
Maintenance Related Works Of 03 Nos.(Village: Amdahara,Dakshin Khayerbuni & Mahula Shul) Ground Water Supply 100 House Hold Scheme. (Civil Works) Within Rws Birbhum Sub-Division Under Birbhum Division, P.H.E Dte. (Sl. No.1), birbhum-West Bengal

Public Health Engineering Department has published Maintenance Related Works Of 03 Nos.(Village: Amdahara,Dakshin Khayerbuni & Mahula Shul) Ground Water Supply 100 House Hold Scheme. (Civil Works) Within Rws Birbhum Sub-Division Under Birbhum Division, P.H.E Dte. (Sl. No.1). Submission Date for this Tender is 28-03-2025. Water Pipe Line Tenders in birbhum West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Maintenance Related Works Of 03 Nos.(Village: Amdahara,Dakshin Khayerbuni & Mahula Shul) Ground Water Supply 100 House Hold Scheme. (Civil Works) Within Rws Birbhum Sub-Division Under Birbhum Division, P.H.E Dte. (Sl. No.1)
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Maintenance related works of 03 Nos.(Village: Amdahara,Dakshin Khayerbuni & Mahula Shul) Ground Water Supply 100 House Hold Scheme. (CIVIL WORKS) within RWS Birbhum Sub-Division under Birbhum Division, P.H.E Dte. (Sl. No.1)- 1 Opening & closing of all the different dia SluiceValves (80 rumdia to350 mmdial on different places along the alignment of the rising main and distribution main at different places over the command area daily as and when required for regulating the supply of water and distributing water all over the command area smoothly including changing and restoration of gland packing of sluice valve, air valve if required including opening the cap / plug of wash out point or opening the sluice valves including de-jointing flange joints (80 mm to 350 mm dia l including repairing works and cleaning the pipelineor changing o fgate,spindle or liner etc.of sluice valves all complete,restoration works to be done including earth work in the excavation bailing out of water, re-filling the excavated earth, taking out of RCC slab or slab cover and refaxing true to position etc. all complete as per the specification and direction of EIC. (01 no. Valve Operator require for operating 3 nos. water supply scheme Per Day) Hence, total nos. of valve operator require = (3/3) nos. =1 nos. So, Total Mandays require for one year maintenance service= (1*365) days =365 days 2 Repairing charges for changing of gland packing of sluice valve/air valve with supplying of Gland Packing grease etc bailing out of water including removing the top cover slab of valve chamber and refixing the same comletion of work as per direction of EIC i) 80mm to 125 mm dia 3 Repairing of flange joint after dismantling the joints, removing the unserviceable rubber insertion and supply new rubber insertion and supply upto 50 % of new nuts and bolts all complete including necessary earth work dewatering & supply of washer etc. all complete as per direction of EIC a) 80 mm dia. to 100 mm dia. 4 Repairing of air valves by changing the ball with changing the requisite nuts and bolts and rubber insertion all complete as per direction of EIC. 5 Making barricading for protecting the trench to avoid any accident including making arrangement of road light during the night. 6 (i) Carrying charges of materials M.S. Rod, D.I. Pipe, G.I. Pipe, TW materials, C.I.Dt. Joints, A.C. Coupling, Brass Strainer, H.D.P. Strainer, A.C. Pressure Pipes, M.S. Pipes etc. by road from different stack yard to any places within West Bengal including loading (upto a lead of 20 mtr. from loading point), packing, unloading and stacking charges etc. complete as per direction. ii) Carriage of pipe and specials from Depttl. Store includign loading and unloading and stacing at store of any PWSS By Van or other means 7 Cleaning silt (everymonth) from the over head reservoir, cleaning washing and disinfecting the same with bleaching powder, including machinery, tools andplants as per direction of EIC complete (Bleaching powder will be supplied by the agency). a) Upto 1.50lakh Gallon capcaity OHR 8 Dismantling existing ferule with fitting and refixing the same after cleaning and washing of pipe line upto stand post. 9 Labour charge for repairing of UPVC/HDPEpipe by using UPVC socket and solvent cement including earthwork in excacation,with dewatering and necessary tracing out the actual position of bursting /leakage, cutting the pipe of required length in the trenches and replacing the same with new pipe (as per required length) including firring fixing after roughing the UPVC surface & supplying and applying solvent cement, back filling the treenches with excavated earth upto the same as per direction of EIC all complete (UPVC pipes and specials, solvent cement to be supplied by the Agency) Unserviceable broken withdrawn surplus materials are to be deposited to the Deptt. store. iii) 90mm dia 10 iv) 110mm dia 11 Opening the Cap/Plug of washout point and opening Sluice Valveto clean the pipe cleaning the cap/plug closing the S.Valve after completion of work including earth work in exacavation & refilling the same, draining out washout water etc. as per direction of EIC and replacing RCC Top slab ocver where necessary including refixing the opened cap/plug in position complete a) Cap Opening 12 Dewatering from the excavated trenches for repairing any type of pipe line including hire charge of pump/carriage/fuel and lubricant/operator etc. for big dia pipes more than 200mm dia all complete as per direction of EIC. (This item will be executed after the permission of EIC) 13 Charges for health check-up for water borne disease of the workers deputed in maintenance work (including testing of blood (TC, DC,ESR, HB%), Urine (R/E), Stool (R/E) by registered Medical Practitioner. N.B.:- i) This item to be completed within a month from date of receiving of work order and applicable for once in a year ii) All test reports in original to b submitted within 45days from date of receiving of work order 14 Cleaning the chokage of AC/DI/CI/UPVC/HDPEpipes in the existing line by split bamboo passing through the new pit on the line and cleaning by washed water. (Work to be executed as per prior approval and direction of EIC) 15 Taking out old and damaged valve of any type from the existing line after dismantling of Flange joint or socket joint and fitting, fixing of New Valve. (Cost of dismantling of joint and renewing the same to be added with this item to complete the job in all respect) i) 80mm to 100mm dia 16 Supplying Bleaching Powder of approved brand (DCM/Modi/Kanoria) including all charges and free delivery at site. 17 Supplying of UPVC/HDPECoupler 6Kg., class – III conforming to IS : 4985 – 2000 with latest revision and amendments (This item is applicable for maintenance/ repairing work of pipe line only). iii) 90mm dia (OD) 18 iv) 110mm dia (OD) 19 Add GST @18% on sum of Item No. 1 to 18 20 Add Cess @1% on sum of Item No. 1 to 19

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Document Fees
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INR 8393.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.19 Lakhs /-


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