
Tender For Deposit Work Of Trippunithura Municipality Deposit Annual Plan 2023 24 Replacing Old And Damaged Ac Pipe With 110Mm Pipe At Sanskrit College Road At Tripunithura Municipality Pipeline Work - Deposit- Annual Plan 2023-24 -Replacing Old And Damag, Ernakulam-Kerala

Kerala Water Authority has published Tender For Deposit Work Of Trippunithura Municipality Deposit Annual Plan 2023 24 Replacing Old And Damaged Ac Pipe With 110Mm Pipe At Sanskrit College Road At Tripunithura Municipality Pipeline Work - Deposit- Annual Plan 2023-24 -Replacing Old And Damag. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-03-2025. Road Work Tenders in Ernakulam Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Deposit Work Of Trippunithura Municipality Deposit Annual Plan 2023 24 Replacing Old And Damaged Ac Pipe With 110Mm Pipe At Sanskrit College Road At Tripunithura Municipality Pipeline Work - Deposit- Annual Plan 2023-24 -Replacing Old And Damag
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Tender Details

Tender For Deposit Work Of Trippunithura Municipality Deposit Annual Plan 2023 24 Replacing Old And Damaged Ac Pipe With 110Mm Pipe At Sanskrit College Road At Tripunithura Municipality Pipeline Work - DEPOSIT- Annual Plan 2023-24 -Replacing Old and DamagedAC Pipe with 110mmpipe at Sanskrit College Road at Tripunithura Municipality-Pipeline Work Sl. No. Item Description 1 Working Charge 2 15.43.2:Dismantling manually / by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer -in-Charge:Bituminous road 3 100.1.1:Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc., including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5m, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc., and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50m, in all kinds of soil. 4 100.98.1008:Engaging Coolie. 5 100.8.1:Fencing one side of trenches, 1.50m height with two rows of 10cm plastic caution tape in vertical casuarina pole (girth 15cm to 24cm) fixed at 2m intervals. 6 2.16.1:Close timbering in trenches including strutting, shoring and packing cavities (wherever required) complete (Measurements to be taken of the face area timbered).Depth not exceeding 1.5m 7 100.7.1:Bailing out water with 5HP engine and pump set including conveyance to the site, erecting, dismantling and taking back of engine and pump, cost of fuel lubricating oil and other stores pay of staff etc., complete. 8 100.98.214:Supply of PVC Pipe, 6kg/cm2, 110mm Dia. 9 100.9.9:Laying uPVC pipes of class 2 to class 6 and specials, lowering to the trenches already made, placing in position aligning the pipeline to the lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials with solvent cement and testing the pipeline with water to the required test pressure (excluding cost of pipes and specials): 110 mm nominal outside diameter pipes. 10 and fixing PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for Rigid PVC pipes, including jointing with PVC solvent cement- 110 mm dia Bend 11 and fixing PVC moulded fittings/accessories for Rigid PVC pipes, including jointing with PVC solvent cement -110 mm dia End Cap 12 OD278075/2023-2024:Disconnecting existing 110/90/75/63mm PVC branch lines from the existing 100mm AC and re connecting to newly laid 110mm PVC pipe to including cutting and dismantling the existing line to the length including the cost of necessary earthwork excavation, cost of specials, labour charges, conveyance etc complete 13 OD278076/2023-2024:Interconnecting existing 160/90mm PVC pipe to the newly laid 110mmpvc pipe including cutting and dismantling the existing line to the length and providing suitable size clamps and other specials including the cost of necessary earthwork excavation, cost of specials , labour charges, conveyance etc complete 14 OD278798/2023-2024:Shifting 20mm (3/4 inch) house connection from newly laid 110mm PVC pipeline, up to a length of 3m using 25mm Indian Standard Class 6 uPVC pipe and uPVC / GM / Brass specials viz. GM full way wheel valve, Elbow, MTA, FTA, couplers, PVC Service Saddle of suitable size etc. and connecting with the mains, testing the joints etc. complete including trenching and refilling in all kinds of soil up to a depth of 1.50m for main line tracing and trench of average cross section 0.3m x 0.70m for laying connection pipe and service pipe, fixing water meter, lighting, watching, providing caution boards, traffic control etc. complete including cost of materials, hire for tools, cost of consumables and labour charges but and excluding charges for cutting the concrete / tarred / bituminous roads etc, and as per the direction of the departmental officers.(Data derived from 15 100.98.506:Supply of CI Plain End Valve Conforming to IS 14846 - 2000, Sluice Valve with Cap PN 1.6, Size 100mm. 16 OD315432/2023-2024:Fixing C.I. sluice valves (with cap) complete with bolts, nuts, rubber insertion etc. (the tail pieces if required will be paid separately): Sluice Valve with Cap PN 1.6,Size 100mm 17 OD279530/2023-2024:Supplying of 100mm CIR joint 18 Road Restoration on PWD Roads 19 3.6:Excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transporting to the embankment location within all lifts and lead upto 1000m 20 4.1.A.1:Construction of granular sub-base by providing graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with a motor grader on the prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 Grading-I - Plant Mix Method 21 4.12:Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. 22 5.1.a:Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion ( SS) on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70 - 1.0 kg/sqm using mechanical means. 23 5.2.b:Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion (RS) using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 - 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared Granular Surface cleaned with mechanical broom. 24 5.3.2.a:Providing and laying bituminous macadam with 80-100 TPH hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with a bituminous binder (VG 30), transported to the site, laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade, level, and alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction For Grading II - (19 mm nominal size) 25 5.2.a:Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion( RS) using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 - 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom. 26 5.6.2.a:Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 80-100 TPH hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with a bituminous binder( NRMB) @ 5.4 percent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level, and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects For Grading - II (13.2 mm Nominal Size)

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