
Supply, Delivery And Installation Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments And Other Allied Works At Tirat Pump House Under Ratibati Water Supply Scheme, Block-Raniganj, District-Paschim Bardhaman., ratibati-West Bengal

Public Health And Engineering Department has published Supply, Delivery And Installation Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments And Other Allied Works At Tirat Pump House Under Ratibati Water Supply Scheme, Block-Raniganj, District-Paschim Bardhaman.. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-04-2025. Electromechanical Machinery Tenders in ratibati West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply, Delivery And Installation Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments And Other Allied Works At Tirat Pump House Under Ratibati Water Supply Scheme, Block-Raniganj, District-Paschim Bardhaman.
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply, Delivery And Installation Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments And Other Allied Works At Tirat Pump House Under Ratibati Water Supply Scheme, Block-Raniganj, District-Paschim Bardhaman.- 1 Supply and delivery at site of vertical submersible pumping machinery directly coupled with wet winding type suitable size submersible motor with following specification:Capacity-54 m3/Hr. at a head of 37 mtrs,3 Phase, 50 Hz±3%, 415 Volt ± 6%, 2900 RPM as per Technical Specification given.(Method of Starting Star-Delta) (Test certificate and guarantee certificate is to be submitted at the time of delivery) 2 Supply and delivery and storage at site 80 mm dia.1.5 mtr length ERW M.S. column pipehaving thickness4.85 mm,(as per IS 1239 Part-I Heavy Type) having 11 TPI thread at both end with one heavy type socket and paintedby 2 coats of anticorrosive syntietic paint as per Technical Specification given.(7 Nos Pump X 5 Nos Pipes per T/W) 3 Supply and delivery at site 3 Core X 4 Sqmm 1.1 KV Grade flat submersible copper conductor cable.(7 Nos Pump X 20 Mtr Each) 4 Sand cutting and removing from the river bed Ajoy for withdrawing and laying of cable line up to the depth of 1.5m from the river level as per direction of EIC.(200 Mtr laying per Tubewell in sand of River bank X 7 Nos RBTW) 5 Supply and delivery and storageat site 3 Core X 10 Sqmm Al.Ar. Cable, XLPE Insulated 1.1 KV Grade conforming to IS 7098(I)and as per Technical Specification. (7 Nos. TW X @ 450m Cable per TW )(Test certificate and guarantee certificate is to be submitted at the time of delivery) 6 Supply of G.I. wire for cable binding. 7 Laying of 3 Core X 10 Sqmm Al. Ar. Cable along the length of collecting line including binding by G.I. wire at a suitable interval so as to prevent sagging of cable complete as per direction of EIC . (7 Nos RBTWx200 Mtrs.=1400 Mtrs.) 8 Filling the trenches with excavated sand by engaging manual labour as per direction. 9 Laying only Cable upto 50 sqmm through existing RCC/Hume/ GI Pipe/open masonary trench for single, 2, 3, 3½ & 4 core.(For 7 Nos RBTW, Per T/W-250 Mtr) 10 Supplying the fixing rubber insertion fordust and vermin proof entry of 3 core 10 mm2 XLPE Al. Ar. Cable at MCC panel. 11 Making straight through joint of 3 core 10 mm2 Al Ar Cable with flat submersible cable by supplying Ferrul,rubber and other necessary materials to make the joint leak proof. 12 Making straight through joint between 1.5 mm² or 2.5 mm² (motor cable) and supplied 4 mm² submersible copper cable for extension of motor cable up to required lengh by supplying necessary seal kit to make joints leak proof all complete as per direction. 13 Installation of submersible pumping machinery along with 80 mm dia. M.S. column pipe part by part in the newly sunk tube wells with an arrangement of derrick, lifting tackles, tools and plants etc. on hire basis and binding the vertical submersible cable with the column pipes properly and fixing M.S. Top Coveron the tube wells with supplying necessary Clamps made of 65 mmX 12 mm thick flat as per reqd length, nuts, bolts, washers etc. all complete as per direction. 14 Making inter connection of the pump delivery line from top cover of the tube well to laid pump collecting main line near the tube well at river bed with supplying and fixing of 80 mm dia. Heavy type G.I. bend,80 mm dia. M.S. flange with necessary drill holes, 80 or 100 mm dia. G.I. short piece, 80 mm x 150mm dia. G.I. reducer and other necessary G.I./M.S. specials as may be reqd as per site situationto complete the work including cutting pipes, making thread and welding the all joints properlyif necessary and supplying necessary nuts bolts, washer, rubber insertion etc. to complete the work as per directionand testing & commissioning of the submersible pump as per direction E.I.C. 15 Supply, Delivery and storage at Site of Horizontal Split Casing Centrifugal Pumping Machinary with baseplate, flexible coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolt, companion flanges etc, Induction Motor, IE-3, 415 Volt ± 10%,50 Hz ± 5%,TEFC, B-3 Mounting, S-1 Duty, insulation Class-F having the Specification as per NIeT .Discharge :-278.8 m3 per hour.Generated Head :-60 MWC.(Make:-Wilo/KBL/Other Approved Make) 16 Supply, delivery and storage at site Cast iron double flanged Non-Rising Spindle Sluice Valve generally confirming to IS:14846 having body door /dome/Bonnet and cover of cast Iron Gr FG 260, Spindle of IS:6603, Gr-12 cr-13, spindle nut & seat rings are of Gunmetal as per IS:318 LTB 2. Flanges flat faced and drilled to IS:1538 Part IV & VI, Valves are suitable for maximum working pressure of 10 kg/sqcm (seat test) and body tested to 15 kg/sqcm, All the valves should be tested by closed end method only.(Test Certificate, Waranty certificate to be submitted for each valve at the time of delivery) 17 200 mm dia Sluice Valve ( AT SUCTION SIDE AND DELIVERY SIDE OF PUMP) PN-1.0. 18 Supply, delivery and storage at site of Cast iron double flanged single door swing non-return valve generally conforming to IS:5312 Part I, having body, door, cover in graded cast iron to IS:210 Gr.FG200, body and door rings & bearing block of leaded tin bronze to IS:318 Gr.LTB 2 (350mm & above), hinge pin of st.st.AISI410, valve suitable for a maximum working pressure of 16 kg/cm2 (Seat test) & body tested to 24 kg/Sqcm.(Test Certificate, Waranty certificate to be submittered for each valve at the time of delivery) 19 200 mm dia NRV.(FOR DELIVERY SIDE OF CLEAR WATER PUMP) 20 Supply, delivery and storage at site of following diaCast Iron kinetic double orifice air released valve as per relevant IS, PN-1.6. 21 80 mm diaP.N-1.0.(CLEAR WATER) 22 Supply,delivery and storage at site offollowing dia. MS Dismantling joints with Rubber compression Ring and adjustable follower flanged complete assembled unit with galvanized stud and nuts PN-1.6. 23 200 mm dia Dismantling Joint PN-1.0. ( AT SUCTION SIDE AND DELIVERY SIDE OF CLEAR WATER PUMP) 24 Supply, delivery and storage at site offollowing 150mm dia Glycerine filled Diaphragm Seal type Gagues with syphon tube and three way cock. (Make - H.Guru) 25 Pressure Gauges (0-15 kg/ cm2)(FOR DELIVERY SIDE+ONE FOR COMMON HEADER OF CLEAR WATER PUMP) 26 Compound Gauges (+1-1 KSCG)(FOR SUCTION SIDE OF CLEAR WATER PUMP) 27 Supply, Delivery and Storage at site of 200 mm dia. MS black Pipes (For delivery common header, individualSuction & DeliveryPump under sl no 1 along with necessaryBends, fittings viz. flanges, bolts, nuts, gaskets, eccentric reducers 200 mmx150 mm,concentric enlarger 125 mm x 200 mm, as reqd. to make the installation complete in all respect. 28 Supply, Delivery and storage at site of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) as per IS 16242 (part-1) with overload protection, micro controller based, boost & buck AVR having following specification:- Capacity- 600VA / 360W, Input- 230V AC, Single phaseFrequency- 50/60Hz; Out put- 230V+/- 10% (AC mode)(Schneider - APC-Back UPS) (BX600C-IN) (For Flow meters & Level Meter) 29 Supply, Delivery and Storage at Site 2 mm. thick CRCA Sheet Steel Enclosed Cubical type Indoor Floor Mounted415 Volt PDB cum MCCPanelhaving required Feeders.(100 HP Centrifugal Pumps Starter(S/D)-1 No+10 HP Dol Starter-8 Nos+32 Amp miscelleneous starter) 30 Supply & delivery of Full Bore type Electro-Magnatic Flow Meter with meter protection panel as well as Cable between Sensor and Transmitter on Delivery Rising main line. 31 350 mm dia delivery main line. 32 Supply, Delivery and storage at site 3 core 1.1 KV Grade following Al Ar.XLPE insulated Cable. 33 3 CoreX95 Sqmm cable.(For MCC Panel to individual clear water Induction Motor.) 34 Supply, Delivery and storage at site3½ core 1.1 KV Grade 240 Sq. mm. XLPE insulatedAl.Ar Cable.(FROM LT PDB OUTGOING FEEDER TO MCC PANELS INCOMER) 35 Earthing & lightning protection arrangement for Pump house, Chlorine room and electrical installation as per ISS and IE rules.(Earth Pit-3 Nos+2 Nos Horn Gap L/A) 36 Supply, delivery at site and storeage of GI perforated cable tray at Pump house for laying of incoming & outgoing power and control cables to and from MCC Panelhaving proper M.S. structural support as per specification and direction of EIC. 37 Installation of all above supplied materials including construction of Pump foundations, pipe supports, valve supports, flow meter installation, laying of cables with necessary jointing materials, earthing arrangement of motors, LT MCC Panel, including supply of all erection items viz. rubber gaskets, nuts & bolts etc., including cost ofwelding etc, erection job, as required for complete installationas per Hydraulic standard & IE rules in compliance. 38 Painting of the installation (viz. Pumps frame ,valves, pipe lines etc, by two coats of epoxy paint (colour to be decided by EIC) over a coat of primer. 39 Testing & Commissioning of the entire installation i.e. Pumps, Motors, valves etc. as in PART-B as per direction and to the entire satisfaction of E.I.C. 40 Add GST @ 18% 41 Add CESS @ 1%

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