Tender For Overhauling Of Boiler Pressure Parts Of 250 Mw Thermal Power Plant Of Unit 8- 1 (A)BOILER PRESSURE PART WORK: 2 Supply &Fitting of scaffolding at Furnace zone, PLSH By Couplok scaffolding. 3 Scaffolding of FSH, RH, LTSH & Economizer. 4 Cleaning of furnace (Boiler first pass), PLSH, FSH & RH zone by HP water jet. 5 Cleaning of LTSH, Economiser, Pent house including roof, roof top, inside pent house accumulated ash, Dog House, Dead chamber, all Boiler area Buck stay including duct area inside & outside. 6 Boiler External cleaning from pent house elevation to zero meters by air & fire water. (Upto Coal Feeder Building including fans duct,ccp APH) 7 Arrangement & Assistance for Furnace Gas tightness test. 8 Hanger & Supports checking of critical pipings including air and flue gas duct area up to ID Fan (excluding ESP) & Boiler Buck stay checking. 9 DE metering of pressure parts ,Area to be covered: Furnace tubes at soot blower, burner mouth area & gooseneck area, LTSH, Economiser, Steam cool wall, manhole areas, FSH, RH,Screen tubes etc. 10 a) Removal, fabrication & fitting of guard tube for Screen tube,scw, LTSH, Economiser, furnace wall. 11 b) Removal, fabrication & fitting of Cassette baffle for, LTSH, Economiser 12 Lifting & refitting of LTSH coil including terminal joints, and hanger tube joint. 13 DP test of stub joints 14 Insert in furnace wall tube.(including radiography) 15 Insert in LTSH ,Economiser,SCW tube.(including radiography) 16 Insert in FSH, PLSH, RH tube(including radiography) 17 Insert in screen tube(including radiography) 18 Deposition of weld metal on Boiler tubes, stubs, doors, headers etc. 19 Radiography of erection welding joints (single shot) 20 Skin casing welding. 21 Servicing for safety valves & Trevi test and actual popping of Drum-3, SH-2,RH-5 safety valves 22 Safety valve seat cutting 23 Servicing of soot blower safety valve. 24 Lifting & refitting of ECO coil including terminal joints 25 Stress relieving for pressure parts welding joint. 26 Roof loose tube proper clamping. 27 Fabrication of different size cold bends. 28 Economiser header stub joint replacement. 29 LTSH inlet header stub joint replacement. 30 Overhauling of Boiler Drum and drum internals. 31 Fins welding 32 Pressure parts area Miscellaneous job. 33 LTSH coil replacement. 34 Boiler Inspector Sundry expenses (other than fees) 35 MAGNETIC PARTICLE TEST (MPT) 36 Servicing of Man holes of boiler 37 Servicing of Peep holes of boiler 38 Hiring of reciprocating pump for departmental & inspector hydro test at 250kg/cm2 39 (B) INSPECTION& REPAIR OF PENT HOUSE, DEAD CHAMBER & DOG HOUSE: 40 Inspection & Repair of pent house, dead chamber & dog house. 41 (C1) HIGH PRESSURE VALVE SERVICING: 42 Overhauling of HP valve size above 25 mm & up to 50 mm (class 2500 & 3000) 43 Overhauling of HP valve size above 50 mm & up to 100 mm (class 2500 & 3000) 44 Overhauling of HP valve size above 100 mm & up to 200 mm (class 2500 & 3000) 45 Overhauling of HP valve size above 200 mm (class 2500 & 3000) 46 Overhauling of pneumatic operated Spray control valve 47 Overhauling of Manual Operated spray control valve 48 (C2) HP VALVE ACTUATOR CLEANING,GREASING & TIT-BIT MAINTENANCE: 49 Servicing of Valve Actuator, size up to 50mm 50 Servicing of Valve Actuator, size above50mm &upto 200 mm 51 Servicing of Valve Actuator, size above200mm &upto 350 mm 52 (D)REFRACTORY: 53 Removal re-application of refractory 54 (F) BURNER SYSTEM (COAL & OIL BURNERS, WIND BOX, SADC, BURNER TILT WORK,BURNER ISOLATING GATE) 55 Coal Burner Servicing/Replacement 56 Oil Burner servicing/ replacement 57 SADC, Burner tilt Servicing & Wind box repairing. 58 Burner Isolating gate servicing