Additional Work Of Miscellaneous Development Works At Coa, Kumher Bharatpur - 1 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sum on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including taking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri with watering & ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 meter. All kinds of soils 21.00 Cum 178.00 3738.00 Rupees Three Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Eight Only 3.1.6 2 Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing compaction etc. of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering =All up to plinth level: 1:4:8 (1Cement :4 Course Sand :8 Graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size 6.00 Cum 3302.00 19812.00 Rupees Nineteen Thousand Eight Hundred Twelve Only 6.1.6 3 Random Rubble stone masonary for foundation and plinth in Cement Sand Mortar above 30 Cm. thick wall in : Cement Mortar 1:6 (1-Cement:6- Sand). 25.00 Cum 2838.00 70950.00 Rupees Seventy Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Only 12.3.1 4 Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joint etc. complete fine finish : 25 mm thick 45.00 Sqm 211.00 9495.00 Rupees Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Five Only 9.19.3 5 Providing and fixing steel glazed doors windows and ventilator shutters of standard rolled steel section (IS 1038- 1983) joints mitred and welded with steel lugs 13x3mm, 10cm long embedded in cement concrete block 15x10x10cm. of 1:3:6 (1cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) or with wooden plugs and screws or rawl plugs and screws with fixing clips or with bolts and nuts as required including providing and fixing of plain glass panes 4mm thick with cooper glazing clips and special metal sash putty of approved make or metal beading with screws complete including priming coat of approval steel primer, excluding the cost of metal beading and other fitting except necessary hinges of pivots steel handles peg stay etc. as required : Windows side hung /Ventilators top or centre hung (openable) 19.00 Sqm 3135.00 59565.00 Rupees Fifty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Five Only 9.26 6 Supplying and fixing fixed wire gauge of 14 mesh x 24 gauge to the metal frame of rolled section by metal beading 20x3mm with suitable screw at not exceeding 150mm distance. 19.00 Sqm 617.00 11723.00 Rupees Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Three Only 9.27 7 Providing and fixing Square bars or other flat welded to window, ventilatiors etc. 70.00 Kg. 65.00 4550.00 Rupees Four Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Only Gschedule OFFICE OF THE ESTATE OFFICER SRI KARAN NARENDRA AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, JOBNER-303329 Distt. Jaipur (Raj.) Name of Work :- Civil, repair & Maintenance work under RKVY-35 at SKNCOA Jobner Based on:- P.W.D. B.S.R. 2022 & ELECTRIC BSR 2022. 2.26.3 8 P & F PVC Storage Tank ISI Marked (IS : 12701) indicating the BIS license No), of approved make with cover, 25mm dia 1M long G.I. overflow pipe & 25 Cm. long wash out pipe with plug & socket, including making connection etc., complete of approved design: 500 litres capacity. 1.00 Nos. 3920.00 3920.00 Rupees Three Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Only 1.59 9 P & F Jet spray for water closet with C.P. Copper Tube flange of approved make. 2.00 Nos. 381.00 762.00 Rupees Seven Hundred Sixty Two Only 2.37.3 10 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes (IS 15778 : 2007 code) having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1 metre spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. (Internal work Exposed on wall) 25 mm nominal size 200.00 Nos. 282.00 56400.00 Rupees Fifty Six Thousand Four Hundred Only 11.3.1 11 Providing & Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C. sheathed UnArrmoured Aluminium cable confirming to IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - I of 1.1 KV with H4- Grade electrolytic aluminium conductor confirming to IS 8130 of purity >99.6 %, Inner / outer sheath confirming to IS:5831 in existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / PVC pipe/ open duct/cable trench / Cable tray (with cable tie) including testing etc. as required of following size. OEM must have its own in house NABL accrediated Laboratory for testing procedure as per IS:10810. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR: 10.0 Sq. mm 2 Core 193.00 Mtr 111.00 21423.00 Rupees Twenty One Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Three Only E- 12 Providing & Fixing of Recessed/surface mounting heavy duty horizontal type Double Door ( Metal / Glazed )Distribution board with Metal end box made out from Galvanized steel / CRCA sheet not less then 1.2 mm thick conforming to IS-8623-1 & 3 / IEC 61439- 1 & 3, powder painted complete with reversible door (for double door DB only )100 amp. insulated copper bus bar/shorting link , copper neutral link, copper earth link , color coded interconnecting wire set of suitable rating and din bar,masking sheet, making internal DB terminations with copper lugs, Ferrules, detachable gland plate, including making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR: Metal door (single phase) IK-09 and IP-43 with Metal end box 8 Way (8+2) 2.00 Nos. 2184.00 4368.00 Rupees Four Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Eight Only E- 13 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V isolator ISI marked IS:13947- II/conforming to IEC 60947-3, suitable for AC22A utilization category, 4KV impulse withstand voltage, true contact indication, Red colour dolly / lever shall have single mould covering over all poles for operation , two position din rail mounting, minimum phase termination capacity of IP 20 contact protection and fitted in existing distribution board / sheet including making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical arameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR: Double pole isolator 30 A / 40 A rating 3.00 Nos. 351.00 1053.00 Rupees One Thousand Fifty Three Only E- 14 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of 10 kA breaking capacity (B/ C/D tripping characteristic as per type of load and site requirement) 4 KV impulse withstand voltage, ISI marked IS 8828(1996) / conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC 60947- 2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum , energy limiting of class 3 as per IEC, minimum phase termination capacity of , conductor line load reversibility , IP 20 contact protection and fitted in existing distribution board/sheets, minimum electrical operation 20,000 upto 20 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80 A & above rating including making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR: Single pole MCB (With B/C curve tripping Characteristics) 6 A to 32 A rating