
Tender For Providing And Installation Of Electro Mechanical Equipments And Allied Works At Tyantra Neora (Pond) Based Water Supply Scheme Dist. - North 24 Pgs Under Emd, Phe Dte. (Sm/17680), Kolkata-West Bengal

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Providing And Installation Of Electro Mechanical Equipments And Allied Works At Tyantra Neora (Pond) Based Water Supply Scheme Dist. - North 24 Pgs Under Emd, Phe Dte. (Sm/17680). Submission Date for this Tender is 28-03-2025. Electromechanical Machinery Tenders in Kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing And Installation Of Electro Mechanical Equipments And Allied Works At Tyantra Neora (Pond) Based Water Supply Scheme Dist. - North 24 Pgs Under Emd, Phe Dte. (Sm/17680)
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Providing And Installation Of Electro Mechanical Equipments And Allied Works At Tyantra Neora (Pond) Based Water Supply Scheme Dist. - North 24 Pgs Under Emd, Phe Dte. (Sm/17680)-2 Supply, Delivery and storage at site of horizontal Split casing Centrifugal Pumping Machineries with baseplate, flexible coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolt etc. having the following specification and as perNIT. :(pumps suitable for PLC operated unmaned operation facility) (For pumping water from Pond to Raw water GLR. Discharge = 5.5 Lps Head= 20 Mtr. NPSHR= 1.5 Mtr. (Max)H-Q-P Curve of pumps in test bed has to be submitted during the delivery. 3 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site horizontal foot mounted induction motor suitable for the pump duty mentioned above ( item No- 1.00) with adequate margin as specified in the NIT. Routine test certificate of Induction Motor has to be submitted during delivery 4 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site of 80 mm dia , thickness 4.85 mm MS Black Pipe conforming to IS:3589 Gr.330 (For raw water individual delivery rising main and individual and common delivery main) along with necessaryBends,fittings viz. flanges, bolts, nuts, gaskets ,concentric enlarger, eccentric reducer etc. as reqd. to make the installation complete in all respect andas perNIT. 5 Supply, delivery and storage at site Lift Type 80 mm Foot valve combined with stainer as per IS : 4038 PN-1.6 and as per detail given in the NIT . :-N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve(AT INDIVIDUAL SUCTION FOR RAW WATER PUMP ) 6 Supply, delivery and storage at site 80 mm diadouble flanged Cast Iron manually operated non-rising spindle sluice valve generally conforming to IS:14846 PN-1.0.and as per detail given in NIT. N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve.(AT INDIVIDUAL SUCTION HEADER FOR RAW WATER PUMP ) 7 Supply, delivery and storage at site of CI doble flanged single door swing check80 mm dia N.R.Vas per IS : 5312, Part-I, PN-1.0 and as per detail given in NIT. :-N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve. (AT DELIVERY SIDE OF RAW WATER PUMP) 8 Supply, delivery and storage at site 80 mm diaCast Iron manual operated double flanged butterfly valvegenerally conforming to IS:13095 and PN-1.0. and as per detail given in NIT. :-N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve (AT DELIVERY SIDE OF RAW WATER PUMP ) 9 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site MS Dismantling Joint DN 80 mm PN 1.0( for Suction side,Delivery side & common header ofraw water pump ) 10 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site Bourdon type pressure & compound gauges 150 mm dia cast Aluminium Dial with ,SS internal, DN 15 GI impulse line with three way cock and 1.5 class accuracy 11 a)Pressure Guages(0 - 10 kg/cm2) 12 b)Compound Guages ( +1 to -1 KSCG) 13 PART B: CLEAR WATER PUMP 14 Supply, Delivery and storage at site of horizontal Split casing Centrifugal Pumping Machineries with baseplate, flexible coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolt etc. having the following specification and as perNIT. :(pumps suitable for PLC operated unmaned operation facility) (For pumping water from Pond to Raw water GLR. Discharge = 5.5 Lps Head= 20 Mtr. NPSHR= 1.5 Mtr. (Max)H-Q-P Curve of pumps in test bed has to be submitted during the delivery. 15 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site horizontal foot mounted induction motor suitable for the pump duty mentioned above ( item No- 10.00) with adequate margin as specified in the NIT. Routine test certificate of Induction Motor has to be submitted during delivery 16 Supply, Delivery and storage at site of Monoblock vacuum Pumping Machinarywith the following specification and as perNIT. :(1 set for raw water pumping and 1 set for clear water pumping)A) Vacuum : upto 600 mm of HgB) Air Flow Rate :1.8 to20.5m3 / Hr 17 Supply, delivery and storage at site Lift Type 80 mm Foot valve combined with stainer as per IS : 4038 PN-1.6 and as per detail given in the NIT . :-N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve ( AT SUCTION SIDE OF CLEAR WATER PUMP ) 18 Supply, delivery and storage at site of CI doble flanged single door swing check80 mm dia N.R.Vas per IS : 5312, Part-I, PN-1.0 and as per detail given in NIT. :-N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve. (AT DELIVERY SIDE OF CLEAR WATER PUMP ) 19 Supply, delivery and storage at site 80 mm diaCast Iron manual operated wafer type butterfly valvegenerally conforming to IS:13095 and PN-1.0. and as per detail given in NIT. :-N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve (AT DELIVERY SIDE OF CLEAR WATER PUMP ) 20 Supply, delivery and storage at site 80 mm diadouble flanged Cast Iron manually operated non-rising spindle sluice valve generally conforming toIS:14846 PN-1.0.and as per detail given in NIT. :-N.B. : Test Certificate to be produced for each valve.(AT COMMON DELIVERY HEADER ) 21 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site MS Dismantling Joint DN 80 mm PN 1.0( for Delivery side & common header ofpump ) 22 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site Bourdon type pressure & compound gauges, 150 mm dia cast Aluminium Dial with ,SS internal, DN 15 GI impulse line with three way cock and 1.5 class accuracy 23 a)Pressure Guages(0 - 10 kg/cm2) 24 b)Compound Guages ( +1 to -1 KSCG) 25 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site of 80 mm dia 4.85 mm thick MS Black Pipe conforming to IS:3589 Gr.330 (For Suction, Delivery & Delivery Header) along with necessaryBends,fittings viz. flanges, bolts, nuts, gaskets ,concentric enlarger65 X 80 mm etc. as reqd. to make the installation complete in all respect andas perNIT. 26 Supply delivery and storage at site of Ultrasonic/Radartype continuous level measuring unit with provision of 4 to 20 mA analogue signal, indicator and recorder for continuous level monitoring as well as 5 nos. relay out put for sensing high, low, low - low level in suction sump as per specification given in NIT. 27 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site20 mm dia, uPVC Pipes(80 Schedule),water storage pvc tank , Bends,sockets, Tees,fittings, and other specials,gaskets , solenoide valve ,gate valve for auto & manual operation etc. as reqd. to make the piping arrangement of vacuum pumpcomplete in all respect as perNIT. (For priming arrangement) 28 Supply delivery at site of 200 Amp Kit-kat rewirable porcelain fuse unit (both base and bridge)Materials should be supplied as per specification of NIT and as per direction of EIC. 29 Supply delivery at site of 200 Amp. TPN, 415V, main switch with rewireable type fuse link in sheet steel enclosure.Materials should be supplied as per specification of NIT and as per direction of EIC. 30 Supply, Delivery and Storage at Site 2 mm. thick CRCA Sheet Steel Enclosed Cubical type Indoor Floor Mounted415 Volt MCCPanelhaving required Feeders with PLCas per specification given below:Incomer-125 A 4P MCCB with manual onload changeover , 6 nos. 5 HP DOL Starter (2 W+ 2 Standby + 2 Spare),5 HP DOL Starter for 2 nos. Vacuum Pumps, 1 no. Illumination Feeder, 1 no. Gaseous Chlorination Feeder, 1 no welding feeder and 1 no Automation (PLC) with control feederFor details please go through NIeT specification 31 Supply, Delivery and storage at site 1.1 KV Grade50 mm2 3½core XLPE insulated Al. armoured Cable as per technical specification of NIT.(From Cut out to PDB Panel) ) 32 Supply, Delivery and storage at site 1.1 KV Grade25 Sq.mm 3½core XLPE insulated Aluminiun armoured Cable as per technical specification of NIT.(For Voltage Stabilizer to MCC Panel) 33 Supply, Delivery and storage at site1.1 KV Grade 6 Sq. mm.3core XLPE insulated Aluminiun armoured Cable as per technical specification of NIT. (ForMCC Panel to motor. ) 34 Supply, Delivery and storage at site1.1 KV Grade 2.5 Sq. mm.12core pvc insulatedarmoured Copper controlCable as per technical specification of NIT. (ForMCC Panel to actuator. ) 35 Supply, Delivery and storage at site1.1 KV Grade 2.5 Sq. mm.2core pvc insulatedarmoured Copper controlCable as per technical specification of NIT.(For solenoid valve connection) 36 Supply, Delivery and storage at site1.1 KV Grade 2.5 Sq. mm.3core pvc insulated ArmouredCopperCable as per technical specification of NIT.(For vaccume pump connection) 37 Earthing & lightning protection for Pump house and electrical installation as per ISS and IE rules and as per technical specification of NIT. (Earth pit 2 nos+ 2 L/A) 38 Supply, delivery at site and storeage of GI perforated cable tray at Pump house for laying of incoming & outgoing power and control cables to and from MCC Panelhaving proper M.S. structural support as per NIT specification and direction of EIC. 39 Supply delivery at site and storage of illumination arrangement at Burge/Intake pump house, High lift Pump house and chlorine room like suitable size wire, switch ,switch board ,tube light fitting ,exhaust fan ,ceilling fan , LED outdoor fixturecomplete as per specification of NIT. 40 Supply delivery at site and storage of safety equipment like suitable capacity Fire Extinguisher , sand bucket ,fire bracket, rubber mats, shock treatment chart and first aid box,chair ,table,415 volt danger board complete as per specification of NIT. 41 Supply delivery at site and storage of suitable capacity Power Correction arrangement as per specification of NIT. 30KVA(200-500V) 42 PART C: CHLORINATION ARRANGEMENT 43 Supply , delivery and storage at site of Wall / cylinder mounted Vacuum Operated Gas Chlorinator ,capacity 0-1 Kg/hr. as per technical Specification of NIT.TC & GC to be submitted during delivery of materials.i) Wall mounted 44 First filling of liquid chlorine including to & fro carrying from site to filling station including loading and unloading at both side. 45 Supplydelivery & storage at site 16 Sq mm 1.1 KV grade 4 Core XLPE insulated Al Ar cable for main MCC /Main Switch to Incomer of 4Way TPN DB in the chlorination room including Cable Gland and Socket etc. as per Technical Specification of NIT. 46 PART D: INSTALLATION 47 Installation of all items as mentioned in Sl.No.1 to 42 (Part-A, B & C) including construction of Pump foundations, pipe supports, valve supports, laying of cables with necessary jointing materials, earthing arrangement of motors, starters, including supply of all erection items viz. rubber gaskets, nuts & bolts etc., including cost ofwelding etc. as required for complete installation including making slope of floor and arrangement of removing gland leckage wateras per Hydraulic standard & IE rules in compliance with specification of NITand upto entire satisfaction of EIC. 48 Painting of the installation (viz.pumps,valves, pipe lines etc.by two coats of epoxy paint (colour to be decided by EIC) over a coat of primer as per NIT specifiaction & direction of EIC. 49 Testing & Commissioning of the entire installation i.e.Pumps, Motors,valves etc. as in PART A (Sl no. 1to 42) as per direction and to the entire satisfaction of E.I.C. 50 Operation and maintenance of the entire installation in High lift pumping stations on 24 hrs. basis including guarding for a period of 90 days are to be provided with supply of skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled personnel including watch and ward personnel from the date of commissioning. During maintenance period supply of all consumable materials sundrys and lubricants are to be supplied. Charges of Electrical energy during maintenance period will be born by the Department. 51 Supervision charges for electrical installation by licensed electrician as per IE Rules, 1956 read with latest amendments with overhead expenditures. 52 Providing outdoor illumination arrangement with nomenclature board& allied works at TYANTRA NEORA (POND) Based Water Supply Scheme as per direction of EIC 53 GST @ 18% 54 LWC @ 1%

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