Supply The Instrument Of Biology At Harinarayanchak Vidyamandir At Mouza-Kismat Jagannathchak, Vill- Harinarayanchak , Dist Purba Medinipur-1 Compound Microscope Research Binocular (Make - Nutech / LAFCO / BRISTAL /GOKO /MAGNUS) 2 Dissecting Microscope student / simple Microscope (Make -Bristol) 3 Compound Microscope with eye piece 10x,40x,100x, Fixed condenser, coarse and Fine e Foensing adjustment, complete in a thermocol box. (Make GOKO) 4 Stage micrometer good quality. 5 Silk or Muslin Cloth 6 Hand Lens 1 Dissecting Instruments Box. / Biology box. 2 Dissecting Paraffin Tray, 10 X 12 3 Stop watch Analog Diamond Racer (Digital racer) 4 Scalpel 5 Spatula s.s (Spatula plastic) 6 Needle Blunt Need Straight Plain Needle 7 Slide box. Polylab - (25 cap, 50 cap) 8 Brush (Small, Big) 9 Enamel tray 10 Blade 11 Sharp safety razor 12 Gloves 13 Pin 14 Scissors 15 Cotton 16 White handkerchief 17 Needle 18 Tissue Paper 19 Droppers 20 Blotting Papers 1 Human Brain - (small) (JYOTI) 2 DNA model Big - JYOTI 3 Human Eye (Big) - JYOTI - Model. 4 Human Reproductive system model Female (JYOTI) 5 Human Reproductive system model Male (JYOTI) 6 Human Skeleton models (Imported Quality) - JYOTI- 7 RNA MODEL SMALL – jyoti 8 Neuron model 1 Shape of Lamina 2 External chart of Earthworm 3 Cockroach chart and different systems 4 Compound Microscope 5 Electron Microscope 6 Imbibition in seeds 7 Anaerobic Respiration 8 Plant cell - Mitosis and Meiosis ( plant - Onion, Animal – Grasshopper) 9 Animal Cell Mitosis and Meiosis (Animal -Grasshopper ) Plant Cell éôé Eukaryotic 10 Monocot stem T.S ” Root T.S 11 Dicot Steam T.S ’’ Root T.S 12 Viruses - Structure 13 Bacteria 14 Double Fertilization in Plants / Fertilization 15 Five Kingdom Classification (Whittaker) 16 W.B.C Cells 17 Muscle fibre 18 Pedigree Chart of the Gumetic Trait 19 Pollen germination 20 Pedigree Chart - Genetic trait Rolling of tongue Blood Group Widow’s Peak Colour Blindnessé Hemophilia 21 DNA / RNA 22 Ascaris lumbricoides (O-> / O+) 23 . Microscope – Simple 24 Histological structure of Testis 25 Histological structure of Ovary 26 þ Matured Sperm 27 T.S of Blastula - Any mammal 28 Gregor Johann Mendel 29 Contrastive characters of Pisum 30 E.Coli Bacteria 31 Flasella Structure 32 Typical Neurone 33 Cell wall (Plant) 34 Cell membran structure - Different scientist 35 Nitrogen Cycle 36 Glycolysis 37 Hans Krebs & Krebs cycle 38 Human Digestive System 39 Human Respiratory system 40 Human Heart - External & Dissection 41 Human Excretory system 42 Human Skeleton system 43 Human Spinal Cord 44 Human Eye - Dissection 45 Parts of Ear 46 Human Endocrine System / gland 47 Male Reproductive System 48 Female Reproductive System 49 Female Reproductive System 50 23 Pairs Human Chromosome 51 Nucleosome 52 Typical Chromosome 53 Miller - Urey Experiment 54 Lamarck 55 Darwin 56 Horse Evolution 57 Bee Dance 58 þ Mature sparm, ovum 59 Archaeopteryx 60 Adaptive Radiation - Mammalian 61 Darwin Finches 62 Antibody 63 Soil Profile 64 Food chain , food web 65 Carbon-cycle 66 Carolus Lenius 67 Dr. Edward Jenner 68 Plasmodium Vivax Protozoa éôéôééôé Trophozoit stage ôééôééô Sporozoit stage 69 Trophozoit stage Entamoeba Protozoa Chart Pre-cystic stage Trophozoit stage Meta cystic stage 70 Hydrila Sp 71 Flower with Maize 72 Soil texture 1 Digital Balance Wensar model no.ECB600 capacity 600gm Readability 2 Normal Balance 3 Weight Box 1 Projector 1 þ Glass tube with Board two open mouths 2 Capillary tube 3 Big Flask (Aerobic Respiration) 4 Rober Core with singh pore 5 The glass tube with both side open 6 Respiroscope 7 Broad and long Experimental tube 8 Bifurcated Cork 9 Plain slide (Pkd of 50 pcs) Fine quality (BOROSIL / BLUE STAR) 10 Cavity Slide - 1 cavity - 2 cavity - 3 cavity - Slide Craft 11 Cover Slip (BOROSIL / BLUE STAR) - Square and Round 12 Watch Glass 3 13 Dropping bottle glass 14 Test tube holder 15 Test tube stand (3 tier) Polylab (18X12mm tube) (Round polyab) 16 Test tube stand - wooden, fine quality 17 Test tube - Borosil 18 Dropper - Borosilicate 19 BEAKER - Borosil -50ml, 100ml, 250 ml, 500ml, 1000ml 20 Conical Flask - Borosilicate - 100ml, 150ml, 250 ml, 500ml, 1000ml 21 BELLIAR Glass - Big size 9 X 6 22 Laboratory Tray, Polylab 375 X 300 X 75 mm 23 Narrow mouth bottle 4000ml, Polylab 24 Wash Bottle 250ml, Poly lab 25 Petridish - 3 - Borosil 4 - Borosil 26 Funnel Glass 27 Measuring Cylinder ( Polylab) - 10ml, 25ml, 100ml, 250 ml, 500ml, 1000ml 28 Volumetric Flask (Borosilicate) - 125ml, 250ml 29 Glass Plate 30 Stand & Clamp 31 Cork with single hole 32 Tripoid stand 33 Tyndal setup showing pursence of particulate pollyplants in water 34 Thermometer 35 Glass Stick 36 Pipet 37 Water Bath 38 Test tube Rack 39 Refrigerator 40 Test tube holders ( Test tube holder BRASS) 41 Wire-gause 42 Testtube 43 Glass bottle with broad mouth 44 Cork 45 Pituitary Preserved bottle 1 Distiled Water 2 Hg 3 Stand 4 Sucrose 5 Boric Acid 6 Magnesium Sulphate 7 Potassium Nitrate 8 Blotting Paper 9 Glycerin 10 Formalin 4% 11 Alchohol / Ethyl Alchohol 12 Napthalin Narcotis Solution 14 Alchohol 100% 15 Eather 16 Rectified Spirit 17 Chloroform 18 Chloral Hydrate 19 Calcium Chloride 20 Eosin Solution 21 Parchment Paper 22 Filter Paper 23 Safraninþ 24 Cobalt Chloride Paper 25 Cobalt Chloride Solution (5%) 26 Vaseline 27 FAH Solution 28 Canaja Baslam 29 D.P.X 30 NaCl 31 Concentrate H2So4 32 Starch 33 þKI 34 I2 35 36 / CuSO4 36 NaOH 37 KOH 38 Hg 39 HNO3 40 CaCl2 41 Iodine Solution 42 Methyline blue 43 Crystal Violet 44 Leishman Stain 45 Acctocarmin 46 Acetic Acid 47 Formalin 48 Ethanol 49 Sodium hypobromite 50 Phenol Red 51 Acitic Acid 52 Euoreaze Tablet 53 Amonium Carbonate 54 Methanal 55 Xanthydrol Solution 56 Bendict’s Reagent 57 Fellings magnet 58 Bedford Solution 59 Sulfosalicyclic Acid 60 Robert’s Solution = HNO3 + Mg SO4 61 Biurit Reagent 62 Smith Reagent 63 Sucrose 64 Sulpher Powder 65 Brine Solution 66 éôéNapthylam 67 Hcl SCon) 68 Ammonia Solution 69 Millon’s Reagent 70 Ethanal 71 Sudanéôé III Reagent 72 ( Whatman No. 1) - Paper Chromography App. 73 Petroleum 74 Aceton 75 Starch / Starch Solution / Starch Powder 76 Sucrose 77 Caustic Potash Stand 78 Wax 79 Methyline Blue S Weights Blood stain V 80 Normal Saline 81 ph Paper S Broad & Narrow) 82 Colour Scale 83 NaCl 84 Iodine Solution 85 Ph Bufer Tablet 86 Glacial Acetic Acid 87 Spirit 88 Antiserum- A, B, Rh 89 Alchohol - 30 %, 50 %, 70 %, 80 %, 90 %, 100 % 90 Xylol ( 50 % , 100 %) 91 Glucose 92 Sodium Hypobromite 93 Colchicin 94 Hematoxylin 95 Concetrate Sugar Solution ( 10 - 20 % 96 Salt 97 Detergent 98 Soap 99 Enzyme Amylase 1 Sunflower Root WO Slide 2 Sunflower Steam WO Slide 3 Sunflower leaf WO Slide 4 Honey Bee specimen 5 Agariens slide 6 Amoeba Protozoa 7 Animal cell slide 8 Bacillus bacteria slide 9 Rabbit Specimen 10 Agaricus Specimen 11 Riecia Specimen 12 Lichm Specimen 13 Dryoteris Specimen 14 Leech ( Hiru jinaria ) Specimen 15 Tapeworm Specimen 16 Prawh Specimen i) Macrobra chnni sp ii) Penaeus monodon 17 Silk Worm Specimen 18 Shark Specimen 19 Ruhu fish Specimen 20 Frog Specimen 21 Lizard Specimen 22 Pigeon Specimen 23 Malaria Protoza slide 24 Marchanfia Liverwort slide 25 Seleiunchy slide 26 Pinus male slide 27 Plasmodium vivax Protozoa slide É ôé Trophosoit Stage - Sporosoit Stage 28 Pollen grain slide 29 Rhizopus slide 30 Ringworm slide - i) Microsporum andouini ii) Trichophyta ribrum 31 Spirillium slide ( Bacteria) 32 Squamous Capithilium slide 33 Blood Sugar Human slide 34 Direct Leaf slide 35 Direct Root slide 36 Direct Stem slide 37 Entamoeba Protozoa slide 38 Englena slide 39 Guard cell stomata slide 40 Hookworm slide 41 Hydra slide 42 Monocot leaf slide 43 Nucleus slide 44 Oscillatoria slide 45 Palisade slide 46 Parenchyma slide 47 Pholem slide 48 Xylem slide 49 Monocot stem slide 50 Monocot Root slide 51 Meiosis slide (set) - Animal Grasshopper - Plant Onion bud cell 52 Mitosis slide (set) - Plant Onion root tip cell - Animal cell ( grasshopper) 53 Anophilis specimen 54 Culex specimen 55 Fasciola specimen 56 Labio specimen 57 Octopus specimen 58 Yeast specimen / Saccharomyces sp. 59 Spirogyra specimen 60 Funaria specimen 61 Balanoglossus specimen 62 Amphiauxous (Branchio stoma sp.) specimen 63 Ascidia sp. specimen 64 (Myxini sp) specimen 65 ( Cavia sp) specimen 66 Opunita sp. specimen 67 Euphobia sp. specimen 68 Hydrilla sp - specimen 69 Vallisneria sp. éôé specimen 70 Nelumbo sp. - specimen 71 Eichhornia sp. - specimen 72 Typha sp. specimen 73 Flower germinated Slide 74 T.S Pancreas Slide 75 T.S Testis Slide 76 T.S Ovary Slide 77 T.S Blastula Slide 78 Ascaris sp. specimen 79 Bacteria 80 Asphodelus sp. 81 Saccharomyees Sp. 1 Phototropic Chamber 2 þInsect Net 3 Etherizer 4 Metal Wire 5 Spirit Lamp 6 Bunsen Burner 7 Stop Clock 8 Hamandista 9 Wire Gause 10 Small metal Box 11 Ovan - Elechonics 12 Cardboard Box 13 Electric Bulb 14 Torch 15 Oil Paper 16 Tag (Paper / Aluminium) 17 Electric Kettle (Water heater) 18 Centrifuse Machine with Centrifuse Tube 19 Graph Papers 20 Water Sample of two water bodies 21 Injection Seyringe 22 Tissue homogenizer 23 Wall Clock 24 þMeasuring Tape 25 Black CD Marker 26 Broad Working Table 27 Sitting Tool 28 Drawer 29 Almirah 30 Management of Basin, Water, light in every table 31 Cord 32 James Clip 33 Fine Sand 34 Record Book 35 Pencil 36 Cutter 37 Erazer 38 Scale / Metre Scale 39 Pen 40 Dry Soil, Damp Soil 41 Polythene Bag 42 þ Old News Paper 43 Khata 44 Soil digging tool 45 Glu 46 Sellotape 47 Spade 48 Fishing Net (Small pour) 49 Plastic Pail 50 Collected Soil from Different Soil 51 Hovel 52 Dry Soil Pot 53 Calculator 54 Spoon 55 Nail 56 Measuring Tape 57 Ice 58 Cotton Cord 59 Elastic Girder 60 Hammer 61 Bamboo Stick 62 High heat resistant pot