Ortho Aids For Cwsn Ortho Aids And Appliances For Cwsn Students Who Are Studiying In General Schools Of Malappuram District. , Orthotic Aids , Cp Wheel Chair , Cp Chair ( Head Support/Adductor Seperator/Wheel) , Folding Commod Chair With Wheel (Steel) , Corrective Accormodative Chappal( Medial Arch Support /Mcr Sole/Lateral Wedge/ Medial Wedge/Up To One Inch Height Correction.) , Corrective Accormodative Shoe ( Medial Arch Support /Mcr Sole/Lateral Wedge/ Medial Wedge/Up To One Inch Height Correction.) , Mcr Foot Wear (Mcr Chappal/Shoe) , Ctev Shoe , Moulded Shoe , Smo (Supra Malleolar Orthosis ) , Hallux Valgus Splint , Surgical Shoe (More Than One Inch Height Correction.) , [A] Afo( Medial Arch Support /Mcr Sole/Lateral Wedge/ Medial Wedge/Up To One Inch Height Correction) , [B] Accormodative Chappalor , [C] Accormodative Shoe , [A] Articulated (Dynamic) Afo ( Medial Arch Support /Mcr Sole/Lateral Wedge/ Medial Wedge/Up To One Inch Height Correction ) , [B] Accormodative Chappalor , [C] Accormodative Shoe , [A] Ctev Afo (Metalic Or Polytropylene) , [B] Accormodative Shoe , [A] Foot Drop Splint(Leaf Spring Afo) , [B] Accormodative Shoe , [A] Kafo ( Medial Arch Support/ Lateral Wedge/ Medial Wedge/Height Correction Medial Pulling Strap)-Alimco Joint , [B] Accormodative Shoe , Metalic Kafo ( Medial Aech Support /Lateral Wedge/Medialwedge/Height Correction/Medial Pulling Strap) , Knee Brace With Joint(Alimco) , Mermaid Splint (Genu Valgus/ Genu Varrum) , Hinged Knee Brace , Knee /Leg Gaitor , [A] Hkafo( Medial Arch Support/ Lateral Wedge/Medial Wedge/ Height Correction/Medial Pulling Strap ) , [B] Accormodative Shoe , Hip Adductor Seperator( Hip Abductor Seperator Or Adductor Seperator) , Thkafo (Thoracichkafo) , Knuckle Bender Splint , Cock Up Splint , Dynamiccock Up Splint , Elbow Or Arm Gaitor , Spinal Brace (Spinal Jacket/ Boston Brace/Milwaukee Brace/Somi Brace/Ash Brace) , Lumbo Sacral Orthosis (Lso) , Thoraco Lumbo Sacral Orthosis (Tlso) , [A] Afo Filler , [B] Accormodative Shoe , [A] Below Knee Prosthesis (Bk) (Trans Tibial Prothesis) , [B] Accormodative Shoe , [A] Below Knee Extension Prosthesis (Bk) , [B] Accormodative Shoe , [A] Above Knee Prosthesis (Trans Femoral Prosthesis) , [B] Accormodative Shoe , Knee And Hand Pad (Mcr) , Aeroplane Splint , Cosmetic Hand , Prosthetic Finger Cap