
Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning Of Electrical & Mechanical Equipments On Turnkey Basis For Wss Takenwari Ganderbal, srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning Of Electrical & Mechanical Equipments On Turnkey Basis For Wss Takenwari Ganderbal. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-03-2025. Bolts Tenders in srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning Of Electrical & Mechanical Equipments On Turnkey Basis For Wss Takenwari Ganderbal
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Electrical & Mechanical equipments on turnkey basis for WSS Takenwari Ganderbal-- 1 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Vertical Type Submersible Pumping Unit as per 8034[2002] for pumping water from Bore Well(REST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AS PER ANNEXURE A) 2 Providing, Laying, testing and commissioning of G.I Rising Main for newly proposed OHT. The Pipe shall be G.I (Heavy Duty Class-C) having a nominal diameter of 100 mm confirming to IS 1239.(REST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AS PER ANNEXURE A) 3 Providing, Laying, testing and commissioning of M.S flanged G.I tapping line for artesian flow from well to nearby collection sump.The job includes excavation of soil to maintain gravity from casing pipe to already constructed collection sump by making necessary holes in casing pipe and concrete sump thereof. The Pipe shall be G.I (Heavy Duty Class-C) having a nominal diameter of 65 mm confirming to IS 1239. Make-Jindal, Tata, Electro steel, SuyraPrakash or equivalent 4 Providing and fitting of MS lid 250mm dia fabricated out of 12mm thick MS plate of size with help of Arc welding over the casing pipe. 5 Fabrication, providing, fitting and lowering of 65 mm diameter C Class (Heavy class) column pipe conforming to IS: 1239 of length 10 Rft into the 200/ 250/300 mm casing dia. production well up to the desired depth; The job includes Providing and welding of flanges conforming to IS: 6392, Table-5 and PN 16 to these pipes and welding of flanges in two layers to make the flanged joint strong and leak proof. The pipe of 10 ft length is to be weld on both sides with flanges using welding rod of reputed make. The job includes all types of skilled labours, arrangement of power supply/ diesel Generator set etc required for the job including P/F of suitable size nuts bolts and R.I Gasket in the flanged joints of column pipes. The job further includes cutting of 2 no. rectangular cable slots in each flange. 6 Providing & fitting of Ductile iron double flanged, slanted seat 100 mm diameter swing Check valve (NRV) as per ISI 5312 of Sigma flow, AVK, Kirloskar, Tallis or equivalent make. The body shall be of ductile cast iron with fully encapsulated vulcanized EPDM rubber (Approved for drinking water). The valve shall be compatible for buried applications and shall be safe to install in both horizontal & vertical positions. It shall have electrostatic Epoxy coating (Approved for drinking water) both inside and outside of the valve. The valve shall be supplied along with hand wheel. Cost on account of nuts, bolts, gaskets, etc required for the job is included in the scope of work. The job includes providing and fitting of 02 nos. M.S flanges perfectly adaptable to the inbuilt flanges of the valve which shall be fitted with rising main of the pumping unit at appropriate spots as per site requirement Note Test check certificate from the manufacturer shall be produced by the at the time of delivery of NRV. The firm shall produce equivalent certificates by any government authority at the time of submitting of QAP. 7 Providing & fitting of Ductile iron double flanged, non-rising spindle soft seated 100 mm diameter glandless gate/Sluice valve having pressure rating PN -1.6 & as per ISI4846 for regulating the water supply outside the pumping units. The body and bonnet of the valve shall be of ductile iron, wedge with fully vulcanized EPDM rubber (Approved for drinking water) and NBR seal. The gate/Sluice valve shall be compatible for buried applications and shall be safe to install in both horizontal & vertical positions. It shall have electrostatic Epoxy coating (Approved for drinking water) both inside and outside of the valve. The valve shall be supplied along with hand wheel. Cost on account of nuts, bolts, gaskets, etc required for the job is included in the scope of work. The job includes providing and fitting of 02 nos. M.S flanges perfectly adaptable to the inbuilt flanges of the valve which shall be fitted with rising main of the pumping unit at appropriate spots as per site requirement preferably .Sigma flow, AVK, kirlosker, Tallis or equivalent make. Note Test check certificate from the manufacturer shall be produced by the at the time of delivery of SV. The firm shall produce equivalent certificates by any government authority at the time of submitting of QAP. 8 Providing and fitting of long radius 100 mm dia. C-Class GI pipe Bends flanged on both sides, flange conforming to Table-5 to be fitted in the Delivery pipe lines. The flange welding shall be carried out in double layers using reputed make electrodes from inside and outside of pipe to form strong welding joint. 9 Providing, fitting of MS clamps capable of holding 200 mm dia. GI-C-class Pipe. The clamp shall be fabricated out of 18 mm thick MS plate with adequate flange length and flanges bored with 5/8” holes and provided with suitable size nuts and bolts 10 Over Head Gantry Fabrication / Erection of Channel iron column to act as support for resting of monorail crane (REST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AS PER ANNEXURE A) 11 Supply, Installation and testing of motorized chain hoist with hook suspension but Without VFD of proper specifications having following features. The chain hoist shall also have the following characteristics:- 1) Motor: - The basic drive of the hoist be provided with 3 phase squired cage totally enclosed induction motor having a high starting torque with class “F” insulation. The make of the motor be NGEF / SEIMNS / GEC/ Crompton and conform to IS : 325 2) RPM:- 1500 3) Brake: - The hoist shall have instant action, fail to safe electromagnetic disc brake mounted on the end of the motor to ensure minimum safety and reliability when the load is held in its position as soon as the supply to the motor is switched off internally or accidentally. 4) Capacity: - 2 Ton. 5) Lift:- 06 m 6) Chain size:-10mm or as per relevant standards. 7) ISO Duty:-M4 8) Lifting speed single:-4 rpm, Dual=4/1.3 or as per relevant standards. 9) No. of falls:-2 or as per relevant standards. 10) Motor Kw main /creep:-Suitable for above parameters. 11) Special lower blocks, PLC. 12) Multiple hoist tandem, automated operation Make: - Morris, Load Mate,Indeff or reputed make keeping inview the safety of man & machinery. Note Test check certificate from the manufacturer shall be produced by the at the time of delivery of Chain hoist. 12 Fabrication providing, fitting of MS Gravel Hooper fabricated out of 40mmx40mmx4 mm angle iron with inner sides covered /welded with 3mm MS sheet. The size of the gravel Hooper shall be 3 feetx3 feet at the top and 2 feet x 2 feet at the bottom and the height shall be 2 ½ feet .The top of the Gravel Hooper shall be covered with 6mm thick chequered plate fabricated in two halves with a provision to accommodate 250mm well casing pipe at center and the two halves shall be provided with foldable handles foe easy lifting .The Gravel Hooper is to welded withtwo no.75 x 40mm channel iron lugs 2 feet long on opposite sides to prevent Gravel Hooper sinking Angle iron 40x40x4=10 mts@2.42Kgs/m=24.2kgs MS sheet and chequered plate =92kgs ISLC 75=2.44m@5.7kgs/m=14 kgs Note:- To be measure and paid as per actual 13 Providing, Laying of cement concreteblock of size 8 feet x 6 feet x 1½, feet in 1:2:4 mix surrounding Gravel Hooper .The job includes excavation cost, form work, shuttering costs ,transportation, head loadcost etc. 14 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade, two coats on all items viz, Delivery manifold, MS gantry, gravel Hooper. 15 Providing and Fabrication of 6’-0” x 6’-0” size MS angle Iron Framed worker’s sleeping bed made out of ISA 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm. The job shall include fourno of legs 1’6’’ long made out of equal ironISA 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm with braces of MS flats 50mm x 4 mm, 2 no(1’-0” Long) for each legand for central support,3 no’s (6’-0”long each) to be welded precisely with Advani electrodes as per requirement. Job also includes P/F of 19 mm ply board of 6’-0” x 6’-0” size. 16 Fabrication, Providing and fitting ofModularmotor control panel of appropriate size fabricated out of 14 SWG sheet having required openings/vents and protection Class : IP55 & fitted with accessories (REST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AS PER ANNEXURE A) 17 Providing & fitting of 16 Sq.mm 3-core,415 ± 10% V standard insulated copper submersible cable of L&T, Havells or equivalent make conforming to IS 694:1990 to be fitted with pumping unit from main control panel to modular control panel & interconnection of various other electrical gadgets. The job also includes providing, fitting, crimping and taping suitable amperage Copper thimbles at the ends of the conductor by hydraulic crimping Note Test certificate ofthe cable shall be produced at the time of supply of material . 18 Providing, fitting, testing and commissioning of 50 KVA voltage controller(REST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AS PER ANNEXURE A) 19 Creation of pole mounted, outdoor type 63 KVA Electric Sub Station by way ofS/I/T/C of 11/0.433 KVA , 3 Phase Distribution Transformer with Bimetallic Terminal connectors Aluminum wound63 KVA Specifications conforming to IS : 1180 (Part 1) 2014 with latest amendments(REST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AS PER ANNEXURE A) 20 Supply, installation, erection of 9 mtrs long ST- 410 (SP-33) IS-2713 part-II-1980. The poles shall be fitted / welded with 12 mm thick M. S Plate of 40 mm x 40 mm in size at the bottom and having holes drilled at top at appropriate position for accommodating MS fasteners for holding crosses and safety devices. 21 Earth work in excavation by manual means in trenches for foundation, drains ,pipes , cables (not exceeding 1.5 m in width ) and for shafts , wells , cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan , including dressing of sides and reaming of bottom lift up to 1.5 m , including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed.all kinds of soil 0.45cum/pole 22 Providing and laying of soling stone including manual compaction @.04cum/pole 23 Concrete cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standards, 0.5 Cum /pole 24 Painting of poles Red oxide 25 Painting of poles Aluminum paint 26 Earthing of ST poles by way of P/F of GI rod 20mm 3mtr long through GI strip 27 Providing and fitting G.I Channel Flat of Various sizes including clamps 28 P/F of Galvanized nuts, bolts of various sizes as per site requirement. 29 Supply and fitting of 11 KV polymeric composite pin insulator 12 KV, 5KN, Lighting impulse 75KV Positive, and 80 KV Negative, creepage distance 320 mm 30 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of heavy duty 11KV Link set 31 Providing and fitting of D clamps 32 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Polymeric Gang operated Air break switch, outdoor type, triple pole, suitable for vertical installation, single break provided with locking arrangement at both ON and OFF position consisting ofHT post double insulator, copper or copper alloy high pressure heavy contact assembly, rod with bearings , operating handle and 2 length of 32mm dia. GI pipe conforming to IS 1818 1961, 06 No. of insulators, rated voltage 11KV 200A complete as per IS specs. 33 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 11KV polymer fuses Set Horn Gap 3-phase 200 A suitable for vertical installation 34 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Gapless Surge arrestor station class, 10KA, 9KV, LA With polymer housing, Station Type. 35 Supply and fitting of 11 KV polymeric composite disc insulator 12 KV, min falling load 45 KN ,Lighting impulse 75KV Positive, and 80 KV Negative , creepagedistance 320 mm 36 P/F Danger Plate with clamps 37 Providing and fixing G.I Barbed wire for anti-climbing 38 Providing and fixing of anti-climbing devices with clamps 39 Supply, Installation and Testing of 35 Sq mm XLPE Aluminum H.T cable (ABC type) of 11 KV grade with following specs. Size (cross sectional area in sq mm) = 3×35 Phases:Red, Yellow, Blue 40 P/F of 11 KV cable termination kit for connecting 35 Sq mm XLPE cable (ABC type) with the existing HT line near tapping point and HT transformer. 41 Providing and fitting of LT Distribution box for 63 KVA H.T transformer With 200 Amp MCCB For incomer and 100 Amp with fuses for outgoing circuits. 42 Providing, Installation of earthing station comprising of company fabricated earthing electrodes as per IS: 3043. The job includes Auguring of bore of required dia. / depth for installation of electrode along with black fill compound mixed with soil and all other items required thereof for achieving the best result The job includes connecting of electric gadgets, DG set through GI stripe making of surface structure in brick / cement concrete material as per drawing annexure.Safe earthing electrode size 80 mm dia. length- 2000mm Blackfill - 30 Kg Model / make-JMV-392, Ashlok, Recons (one earthing for Control panel) 43 Providing and erection of 9M long Hot Dip galvanized Octagonal pole of (Single section) with bottom 150mm, top 90mm wide, thickness 3mm with 70 Microns Zinc coating having inside arrangement for providing of power connection along with following items. 1. 03 No. Terminal Connector 20A. 2. 04 No. MCB DP 10A. The job shall include fabrication, providing and fitting of three arm GI structure at the top having 120° angle between arms and each arm having 15° inclination with respect to horizontal plane. Each arm should be of 2ft lengthy and size and shape appropriate as per requirement of the Luminary. The job also includes providing and fitting of required length. of flexible multi-strand 1.5mm copper wire from each terminal connector to each holding arm. The pole shall be mounted on 1:2:4 cement concreting of size not less than 2ft x 2ft x 4ft using 04 No. anchor bolts of required size not less than 7 inch in length. . The MCB’s should be enclosed in a glazed door type DB as per site requirement to be provided/fitted by the firm. The complete job shall include Earthing in GI Electrode, PVC pipe HDPE of required size & length for inlet and outlet for cable in connection block. Acceptable makes are Bajaj / Philips/Surya or equivalent make. 44 Providing. Installation, testing and commissioning of 120-Watt LED (Street Light Type) Input; 90-240 V, 50 Hz. Power factor; >0.9 Colour Temperature: 4K – 6.5K Beam angle: 120°- 170° Lumens: >12000 Operating Temperature:-20° to 60° The LED shall have pressure die cast aluminum housing with power coated finish and having Ingress Protection upto IP-68. The LED shall be properly fitted on the arm of the pole and connected to the copper wire as provided in item above and made functional. Make: SYSKA / Havells or equivalent make 45 Providing Laying and connection of 2Cx10mm², PVC sheathed Aluminum, Armoured Cable from the connecting of high mast pole to the stabilizer. The job includes underground laying or overhanging through PVC conduit as per requirement and directions of the site in charge. Make: Havells/Finolex/L&T/ KEI or equivalent make. 46 Automatic Voltage Stabilizer (5 KVA) The Automatic Voltage Stabilizer shall be of copper wound, 4KVA Rating designed for an input Voltage of 90- Volt and Output Voltage of 230 Volt with Power Coated Enclosure. 47 Providing, fitting, testing and commissioning of (L.T) XLPE 50 mm2 Armoured Al. Cable of 1.1 KV grade conforming to IS: 7089 part 1st with following characteristics from HT Substation to Modular Control panel: Conductor Nominalcross sectional area: 3 x 50+25 mm2 Min. Number of wires: 4 Nominal thickness Insulation : 1.6mm Outer sheath : 1.56mm Make : Havells / L&T or equivalent 48 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning 25mm Sq.Single Core flexible copper power cable, suitable for LV 1.1KV/650V grade, XLPE Insulated, cores laid up, PVC inner sheathed, Un-armoured for connecting Control panels and Voltage Stabilizers together. Confirming to IS7098- Part 1, 1988. Acceptable makes for the cable are Havells/Finolex/L&T/Polycab/ KEI or equivalent . The job is inclusive of Providing & fixing of copper thimbles (not less than 40 No’s) (make Dowels) for the cable as per site requirement duly crimped with the cable termination ends by crimping tool and 150mm Nylon Cable ties (150 No’s). The cable is used to connect various electric gadgets. 49 Providing and fitting of flexible canvas conduit for 35 Sq mm single-core PVC XLPE un armoured LT copper conductor from Panel to voltage stabilizer. 50 Providing, laying & fixing with adhesive/bonding material of insulation rubber mats on the floor of the pump house, covering area around electro-mechanical machinery for safeguarding the life & limb of the workmen due to possible leakage of current & short circuit. The floor surface shall be made good & shall be free from dust, grease, foreign material & moisture free. The mats shall be as per IS 15652:2006 & shall have the following specifications: -Composition: Rubber (synthetic mats for electrical purpose) Thickness: - 2.5mm Size: - 1M wide. Make: - Safe Volt/Jyoti or equivalent The rubber mats shall be accepted with manufacturers test certificate. 51 Providing of solar/ electrical lantern chargeable on both solar & electrical 220v supply. (Andslite/Philips/Syska/Wipro or equivalent). 52 Providing of bamboo ladders 15 feet long along with 15 feet long Link rods and HT Glove pair. 53 Supply, installation, Testing & commissioning of 1000VA Full Sine wave power inverter (Make: Microtek/Luminous/Exide or equivalent) including Providing / Installation of 12V, 180AH Tubular inverter Battery with trolley and cover. (Make: Amaron /Exide or equivalent ) with 2-core 6mm2 Cu wiring as per site requirement along with other accessories like SS-Combine (02 No’s), 3pin plugs etc of reputed make for proper fitment and installation of the item. 54 a) Providing/Fitting of lighting and fan points in 1.5 mm multi strand single core cable Havells/L&T or equivalent make carried through 1 dia .PVC pipe junction box, bends, clips and fitted with 5-Amp piano type SSK switch on Hylum plate (12 nos). b) Providing/Fitting of heating points in 2.5 mm multi strand single core cable Havells or equivalent make fitted with 15-Amp socket switch cabin on Hylum plate.( 04 nos.) c) Providing / Fitting of 16mm2 Aluminum armoured cable from main panel board to distribution board (20 mtr) d) Providing /Fitting of 3-pin, 5 Amp plug points complete in all respects. (4 Nos.) e) Providing /Fitting of Angle holder with 100 watt lamps complete in all respects.( 12 Jobs) f) Providing & Fitting of 1200mm sweep Orient/Bajaj/Havells/Anchor or equivalent make ceiling fan with 1.5mm2 Cu wiring as per site requirement complete in all respects like hook for holding the fan, tape, fan dimmer switch etc. Preferred Colour is Dark Brown (02 Jobs) g) Providing /Fitting of 16 ways main distribution board of QVF Havells or equivalent make with 6 Amp MCB-12 nos., 16 Amp-4 nos. for heating points, and 36 AMP MCB (mains) Havells make or equivalent.( C. Job) 55 Providing of tool kit comprising of Flat Spanner 14-27 No (07 Pieces), Ring spanner set 14-27 No (07 pieces), 10” screw Driver, Hammer-1.5 Kg, H/D Plier,24” , The tools shall be of Taparia /Ambika or equivalent make. The Job also Includes 05 no PVC chairs Prima /Cello or equivalent make along with PVC table, 10 mm Thermo cool for operator’s quarter having size of 12’x14’-02 nos,12x14 size Excel matting -02 no’s, . The Job includes Supply, Providing of Bedding including Razie -02 Nos, Mattress -02 no’s, Curtains –3′x6′ size -05 nos, Pillows-04 nos, Rice Cooker-01 No, Steel Plates & Glass -06 Nos each, Jug & 15 ltr Buket -01no, Blower 2000 watt -01 no ,& Excel primer coatof two rooms having12′x14′ size, and outer Walls of Pump House / operator’s quarter. 56 Providing, Installation, Fitting, Testing and Commissioning of 40 KVA Water Cooled D.G Set confirming to (CPCB-IV NORM) (REST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AS PER ANNEXURE A)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 170255.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 34.05 Lakhs /-


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