Procurement Of Equipments, Machineries, Glassware For Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering, Science And Humanities And Pharmacy Laboratories And Workshops Of Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic, Govt Wb As Per Nit- 1 Total Station 2 Rebound Hammer 3 Digital Balance & Weights 4 Metric chain 5 Metallic Tape 6 Plane table: best quality Indian made plane table size 75 cm x 60 cm complete with trough compass in wooden case, 15cm spirit level 60-75 cm long folding alidade and plumbing fork with plumb-bob 7 Field Survey Item: Accessories: Wooden pegs; 8 Mallet 9 Ranging rod 10 Arrows 11 Cube mould 12 Prismatic Compass 13 Density Bucket 14 COD digestor 15 Mixer Machine 16 Spectrophotometer 17 IS Sieve 18 Cylindrical Mould for Concrete 19 Digital Multimeter 20 Multi-function Meter (Digital), single phase 21 Multi-function Meter (Digital), three phase 22 Rheostat (Wire wound type 2-inch), 8Ω, 5A 23 Rheostat (Wire wound type 2-inch), 40Ω, 5A 24 Rheostat (Wire wound type 2-inch), 50Ω, 2A 25 Rheostat (Wire wound type 2-inch), 100Ω, 2A/1A 26 Rheostat (Wire wound type 2-inch), 200Ω, 2A 27 Rheostat (Wire wound type 2-inch), 250Ω, 1A 28 Rheostat (Wire wound type 2-inch), 500Ω, 1A 29 Power factor Meter (Analog) AE make 30 Power factor Meter (Digital) AE make 31 Energy (kWhr) Meter (Analog) 32 Energy (kWhr) Meter (Digital) 33 Wattmeter (L.P.F. Cos f=0.2) (analog) 34 Wattmeter (L.P.F. Cos f=0.2) (analog) 35 Wattmeter (L.P.F. Cos f=0.2) (analog) 36 Phase Sequence Indicator (Analog) 37 Synchroscope (Analog) 38 Complete set of Wheatstone Bridgefor DC resistance measurement 39 Complete set of Schering Bridgefor Capacitance measurement 40 Complete set of Anderson Bridgefor Capacitance measurement 41 Complete set for DC Network Theorem Verification , Thevenins, Nortons, Maximum Power Transfer, Supperposition etc. 42 Kelvin double Bridge(Analog type) 43 Load Box (variable-Static) R-L (Switched) 44 Variable (Switched) Capacitor Bank 45 Variable (Switched) Capacitor Bank 46 D.C. Network Analyzer suitable for Power system simulation with power supply & meters 47 Complete setup for Isolation Transformer 48 CT (lower rating for Demonerstration purpose) 49 PT (lower rating for Demonerstration purpose) 50 8051 Microcontroller trainer kit Complete Setup 51 8051 Microcontroller based development board (low cost)-Complete Setup 52 Complete set of three single phase transformer for vector grouping & suitable for zig-zag connection. 53 Contactor with 2NO & 2NC 54 Contactor with 2NO & 2NC 55 Tools: Soldering Station, Screw driver set, tester, Pliers [5 & 6] cutter, long nose pliers, wire streeper, hammer[200gm, 100gm] etc. 56 Control Circuit of HPSV Lamp 57 Breakdown strength measurement of transformer oil 58 Megger Insulation Tester 59 Set-up of a Synchronous motor-1HP,415V to conduct test on load/ no load to plot the V-curves or inverted V-carves. 60 Artificial Representation (CPR) Chart 61 Stepper motor for speed control 62 8051 develpement Board with ISP programmer 63 Arduino UNO 64 Arduino Nano 65 Raspberry Pi 5 66 Raspberry Pi Display 67 Proteus VSM 68 16x2 LCDDisplay Module 69 Stepper Motor 70 Stepper Motor Driver 71 Breadboard 72 Breadboard (medium Size) 73 Breadboard (mini Size) 74 Jumper wire 75 Bluetooth module 76 Zigbee Module 77 Universal input PID Controller 78 Temperature Transmitter 79 Diff. Pressure Transmitter 80 RTD Pt-100 - 3 wire 81 Thermocouple K-Type 82 Thermocouple J-Type 83 Compensating cable- K type 84 Thermister 85 Proximity Switch 86 Push ButtonSwitch 87 Reed Switch 88 Thermometer 89 PLC 90 Digital Input Module - 8 Channel 91 Digital Output Module 92 Analog Input Module 93 Analog Output Module 94 mini PLC 95 PCB Milling CNC Machine 96 ElectronicsWorkbench 97 Soldering Iron 98 Soldering Materials 99 Bread board 100 Screw Driver- 4mm Flat head 101 Screw Driver two in one -3.5mm 102 Line Tester/ neon screw driver 103 Measuring Tape 104 File tool 8inch 105 Laser printer 106 Jaw vice 107 Vernier Caliper 108 Soldering Station 109 Table top drill machine, with drill bit set (1mm to 10mm) 110 Pliers 111 Nose Pliers 112 wire cutter 113 Digital Communication Trainer Kit 114 Antenna Trainer Kit 115 Fiber Optic Trainer Kit 116 Microwave Test bench (Gunn Based) 117 XR 2206 IC 118 DC outputs 0 - 30 V, 0 ± 15 V (dual tracking) and 5 V, 1 A each, Constant Voltage and Constant Current operation 119 +12 Volt & -12 Volt @ 0.5 Amp I.C. Regulated Power Supply 120 5 Volt & -5 Volt @ 1 Amp I.C. Regulated Power Supply 121 Transistor Trainer Kit 122 Op-amp Trainer 123 DSO-100C1G 100 MHz Color Digital Storage Oscilloscope 124 100 MHz Digital Oscilloscope 125 Wheatstone bridge 126 Crompton Potentiometer 127 Maxwell’s Bridge Trainer Kit 128 Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation Trainer Kit 129 Superheterodyne Radio Receiver (AM/FM) Trainer Kit 130 FDM trainer kit 131 FM Varactor Modulator & Demodulator Trainer Kit 132 PAM-PWM-PPM Modulation & Demodulation Trainer Kit 133 Analog And Digital IC Tester 134 Digital SR ,D,T, JK & JK Master Slave Flip Flop Trainer Kit 135 A/D Convert Trainer Kit 136 D/A Converter Trainer Kit 137 Encoder -Decoder Trainer Kit 138 Multiplexer and De-multiplexer Trainer Kit 139 4 Bit Shift Register Trainer Kit 140 Automatic Refrigerator Test Rig 141 Micro Oven Laboratory Trainer Kit 142 Color Pattern Generator 143 Network LAN Cable Tester 144 3-in-1 Modular modular crimping tool RJ45 RJ11 145 Digital LCR Meter 146 ±12Volt DC Regulated Fixed Power Supply 147 ±5Volt DC Regulated Fixed Power Supply 148 4 1/2 Digital Multimeter 149 2MHz Function Generator 150 Digital pH meter 151 Digital balance 152 Tablet disintegration test apparatus IP (Digital Single/Double unit) 153 Friability test apparatus (Digital Single/Double unit) 154 Electric water bath unit 155 Vacuum Pump 156 Ointment spatula 157 Tablet dissolution test apparatus IP (single/double Unit) 158 Filtration assembly with Vacuum Pump 159 Pharmacology & Toxicology Practical Software 160 Viscometer Ostwald 161 Hospital and community pharmacy management software practice 162 Inventory Software for Retail Pharmacy 163 Glucometer 164 Hot air oven 165 Different joints (Plastic) 166 Analytical Balance 167 Digital PH meter 168 Digital conductivity meter 169 Digital DO-meter 170 Complete set for Thin Layer Chromatography 171 Arsenic set (For Laboratory) 172 Digital Thermometer 173 Redwood Viscometer 174 ABLES FLASH POINT Apparatus 175 Distillation plant 176 Daniel - Cell for EMF measurement 177 Bottle Top dispenser 178 HydrostaticBalance in glass cabinet 179 Glass cabinet of the Hydrostatic Balance 180 Solid Metal Cylinder 181 Hollow Metal Cylinder 182 Slide Calipers 183 Screw Gauge 184 Specific gravity Bottle 185 Weight Box (mg) 186 Tuning Forks 187 Wooden Hammerwith rubber pad 188 Convex Lens 189 Equilateralprism 190 Glass Slab For measuring R.I 191 Drawing board 192 Standard Coil Resistances 193 P.O Box 194 Ohm’s law apparatus 195 Table Voltmeter (DC) 196 Table Ammeter / milli ammeter (DC) 197 To Determine Radius of Curvature Of A Convex And A Concave Mirror/ Surface Using A Spherometer. 198 To Determine Radius of Curvature Of A Convex And A Concave Mirror/ Surface Using A Spherometer. 199 To Determine Radius of Curvature Of A Convex And A Concave Mirror/ Surface Using A Spherometer. 200 To Determine Radius of Curvature Of A Convex And A Concave Mirror/ Surface Using A Spherometer. 201 To Find The Coefficient of Friction Between Wood and Glass Using A Horizontal Board. 202 To Determine The Force Constant of A Spring Using Hookes Law. 203 To Find The Moment of Inertia of A Flywheel. 204 To Find The Coefficient of Linear Expansion of The Material of A Rod. 205 To find the viscosity of a given liquid Glycerin by Stoke’s law 206 To verify Boyle’s law. (with 1.5 kg Hg). 207 To determine and verify the time period of oscillation of a cantilever 208 To verify laws of resistances in series by 209 To verify Kirchhoff’s law using electrical circuits. 210 To find resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method. 211 To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter. 212 To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter. 213 To verify inverse square law of radiations using a photo-electric cell. 214 Battery Eliminator 215 To study the dependence of Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor on various factors and determine the permittivity of air at a place. 216 Compound Microscope 217 Digital Ammeter 218 Digital Voltmeter 219 Semiconductor Diode Characteristic Apparatus 220 Wooden bridge for specific gravity measurement 221 Magnifying glass within steel holder 222 Glass Beaker