
Tender For Repair /Overhauling/ Periodical Services Of Dg Sets Of Capacities From 31.25 Kva To 1010 Kva At Mil Stn Dappar., dappar-Punjab

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repair /Overhauling/ Periodical Services Of Dg Sets Of Capacities From 31.25 Kva To 1010 Kva At Mil Stn Dappar.. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-03-2025. Diesel Generators Tenders in dappar Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Repair /Overhauling/ Periodical Services Of Dg Sets Of Capacities From 31.25 Kva To 1010 Kva At Mil Stn Dappar.
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Tender Details

Tender For Repair /Overhauling/ Periodical Services Of Dg Sets Of Capacities From 31.25 Kva To 1010 Kva At Mil Stn Dappar.; 1 Periodical maintenance including Inspection, maintenance and servicing of DG sets of 200 KVA capacities Make : Kirloskar, GreavesDG sets including alternator, electric panel board, AMF panels, connection of DG Set for following mentioned checks incl B checks of DG set for smooth functioning and carrying out maintenance complete as directed :- `B CHECK ONCE INSIX MONTH OR 500 HRS RUNNING OF DG SET WHICHEVER IS EARLIER Task to be done (i)Checking engine oil level and topping up, replacement as and when required Note: Oil for top up/ replacement shall be measured and paid separately under relevant item.(ii) Checking and adjusting the belt for tension and replacement of belt NOTE: Belt shall be measured and paid separately(iii) Checking of oil bath air cleaner level (iv) Checking of exhaust system for leakage (v) Draining of sediment from fuel filter and fuel tank (vi) Cleaning of air cleaner element.Note : Replacement of Air Cleaner shall be measured and paid separately(vii) Checking engine alternator coupling, mounting boltsand alignment.(viii)Tighting all nut, bolts, in alternator terminal block..(ix)Checking ofalternator carbon brush, connection conditions in alternator(x)Checking and tightening of all connection in DC control wiring. (xi)Checking ofall radiator rubber hose and replacementif required. NOTE : Hose pipes shall be measured and paid separately(xii)Checking of oil pressure, water and oil temperature gauge, sensor (xiii)Checking anti vibration mounting and replacement if required.NOTE: Anti vibration pad shall be measured and paid separately, if replaced.(xiv) Checking throttle linkage (xv) Checking battery for cell test, electrolyte level, gravity and topping up to required level.Note: The batterys distilled water shall be measured and paid separately, if re-filled.(xvi) Routine check / tightning of connections of panel, switch, MCCB, main switch, all contactor, engine control unit and functioning of AMF system (xvii) complete cleaning of DG setxviii) Replacing lubricant oil filter element with `O ringNote: Item shall be measured under relevant item.(d) Replacing fuel filter elementNOTES i) `B check kit, coolant shall be measured and paid seperately under relevant item as supply only.ii)Lubricant oil shall be measured and paid separately under relevant item. (iii)Necessary servicing should be done after an interval of running 500 Hrs or six months which will be earlier 2 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 82.5 KVA Make : Kirloskar 3 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 75 KVA Make : Kirloskar 4 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 50 KVA Make : Ashok Leyland 5 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 50 KVA Make : Kirloskar 6 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 31.25 KVA Make : Ashok Leyland 7 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 1010 KVA, MAKE:Cummins 8 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 30 KVA,MAKE: Mahindra 9 All as per Sr Item No 1.00 here-in-before but of capacity 62.5 KVA, MAKE: Mahindra 10 Supply only B Check Kit for DG sets of 200 KVA Make: Kirloskar, Greaves capacities Note : It Includes Oil filter (1.00 Ltr/0.5 ltr), Diesel filter, by pass /Primary/Secondary element with gaskets 11 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 82.5 KVA Make : Kirloskar 12 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 75 KVA Make : Kirloskar 13 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 50 KVA Make : Ashok Leyland 14 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 50 KVA Make : Kirloskar 15 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 31.25 KVA Make : Ashok Leyland 16 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 1010 KVA MAKE:Cummins 17 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 30 KVA,MAKE: Mahindra 18 All as per Sr Item No 2.00 here-in-before but of capacity 62.5 KVA, MAKE: Mahindra 19 Disconnecting all the connections from alternator of DG Set of 30 KVA to 200 KVA Capacity removing the alternator from foundations/ enclosure, transporting to workshop, dismantling completely including stator, rotor, removing burnt winding and replacing with new copper winding (copper winding shall be paid separately as per actual weigth), insulation, unserviceable parts, bearing cleaning all the parts with thinner and varnishing completely with F class varnishing, applying epoxy coating, reassembling, dynamically balancing the alternator transporting and fixing on frame and reallignment within tolerance limit, connecting the alternator with all connections and testing on load completely all as directed. Note: The qty of copper winding replaced shall be measured in under mentioned item as supply only 20 (a)Supply only Copper winding of Alternator 21 Material & Labour for replacement of defective spare parts of DG Sets of capacity 200KVA, Make: Kirloskar/Greaves including dismantling old parts, fitting new part, connecting and testing all as specified and directed. (a) Air filter (inner & Outer as per original will be treated as one) 22 (b) V Belt 23 (c) Hose pipe set for radiator and generator (any clamps reqd for fixing deemed to be included in the quoted rate) 24 Material & Labour for replacement of undermentioned defective spare parts of DG Sets of capacity 50KVA/62.5 KVA,Make :Mahindra/Ashok Leyland/Kirloskar or any other make existing at site including dismantling old part, connecting, asssembling new part and testing all as specified and directed. (a) Air Filter (inner & Outer as per original will be treated as one) 25 (b) V Belt 26 (c) Hose pipe set for radiator and generator (any clamps reqd for fixing deemed to be included in the quoted rate) 27 Material & Labour for replacement of undermentioned defective spare parts of DG Sets of capacity30/31.25 KVA,Make : Ashok Leyland/Mahindra including dismantling old part, connecting, asssembling new part and testing all as specified and directed. a) Air filter (inner & Outer as per original will be treated as one) 28 (b) V Belt 29 (c) Hose pipe set for radiator and generator (any clamps reqd for fixing deemed to be included in the quoted rate) 30 Material & Labour for replacement of defective spare parts of DG Sets of capacity 75 KVA/82.5 KVA, Make : Kirloskar including dismantling old parts, fitting new part, connecting and testing all as specified and directed. (a) Air filter (inner & Outer as per original will be treated as one ) 31 (b)V Belt 32 (c) Hose pipe set for radiator and generator (any clamps reqd for fixing deemed to be included in the quoted rate) 33 Material & Labour for replacement of defective Water pump assembly for any make ofDG Sets of capacity up to 200KVA as per sample including dismantling old parts and testing complete all as specified and directed. 34 Material & Labour in replacement forOil Pressure gauge of DG set complete incl necessary connections & taking down/ out old UNSV complete all as specified and directed 35 Material & Labour in replacement forRPM gauge of DG set complete incl necessary connections& taking down/ out old UNSV complete all as specified and directed 36 Material & Labour in replacementfor Analogue DC Amp meter cap 20 Amp of DG set complete incl necessary connections& taking down/ out old UNSV complete all as specified and directed 37 Material & Labour in replacement for Digital voltmeter suitable upto 415 volt of DG set complete incl necessary connections& taking down/ out old UNSV complete all as specified and directed. 38 Dismantling , removing the self starter 12 volt from the engine of DG Sets upto 200 KVA opening up, over hauling/ repairing/ servicing, replacement of defective undermentioned parts and assembling, refixing and testing for proper functioning all as specified and directed : 39 a) Carbon Brush 40 b) Bendex/ Pinion 41 c) Rewinding of Stator 42 d)Carbon brush holder 43 Dismantling, removing the self starter 24 volt from the engine of DG Sets upto 1010 KVA opening up, over hauling/ repairing/ servicing, replacement of defective undermentioned parts and assembling, refixing and testing for proper functioning all as specified and directed : 44 a) Carbon Brush 45 b) Bendex/ Pinion 46 c) Rewinding of Stator 47 d)Carbon brush holder 48 Material & Labour in replacement for solenoid switch 12 volt with relay for DG self starter 12 volt complete with connection plateincluding dismantling of old switch all as specified and directed. 49 Material & Labour in replacement for solenoid switch 24 volt with relay for DG self starter 24 volt complete with connection plate all as specified & directed. 50 Dismantling, radiator assembly from the engine of following capacity of DG Set by disconnecting inlet and out let connections, overhauling/ servicing the radiator, clearing/ descaling, removing blockages arresting leakages, assembling back incl necessary welding brazing as required, refixing , reconnecting and testing for proper functioning :a)30 KVA to 62.5 KVA 51 b) 82.5 KVA to 200 KVA 52 Cleaning of fuel tank of DG set of following capacities by disconnecting fuel pipes connection, draining out fuel from the tank, cleaning of tank, replacement of chocked all fuel pipe Connection of suitable diameter, painting of outer surfaces of DG sets including fuel tankwith synthetic enamel paint, one coat after cleaning, scrubbing the surfaces incl writing with paint the capacity, serviceability of fuel gauge complete for following DG Sets.a)30 KVA to 62.5 KVA 53 b) 82.5 KVA to 200 KVA 54 Material & Labour for painting of DG sets top frame and bottom frame, inner side base of capacity 30 KVA to 62.5 KVAwith existing colour with spray painting including cleaning of rusted space of the body all as specified and directed 55 Material & Labour for painting of DG sets top frame and bottom frame, inner side base of capacity 82.5 KVA to 200 KVAwith existing colour with spray painting including cleaning of rusted space of the body all as specified and directed 56 Supply & Fix in replacement automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of following capacity complete all as specified and directed (a) 30 KVA to 62.5 KVA 57 (b) 82.5 KVA to 200 KVA 58 Replacment of coolant incl taking out old, Supply & Pour in refilliing of coolant, K cool Super plus 50-50 Premix complete all as specified and directedNote: The net qty of coolant shall be measured for payment. 59 Supply & Pour in refilliing of battery distilled water complete all as specified and directed 60 Replacement of Engine oil incltaking out old, Supply & fill in refilling of engine oil 15w40 superior quality engine oil all as specified and directed 61 Supply & Fix in replacement SMPS based 12Volt/10 Amp float cum boost type battery charger suitable for input voltage 220 V and output voltage 12 Voltage having NO & NC terminals with necessary electric connections in DG control panel complete all as specified and directed 62 Supply & Fix in replacement SMPS based 24Volt/20 Amp float cum boost type battery charger suitable for input voltage 220 V and output voltage 24 Voltage having NO & NC terminals with necessary electric connections in DG control panel complete all as specified and directed 63 Material & Labour in replacement for Overload relay with range 3-5 Amp suitable for 3 phase connections complete all as specified & directed. 64 Attending complaints of not working / any error / mechanical/ electrical/ electro-mechanical of DG sets/ AMF panel up to 1010 KVA within24 hours after intimation to the contractor by the Department. Complaint shall be attended by qualified mechanic all as specified and as directed.If contractor fail to attend the complaint of DG set within 24 hours, recovery @ Rs. 500/- per hour shall be imposed upon the contractor. Note: Major parts required to be replaced shall be measured and paid separately. 65 Material & Labour in replacement for battery terminals with nut & bolt heavy duty suitable for upto 180 AH maint free DG set battery complete all as specified and directed. 66 Supply and fixing in replacement of battery 12 volts 150 AH maint free typecomplete all as specified and directed 67 Supply and fixing in replecement of battery 12 volts 180 AH maint free type complete all as specified 68 Supply and fixing in replacement of battery Battery Lead of size 35 sqmm made of copper of superior quality having length 60 cm min complete all as specified and directed. 69 Supply & Fix in replacement of offload changeover switchwith steel sheet enclosure 4 pole,100 A, 415Volt 50 Hz all as specified and directed 70 Supply & Fix in replacement of offload changeover switchwith steel sheet enclosure 4 pole,200 A, 415Volt 50 Hz all as specified and directed 71 Supply & Fix in replacement of Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) 4 pole as existing,200 A, 415Volt 50 Hz all as specified and directed 72 Supply and fixing in replacement 3 pole contactor up to 40 Amps with coil voltage 240 Volts. Make BCH or equivalent in Havells/C&S/Indo Asian/L&T/ Siemens/Schneider 73 Supply and fix in replacement Voltage monitoring relay (VMR)suitable having Single phase preventor, Under voltage & overvolatge feature and control to set voltage limits and digital display to show voltage and LEDs for fault indication complete all as specifed. 74 Supply and fix in replacement Single phase preventor having voltage unbalance and phase reversal protection. Make GIC/L&T or other equivalent approved make. 75 Material and labour for Earth continuityconductor or main earth leadfixed on wall on batten or recess or chases or burried in groundor drawn in conduit / pipe or fixed to pole or any other indicatedas required on ground for 25x3 mm aluminium strip complete all as specified and as directed. 76 Material & Labour Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60cmx60cmx6mm thickness buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 meters deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 meters below normal ground level, connected to galvanised earth strip 32x6 mm as earthing stripby means of GI bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers incl surrounded on all sides by 15cm thick layer of charcoal dust, salt, incl earth stripprotected by 40mm dia GI light grade pipe (IS-1239), PCC pit of 1:2:4 & reinforced PCC top cover 50mm thick, earth pit angle frame of size 25mmx25mmx3mm with excavation and earth work in any type of soil, light grade GIwatering pipe 20mm dia with funnel and wire-mesh complete all to as shown in electrical plate no 3 of SSR Part I 2009 connected main switch board or as reqd at site all as specified and testing on completion. (Note: The rate quoted include the cost of GI strip & GI protection pipe light 40mm dia bore light grade upto 7.5 metres. PCC Chamber shall be constructed at least 0.50 mtr away from on the earth pit electrode and pipe for watering shall be provided in slanting manner . (2) If the results are not found satisfactory, then 2nd earthing will be re-done without any cost payable to Contractor. 77 Material & Labour for replacement of defective Anti viberation pad for any make ofDG Sets of capacity up to 200KVA as per sample including dismantling old parts and testing all as specified and directed. 78 Material & Labour for replacement of defective Low fuel sensor for any make ofDG Sets of capacity up to 200KVA as per sample including dismantling old parts and testing all as specified and directed. 79 Material & Labour in replacement for flexible steel braided fuel pipe having banjo nipple & matching bolt at both ends of length 0.50Mtr min complete all as specified and directed 80 Material & Labour in replacement for Analogue DC Voltmeter cap 30 Volt for DG set complete incl necessary connections& taking down/ out old UNSV complete all as specified and directed. 81 Material & Labour in replacement for self starter assembly up to 24 voltcomplete with solenoid switch incl necessary connections complete all as specified and directed. 82 Material & Labour in replacement for DG set timing belt suitabe for DG set of cap up to200 kVA complete incl setting of timing and taking out old UNSV belt complete all as specified and directed. 83 Supply and fixing in replacement MCBSP 6 -32 Amps,10 KA, C series 240 V ISI marked complete all as specified and directed 84 Supply and fixing in replacement MCB SPN 06-32Amps,10 KA C series 240 V ISI marked.complete all as specified and directed 85 Supply and fix in replacement Push buttons Red and Green Cat No EP1FAC08for DG Set 31.25 KVA, with wiring and thimbling etc all as specified and directed 86 Supply and fix in replacement Auto/Mannual selector switch Cat No EP1FAC08 for DG Set 31.25 KVA, with wiring and thimbling etc all as specified and directed 87 Material and labour in replacement for rope asbestos of size 10-12mm dia thermal with standing capacity complete all as specified and directed 88 Supply and laying in replacement of Synthetic insulating mat chequred of size 2x1 mtr and 12mm thick complete all as specified and directed. 89 Supply and fix in replacement ofEngine Gas Kit for DG Set 30 KVA to 200 KVAetc complete all as specified and directed 90 Material & Labour for replacement of following in repair/servicing ofDG Sets of capacity 1010 KVA,Make : Cummins including removing old parts and testing all as specified and directed.(a) Air Cleaner Element Kit 3238665 (K,QSK, V series) 91 (b) Inhibitor Corrosion (Coolent) 205 Ltr, Cat No 3816981, HSN Code 38200000 92 (c) Radiwash 5 Ltr pack, Cat No AX103508 93 (d) Valvorine Premium Blue 7800 Plus 1/55 Ltrper pack , Cat No 506655, HAN No 27101980 94 (e) Supply fixing in replacement of Digital display control panel board (Power command)of 1010 KVA DG set panel with initial software caliberation of Monitor 95 Supply & Fix in replacement of display panel ( CAT No-2711R-T4T SER A)02Nos as per existing for Syncronizing panelof DG Set 1010 KVA including servicing of existing panel for efficient serviceability all as specified and directed 96 Supply, installation and testing of Retrofit emission control device mechanism installed at the exhaust port of a diesel generator to reduce harmful emmission for capacity of 30 KVA/31.25 KVA DG sets certified and recognised from Govt approved CPCB II Norms or better lab and by designed certified and minimum reduction efficiency level of 70% with comprehensive warrantyfor period of one year with quarterly free servicing /testing/checking of RECDs during the period of warranty and subsequently AMC for period of 03 years after warranty. Trial run (Testing) of RECD equipment for successful commissioningall as specified and directed will be carried out before issuing completion of the job. Any kind of addition / alteration to the existing DG Set including suitable supporting necessary infrastructure for providing, fixing and effective working of RECD and DG Set deemed to be includedin the description complete all as specified and directed. 97 Supply, installation and testing of Retrofit emission control device mechanism installed at the exhaust port of a diesel generator to reduce harmful emmission for capacity of 50 KVA DG sets certified and recognised from Govt approved CPCB II Norms or better lab and by designed certified and minimum reduction efficiency level of 70% with comprehensive warrantyfor period of one year with quarterly free servicing /testing/checking of RECDs during the period of warranty and subsequently AMC for period of 03 years after warranty. Trial run (Testing) of RECD equipment for successful commissioningall as specified and directed will be carried out before issuing completion of the job. Any kind of addition / alteration to the existing DG Set including suitable supporting necessary infrastructure for providing, fixing and effective working of RECD and DG Set deemed to be includedin the description complete all as specified and directed.Note: All the repairs/servicing of DG Sets are to be carried out by the authorised and certifiedService Engineer by any of the OEMs mentioned for the DG Sets.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 50960.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 25.48 Lakhs /-


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