
Tender For External Electrification Of Industrial Estate District Mahoba - H. T. System 2 Support For11 Kv Overheaa Line As Per Technical Specification, Approvea Drawings And Scot Of Work 3 Stp-11M Is 410 Sp-55 Uppcl Stock Rate Item No-H 002975 4 Pr, mahoba-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Small Industries Corporation Limited has published Tender For External Electrification Of Industrial Estate District Mahoba - H. T. System 2 Support For11 Kv Overheaa Line As Per Technical Specification, Approvea Drawings And Scot Of Work 3 Stp-11M Is 410 Sp-55 Uppcl Stock Rate Item No-H 002975 4 Pr. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-03-2025. Overhead Line Tenders in mahoba Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For External Electrification Of Industrial Estate District Mahoba - H. T. System 2 Support For11 Kv Overheaa Line As Per Technical Specification, Approvea Drawings And Scot Of Work 3 Stp-11M Is 410 Sp-55 Uppcl Stock Rate Item No-H 002975 4 Pr
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For External Electrification Of Industrial Estate District Mahoba - H. T. SYSTEM 2 Support for11 KV overheaa line as per technical specification, approvea drawings and scot of work 3 STP-11M IS 410 SP-55 UPPCL STOCK RATE ITEM NO-H 002975 4 Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items liLeV cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm, bracket, clamps, cross bracings, bracings, strain plate, guarding channels, back clamp, triuisiormer mounting structure etc made of MS Channels (l00x50x6mm),MS angle (65x65x6mm),MS dats (65x8mm) of given sizes forover head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 5 33 KV Line Pole Top Bracket- 3.625 Kg. Each DSR Civil 10.25.2 6 33KV Line V Cross Arm- 15.94 kg. Each UPPC Sl. No. 37 7 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole- 17.38 Kg. Each DSR Civil 10.25.2 8 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole - 12.87 Kg. Each DSR Civil 10.25.2 9 Half Clamp- 1.47 Kg.DSR Civil 10.25.2 10 Full Clamp - 2.325 Kg.DSR Civil 10.25.2 11 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 12 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off all required sizes - 10 Kg 13 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9x5/8 (19 No.) - 0.483 Kg. MR 14 Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, stay insulator (2 Nos.), anchor plate (200x200x6), nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.MR 15 Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 16 33 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN along with suitable hardware fittings Sl.No. 24 & 28 17 33 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators with GI PIN Sl.No. 33 & 35 18 Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work. 19 40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other accessories complete MR 20 Spike Earthing 20mm solid Rod MR 21 Providing and fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recessfor loop earthing as required. 22 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 MR 23 Barbed Wire MR 24 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) MR 25 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H•Pole & d Pole) MR 26 ACSR conauctor, Dog type (100 sq mm) UPPCLSl.No. 41 27 33KV/11KV Substation Work 28 5 MVA 33/11 KV Power Transformer Three phase CRGO cooper wound as per UPPCL Stock SCH NO- V 20215 29 33KV Isolators (630 Amps), with clampsSCH NO-S 303002 30 33 KV VCB, 36 KV, 630A with 1000 MVA (16 KA for 1 second) rupturing capacity VCB for out door use. Sl.No. 103 31 33 KV C&R panel 24 V DC Operated suitable for controlling of one T/F(With Differential protection, master relay & 10 window auxre relay) Sl.No. 107 32 Battery Charger 24Volt Sl.No. 104 33 Battery Set 24Volt Sl.No. 105 34 33KV Lightening ArrestorSub-Stn Type 30KV 10KA with surge counter. H 403406 35 33KV CTs 400-200/5-5-5-5 A with Junction Box Sl.No. 66 36 33KV CTs 200-100/5-5-5-5 A with Junction Box V 30141 37 33KV PTs with junction box Sl.No. 58 38 33KV Post insulators Sl.No. 79 39 11KV Disc insulators 45KN T & C Type H201102 40 Disc Fitting (T&C Type) Sl.No. 28 41 11KV 8 panel board 24V DC operated with 1 No. I/C panel S403996 42 11KV 8 panel board 24V DC operated with 1 No. I/C panel S403996 43 11KV BuscouplerSl.No. 111 44 LT Distribution board for 33KV Sub-Stn Sl.No. 114 45 11 kV automatically Switched Capacitorbank 1.8 MVAR, (with isolator, structure and all allied material ) 46 Steel Structures galvanised(as per drawings) MR 47 Structure for 33 KV CT Wt. 87.62 Kg M R 48 Structure for 33 KV PTs Wt. 87.62 KgMR 49 Structure for 33 KV LA Wt. 76.38 KgMR 50 Structure for 33 KV Post InsulatorsWt. 76.38 Kg MR 51 Structure for 33 KV Isolator Wt. 288.36 Kg MR 52 Structure for L&E Switch Wt. 288.36 Kg MR 53 Structure for 11 KV NCT Wt. 92.37 Kg MR 54 Galvanised GantryTowers - 2xDB-2, 2xDT-2, 2xDT-3 per s/stn MR 55 ACSR Conductor 0.2 sq in(Panther) MR 56 11KV Single core XLPE cable 300mm2for Incoming Feeder C 301702 57 S/C 300 mm Sq.cable Termination Kit indoor Sl.No. 84 58 S/C 300 mm Sq.cable Termination Kit outdoor Sl.No. 84 59 11KV 3 core XLPE cable 185mm2 for O/G Feeders C 301605 60 11KV 3 core XLPE cable 300 mm2 for capacitor bank C 301702 61 11KV 3 core XLPE cable 70mm2 for S/Stn T/F. C 301401 62 3/Cx185MM Sq. outdoor Heat shrinkable Termination Kit for O/G Sl.No. 82 63 3/Cx300 MM Sq. outdoor Heat shrinkable cable box for capacitor Sl.No. 84 64 3/Cx300 MM Sq. indoor Heat shrinkable cable box for capacitor Sl.No. 84 65 LT PVC cable 2C X 10 mm2 for yard light RA-9 66 un armoured Copper control cable 2C X 4mm2 RA-10 67 un armoured Copper control cable 2C X 6mm2 RA-11 68 un armoured Copper control cable 3C X 4mm2 RA-12 69 un armoured Copper control cable4C X 4mm2 RA-13 70 un armoured Copper control cable6C X 4mm2 RA-14 71 un armoured Copper control cable 7C X 2.5mm2 RA-15 72 un armoured Copper control cable 10C X 2.5mm2 RA-16 73 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required. 74 Upto 35 sq. mm 75 MS Channel galvanised of various size MR 76 MS Angle Iron galvanised50 X 50 X 6 mm MR 77 MS Flat galvanised 50 X 6 mm MR 78 MS Flat 75x8 MM for Earth mat in switch yard MR 79 Switch yard illumination system 80 Supply & fixing of 8mtr GI Octagonal Pole of approved make(top dia 70mm, Bottom dia 130 mm and base plate 12mm thik) having 3mm thikness with single arm bracket(1 Mtr length) on RCC foundationincluding the cost of foundation, foundation bolts, excavation & back filling and Required T&P completee in all respect. MR 81 Supply & fixing of 9mtr GI Octagonal Pole of approved make(top dia 70mm, Bottom dia 130 mm and base plate 12mm thik) having 3mm thikness with double arm bracket(1 Mtr length) on RCC foundationincluding the cost of foundation, foundation bolts, excavation & back filling and Required T&P completee in all respect. MR 82 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die cast aluminium body and diffuser with driver set suitable for 75 to 90 Watt. Confirming to IP 66 and aboveProtection complete in all respect. CAT- AAA RA-8 83 Fire Fighting/Safety eqpt for Control room 84 Supply and fixing of fire extinguisher, ABC Type 6.00 kg. capacity (ISI Marked IS : 15683 & TAC approved) complete with initial charge and wall bracket, along with supply of all materials and labour for proper completion of work. MR 85 Supply and fixing of C02 type fire extinguisher 6.5 kg. capacity(ISI Marked IS : 2878 & TAC approved) complete with initial charge and wall bracket, along with supply of all materials and labour for proper completion of work. MR 86 Fire Fighting/Safety eqpt for yard 87 Supply and fixing of fire extinguisher, ABC Type 9.00 kg. capacity (ISI Marked IS : 15683 & TAC approved) complete with initial charge and wall bracket, along with supply of all materials and labour for proper completion of work. MR 88 CO2 type Fire extinguisher 22.5 Kgs MR 89 Fire Buckets (capacity) - 10 Ltrs MR 90 100mm dia ISI marked GI Pipe with clamps MR 91 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Sporting channel Sl.No. 92 92 11 KV LA type 9 KV Heavy Duty MR 93 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 6 mm thick including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required. PWD 2018 703 94 Earthing Rod Wt. 6.175 Kg MR 95 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing MR 96 Premier Insulating Mat - B Class as per IS 15652:2006 MR 97 1 No. Table, 4 No. Chair, Wall clock,Safety Charts, Safety Tool Kit & Medical Kit, earth stick-1 MR 98 PG Clamps for Panther conductor MR 99 MSNuts & Bolts off size MR 100 GI nuts & bolts off size MR 101 11KV H.T LINE WORK 102 H. T. SYSTEM 103 Support for11 KV overheaa line as per technical specification, approvea drawings and scot of work 104 STP-11M IS 410 SP-55 105 Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items liLeV cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm, bracket, clamps, cross bracings, bracings, strain plate, guarding channels, back clamp, triuisiormer mounting structure etc made of MS Channels (l00x50x6mm),MS angle (65x65x6mm),MS dats (65x8mm) of given sizes forover head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 106 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket 3.625 Kg. each 107 11KV Line V Cross Arm - 15.94 kg. each 108 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole (2 No.) - 17.38 Kg. each 109 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole (2 No.) - 12.87 Kg. each 110 Half Clamp (24 No.) - 1.47 Kg. 111 Full Clamp (10 No.) - 2.325 Kg. 112 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 113 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off all required sizes 114 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9x5/8- 0.483 Kg. 115 Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, stay insulator (2 Nos.), anchor plate (200x200x6), nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 116 Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 117 11 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN along with suitable hardware fittings 118 11 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators with GI PIN 119 Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work. 120 40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other accessories complete 121 Spike Earthing 20mm solid Rod 122 Providing and fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recessfor loop earthing as required. 123 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 124 Barbed Wire 125 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) 126 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H•Pole & d Pole) 127 ACSR conauctor, Dog type (100 sq mm) 128 LT Distribution Work & Street Light Work 129 Transformers 130 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 250 KVA. 11/0.433 KV, 3Phase, 50Hz, Dyn 11, Oil type, ( UPPCL approved make) copper wound transformer with Off load tap changing arrangement on HV side in steps of +/- 2.50%, +/- 5% , having cable end boxes on HV sideand 500 Amp. bus trunking arrangement on LV side complete with all accessories i/c first filling of filtered dehydrated oil and confirming to IS 2026 (Part 1 to Part 5) & as per specification attached complete in all respects as required at site.MR 131 Note:Foundation work for transformer is not included in Electrical works it will come on Civil work. 132 EXTERNAL LIGHT FEEEDER PILLAR MR 133 SITC of compartmentalised design, dust tight & vermin proof made out of 14 gauge M.S. sheet, stove powder coated L.T panel complete as required with following incomming & outgoing as per detail below. 134 INCOMER 135 1 Nos. 400 AMP FP MCCB 136 BUSBARS 137 1 Nos. 500 Amp TPN busbars of aluminium alloy as per SLD. 138 OUTGOING 139 100 Amp.MCCB-3Nos. & 63 Amp.MCCB-2Nos. 140 INSTRUMENTS 141 1 Nos. 0 to 500 Volt digital voltmeter with Voltmeter Selector Switch & Protective 142 1 Sets breaker ON & OFF indicating lamp 143 1 Sets auto trip indicating lamp . 144 Supply & Stringing of LT AB Cable of 3x120+1x95+1x50sqmm MR 145 Supply & Laying of 4C X 25sqmm Al. Unarm. CableMR 146 Supply & Installation of 3Phase Distribution Box MR 147 Supply & Installation of C- Type / Holding Clamp MR 148 Supply & Installtion of Eye hook Clamp MR 149 Supply & Installation of Nut & Bolts with washer MR 150 Supply & Installation of Suspension Clamp MR 151 Supply & Installation of Dead end Clamp MR 152 Supply & Installation of Piercing Connector 120Sqmm MR 153 Supply & Installation of Piercing Connector 95Sqmm MR 154 Supply & Installation of PG Clamp for ACSR Conductor MR 155 Earthing with G.I. earth pipe 4.5 metre long, 40 mm dia including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure withcover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe etc.with charcoal/ coke and salt as required.DSR 5.2 156 Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mmthick including accessories, and providing masonry enclosurewith cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipeof 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required.DSR 5.6 157 Supplying and laying 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip at 0.50 metre below ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/terminating with nut, bolt, spring, washer etc. as required.DSR 5.8(Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 sets of brassnut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) 158 Supplying and laying 25 mm X 5 mm G.I strip at 0.50 metrebelow ground as strip earth electrode, including connection/terminating with G.I. nut, bolt, spring, washer etc. as required.(Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 sets of G.I. nutbolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm)DSR 5.9 159 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip in 40 mm dia G.I. pipe from earth electrode including connection with brass nut,bolt, spring, washer excavation and re-filling etc. as required.DSR 5.10 160 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm G.I. strip in 40 mm dia G.I.pipe from earth electrode including connection with G.I. nut,bolt, spring, washer excavation and re-filling etc. as required.DSR 5.11 161 Providing and fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recessfor loop earthing as required.DSR 5.16 162 Providing, laying and fixing following dia RCC pipe NP2 class(light duty) in ground complete with RCC collars, jointing withcement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including trenching(75 cm deep) and refilling etc as required.DSR 14.14 163 300 mm diaDSR 14.14.4 164 Supply and fixing of LED Street light Fitting having die cast aluminium body and diffuser with driver set suitable for 110 to 130 Watt. Confirming to IP 66 Protection complete in all respect. CAT- AAA PWD-2024 1425 165 Supply & Installation of Single Arm Bracket for fitting of Street LightMR 166 LESS 5% FOR DEPARTMENT WORK

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5025 /-
INR 212600.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.12 Crore /-
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