Tender For Procurement Of Laparoscopic Hand Instruments - LAP. MARYLAND DISSECTOR 5mm, 33-36cm, Dissecting and Grasping Forceps, 360 degree rotational sheath, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, size 5mm, double action jaws, with jaw length about 15-18mm, with ergonomic plastic handle with larger contact area at the finger ring - LAP. FUNDUS GRASPER 5mm, 33-36cm 360 degree rotational sheath, size 5mm, length 36cm, long, double action jaws with fenestration with jaw length about 15-18mm, ergonomic metal handle with plastic finger rings with larger contact area at the finger ring. LAP. ATRAUMATIC BOWEL GRASPER 5mm, 33-36cm double action jaws, fenestrated, 360 degree rotational sheath, size 5mm, length 36 cm, long, double acton jaws, with jaw length 15-18mm, ergonomic metal handle with plastic finger rings with larger contact area at the finger ring. LAP. SUCTION 5mm, 33-36mm Autoclavable LAP. Suction and Irrigation Tube, anti-reflex surface with two way stop cock, for single hand control, size 10mm, length 33-36cm LAP. CURVED SCISSOR (METZENBAUM Scissors) 5mm, 33-36cm 360 degree roational sheath, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, size 5 mm, length 33-36cm, long, double action jaws, with jaw length 15-18mm, with ergonomic plastic handle with larger contact area at the finger ring. LAP. CLIP APPLICATOR CURVED rotating 10mm, 300 LAP. CLIP APPLICATOR CURVED roating 10mm, 400 Veress Pneumoperitoneum needle with spring loaded blunt inner cannula, Leur-lock autoclavable, diameter 2.1mm, working length 11cm Veress Pneumoperitoneum needle with spring loaded blunt inner cannual, Leur-lock autoclavable, diameter 2.1mm, working length 15cm LAP. COBRA GRASPER (CLAW GRASPING) 5mm, 33-36cm laparoscopic CLAW Grasping Forcep with ratchet, 2x3teeth, 360 degree rotational sheath, size 10mm, length 36cm, long, single action jaws, with jaw length about 21 mm, with ergonomic meta handle. LAP. HOOK SCISSOR 5mm 33-36cm 360 degree roational sheath, with connecter pin for unipolar coagulation, size 5mm, length 33-36cm, long, double action jaws, with jaw length 15-18mm, with ergonomic plastic handle with larger contact area at the finger ring. LAP. RIGHT ANGLED CLIP APPLICATOR for 400mm & 300mm LIGACLIPS