Sale Of Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Scraps Etc., In As Is Where Is Condition Available At The Central Stores / Thimmavaram, Cedc/Chengalpattu , Condemned Dist. Transformer Alu.& Copper Wounded W/O Oil - 38 Nos. 1) Alu. Wounded 63 Kva/11Kv-16 Nos 1) & 2) Nnp, 3) Vigneswara-2638, 4) 2933, 5) Nnp,6)Nnp, 7)Indotech-It-30190, 8)It-12811,9) It-18819,10)5818,11) Venkateswara-Am/1812/9454, 12) Am/1069/5856,13) Magdyne-63305, 14) Indotech-It-26602, 15) To 16) Nnp 2) Alu. Wounded 100 Kva/11Kv-14 Nos 1) To 5) Nnp, 6) Indotech- It-11062, 7)It-17441, 8)It-26319 ,9) It-26775, 10) Kavika- 3801869, 11)Venkateswara-An/84/2446, 12)An/2875/7125, 13) Rel -M-2618, 14) Vijai-6413 3) Alu. Wounded 250 Kva/11Kv-4 Nos 1) Eltra-6560, 2) Indo Apex- It-3435, 3) Nnp, 4) Magdyne-58A2520 4) Copper Wounded 50 Kva/11Kv-1 No,Notvisble-58267 5) Copper Wounded 250 Kva/11Kv-2 Nos, 1) Rel-M-7149,2) Apex- T-212/13429 6) Copper Wounded 500 Kva/11Kv-1 No, Nnp , Scrap Alu. Casting – 14 Kgs,Scrap Tube Light Fitting – 11 Kgs,Scrap Breather – 7 Kgs Scrap Brass – 72.5 Kgs, Scrap Copper Brass Mixed – 36 Kgs, Scrap Alu Inculding Aac Cut Bits– 20 Kgs Scrap Acsr– 1342 Kgs, Scrap Aaac– 151 Kgs, Scrap Alu Transformer Winding– 3654.2 Kgs Scrap Copper Cable ( Control Cable) – 900 Kgs, Scrap Aluminium With Iron– 13 Kgs Cond. Variac Of Sizes–1 No.,Scrap Gi With Porcelin– 138 Kgs,Scrap Brass Mixed Ms– 7 Kgs Scrap Alu. Pvc Cable– 23 Kgs,Cond. Winding Temp. Indicator–1 No.,Cond. Oil Temp. Indicator–1 No , Scrap Rail Cut Bits - 6961 Kgs.,Scrap Miscellaneous Iron - 5500 Kgs.,Scrap Ms/Rts- 1548 Kgs., Scrap Gi - 5 Kgs.,Scrap Teakwood - 300 Kgs.,Scrap Rsj Cut Bits - 206 Kgs., Scrap Transformer Lamination Sheet - 8 Kgs.,Cond. Cash Chest –4 Nos.,Scrap Country Wooden - 200 Kgs.,Empty Wooden Drum 3-6–65Nos., Empty Steel Drum Above 6–13 Nos.,Empty Steel Drum 3-6–5Nos., Empty M.S. Barrel 40/45 Gl Capacity –80 Nos , Scrap Waste Paper - 2450 Kgs.,Cond Energy Meter Scrap (Em) With Terminal Covers - 638 Kgs., Cond. Ltct Coil–420 Nos.,Cond. Ac Unit–1 No., Scrap High Quality Meter With Terminal Covers- 1298 Kgs.,Scrap Instrumentation-15 Kgs., Scrap Static Meterwith Terminal Covers- 8843 Kgs.,Cond. Key Board–10 Nos., Cond. Relay Of Sizes–21 Nos.,Cond. Printer–10 Nos., Cond. Printer 80 Col Dotmaterics–1 No.,Cond. Printer 136 Col Dotmaterics–4 Nos., , Cond Metering Set 11/33Kv Variouscapacity W/O Oil– 28 Nos. 1) Techno-Ct/Pt 929, 2) Crel-129691,3) 121746, 4)117601 5)Crel-124562, 6) 126788, 7) 120907,8) 124485,9) 119852, 10) 117621, 11)120910,12)121787,13)124490, 14) Ascott-4087 15) 3714, 16)114999, 17)115642, 18)2778,19)119814,20) Nnp 21)Emmess- 15-048485, 22) Vidyuth-9883, 23)599, 24)2081 25) 1810, 26) Niksan -176, 27) Ascott- 115970,28)Cap-1639Cond 110 Kv Current Transformer Of Various Capacity W/O Oil – 3 Nos. Bhel- Nnp -2 Nos ,& Power Gear-797/110/258Condemned Vacuum Interruptor – 10 Nos., Cond Air Compressor With Motor– 4 Nos., Condemned Single Phase Motor Various Make & Weight – 12 Nos., Condemned Pt Without Oil, – 4 Nos., 1) Ambarnath -363, 2)Crel-108923,3)108913 4) Universel -1383/1029/97 Cond 33 Kv Vaccum Circute Breaker – 11 Nos., 1)Bhel-9060184,2) Nnp,3)Shreem-Sra-303-13,4) Nnp 5)Shreem-Sra167-13, 6)Jyoti-C-408,7)Abb-E-0292 8)Crompton Greeves-10509C, 9 ) Bhel 9032106 10)Power Switchgear - 95 V/5121/3583, 11)Power Switchgear - 95 V/5121/3615, Cond Sf6 Gascircute Breaker – 1 No., , Scrap Lead Ingot- 683.80 Kgs.,Scrap Automobile Tubes Of Size – 7 Nos., Cond. Battery 12V42ah– 4 Nos.,Scrap Tyre– 7 Nos., Scrap Flap Of Sizes– 7 Nos.,