Stage Contract For Upkeepment, Urgent Nature Of Electrical Works Generator Repair, Servicing At Guest House Of Project Division 1St, Hyderpora Srinagar-3 Providing ,Laying ,connecting ,Testing and commissioning ofwiring for Lighting points /fan points /Exhaust fan points /call bell points with2 x 1.5 FR PVC insulated multistranded copper conductor wires ofstandard make dully ISI make (Like Anchor /Finolex /Polycab /Paramount /Paraflex /KEI /Eq.make )laid through PVC conduit / Channel with (excl. cost of conduit /channel ) & Provided and fitted with 6 amp switch one way ISI make fitted on Hylam sheet fixed fixed in walls incl. refacing of wallscomplete. 4 Providing ,Laying ,connecting ,Testing and commissioning ofwiring for Lighting points /fan points /Exhaust fan points /call bell points with 2 x1.5 sq mm (P+N)FR PVC insulated multistranded copper conductor wires ofstandard make dully ISI make (Like Anchor /Finolex /Polycab /Paramount /Paraflex /KEI /Eq.make )laidin recessed orsurface conduitng system and incl the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted flush mounted 240 volts 6 amp control switch of approved quality and colour housed in zinc chromate passivity GI boxes with modular cover platecomplete as per specification and as required .Complete as required and .(Excluding cost of conduits) 5 Providing ,Laying ,connecting ,Testing and commissioning ofwiring for Heating pointswith 2 x 4 mm sq. mm (P+N+E) FR PVC insulated Multistrand copper conductor wiresofstandard make dully ISI make (Like Anchor /Finolex /Polycab /Paramount /Paraflex /KEI /Eq.make ) and 3rdpinof socketto be earthed with4.0 mm sq. copper conductor laidthrough PVC conduit / channel(excl. cost of conduit/channel) & Provided and fitted with with16 amp one wayswitchand 16 amp5-pin socket ISI make fitted on Hylam sheet fixedin wallsincl. refacingof wallscomplete. 6 Providing ,Laying ,connecting ,Testing and commissioning ofwiring for Heating pointswith3x4 sq mm (P+N+E)FR PVC insulated grade flexible strandedcopper conductor wires in recessed or surface conducting system and incl the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted flush mounted 240 volts 16 amp 6 pin combined shuttered socket out let along with 240 volt 16 Amp control Switch of approved quality and colour housed in zinc chromate passivity GI boxes with inter connection complete as per specifications and as required 7 Providing ,Laying ,connecting ,Testing and commissioning ofwiring for Machinepointswith 2 x 2.5 mm sq. mm (P+N+E) FR PVC insulated Multistrand copper conductor wiresofstandard make dully ISI make (Like Anchor /Finolex /Polycab /Paramount /Paraflex /KEI /Eq.make ) and 3rdpinof socketto be earthed with1 x 2.5 mm sq. copper conductor laidthrough PVC conduit / channel(excl. cost of conduit/channel) & Provided and fitted with 2 Nos of 6 amp one wayswitchand3 Nos of 6 amp5-pin socket ISI make fitted on Hylam sheet fixedin wallsincl. refacingof wallscomplete. 8 Providing ,Laying ,connecting ,Testing and commissioning ofwiring for Heating pointswith3 x 2.5 sq mm (P+N+E)FR PVC insulated grade flexible strandedcopper conductor wires in recessed or surface conducting system and incl the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted flush mounted 3 Nos of240 volts 6 amp shuttered socket out let along with3 Nos of 240 volt 6 Amp control Switch of approved quality and colour housed in zinc chromate passivity GI boxes with inter connection complete as per specifications and as required 9 Providing of Wiring for primarylighting point / fan point/exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 2x1.5 pvc insulated multistranded copperwire of standard make dully isi marked in surface / recessed PVC conduit.(Excl. cost of conduits) 10 Providing of wiring for Heating points in 2x 4 PVC insulated multistrand copper wire of standard make dully isi marked , incl 4 sq mm.PVC Insulated multi strand copper wire of same make as earth wire laid throughPVC conduit/channel ( excl. cost of conduit/channel ) 11 Providing of wiring for Machinepoints in 2x2.5 PVC insulated multistrand copper wireof standard make dully isi marked , incl 2.5 sq mm.PVC Insulated multi strand copper wire of same make as earth wire laid throughPVC conduit/channel ( excl. cost of conduit/channel ) 12 Supply , Laying and connecting,testing and commissioning of followingFR PVC Insulated Multi Strand copper wire ofstandard make dully isi marked 13 1.5 14 2.5 15 4 16 6 17 10 18 16 19 25 20 Supply , Laying and connecting of followingFR PVC InsulatedStrand copper wire of standard make dully isi marked 21 7/0.64 (7/16) 22 7/0.44 (7/18)sq. mm 23 Supply , Laying and connecting of 2-pair transparent wire of reputed make for providing power supply to bells ,incl making of connections 24 Supply , Laying and connecting of 3 -Core PVC Insulated sheathed copper wire ofstandard make dully isi marked 25 1.5 26 2.5 27 4 28 Supplying and fixing of Medium Class PVC conduit / Channel of standard make dully ISI Marked incl its accessories like bends ,cliffs ,saddlesetc to be fixed on walls,incl refacing of walls complete job 29 (1) 19 mm dia 30 (2) 25 mm dia 31 (3) 32 mm dia 32 Supplying and fixing of PVC flexible Pipe 33 (1) 19/25 mm dia 34 (2) 32/38 mm dia 35 Supply and fixing ofLockable PVC Channel of legrend /Eq.amake for housing of various wires /cables 36 75 mm 37 100 mm 38 Supply and fixing ofMS Steelconduit of standard make dully ISI Marked incl its accessories like bends ,sockets,cliffs ,saddlesetc to be fixed on walls,incl refacing of walls complete job 39 (1) 19 mm dia 40 (2) 25 mm dia 41 (3) 32 mm dia 42 Supplying and fixing ofMedium Class PVC pipe (B-type) of Prince /Finoilex /Oliv /Eq.makewith allied accessories like bends ,Tees ,Collars etc to laid as per site requirement 43 (1) 50 mmdia 44 (1) 75 mmdia 45 (1) 100 mmdia 46 Supply and Fixing of following swtches & Socketsof Top Line series of SSK make/ Anchor make /Havels Reo make 47 16 Amps Box type S-S Combine 48 6 Amp 3/5 Pin Socket with Backlite Hylum Sheet of required size 49 6 Amp Switchwith Backlite Hylum Sheet of required size 50 16 Amp Switchwith Backlite Hylum Sheet of required size 51 16 Amp Socket with Backlite Hylum Sheet of required size 52 Indicator (non modular)with Backlite Hylum Sheet of required size 53 Supply ,cutting ,filing and fixing of backlite hylum sheet 54 Supply 15 Amps extension Cards of reputed make 55 Supply and fixing of 15 Amps Top of Top line series of SSK make or Anchor make 56 Supply and fixing of 6 Amps Top of Top line series of SSK makeor Anchor make 57 Supply and fixing of 16 Amps multiPlug of SSK/Eq.make 58 Supply and fixing of 6 Amps multiPlug of SSK/Eq.make 59 Supply and filling of distalled water of standard qualityhaving requiredgravity for batteries. 60 Providing ,Installation ,Testing and commissioning of 1000 Watt Gayser element of recold /venius maketo replace the fused gayser element of Gaysers 61 Supply and fixing of hanging bell push of reputed make 62 Supply and fixing of 1- way PVCBox of reputed make 63 Supply and Fixing offollowing Switches ,Sockets etc of Modullar series of standard make dully isi marked,incl p/fcover plate of same make (Legrend /Schinder /GM /ABB /L&T /Eq.make ) 64 6 Amps Switches 65 6 Amps ,3-Pin Socket 66 16-20 AmpsSocket 67 15 AmpsSwitch 68 32 Amps Socket 69 32 Amps Switch 70 Bell Push 71 Fan Step regulator 72 TV Dish Socket 73 Telephone/Computer Jack 74 Demmi 75 indicator 76 Supply and Fixing of Gang Box of approved make 77 one way 78 two way 79 three way 80 four way 81 Six Way 82 Eight way 83 Providing and fixing of PVC Modular /G.I Box of standard make dully isi marked to be fitted as per site requirement,incl recessingrefacing of walls complete job. 84 Part BFan fixtures 85 Supply , Installation , Testing and commissioning offollowing Ceiling having down rod and connection wire of Bajaj / Usha /Havells /C.G / Syska /Helonix Make fitted as per site requirment incl making of connections 86 900 mm sweep Ceiling fan 87 1200 mm Sweep Ceiling fan 88 Supply , Installation , Testing and commissioning of Exhaust Fans Shutter type ofstandard make dully isi marked fitted as per site requirment incl making of connections 89 150 mm Sweep having PVC Body Shutter type Exhaust fans 90 200 mm Sweep having PVC Body Shutter type Exhaust fans 91 250 mm Sweep having PVC Body Shutter type Exhaust fans 92 300 mm Sweep having PVC Body Shutter type Exhaust fans 93 300 mm Sweep having Iron Body Industrial type Exhaust fans 94 350 mm Sweep having Iron Body Industrial type Exhaust fans 95 Supply , Installation , Testing and commissioning of Wall Fan having double ball bearingof isi marked , fitted as per site requirment incl making of connections. 96 300 mm 97 400 mm 98 Part C Panelswithswitch gear devices ,Change over switches & Bus bars ,DB Boxes and earthing 99 Supply , Installation ,testing and commissioning of FollowingMCB /MCCBsof standard make ,isi marked incl making of necessary connections. (Legrend /L&T /ABB/Hugger /Simens / Indo Asian /Havells make (Adjustable type thermo magnetics ) 100 6-10-16-20-32 Amps Single Pole MCB (5KA) 101 6-10-16-20-32 Amps Single Pole MCB (10 KA) 102 32-40-63 Amps Single pole MCB (10KA) 103 16-20Amp Double Pole MCB (10K) 104 32-40Amp (10KA)DP MCB 105 63 AmpDP (10KA)MCB 106 100 AmpDP MCB (10 KA) 107 125 Amps DP MCB (10KA) 108 32-40 AmpTPN MCB(10KA) 109 63AmpTPN MCB 110 100-125AmpTPN MCB 111 100 AmpTPN MCCBhaving 16 KA Breaking capacity 112 100 AmpTPN MCCBhaving 25 KA Breaking capacity 113 125 TPN MCCBhaving 16 KA Breaking capacity 114 125 AmpTPN MCCBhaving 25 KA Breaking capacity 115 Supply , Installation ,testing and commissioning of Change over switchof isi marked make incl making of necessary connections. 116 32-40 Amps DP type Change over switch 117 63AmpsDP Change over switch 118 63 Amps TPN Change over switch 119 63 Amps TPN Change over switch with sheet steel enclosure 120 100 Amps TPN Change over switch 121 100 Amps TPN Change over switch with sheet steel enclosure 122 Supply ,installation ,Testing and Commissioning ofVTPN , 8 Way-DPX 125 MCCB DBswith provision for DPX 125 MCCB as incomer and SP MCBs as outgoing having IP 43-IK 09 with metal door of standard make dully isi marked ( at par with Legrend , Hugger , L&T ,simens ,ABB or Havels)(DPX125 +24) 123 Supply ,installation ,Testing and Commissioning ofVTPN , 12 Way-DPX 160 MCCB DBswith provision for DPX 160 MCCB as incomer and SP MCBs as outgoing having IP 43-IK 09 with metal door of standard make dully isi marked ( at par with Legrend , Hugger , L&T ,simens ,ABB or Havels) 124 Supply , Installation ,testing and commissioning ofMetal clad industrial socket having fitted with 32 Amps DP ,20 Amps industrial socket and 3-pin top for ACs of standard make dully isi marked 125 Supply , Installation ,testing and commissioning of ModularsAC Box having fitted with 32 Amps Switch -Socket and 32 Amps SP MCB fitted on GI/PVC Box with cover plate and 16 Amps 3-Pin Top 126 Supply ,installation ,testing and commissioning ofSingle door MCB Box having pvc bodyincl fixing on walls complete job 127 Part E Cabling and allied items 128 Supply and fixing ofaluminium flat wire of reputed make incl making of end termination and connections complete job. 129 6 ,2-core 130 10 ,2-core 131 16 ,2-core 132 25 ,2-core 133 35 ,2-core 134 Supply,Laying,Testing & Commissioning ofXLPE /PVC insulated LT Power cablesof havells /Eq. make.The cable is laid partially through walls with necessay cliffs saddles and partially laid underground incl digging and refilling ,Incl cost of p/f of Al thimbles on both sides dully crimped with hydraulic crimping tool and making of necessary connections 135 (a) 10 ,2-Coreunarmoured 136 (b) 10 ,2-CoreSteel armoured 137 (c) 16 ,2-Coreunarmoured 138 (d) 16 ,2-CoreSteel armoured 139 (e) 25 ,2-Coreunarmoured 140 (f) 25 ,2-CoreSteel armoured 141 (g) 35 ,2-Coreunarmoured 142 (h)35 ,2-CoreSteel armoured 143 PartF :- Lighting Fixtures 144 Supply and fixing of Batten /Angle holder of G.M/Eq make 145 Supply, Installation ,testing and commissioning of LED Lamps (B22/E27) Warm / Cool,ofstandard make dully isi marked 146 (a) 9 Watts 147 (b) 12 Watts 148 (c) 14-15 Watts 149 (d) 16 Watts 150 (e) 18 Watts 151 (f) 23 Watts 152 (f) 30 Watts 153 (g) 36 Watts 154 Supply ,installation ,Testing and Commissioning of 20-22 Watts ,4 ft long LED tube light fitting having PVC Bodyof standard make dully isi marked,incl ceiling roseand 2-core transparent wire forconnections complete job. 155 Supply ,installation ,Testing and Commissioning of 10-12Watts ,2ft long LED tubetube light fitting having PVC Bodyof standard make dully isi marked,incl ceiling roseand 2-core transparent wire forconnections complete job. 156 Supply and fixing of 9-10 Watts LED Surface/recess mounted lighting fixtures ofstandard makeHaving PVC Body of standard make dully isi marked ,incl making of necessary connection 157 Supply and fixing of 12-15 Watts LED Surface/recess mounted lighting fixtures ofstandard makeHaving PVC Body of standard make dully isi marked ,incl making of necessary connection 158 Supply and fixing of 18 Watts LED Surface/recess mounted lighting fixtures having pvc body ofstandard make dully isi marked ,incl making of necessary connection 159 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 1ft x 1 ft22-24 watt LED surface/recess mounted Down lighter panelsof Standard make dully Isi markeincl making of necessary Connections. 160 Part H:- Heating Devices & ACsetc 161 Supply of Electric Blowers ofstandard make dully isi marked , complete with 3-core lead and 3-pin top .The job includes providing of replacement warrenty of equipment for 2 years 162 Supply of Double rod heaters of Gopi/Nitasha/Eq. make complete with 3-core lead and 16 Amps ,3-pin top .The job includes providing of replacement warrenty of equipment for 2 years 163 Supply of Double rod heat pillars of standard make dully isi marked complete with 3-core lead and 16 Amps ,3-pin top .The job includes providing of replacement warrenty of equipment for 2 years 164 Providing ,Installation ,Testing and commissioning of 1000 Watt Gayser element of recold /venius maketo replace the fused gayser element of Gaysers 165 Wet servicingof ACs (1 Ton/1.5Ton/2 Ton) 166 Dry servicingof ACs (1 Ton/1.5Ton/2 Ton) 167 Servicing and gas filling of ACs (1 Ton/1.5Ton/2 Ton) 168 Supply ,installation of PC Card of 2 Ton AC of LG/IFB/Panasonic/Diakin make for replacement of damaged PC Card 169 Providing and fitting of 6mm and 10 mm Copper tubes along with insulation 170 Dismentling of ACs from existing position including lowering down of indoor and outdoor units with allied copper pipings and reinstallation of same to new location ,including servicing and gas filling ,testing and commissioning complete job. 171 PART J :Generator Spare Parts (KIRLOSKAR) & Consumables 172 BIG END BEARING TOP MIBA 173 VALVE PAIR 174 INLET VALVE SEAT INSERT SEMI-FINISH 175 EXHAUST VALVE SEAT INSERT 176 VALVE STEM SEAL 177 LUBE OIL FILTER 178 JOINT: ROCKER COVER METALLIC 179 CYLINDER HEAD GASKET 115 180 VALVE GUIDE (SEMI-FINISH) 181 GASKET: THERMOSTAT COVER 182 JOINT:BET WATER PUMP HSG & HEADER 183 JOINT: WATER PUMP & GEAR COVER 184 JOINT: TURBO OUTLET 185 PART L :Generator Spare Parts (KIRLOSKAR) & Consumables 186 Foil Sealed Test Strips CC2602B 187 Handling/P&F Charges