Tender For Major Repair Of Vehicle No Jk02bs 9324 Tempo Traveler Of Gmch Jammu- 1 Repairs to four wheel and brake system:- labour charges for dismantling of four wheel and brake system with repairs and replacement of defective parts with providing/fitting of new parts i.e. front wheel bearing inner-02 no, front wheel bearing outer-02 no., front wheel oil seal -02 no, rear wheel inner/outer-02 no. each, rear wheel oil seal -02 no’s each, wheel bearing grease-05 kg, front wheel overhauling kit-01 no. , rear wheel overhauling kit-02 no., front wheel hub nut/bolts-04 no’s, rear wheel hub nut/bolts-06 no’s, rear wheel axle joint-02 no. ,rear hub nut/bolts-04 no.,TQ oil-01 lit., front/rear wheel shoe spring-02 no.,rear wheel shoe spring-03 no, front wheel brake lining with rivets RH/LH side -02 set, Rear wheel brake lining with rivets RH/LH -02 set, Ratchet/slack adjuster-04 no., chuck nut -02 nos,dhoti cloth – 04 kg diesel for washing -06 ltrs, Refitting of all items and resting of all wheels and brake system and testing. The job includes cost of material and labour charges (Complete Job) 2 Repairs to rear and front leaf assyand shockers by P/F of new parts in placeof defective/ worn out / cracked leafs of vehicle i.e. leaf spring front R/H side 3rd-01 no., leaf spring front L/H side 5th-01 no, leaf spring front L/H side main-01 no., leaf spring rear R/H side 2nd-01 no., leaf spring rear L/H side 4th-01 no -clamp small-03 no., U-clamp large-04 no., bush-04 no., shackle pin-04 no.,centre bolt-04 no. clamp top-02 no., grease nipple-04 no.,tensioning ,greasing and assembling the same. The job also includes repairs of shockers including change of oil,seals, washers etc. Complete job includescost of material andlabour charges(Complete job) 3 Repairs to Clutch system:- P/F of spares /material in place of defective/ worn outof vehicle during annual fitnessby way of dismantling of clutch system with P/F of new partsi.e. clutch plate-01 no., Pressure plate-01 no, clutch release bearing-01 no., clutch release fork -01 no, clutch paddle bush-01 no. shaft bolt-05 no. The job includes cost of material & labour charges 4 Repairs to Tie rod & King pin assy. dismantling, extraction of worn-out parts and replacement with p/f of new parts i.e. king pin-02 no., king pin bush-04 no., king pin bearing-02 no., arm bolt-01 no., spacer-02no., shims-02 no., o-ring -02 no.,king pin lock-02 no., Tie rod end L/H and R/H-01 set, tie rod end repair kit-01 kit, king pin repair kit-01 no. alignment of wheel and checking. The job includes cost of material and labour charges for fitting and checking. Complete job 5 Repairs to pneumatic brake system, by dismounting the air brake booster, dismantling them, checking and cleaning of parts, then removing worn out/ defective parts, P/F of air booster diaphragm-01 no, air booster piston-01 no, unloader valve kit- 2 nos, and bush set, testing of boosters on pressure machine, refitting. The job including the cost of material and labour charges ( Complete Charges 6 Providing and Fitting of spares /material in place of defective parts by way of dismantling of propeller shaft for repair with P/F of new spares i.e. cross-02 no’s Cross holder-01 no, Half yolk-02 no, Slip yoke and teeth set-01 set, centre bearing with coupling-01 no, shaft nuts/bolts-04 no, job also includes straightening of shaft all allied works, assembling the same and checking its alignment.The job includes cost of material andlabour charges(Complete job) 7 Repairs to Self: - Repairs to self of the vehicle by dismantling it, cleaning and testing of parts and the P/F of Self carbon brush set-01 set, Field coil -01 set, bendix drive-01 no., petrol for cleaning of parts, self solenoid switch-01 no., voltage regulator-01 no. including rewinding of armature. Testing and fitting to the vehicle. The complete job include cost of material and labour charges Complete job. 8 Replacement of damaged timing chain . The job includes extracting the damaged timing chain and fitting the new one. Complete job includes cost of material, labour and all types of taxes 9 Replacement of Pressure plate assembly of tempo traveler The job includes extracting the damaged Pressure Plates and fitting the new one..The complete job includes cost of labour charges, material charges, carriage charges and all kind of taxes.