Supply Of Items And Equipment For Botany, Zoology,Physics, Chemistry And Geography Laboratory , Name Of Equipment -Geography Lab , Plain Table Set , Prismatic Compass , Weather Maps Set , Chain Tape Set , Compass 100Mm , Levelling Staff 4Meter , Illuminating,Globe 3 Dimensional Physical , Illuminating,Globe 3 Dimensional Political , Photo Of Great Geographers , Relief Maps Of India , Topo Sheets ( Survey Of India) , Set Of 25 Non-Metallic Minerals For Industrial Use , Ranging Rod , Almirah (Full Size) , Name Of Equipment -Zoology Lab , Digital Single Pan Balance 300Gm , Digital Ph Meter , Digital Thermometer , Haemocytometer(Complete Box) , Sphygmomanometer , Compound Microscope , Water Distillation Apparatus 4Lit. S.S. , Electrophoresis Submarine With Power Supply , Centrifuge Machine Doctor Model 8Tubes , Haemoglobinometer , Spectrophotometer , Almerah , Slides , Coverslip , Cavity Slide , Test-Tube , Beaker ( 50 Ml ,100 Ml,250 Ml ) , Watch Glass 3” , Conical Flask (100 Ml , 250 Ml) , Tissue Paper , Filter Paper , Models , Specimens , Permanent Slides , (D Human Skleton Model , Name Of Equipment -Chemistry Lab , Beaker ( 50 Ml , 100 Ml , 250 Ml) , Burette 50Ml , Conical Flask ( 50 Ml , 100 Ml , 250 Ml , Pipette ( 10 Ml , 25 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask (100Ml , 250 Ml , 500 Ml ) , Watch Glass 3” , Spatula , Glass Rod , Measuring Cylinder (50 Ml , 100 Ml ) , Funnel 75Mm , Test-Tubes , Tripod Stand , Burette Stand , Glass Slides Pkt , Bunsen Burner , Desiccator , Ignition Tube , Glass Bottles 250Ml , Sprayer , Filter Paper , Whatmann Filter Paper No.1 , Chromatographic Jar , Tlc Kit , Corks , Test-Tube Stands , Vaccum Pump , Distillation Unit S.S. 4Lit. , Reflux Unit , Round Bottom Flak 250Ml , Digital Chemical Balance , Thermometer , Colorimeter , Ph-Meter , Theles-Tube , Water Bath /Sand Bath , Almirah , Sodium Chloride 500Gm , Anti A, B,D (3X10ml) , Methanol500ml , Acetocarmin 100Ml , Xylol (Xylene) 500Ml , Canada Balsam 100Ml , Eosin 125Ml , Glycerine 500Ml , Potassium Hydroxide 500Gm , Sodium Hydroxide 500Gm , Chloroform ( 500 Ml ) , D P X Mountant 250Ml , Distill Water 5Lit. , Acetone500ml , Acetic Acid 500Ml , Ammonium Chloride 500Gm , Sodium Sulphate 500Gm , Acetanillide (500Gm) , Ammonium Acetate500gm , Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate (500Gm) , Ammonium Carbonate(500Gm) , Benzoicacid 500Gm , Copper Sulphate (500Gm) , Conc. Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml , Conc. Sulphuric Acid 500Ml , Calcium Chloride (500Gm) , Chloroform ( 500 Ml ) , Ethyl Alcohol ( 500 Ml ) , Ethyl Acetate ( 500 Ml ) , Ferric Chloride (500Gm) , Fehling Solution A 500Ml , Fehling Solution B 500Ml , Glacial Acetic Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Glycerine( 500 Ml ) , Ferrous Sulphate(500Gm) , Iodine (100Gm ) , Nepthalene (500Gm) , Nitric Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Alpha Naphthol (100Gm) , Betanephthol (250Gm) , Oxalic Acid (500Gm) , Phenyl Hydrazine 250Ml , Potassium Dichromate (500Gm) , Potassium Permanganate(500Gm) , Phenophthalein 125Ml , Phthalic Acid 500Gm , Phenol500gm , Resorcinol250gm , Sodium Metal 100Gm , Sodium Carbonate (500Gm) , Sodium Nitrite (500Gm) , Salicylic Acid (500Gm) , Starch 500Gm , Sucrose (500Gm) , Silica Gel G For Tlc 500Gm , Zinc Dust 500Gm , Buffer Tablets ( 4,9,7 ) 10Tab. Each Pack , Benedict Solution 500Ml , Molisch Reagent 125Ml , Silver Chloride 25Gm , Lead Acetate(500Gm) , Methylene Blue 125Ml , Nesslers Reagent 100Ml , Methyl Orange125ml , Urea Crystal (500Gm) , Calcium Carbonate (500Gm) , Edta Solution 500Ml , Pot. Chloride(500Gm) , Diethyl Ether (500 Ml ) , Dimethyl Glyoxime(100Gm) , Ammonium Hydroxide (500Ml) , Ferric Sulphate (500Gm) , Magnesium Chloride (500Gm) , Zinc Chloride (500Gm) , Silver Nitrate (25Gm) , Barium Chloride (500Gm) , Manganesesulphate(500Gm) , Aluminum Sulphate (500Gm) , Pot. Nitrate(500Gm) , Sodium Acetate(500Gm) , Aluminium Foil , Formaline 500Ml , Acetone( 500 Ml ) , Safranine Sol. 125Ml , Haematoxylin125ml , Crystal Violet-Used To Stain Bacteria 125Ml , Name Of Equipment -Botony Lab , Petri Dish 3” , Watch Glass 3” , Wash Bottles Plastic 500 Ml , Wash Bottles Plastic 250Ml , Cover Silp 22Mm Blue Star , Plain Slides , Flasks( 100 Ml , 50 Ml , 200 Ml ) , Beaker ( 50 Ml ,100 Ml,200 Ml ) , Test-Tube , Capillary Tube , Conical Flask 100 Ml,250Ml ,500Ml , Pipette 10Ml , Test Tube Stand , Dropper , Thermometer , Tissue Paper , Plan Glass Slides Box , Filter Paper , Algae , Fungi , Bryophyta , Pteridophyta , Gymnosperms , Angiosperms , Anatomy Of Plant , Plant Physiology , Cytology And Genetics , Embryology , Algae , Fungi &Bacteria , Bryophyta , Pteridophyta , Gymnosperms , Angiosperms –Embryology , Cytology , Anatomy , Histology , Cellular Inclusion , Dna , Rna , Ph Meter , Universal Indicator 500Ml , Thermometer Temperature Measurement , Microscope Medical , Compound Microscop , Ganongs Potometer , Auxanometer , Almirah , Name Of Equipment -Physics Lab , Digital Multimeter , Tool Kit , Thermometer , Voltmeter , Ammeter , Battary Cherger , Elemeter (Battery Eliminator) , Maxwell Needle Equipment , Poison Ratio Equipment , Searl Method Equipment , Circular Disk Of Lees Disc Apparetus , Newton Ring Apparetus , Pnp/Npn Transtster , Newton Coolent Law Exp , Pn Junction Diode Kit , Function Generator Digital , Potentiometer , Zener Diode , Screw Gauge 25Mm , Vernier Callipars Ime Type , Sphetrometer , Weighiingmachine Digital