
Tender For Work No. 12: Installation Of 02 Nag And 30 Hp Deepwell Tubewell In Sai Upvan Under Mohan Nagar Zone - Drilling Of Borehole For Tubewell Contruction By Rc Rig Machine Including Transportation, Erection, Dismantling Of Rig And Assoiated T & P Com, ghaziabad-Uttar Pradesh

Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Work No. 12: Installation Of 02 Nag And 30 Hp Deepwell Tubewell In Sai Upvan Under Mohan Nagar Zone - Drilling Of Borehole For Tubewell Contruction By Rc Rig Machine Including Transportation, Erection, Dismantling Of Rig And Assoiated T & P Com. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-03-2025. Pump House Construction Tenders in ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Work No. 12: Installation Of 02 Nag And 30 Hp Deepwell Tubewell In Sai Upvan Under Mohan Nagar Zone - Drilling Of Borehole For Tubewell Contruction By Rc Rig Machine Including Transportation, Erection, Dismantling Of Rig And Assoiated T & P Com
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Work No. 12: Installation of 02 Nag and 30 Hp Deepwell Tubewell in Sai Upvan under Mohan Nagar Zone - Drilling of borehole for Tubewell contruction by RC Rig Machine including transportation, erection, dismantling of Rig and assoiated T & P completo in all respect including required all material, labour etc. 2 Transportation, Erection and Dismantling of Rig Machines 3 Drilling of 600mm size bore from GL to 100 BGL 4 Drilling of 450mm size bore from 5 101 M BGL to 160 M BGL 6 Tubewell Assembly 7 M.S. tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain pipe, slotted pipe (as required upto 50% of plain pipes) rings, well cap, bail plug, clamp, reducer, central guide, support structer etc. As required & as per typed design complete in all respect. 8 300 mm. Dia MS ERW Housing/ casing pipe having wall thickness of 7.1mm. 9 200 mm. Dia MS ERW slotted/ casing pipe having wall thickness of 7.1mm. 10 Supply of pea gravel 11 Logging of bore hole by departmental/approved electric logger. 12 Lowering of Tube well assembly duly welded including welding electrode and shurounding of pea gravel complete in all respect. 13 Lowering of 300mm dia pipe from GL to 80m deep BGL. 14 Lowering of 200mm dia pipe from 80 to 150m deep BGL. 15 Development of Tubewell by compressor 16 Transportation, Installation and Dismantling of 350 PSI Compressor 17 Development of Tubewell by 350 PSI Capacity Air compressor 18 Development of Tubewell by O.P. Unit 19 Transportation, Installation and Dismantling of 3 Cusec O.P. Unit & Yield Test. 20 Development of Tubewell by 3 cusec O.P. Unit 21 Chemical and Bacterological test of water sample from depaprtmental/ approved lab. 22 baricading/fencing of the site during the construction of T.W. to ensure that site is not exposed to risk of accident 23 Rental charges of rig machine, Air compressor/O.P. Unit 24 Pumping Plant & Other Associated Works on Tubewell 25 SITC of pumping plant including control panel,cabling complete in all respect with all required material, T&P labour etc. Submersible pump set of 1000 LPM discharge 69 mtr. head coupled with 30 H.P. Motor A.C. Three phase. 26 Voltage stabilizer Servo type (110V-300V) 50 KVA. 27 SITC of main piping and valves with 24m column pipe, electronic type chlorinating plant, power wiring, earthing, painting, tool set, M.S. cross for reducer, wiring of pump house (Internal & External), Chain pulley block and gauges complete in all respect 28 3 Mtr. long heavy duty size 150mm dia column pipe same as above spare. 29 Additonal XLPE insulated copper conductor cable size 2x3cx10 sq mm. for submersible pump set. 30 PVC insulated Alarmoured cable size 1x3.5cx25 sq mm. from transformer LV side to meter panel and meter panel to starter. 31 11 KV H.T. Transmission line with connected material with double pole sub structure and 63 KVA Transformer as per SOR. 32 Connection of new boreto Water supply line to distribution line 33 Dismentling of Old tiles road i/c all comp work 34 Dismentling of CC/dammer road i/c all comp work 35 Excavation fo earth in Hard Soil i/c refilling after Complition of work 36 S/f of 150 mm dia MS Pipe B-Class 37 Labour charge for laying 150 mm dia MS Pipe Line 38 S/f of 150 mm dia MS Flange 39 S/f of 150 mm dia Rubber Flange 40 S/f of CID Joint 150 mm dia Complete i/c rubber ring and nut bolts 41 S/f of Ci Bend 150 mnm dia 42 S/o of Sluice Valve 150 mm ISI make PN 1.6 43 S/f of Nut & Bolts 5/8x3 44 PCC 4:2:1 with Stonegrits, Coarse sand & Cement& Labour Charges etc. 45 Relaying of old ILT i/c all complete work 46 S/Laying of 80 mm thick ILT i/c all comp work 47 L/c for line interconnection with all material like as clamp nut & bolts etc. 48 Construction of Pump house 49 (1001) Excavation in ordinary soil (loam,clay foundation in or sand) including lift up to 1.50 m& lead up to 50 m,refilling,watering and ramming of trenches or evcavated earth into the space betwwen the building and sides of foundation trenches or into th 50 (1009) Concrete with 40 mm gauge brick ballast,local sand and cement in proportion in 12:6:1 in foundation including supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 51 (1029) Ist. Class brick work in 1:6 cement and local mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 52 (1025) R.C.C. work with cement,coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 in sun shed and lintel on doors and windows excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 0.5 53 (1190) 12 mm thick plaster with cement and local sand mortar 1:4 over brick work minimum thickness not to be less than 10 mm including supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 54 (1151) M. S. or iron work in plain work such as R.C.C.or R.B. work (when not included in over all rates) brought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work including supply of steel and its wastage. 55 (1202) 25 mm thick 1:2:4 plain ceme concrete floor with cement coarse sand am 20 mm gauge stone ballast laid in panne finished with 3 mm floating coat of ne cement or cement and marble dust in rat 1:5 as specified and and removing a overlaping or mortar a 56 Finishing walls with two coat over primary coat exteior paint apex(Asian of equivalent make) as per specification of the manufacure and required shade to give an even shade including supplymaterial, labour T & P etc. required proper completion of work. 57 (1253) White washing three coat includi supply of all material, labour T & P e required for proper completion of work. 58 (1232 & 1233) Painting or varnishing ne work or new wood work in small areas wi one priming coat and two coat of approve quality paint or varnish including supply of material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion work. 59 Providing & Fixing of fan, LED light & switch board with suitable copper wiring for light fitting i/c all complete work 60 Providing & Fixing of granite stone/MS board for inaugration of tubewell i/c all complete work 61 Supplying and Laying of grass for park, repairing of dismentel old tiles & cleaning of malba from site after completion of work

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 11800 /-
INR 954500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 95.44 Lakhs /-


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