction of department officers. 102 Unloading 3x300 sq. mm XLPE cable from department lorry to substation site and stacking properly without causing any damage to its insulationas per the direction of department officers. 103 Laying 3 x 300 sq mm XLPE cables in trench including drawing through pipes wherever necessary. 104 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 11KV gradedirect in ground including excavation, sand cushioning,protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required. 105 Doing out door/indoor cable termination of 3x300 mm233KV XLPE cable very carefully observing directions of manufactures and departmental staff including crimping of socket 106 Mounting one 3x300 mm2 XLPE out door cable termination of structures very carefully without causing any damaged to the drilling holes wherever necessary as directed by the departmental officers 107 Random rubble masonry in CM 1:6 for foundation and basement including cost of all materials, conveyance, labour charges, etc. complete as perspecifications.