Repairing, Servicing With Replacement Of Necessary Spare Parts Of Vnc Pump Set No-1 And Other Allied Electro-Mechanical Works At Serampore Ls-3 And Titagarh Main Pumping Station Under Kmda.- 1 Maintenance and overhauling of V.T. / inclined pumps as permanufacturers instruction manual with all tools, tackles etc. This job includes labour charges, consumables like O - ring, sundry cleaningmaterial etc. This job includes dismantling of all sub assemblies such as gear box,cooling pipes,bearing housing,stuffing box,discharge tee,muff coupling,shafts,column pipes,bowl assembly ,bell mouth,strainer,line shaft enclosing tube etc. Reconditioning of all parts,inspection of all parts& replace these parts as per instructions(Spare cost excluded) straighting of shafts & refitting of all parts & sub assemblies with proper alignment including motorremoving & re-fixing ,test & trial for 24 hrs. etc complete 2 a)Capacity above 5 cusec and upto 25 cusec pump 3 Supply & delivery of 415 V, 50 Hz,3 Ph.AC Fully Automatic Star Delta Starter of Continuous duty in sheet steel enclosure of the following capacity (make:L&T/ABB/SCHNEIDER):50 HP ( with Relay of Max Range in Amp 28-42) 4 Supply ,delivery & fixing of below mentioned bearing. 5 i)SKF22216E 6 ii)SKF 6216 7 Supply ,delivery ,fitting & fixing of impeller shaft(EN-19) 1000 mm x 100 mm 8 Supply,delivery & fitting of the following equipments. 9 i)Impeller 10 ii)Impeller ring 11 iii) shaft sleeve 12 iv) Locking bolt for impeller 13 v)Grub screw for locking bolt 14 vi) Impeller key 15 vii)Bush for L.B.H 16 viii)Thrust Bearing 17 Supplying, fitting, fixing bolts with nuts, washer:10 to 16 mm dia: 18 Supply and fixing the C.I Palmer Block of shaft size 62.5 mmdia.(SKF make) 19 Cleaning of floating materials / garbage / any other foul materials from incoming sewer of drainage pumping station / adjoining penstock gate / open Nikashi / Lock Gate at Canal etc. by mathor labour after removing concrete slab / manhole cover etc. without damaging the same and refixing the same properly after cleaning as necessary and removing the sludge etc. by using iron pans, buckets including all labour, tools & plants including expulsion of impure / inflammable / asphyxiating gases from the drains etc. and removing the spoils in dry condition and disposing the same by truck beyond the area ofMunicipal Corporation / municipality / Notified Area Authority / Industrial Township Authority etc. for such disposal including the cost of loading, unloading, transportation and making arrangement of necessary land for disposal, spreading and leveling as necessary etc. and cleaning the road side in all respects, complete as per direction of the Engineer- in-Charge. (Land for disposal to be arranged by the contractor).(Payment will be made on the basis of actual stack measurment of spoils in dry condition at roadside) (Length-8m,Breadth-7,Depth-1m)(L-8m *B-7m * D-1m=56 cubic mtr) 20 M.S. Structural works in columns, beams etc. with simple rolled structural members (e.g. joists, angle, channel sections conforming to IS:226, IS:808 & SP (6)-1964 connected to one another with bracket, gussets, cleats as per design, direction of Engineer-in-charge complete including cutting to requisite shape and length, fabrication with necessary bolting, metal arc welding conforming to IS:816-1969 & IS:1995 using electrodes of approved make and brand conforming to IS:814-2004, haulage, hoisting and erection all complete. The rate includes the cost of rolled steel section, consumables such as electrodes, gas and hire charge of all tools and plants and labour required for the work including all incidental charge such as electricity charges, labour insurance charges etc. 21 Supply and fixing of smart bright street light (36 Watt) complete with all accessories to be fixed /projected from the wall of the building or on pole incl. making holes/providing clamping arrangement & necy. GI reducer as required. S&F 40 mm GI pipe (ISI-Medium) quality 1.5 mts. average length having suitable bend S&F necy. length of 1.5 sqmm PVC insulated single core stranded annealed copper wire and making connections as required and mending good damages to wall incl. painting etc.Make : Philips, 36 watt 22 Supply and fixing of smart bright essential street light (70 Watt) complete with all accessories to be fixed /projected from the wall of the building or on pole incl. making holes/ providing clamping arrangement & necy. GI reducer as required. S&F 40 mm GI pipe (ISI-Medium) quality 1.5 mts. average length having suitable bend S&F necy. length of 1.5 sq mm PVC insulated single core stranded annealed copper wire and making connections as required and mending good damages to wall incl. painting etc Make : Philips, 68 watt 23 Supply and fixing of philips Smartbrite Xtra 2ft run length LED Batten Tube light, 12 watt incl Fixing only fluorescent light fitting suspended 25 cm bellow the ceiling with 2 No. 20 mm dia EI conduit (14 SWG) supports incl. S&F EI conduit, ball socket/socket type ceiling plate and connecting the length of PVC insulated wire and painting etc. as required by 2x24/0.20 mm (1.5sqmm) flexible copper wire of 1.10 mt. length 24 Supply and delivery of Cotton Impregnated with lubricant Hydraulic Gland Packing (Style-376), Thickness- 13 to 25mm,Make- Champion 25 Supply and delivery of Cotton Impregnated with lubricant- Hydraulic Gland Packing (Style-376), Thickness- 12.5mm,Coil Length-3 M, Make- Champion