Tender For A- Improvement Of Road Fondshiras Pirale To Shendemala Vr 386 Ch 0/00 To 1/600 At Fondshiras Tal Malshiras, B- Improvement Of Road Mdr 96 To Fondshiras Pedkarmala Vr 674 Ch 0/00 To 2/00 At Fondshiras Tal Malshiras - 1 A) Improvement of Road Fondshiras Pirale to Shendemala VR 386 Ch 0/00 to 1/600 At Fondshiras Tal Malshiras- Labourchargesforremovinggrass,thorneyshrubs,Junglishrub, Kubabul and alike grass along roadside making the ground clean by showel and phavaras etc. complete. 2 Providing,laying,spreadingandcompactingstoneaggregatesof specific sizes to waterboundmacadamspecification including spreadinginuniformthickness,handpackingtopropergradeand camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting with vibratory roller to the required density. By Mechanical Means - Grading II (Using Screening Type B (11.2 mm) Aggregate) 3 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating by fames in Boiler and spraying bitumen set footed in bitumen boller on B.T. surface 2.5 kg/10 sqm.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 4 Providingandconstructing75mm.thickModified Penetration Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing the existingroadsurface,spreading40mm.stonemetallayers30% crusherbrokenmetal+70%Handbroken(bybreakingrubble obtained by blasting) heating and spraying thebitumen of specified grade @ 2 Kg/sqm, spreading 12 mm.size chips compacting with three wheel static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive the desired degree of compaction as per Technical Specification Clause 506 etc. complete. IncludingpickingofexistingWBMsurface.(VG-30bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 5 OpenGradedPremixSurfacing-ProvidingandLayingOGC20mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates premixed with bituminous binder transported to site with VTS , laid over a previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired compaction but excluding prime / tack and Seal coat. For Bitumen of specified grade--USING drum mix type hot mix plant with SCADA, Paver and Vibratory roller ( Over MPM Surface) (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 6 Providing bituminous Type A liquid seal coat on bituminous surface includingsupplyingallmaterialsandbitumenofspecifiedgrade preparing existing road surface, heating and applying bitumen @ 0.98 KgSqm. by mechanical means, spreading chips and rolling, by static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. etc. complete. (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 7 Supplying hard murum/ kankar at the road site, including conveying and stacking complete. 8 Spreadinghardmurum/softmurrum/gravelorkankarforside width complete 9 Providing and fixing Road junction / Information sign board of size 0.90 m x 0.60 m. prepared on 16 gauge M.S. sheet with angle iron frame of size 35x35x5 mm including painting with one coat of zinc cromatestovingprimerandtwocoatseachofgreen/G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mmdia.and20mmlongsheetandangleironpostinonepiece withoutjointsincludingalltaxes,conveying,fixingingroundwith cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc. complete. Mild Steel Board with Engineering Grade. 10 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 450mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 11 Test Report- Metal Gradation G1 , G2 12 Bitumen 13 Royalty Charges- 14 Add GST- 15 B) Improvement Of Road MDR 96 to Fondshiras Pedkarmala VR 674 Ch 0/00 to 2/00 At Fondshiras Tal Malshiras- Labourchargesforremovinggrass,thorneyshrubs,Junglishrub, Kubabul and alike grass along roadside making the ground clean by showel and phavaras etc. complete. 16 Providing,laying,spreadingandcompactingstoneaggregatesof specific sizes to waterboundmacadamspecification including spreadinginuniformthickness,handpackingtopropergradeand camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting with vibratory roller to the required density. By Mechanical Means - Grading II (Using Screening Type B (11.2 mm) Aggregate) 17 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating by fames in Boiler and spraying bitumen set footed in bitumen boller on B.T. surface 2.5 kg/10 sqm.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 18 Providingandconstructing75mm.thickModified Penetration Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing the existingroadsurface,spreading40mm.stonemetallayers30% crusherbrokenmetal+70%Handbroken(bybreakingrubble obtained by blasting) heating and spraying thebitumen of specified grade @ 2 Kg/sqm, spreading 12 mm.size chips compacting with three wheel static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive the desired degree of compaction as per Technical Specification Clause 506 etc. complete. IncludingpickingofexistingWBMsurface.(VG-30bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 19 OpenGradedPremixSurfacing-ProvidingandLayingOGC20mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates premixed with bituminous binder transported to site with VTS , laid over a previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired compaction but excluding prime / tack and Seal coat. For Bitumen of specified grade--USING drum mix type hot mix plant with SCADA, Paver and Vibratory roller ( Over MPM Surface) (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 20 Providing bituminous Type A liquid seal coat on bituminous surface includingsupplyingallmaterialsandbitumenofspecifiedgrade preparing existing road surface, heating and applying bitumen @ 0.98 KgSqm. by mechanical means, spreading chips and rolling, by static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. etc. complete. (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) 21 Supplying hard murum/ kankar at the road site, including conveying and stacking complete. 22 Spreadinghardmurum/softmurrum/gravelorkankarforside width complete 23 Providing and fixing Road junction / Information sign board of size 0.90 m x 0.60 m. prepared on 16 gauge M.S. sheet with angle iron frame of size 35x35x5 mm including painting with one coat of zinc cromatestovingprimerandtwocoatseachofgreen/G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mmdia.and20mmlongsheetandangleironpostinonepiece withoutjointsincludingalltaxes,conveying,fixingingroundwith cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc. complete. Mild Steel Board with Engineering Grade. 24 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 450mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 25 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 900mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. 26 Test Report- Metal Gradation G1 , G2 27 Bitumen 28 Royalty Charges- 29 Add GST-