
Supply Installation Testing And Commissioning Of Mechanical, Electrical And Instrumentation Works For Augmentation Of Bhaipura Kashiba Water Distribution Station Of East Zone Of Amc., Ahmedabad-Gujarat

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has published Supply Installation Testing And Commissioning Of Mechanical, Electrical And Instrumentation Works For Augmentation Of Bhaipura Kashiba Water Distribution Station Of East Zone Of Amc.. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-03-2025. Electromechanical Services Tenders in Ahmedabad Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Supply Installation Testing And Commissioning Of Mechanical, Electrical And Instrumentation Works For Augmentation Of Bhaipura Kashiba Water Distribution Station Of East Zone Of Amc.
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Tender Details

supply installation testing and commissioning Of Mechanical, Electrical And Instrumentation Works For Augmentation Of Bhaipura Kashiba Water Distribution Station Of East Zone Of Amc.=A. MECHANICAL WORK B. ELECTRICAL WORK C. INSTRUMENTATION WORK D OFFICE FURNITURE 1.1.1 HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP SET (PUMP + MOTOR) Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of horizontal mounted, side suction & side delivery type Horizontal Split Casing Centrifugal Pump having CI Casing, CF8M impeller & wear rings, SS410 Shaft & shaft sleeves, gland packed and suitable to couple with Induction Motor. SITC of approved make, energy efficient, Efficiency Class-IE3, Horizontal Foot mounted, solid shaft, squirrel case, Induction Motor, 3Phase, 415V, 50Hz., AC supply, synchronous speed as per pump manufacture and having TEFC enclosure with Class F insulation (temp. rise limited to Class B), with terminal box and auxillary terminal box for RTD, BTD & Space Heater. The scope also include all required accessories viz. MSEP (M.S. Epoxy Painted) drain rim type base plate base frame, Flex. coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts, min 25 mm dia. G.I. Class-B drain pipe up to drain channel, etc. complete as per IS/IEC, Tender Drawings and Specification and also including in scope any other parts / accessories / fittings as required to complete the work in all respects & satisfactory operation of pump set. Pump Capacity: 900 m3/hr, (4W + 1S) Head: 40 m, Nominal Speed: 1500 RPM, Pump Efficiency at Duty: Minimum 82.5% Motor Rating: Minimum 132 kW (or higher as per IS and as recommended by pump manufacturer). 1.2.1 DEWATERING / DRAIN PUMP (FOR DRY WELL) SITC of Submersible Non Clog Dewatering Pump with C.I. casing & CF8M impeller, including necessary accessories and hardwares, etc., 25m cable as requied suitable for 3 Phase, 415 V, 50 Hz AC supply with motor and necessary safety features along with required starter panel, pump monitoring unit for auto stop facilities, cable termination / junction box of required terminal size, supporting arrangement for pump and other required accessories to be installed in dry well drain pit. Pump Capacity: 15 m3 / hr. Head: 10 m, Motor Rating: min. 2.2 kW (or higher rating as reco. by pump manufacturer) 2.1.1 VALVES: SITC of double flanged CI Ele. Actuator operated Sluice Valve as per IS 14846, PN 10 of following sizes with SS 304 seat rings, SS Rising Spindle with all hot dipped galvanised hardwares, bolts, nuts & washers, gaskets including all taxes, insurance, transportation, etc. complete as per IS and Specification. Size: 400 mm NB (at each delivery of each HSCF Pump) 2.2.1 SITC of double flanged CI Manually operated Sluice Valve as per IS 14846, PN 10 of following sizes with SS 304 seat rings, SS Rising Spindle with all hot dipped galvanised hardwares, bolts, nuts & washers, gaskets including all taxes, insurance, transportation, etc. complete as per IS and Specification. Size : 50 mm NB (On Drain Pump Disch. Line) 2.3.1 SITC of double flanged CI Manually Gear operated Sluice Valve as per IS 14846, PN 10 of following sizes with SS 304 seat rings, SS Spindle with all hot dipped galvanised hardwares, bolts, nuts & washers, gaskets including all taxes, insurance, transportation, etc. complete as per IS and Specification. Size : 450 mm NB (at suction line of each HSCF Pump) 2.4.1 SITC of double flanged CI Dual Plate Check Valve conforming to API 594 Class 125 with CS dual door, hinge pin & stop pin of SS 410, springs of AISI 304 and seat of SS 304, along with all required accessories, gaskets and hardwares,etc. and as per specification. Size: 400 mm NB (at delivery of each HSCF pump) 3.1.1 Supply of Flange ends Expansion Bellow (PN 1.0) as per EJMA standards, as per specs. & complete in all respect. Size: 400 mm NB x 300 mm (L) (at delivery of each HSCF Pump) 3.1.2 --- Item description as above --- Size: 450 mm NB x 300 mm (L) (at suction of each HSCF Pump) 4.1.1 MS PIPES & SPECIALS Supply, Gas cutting of pipe, Fabrication, Welding, Installation, Testing and commissioning of MS pipe & Specials, reducer, expander, bend, Y-Joint, TEE etc. conforming to IS 3589 & flanges confirming to IS 6392-PN-1.0, fabricated from MS. plate with necessary supports & anchoring. Pipe fabricated from MS plate. (Excluding supply of flange) Size : 400 mm NB X Mini. 8.8 mm Thk. 4.1.2 --- Item description as above --- Size : 450 mm NB X Mini. 10 mm Thk. 4.2.1 Supply, welding, installation, testing & commissioning of MS flat machnied faced flanges confirming to IS 6392 & drilled to IS -1538 with drilling off center bolt holes and flange thickness as per PN 1.0 including cutting & welding. Size : 250 mm NB-Drilled (or as per actual HSCF pump delivery size) 4.2.2 --- Item description as above --- Size : 300 mm NB-Drilled (or as per actual HSCF pump suction size) 4.2.3 --- Item description as above --- Size : 400 mm NB-Drilled 4.2.4 --- Item description as above --- Size : 450 mm NB-Drilled 4.3.1 Flanged Joints of Pipes, Fittings and Specials: Supply, Installation, Making of Flanged CI / DI / MS / GI Pipes, Fittings and Specials Joints with all jointing materials, rubber packing, nut bolts, labour etc.for complete connection. Size: 400 mm dia. 4.3.2 --- Item description as above --- Size : 450 mm dia. 4.4.1 G.I. PIPES & FITTINGS: Supply, installation, connection with equipments as required, testing and commissioning of GI pipe conforming to IS-1239, Heavy Duty with coupling, tee, bend, union, elbow, flanges, etc. as all required fittings for connection complete with gaskets, hardware, and required accessories as per IS & Specifications Size: 50 mm dia. 5.1.1 SITC of Single Girder type E.O.T. crane with electrically operated hoist, class II duty, geared travelling trolly with lift as specified here below complete with long travel rail track (40 sq.mm. bar), moving or cross girder, all three motions electrically operated by suitable rating motor IP54, control panel, & down pendant control block, brake, safety device, cables from motor to starter panel & other required accessoaries & manufactured and tested as per IS-807, IS-3938 & IS-3177, class-II, complete as per IS & Specifications. Capacity: 2 Ton, (at Existing Pump house - HSCF) Lift: 10.0 m or (or as per site req.) Span: Approx. 7.5 m (or as per site req.) Bay length: App. 20.0 m (or as per site) Note: Bidders shall be responsible for survey & obtaining dimensions of existing pump house. 6.1.1 CHLORINATION SYSTEM SITC of Wall mounted, FRP cabinet type, Vacuum operated Chlorination plants complete in all respects with required piping, fitting, valves, safety and testing kit, etc. Complete system combining the Two plants complete in all respect as per IS and as per specification. (Without Chlorine Cylinder). Capacity: 5 kg/hr. (Cabinet Type) for each plant. (1W + 1S) Each plant shall include the followings: (1) 1 No. Submersible monoblock Pump motor set with continuous Cable from pump to starter panel without any Joint with proper conduit piping and clamping. (2) 1No. Diffusers (3) 1No. Ejector (4) 1No.Chlorinator, (5) 1No. Vacuum Regulators (6) 1No. Strainer (7) 1No. NRV on solution line (8) 1No. Non Return Valve on Booster Pump del. line (9) 1No.Yoke clamp (1No. for each cylinder) (10) 1No. Pressure Gauge with require piping and isolation valve for booster pump (11) 1 No. Chlorine Gauge at Cl2 manifold with isolation valve (12) 1 Lot of piping, fittings, valves & instruments (13) Total 5 nos. or higher as required Isolation valve on gas manifold (14) Vacuum Gauge (15) MS support of 50 mm x 50 mm x 4 mm thk. Notes: (1) Filled Chlorine 100 kg. cylinder is in the scope of client / AMC. (2) 1 no. Gas filter shall be provided per manifold. (3) 1- lot inter connecting piping of identical pipe size of Cl2 booster pumps delivery line with required no. isolation valves. (4) Seperate 3/4 gas manifold of Carbon Steel shall be provided with interconnection line and valves, Each manifold shall be suitable for 2 no. cylinder. (5) Any other as required to complete the work in all respects. 6.1.2 AUTOMATIC CHLORINE LEAK DISSOLVING SYSTEM (CHLORINE SCRUBBER SYSTEM) SITC of Automatic Chlorine Leak Absorption System for 100 kg Cylinder for chlorination system comprising of : (1) 2 Nos. FRP Hood for 100 kg Cylinder (2) 1 Nos. CF Air Blower with electric motor (3) 1 Lot Flex. PVC ducting line, (All misc. items such as Ball valve for flush line / Water Line / suction & delivery of pump / drain line, NRV & Strainer for Pump – PP / UPVC) (4) 1 Lot uPVC SCH 40- Diffuser, (5) 1 Lot- MCC cum PLC with HMI Based Control panel consisting of minimum 32A, 4Pole MCCB for incoming power supply, starter for Air compressor, CF Blower, Caustic Circulation pumps, Booster Pumps as per type-2 cordination chart etc. complete in all respect. (6) 1 Lot- Interconnecting Electrical & Instrument Power, control & other required cables, cable tray, earthing etc with required accessories to complete the system in all respect. (7) 1 No. Caustic solution storage tank (8) MS Skid & support for tank & blower (9) Liquid Caustic – First filling of 20% strength for scrubber system (10) 1 Lot Hadware, jointing & misc. items etc. (11) 1 No. Level Gauge (12) 1 No. Chlorine leak detector of 0-10 ppm capacity (13) As per Specification & any other as required to complete the work in all respects. 7.1.1 Providing, Supply of Structure Steel at site of work with freight, loading, unloading carting, etc. including all taxes and duties complete such as joints, channels, angles, MS Grill, Iron Rails, ISA/ISMC/ISMB/MS flat, Plates, Chequered plates (min. 8 mm Thickness) for cable trench etc. required for support structure of all Electro-mechanical equipment, piping, etc. for support on floor / wall / beam / brackets etc. as per site requirement / condition and complete in all respect. 7.1.2 Labour Charges for lowering, laying, Fixing with fabrication various size section of MS such as joints, channels, angles, Iron Rails, MS Grill, ISA/ISMC/ISMB/MS flat, Plates, Chequered plates, for cable trench etc Complete with two coats of red oxide and two coats of approved colour shade of epoxy paint as per relevant IS and as per specification. 8.1.1 Miscellaneous Civil Work including modification, providing cut-outs (core cutting) of Required size, minor repairing finishing works etc. Required civil works including Pump Foundations, Valve Foundations, pipe & fittings foundations/support etc. and any other unforeseen / emergency work during Installation of pump in running Dry well etc. and all other as required to complete the work in all respects and as required for installation and satisfactory operation of all electro-mech. equipment’s as per the tender scope / BOQ. and any other work required at site as per instruction of Engineer- In-Charge of AMC and as per the tender scope / BOQ. 8.1.2 Dismantaling & removal / shifitng in existing Dry Well like HSCF Pump set, Valves, Bellws, Drain Pump set, EOT Crane, Chlorination System, HT panel, LT panel, Transformers, cabling system, earthing system, lighting system etc. any other equipments not listed here in but installed in WDS & required to be dismantled / shifting and including all Loading, Transportation, Unloading & Stacking them at Store or location as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge of AMC and as per the tender scope / BOQ. 8.1.3 Constructing / Casting of RCC Foundation block work for New HSCF Pump-Motor Set as per manufactirers recommendation, PCC / RCC Support including cement, sand, grit, kapachi, water, steel bars, scafolding materials, curing, finishing, plastering, painting complete in all respect. 9.1.1 SITC of Board @ min. 3 mm thk. MS Plate (size : min. 4 ft. x min. 2.5 ft.) for with major details like name, location, General instructions etc. Note : Bidder to add any other details as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge of AMC. 9.2.1 Bird Away - Protection coverage: up to 85 square meters, fan shaped area of 70 degree(horizontal); 9 degree (vertical) at a distance of 12 meters Note : Location as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge of AMC. 9.3.1 SITC of 500 ltr. Capacity PVC cylindrical vertical water tank as per IS- 12701:2006. The scope also include the uPVC piping of minimum 40 mm dia. (0.75 inch) or above and accessories like ball valve (3 nos. min), bends, Tee, end caps, & any other as required to complete the work in all respects as per instruction given by Engineer-in-charge of AMC. (Make for PVC Tank must be: Vectus/ Astral/ Sintex/ Prince/ National/ Plasto/Reno) A TOTAL OF MECHANICAL WORK W/O GST 1.1 ELECTRICAL WORKS H.T. INDOOR SWITCH GEAR PANEL SITC of 11 kV, 500 MVA, 630A, Indoor, Extensible type, Horizontal draw out, Motorised spring charging mechanism, 3 breaker Vacuum Circuit Breaker Panel (1 No. Incomer + 2 Nos.outgoing), with EC grade copper busbars along with required Resin cast CT Dual primary & secondary, Cl: 0.5/5P10, 15VA, Digital MFM with RS 485 with 3 Line Display, Class-0.5s and PT (dual secondary) Cl:0.5/3P, min 200VA or higher for metering and protection, 110V DC power pack for incoming & outgoing feeder, Annunciator, Hooter, Indicating lamps, Numerical Protection relay (Current & Voltage Based) with RS 485 with combined protection for 3O/C+1E/F, S/C, Under & Over Voltage, Transformer Protection Aux. relay etc. High speed tripping relay, Trip ckt supervision relay, Fuse failure relay, Digital Power factor meter, Ammeter, Voltmeter (Only I/C), A/M switch suitable for PLC/SCADA etc. complete in all respects as per IS, Specification. 1.2 SITC of H.V. CABLES 11 kV (E), 3C x 240 sq.mm., Aluminium, extruded innersheath, Armoured, XLPE , H.V Cable as per IS 7098 (part 2) and Tech. Specification. (Torrent HT Panel to AMC HT Panel, HT Panel to TFR 1 & 2) 1.3 SITC of the Indoor Heat shrinkable Termination: Supply of Indoor H.T. cable end terminations Kit for 11 kV (E), 3C x 240 sq.mm. XLPE armoured cable. 2.1 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER SITC of 800kVA, 11/0.433 kV, Outdoor Transformer continuously rated, 3-phase, 50 Hz, OFF Load Tap Changer, OCTC, ONAN cooled, copper double wound core type, vector group Dyn11, Delta(HT)/Star(LT), Oil immersed winding with temperature rise in oil / winding 40/45 deg.C above design temperature with neutral brought out to connect to separate earthing including Terminal arrangement bushing / cable Box on HT side and LT side, first fill of oil along with Fittings & accessories as per Energy efficiency Level- 2 of IS:1180 (Part-1):2021 and its latest ammendments and as per Tender Specification. Note: Transformer shall be suitable for parallel operation. Minimum requirement shall be as below: Both transformer shall have Identical X/R ratio, phase angle shift, polarity, phase sequence, frequency, position of tap changer. Turns ratio & voltage ratio. 2.2 Transformer full load losses & impedance test charges at ERDA Laboratory for confirmation of Guaranteed full load losses for above rating transformer. 2.3 Casting of transformer new plinth / foundation including design as per transformer full total weight load capacity / Transformer vendor recommendation / requirements. Top of transformer foundation shall be mini. 600mm above finished ground level & two nos. padestal foundation of size minimum 1.2m x 1.2m each or higher as per vendor / statutory / electrical inspector requirements with situ reinforced cement concrete in M 20 using granite, quartzite trap metal of size 6 mm to 20 mm for RCC work including providing of 53 grade cement & Fe 415 grade TMT bars, scaffolding, centering, form work, curing etc. complete in all respect to install new Transformer. 2.4 (a) Supply and levelling of transformer yard using gravel, fine sand and other required filing material, enmarked for the Transformer yard including removing of trees or boulders etc. if any. The general level of the yard shall be at a convenient level for movement of man and material and it should match with FGL and as per Specification and Drg. 2.4 (b) Supply and Installation of GI Chain link fencing frames with L angle/Channel post around Transformer yard etc. as per Specification and Drg. as directected by Engineer-In- Charge of AMC. 2.4 (c) SITC of 3.0 mtr wide gate with GI chain link as per Specification and Drg. 3.1 LOW VOLTAGE (LT) PANEL BOARD (PMCC) : SITC of PMCC Panel (50kA), compartmentalized, Floor mounted, operating height maximum 1800/1900 mm, Extensible on both ends, suitable for Manual & Auto operation -Local & through PLC/SCADA operation as per site conditions complete in all respects as per Tender SLD / Specification / IS and including following as minimum: (1) INCOMER 1&2: FP,1250A, 50 KA Microprocessor EDO ACB LSIG with inbuilt RS 485 MODBUS communication with Digital Voltmeter with VSS, Digital Ammeter with ASS, Resin Cast CT-Cl : 0.5,10VA, Digital MFM with RS 485 with 3 Line Display Cl. 0.5, Breaker Control Switch (TNC), A/M, L/R switch, Indicating lamps, Push bottons etc,. with electrical & mechanical interlocking between Incomers and buscoupler. (1.1) Surge protection device, 3P + N, Type 2 for lightning/surge protection. Load sensing CT in Incomer & Busbar for APFC Panel, Cl.-0.5. Constant voltage/control voltage transformer 2000VA, 415V/230V AC, with tapping +/-5% in steps of 2.5%, 32A DP MCB & 25A Power contactor. (2) BUS-COUPLER: FP 1250A ACB (same as per Incomer) (2.1) 1250A TPN, EC grade AL Main busbars. (Busbars size as per 50KA fault level and Temperature rise with current density 0.8A/Sq.mm) (3) TRANSFORMER FIXED COMPENSATION FEEDER (25 KVAr): 2 Sets: Each feeder comprising of 63A TPN Thermal magnetic Based (TM) MCCB with Digital Ammeter, ASS, CT, Indicating lamp, etc.complete in all respects. (4) 235 KVAR APFC POWER FEEDER: 2 NOS: Each Feeder comprising of 630A TPN Thermal magnetic Based (TM) EDO ACB feeder, Digital Ammeter with ASS, Cl. 0.5, CT (3 nos., Cl 0.5, 10VA) indicating lamp, SP MCB etc. (5) 400A TPN MCCB POWER FEEDER: 1 NO. (For 1 nos. Existing HSCF pump feeder) Each Feeder comprising of 400A TPN Micro Processor MCCB feeder LSIG with MFM with RS-485 Cl. 0.5, CT (3 nos., Cl 0.5, 10VA) indicating lamp, SP MCB etc. (6) 132 KW Motor-Soft Starter : 4 NOS. (For 4 nos. Existing HSCF pump feeder) Each feeder comprising of Soft Starter with Internal/External bypass contactor for 132 kW Motor or higher as per pump manufacturer reco. with soft starter rating minimum (272A @ 50deg C) with suitable derating with detachable type door mounted display key pad and with 400A TPN MP MCCB (LSIG), 400A, AC3 duty Line contactor, Semi conductor fuse, MFM with RS-485, Resin Cast CT Cl: 0.5, SPP, Cooling fan, Space heater, Minimum Eight-channel temprature scanner with RS-485, A/M, L/R switch, ON, OFF, TRIP Indication &(Start & E-Stop) pushbutton etc..& LCS (PBS) for Actuatorvalve with 16A FP MCB, open,close,stop PB, open,close,trip & L/R indication & 2 nos. terminal strip, SP MCB etc. Note : For Actuator LCS (PBS) shall be provide potential free contact for (open,close,trip & L/R ) indication and terminal for Open,close and stop command because actautor shall be operator from PLC Panel also in addition to LCS (PBS). (7) 250A TPN MCCB OUTGOING POWER FEEDER: 2 NOS. (For 1 nos. Existing Borwell pump feeder, 1no. Spare) Each Feeder comprising of 250A TPN MP MCCB feeder, MFM with RS-485 Cl. 0.5, CT (3 nos., Cl 0.5, 10VA) indicating lamp, SP MCB etc. (8) 63A TPN TM MCCB FEEDER : 6 Nos. (1 no. for EOT crane, 2 nos. Chlorination panel, 3 nos. Spare) Each feeder comprising of 63A TPN Thermal Magnetic (TM) MCCB, with indicating lamp etc. (9) 32A TPN TM MCCB FEEDER : 4 Nos. (2 nos. Dewatering Pump for Dry Pit, 2 nos. Spare) Each feeder comprising of 32A TPN Thermal Magnetic (TM) MCCB, with indicating lamp etc. (10) 63A TPN TM MCCB FEEDER FOR ALL MCB FEEDERS: 2 sets: Incomer: 63A TPN Thermal Magnetic (TM) MCCB, with indicating lamp etc. 10.1) 4 nos. 32A C curve 4P MCB feeders (1 no. for ICP/PLC Panel, 3 nos. Spare) 10.2) 2nos. 32A C curve 4P MCB with Time switch,32A contactor 4P,ON lamp feeders (for Indoor LDB, 1no.outdoor LDB) 10.3) 4 nos. 16A DP MCB feeders (For HT Panel, For single phase supply for 2 nos. Xmer marshaling box & 1 no. Spare) 10.4) 1 nos. LCS (PBS) with 16A FP MCB, indicating lamp,Push Button, A/M,L/R swithc, SP MCB, etc. (For 1 nos. On Header) (11) Multiplication relay as required for dry run protection of pumps. NOTE: 1). All MCCB shall be 50KA, Ics = 100% Icu, inbuilt protection with adj O/L and Adj.S/c (LSIG for MP MCCB),Extended rotary handle, Terminal spreader, Auxiliary Change over contact and trip contact as required.2) All MFM, ACB, Soft Starter,MPR,Temp.Scanner etc shall be with inbuilt RS 485. 3.2 LOW VOLTAGE (LT) PANEL BOARD (STAND ALONE SOFT STARTER PANEL FOR 132kW HSCF PUMP-MOTOR) Each feeder comprising of Soft Starter with Internal/External bypass contactor for 132 kW Motor or higher as per pump manufacturer reco. with soft starter rating minimum (272A @ 50deg C) with suitable derating with detachable type door mounted display key pad and with 400A TPN MP MCCB (LSIG), 400A, AC3 duty Line contactor, Semi conductor fuse, MFM with RS-485, Resin Cast CT Cl: 0.5, SPP, Cooling fan, Space heater, Minimum Eight-channel temprature scanner with RS-485, A/M, L/R switch, ON, OFF, TRIP Indication &(Start & E-Stop) pushbutton etc..& LCS (PBS) for Actuatorvalve with 16A FP MCB, open,close,stop PB, open,close,trip & L/R indication & 2 nos. terminal strip, SP MCB etc. Note : For Actuator LCS (PBS) shall be provide potential free contact for (open,close,trip & L/R ) indication and terminal for Open,close and stop command because actautor shall be operator from PLC Panel also in addition to LCS (PBS). STAND ALONE PANEL MINIMUM SIZE: 1.2M (W) X 1.5M (H) X 1.0M (D) 3.3 Supply of 132KW Soft Starter minimum 272A @ 50deg C with suitable derating (As provided in Sr.No.:3.2 with detachable type door mounted key pad suitable to interchangeable / replaceable as provided in Sr.No.:3.2 as per specification / Tender, to be supply as directed by Engg-in-charge of Client. 3.4 SITC of 235 KVAR at 415V, APFC Panel,compartmentalised, Floor mounted, extensible type on both sides with Horizontal bus bar arrangement as per site requirement including existing cable treanch modification to installed proposed APFC Panel as directed by Engg-in-charge of AMC complete in all respect as per Tender SLD / Specification / IS and including following as minimum: (1) INCOMER: 1.1 630A, TPN, 50 KA TM ACB with Digital Voltmeter with VSS, Digital Ammeter with ASS, Resin Cast CT- Cl : 1.0,10VA, Breaker Control Switch (TNC), A/M, L/R switch, Indicating lamps, Push buttons etc. (1.2) Microprocessor based APFC Relay,144sq.mm, 12 STEP with RS-485 with minimum operating current 10mA. 2. OUTGOING CAPACITOR FEEDER: Capacitor feeder of following rating comprising of TPN MCCB/MCB with ON & TRIP Indication, Capacitor duty contactor,Heavy duty MPP / gas filled capacitor unit, A/M Switch, ON Delay timer,ON / OFF Push button, ON, TRIP, Auto & Manual Indication lamp etc. as per Tender SLD& Specification (2.1) 50 KVAR FEEDER: 4 NOS (2.2) 20 KVAR FEEDER: 1 NO (2.3) 5 KVAR FEEDER: 2 NOS (2.4) 2 KVAR FEEDER: 2NOS (2.5) 1 KVAR FEEDER:1NO (2.6) Two nos. Vacant feeder suitable for 1-50KVAr and 1-20KVAr to be provided. NOTE: 1. cooling/exhaust fan : Heavy duty 8 Metalic Housing and Metal Impeller / Blade / Vanes of Minimum2nos. or higher as required at the top of the panel with canopy/hood. (2) For Capacitors of rating ≤ 5 KVAr only, All types viz. APP/MPP/Gas Filled are acceptable. 3.5 SITC of Lighting Distribution Board (LDB) as under: SITC of 3 Phase 4 Wire 4P, double door Prewired LDB each for Indoor Lighting & Outdoor Lighting Suitable to house : Incoming: 32A FP, ELMCB (30mA) Outgoing: 20A SP MCB (9 nos.) & 16A SP MCB (9 nos.) 3.6 SITC of LCS pushbutton station ON & OFF (E-stop) set complete with Enclosure, necessary mounting/ fixing arrangement on wall / pipe support etc. to be installed near motors for remote operation, etc. as per IS and specifications. (including structural steel) (for Pump) 3.7 SITC of Local Control Station with pendant type Open_Stop_Close pushbutton set and with Open, Close, Trip & Local / Remote Indicating Lamps complete with Enclosure, necessary mounting/ fixing arrangement on wall / pipe support etc. to be installed near motors for remote operation, etc. as per IS and specifications (including structural steel) (For Actuator of LCS at Platform for pump delivery valves) 4.1 LOW VOLTAGE (LT) CABLES Supply, laying , testing and commissioning of 1.1 kV, A2XFY(X)/2XWY(X) XLPE insulated (IS 7098) AL / Cu stranded conductor, Extruded inner sheath cables as per specification & IS. The cable when laid outside the building shall be laid underground in trench with brick & sand protection/in DWC pipes as per specified method and shall be laid in prepared trench/ on cable tray when laid inside the building. SITC of 3.5C x 300 sq. mm. A2XFY(X) Cable (5 runs from Each Tr.1&2 to PMCC Panel, 1 runs from each PMCC to 1no. 132kW Soft-starter Cubicle Panel) 4.2 SITC of 3.5C x 240 sq. mm. A2XFY(X) Cable (2 runs for PMCC Panel to 2 nos. APFC Panels) 4.3 SITC of 3C x 300 sq. mm. A2XFY(X) Cable (1 runs from PMCC Panel to 4 nos. 132kW HSCF Pump motor, 1R from each 132kW softstarter cubicle panel to 132kW HSCF motor) 4.4 SITC of 4C x 10 sq. mm. A2XFY (X) Cable (For 2 no. for Chlorination panel) 4.5 SITC of 4C x 6 sq. mm. A2XFY (X) Cable (For 1 no. Indoor LDB, Outdoor LDB, 2 nos. Dewatering Pump Panel For Dry Pit, 1 nos. EOT Crane with TPN MCB at existing Pump) 4.6 SITC of 4C x 2.5 sq. mm. 2XWY(X) Cable (For 5 nos. MOV at Pump Delivery of HSCF pump, 1 nos. MOV On Header, 10nos. for street light) 4.7 SITC of 2C x 2.5 sq. mm. Multi strand 2XWY(X) Cable (For 2 nos. Tr. Marshalling Box, HT Panel, 2 nos. APFC CT , 5 nos. for HSCF Pump Space Heater) 4.8 SITC of 5C x 2.5 sq.mm. 2XWY(X) Cable (For 5nos. Pump-Motor LCS) 4.9 SITC of 10C x 2.5 sq.mm. 2XWY(X)Cable (2 Run Tr. to HT Panel control cable) 4.10 SITC of 12C x 1.5 sq.mm. 2XWY(X) Cable (For 5 nos. MOV at Pump Delivery of HSCF pump, 1 nos. MOV On Header) 4.11 SITC of 10Triad x 1.0 sq.mm. individual triad and overall shielded with aluminum mylar tape Signal Cable for RTD & BTD of motor (For 8 nos. motor) 5.1 CABLE END TERMINATION AND CONNECTION: SITC of Double compression Ni-Plated brass cable glands and crimping type Bimetallic lugs / sockets with necessary tools and equipments as specified in specifications and IS. The glands and lugs / sockets shall be suitable for cable size and type mentioned below & as per specifications. 1) Earthing the glands and armouring with earthing clamp and jumper and also connecting to common earth bar. 2) The job also includes, if necessary, supply & fixing of extension busbar of same material on MCCB or panel board terminal / connector to connect more than one no. of parallel cables or to connect higher size cable to lower size unit. The job also includes earthing the glands and armour of the cable with common earth bar or flexible copper mesh.(Cable termination qty. shall be as per site requirement) SITC of 3.5C x 300 sq. mm. A2XFY(X) Cable (5 runs from Each Tr.1&2 to PMCC Panel, 1 runs from each PMCC to 1no. 132kW Soft-starter Cubicle Panel) 5.2 3.5C x 240 sq. mm. A2XFY(X) Cable (2 runs for PMCC Panel to 2 nos. APFC Panels) 5.3 3C x 300 sq. mm. A2XFY(X) Cable (1 runs from PMCC Panel to 4 nos. 132kW HSCF Pump motor, 1R from each 132kW softstarter cubicle panel to 132kW HSCF motor) 5.4 4C x 10 sq. mm. A2XFY (X) Cable (For 2 no. for Chlorination panel) 5.5 4C x 6 sq. mm. A2XFY (X) Cable (For 1 no. Indoor LDB, Outdoor LDB, 2 nos. Dewatering Pump Panel For Dry Pit, 1 nos. EOT Crane with TPN MCB at existing Pump) 5.6 4C x 2.5 sq. mm. 2XWY(X) Cable (For 5 nos. MOV at Pump Delivery of HSCF pump, 1 nos. MOV On Header, 10nos. for street light) 5.7 2C x 2.5 sq. mm. Multi strand 2XWY(X) Cable (For 2 nos. Tr. Marshalling Box, HT Panel, 2 nos. APFC CT , 5 nos. for HSCF Pump Space Heater) 5.8 5C x 2.5 sq.mm. 2XWY(X) Cable (For 5nos. Pump-Motor LCS) 5.9 10C x 2.5 sq.mm. 2XWY(X)Cable (2 Run Tr. to HT Panel control cable) 5.10 12C x 1.5 sq.mm. 2XWY(X) Cable (For 5 nos. MOV at Pump Delivery of HSCF pump, 1 nos. MOV On Header) 5.11 10Triad x 1.0 sq.mm. individual triad and overall shielded with aluminum mylar tape Signal Cable for RTD & BTD of motor (For 8 nos. motor) 6.1 CABLE TRAY SITC of G.I. (hot dip galvanised ) Ladder type medium duty (2mm thick) Cable Tray with necessary bends, tees, reducers, covers and clamps for fixing. All material shall be Hot dip galvanised. All hardware shall be Electro-galvanized/ SS 304 complete in all respects as per Specification. And including all accessories. 600 x 100 mm - Ladder type 6.2 300 x 100 mm - Ladder type 6.3 150 x 50 mm - Ladder type 6.4 Supply, laying and erection of 125 mm (ID) approved make Double Walled Corrugated pipes (DWC) of polyethelene (confirming to IS-14930 II) with necessary connecting accessoies of same material at required depth for laying of cable below ground / road surface for enclosing cable and back filling the same to make ground as per original. 6.5 Supply, laying and erection of 75 mm ID approved make Double Walled Corrugated pipes (DWC) of polyethelene (confirming to IS-14930 II) with necessary connecting accessoies of same material at required depth for laying of cable below ground / road surface for enclosing cable and back filling the same to make ground as per original. (LT cable etc) 6.6 Making Trench/ excavation in soft soil of suitable width and of depth (minimum 750mm depth (LT) & 1000mm for HT) for laying cable/ DWC pipe and back filling the same and making the surface as normal ground as per IS & Ternder Specification/Drg. (For laying of HT/LT cable) 6.7 Cable Protection/ Covering in Trench: Cable Covering with second class bricks or cement tiles laid cover the cable (top) & also on both side with sand bedding/cusioning of 75mm.& covering of 150mm Layer of sand above cable (16 bricks per meter.) as per IS & Tender Drg/ Specification. (For HT/LT cable protection) complete in all respects as instructed by EIC. 7.1 CHEMICAL EARTHING SYSTEM SITC of Maintenance free chemical earthing (copper) with earthpit of minimum bore size dia. 225mm Safe Earthing Electrode consisting Pipe-in-Pipe Technology as per IS- 3043:1987 /Tech spec. made of corrosion free Pipes having Outer pipe dia of 48 mm having 250 Micron copper plating, Inner corrosion free Hot dip galvanised (80 to 100 micron) pipe dia of 26 mm with copper flat strip type connection terminal 14mm dia with constant ohmic value surrounded by highly conductive corrosion resistant chemical compound with high charge dissipation suitable for electrical installation & of 3Mtr. length of Pipe with two nos. 25Kg. bag of Back filling compound.. (2nos. for HT Panel, 2 nos. Each for neutral of Tr.-1 & 2, 2 nos. for ICP earthing,) NOTE: Earthing Resistance value & date shall be painted on the chamber cover. 7.2 SITC of Maintenance free chemical earthing with earthpit of minimum bore size dia. 225mm Safe Earthing Electrode consisting Pipe-in-Pipe Technology as per IS-3043:1987 /Tech spec. made of corrosion free Hot dip Galvanised (min 150 Microns) Pipes having Outer pipe dia of 76 mm , Inner corrosion free Hot dip galvanised (80 to 100 micron) pipe dia of 26 mm with copper flat strip type connection terminal 14mm dia with constant ohmic value surrounded by highly conductive corrosion resistant chemical compound with high charge dissipation suitable for electrical installation & 3Mtr. length of Pipe with two nos. 25Kg. bag of Back filling compound. (2 nos. Each for Tr.1 & Tr. Body, 2nos. for LT panel, 2nos. for Pump-Motor set, 4nos. for all elect. Equipments) NOTE: Earthing Resistance value & date shall be painted on the chamber cover. 7.3(a) SITC of 50mm(w) x 8mm(T) etc. sizes as required, HOT dip galvanized GI Strip including supply & fixing using GI spacers, saddles when laid inside the building and inclusive of excavation & refilling of earth when laid outside the building & interconnection with earth pit & all electro-mechanical equipments. (50X8 G.I Strip wt.3.12 kg/m, 3.12x550Mt.=1716kg.- for grid earthing, main tr. body) 7.3(b) SITC of 25mm(w) x 3mm(T) etc. sizes as required, HOT dip galvanized GI Strip including supply & fixing using GI spacers, saddles when laid inside the building and inclusive of excavation & refilling of earth when laid outside the building & interconnection with earth pit & all electro-mechanical equipments. (25X3 G.I Strip, 0.6 Kg/m, 0.6x350Mt.=210Kg.-For Motor, LT panels) 7.3(c) SITC of 40mm(w) x 6mm(T) etc. sizes Copper Strip including supply & fixing of bolts, saddles when laid inside the building and inclusive of excavation & refilling of earth when laid outside the building & interconnection with earth pit & Tr. nutral. (40X6 Cu. Strip, 1.88 Kg/m, 1.88 x 80mtr.=150.4Kg.-Tr. neutral) Copper Bolt,Nuts ,Washers shall be used for Connecting Earth electrode to individual eqp. Bitumen shall be used at the place of joint/welding. 7.3(d) SITC of 25mm(w) x 3mm(T) etc. sizes Copper Strip including supply & fixing of bolts, saddles when laid inside the building and inclusive of excavation & refilling of earth when laid outside the building & interconnection with earth pit & PLC Panel (25X3 Cu. Strip, 0.761 Kg/m, 0.761 x 50 mtr.=38.05Kg.-PLC panel) Copper Bolt,Nuts ,Washers shall be used for Connecting Earth electrode to individual eqp. Bitumen shall be used at the place of joint/welding. (For PLC Panel to Earthing) 7.3(e) SITC of HOT Dip Galvanized iron strip wire 8 SWG (For LDB, PDB, LCS,Street light pole earthing etc.) (8 SWG G.I Strip, 0.103 Kg/m, 0.103 x 400Mt.=41.2) 8.1 INTERNAL WIRING SITC of Mains & outlet points wiring with 1.1 kV grade FRLS PVC insulated ISI marked flexible stranded copper conductor wires with medium class min. 25mm. dia. Rigid PVC pipe and accessories to be erected concealed in / to be run on surface / wall / ceiling with following sizes as mentioned below. The unit rate wirings shall be with connector, PVC junction box, wires, holder, ceiling rose, angle holder, switch, sockets, switch board, brass chromium / cadmium plated machine screws, phase and neutral wires, green Earth continuity wires etc. as required to complete wiring from LDB panel to the final outlet termination points. The wiring shall be as per IS:732, IS:4648 and as per tender specification / IS. (a) SITC of Mains wiring with 3 wire 1.5 sq.mm. 8.2 As per above but (b), SITC of Mains wiring with 3 wire 2.5 sq.mm as per tender specification & IS. 8.3 As per above but (c ), SITC of Mains wiring with 4 wire 1.5 sq.mm as per tender specification & IS. 8.4 As per above but (d), SITC of Mains wiring with 4 wire 2.5 sq.mm as per tender specification & IS. 8.5 SITC of Point wiring for Light / fan / Bell / Primary Point with 2nos. 1.5 sq. mm & earth wire of 1.5 sq. mm (green) both are of ISI marked 1.1 kv grade FRLS PVC insulated multistrand copper wires , pipe to be erected concealed in flushed on wall ceiling, complete with 6A Tissino Type ISI marked flush type switch / bell push & accessories erected on metal / PVC Box covered with 3 mm thick PC (Polycarbonate) Acrylic sheet with necessary lamp holder / ceiling Rose / H. D. connector as directed with medium class Rigid PVC pipe & accessories. 8.6 SITC of 6A independent Plug with 2nos. 1.5 sq.mm Cu. Mains size wiring & earthwire of 1.5 sq.mm (green) both are of ISI marked 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated multistrand copper wires with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories to be erected on wall / ceiling, complete with ISI marked 3 / 5 Pin socket and tissino type switch erected with earth continuity connection erected on Metal / PVC box covered with 3 mm thick PC(Polycarbonet) / Acrylic sheet. (1no. at AMC HT Room, 2nos at LT Room, 2nos. at PH Pump, 2nos. for chlorination room) 8.7 SITC of 6/16A independent Plug with 2nos. 4 sq.mm Cu. Mains size wiring & earthwire of 1.5 sq.mm (green) both are of ISI marked 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated multistrand copper wires with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories to be erected on wall / ceiling, complete with ISI marked 3 / 5 Pin socket and tissino type switch erected with earth continuity connection erected on Metal / PVC box covered with 3 mm thick PC(Polycarbonet) / Acrylic sheet. (1no. at AMC HT Room, 2nos at LT Room, 2nos. at PH Pump, 2nos. for chlorination room) 8.8 SITC of Single Phase 20A 3 Pin Matal clad Industrial Type Socket with plug top and 20A SPMCB, suitable for flush mounting, in 16 SWG MS box of suitable size and covered with 3 mm thick electrical grade hylam sheet or eqivalent ISI marked Electrical grade bakelite sheet and earthing with 2.5 sq.mm insulated copper wire run inside the conduit including interconnections etc. complete as required. (2nos at LT Room, 2nos. at PH) 8.9 SITC of One 300/380 mm dia. Ex fan 16A independent Plug point near Ex. Fan with 2nos. 4 sq.mm Cu. Mains size wiring & earthwire of 1.5 sq.mm (green) both are of ISI marked 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated multistrand copper wires with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories to be erected on wall / ceiling, complete with ISI marked 3Pin socket and tissino type switch erected with earth continuity connection erected on Metal / PVC box covered with 3 mm thick PC(Polycarbonet) / Acrylic sheet. Plug point shall be near Ex.Fan. 8.10 SITC of 380mm sweep 1400 R.P.M exhaust fan, capacitor type, having double ball bearing, M.S.blades, mounting frame, forearms, suitable to operate on 230V,50 HZ AC supply conforming to IS: 2312.Fan shall be painted with epoxy grey colour controlled by one 6 A flush type switch on board and 6A plug point near Ex. fan. 8.11 SITC of Sheets steel powder coated weather proof enclosure with One no. 32A, 415V 4P MCB for Motor & Inductive load (C Curve) having 10 KA breaking capacity & confirms to IS: 8828. (1 no.for EOT Crane at Pump House) 9.1 Item description as per Sr. No. 8.1.1 SITC of 7 watts LED Lamps integral type,cool white with PC diffuser suitable for B22 LAMP holder (4Nos. At LT Room, 4nos. at Pump house) 9.2 1200mm sweep ceiling fan, capacitor type, having double ball bearing 450mm down rod, canopies, shackle, rubber bush, blades, electronic speed regulator, suitable to operate on 230V,50Hz AC supply conforming to IS: 374/1979.Fan shall be painted with white colour. 9.3 SITC of 40W LED Surface / Wall mounted LED Flood Light fittings with High power White LEDs wattage of 1Watt and above assembled on single MCPCB, efficiency more than 130 lm/w and corrosion free High pressure die cast aluminum housing with smooth finish powder coated and heat sink extruded aluminium with diffuser and Polycarbonate optics/ lenses with company mark/name engraved or embossed 120 to 300 V,Power Factor more than 0.95, THD < 20 %, CCT 5000 K to 5700K, Uniformity ratio >0.45, Luminaries efficacy> 85 lumens/watt . LED driver efficiency > 85 %. ( Each fittings required LM-79 & LM-80 certificates) (IP-65), Surge -4KV Cat-III For Indoor use: (20nos. at Pump House, 6nos. at LT room, 2nos. at Torrent HT Room, 2nos. at AMC HT Room) 9.4 SITC of B class galvanised iron pipe 32 mm outside dia 45 cms long duly welded on 20 cms x 20 cms x 3 mm thick M.S. base plate, erected on wall or corner for mounting luminaire with necessary hardware materials duly painted for wall mounting indoor flood light fixtures on Wall of Buildings & post top lantern. 10.1 EXTERNAL LIGHTING (Flood LIGHT): SITC of 70W LED Wall mounted LED Flood Light fittings with High power White LEDs wattage of 1Watt and above assembled on single MCPCB, efficiency more than 130 lm/w and corrosion free High pressure die cast aluminum housing with smooth finish powder coated and heat sink extruded aluminium with diffuser and Polycarbonate optics/ lenses with company mark/name engraved or embossed 120 to 300 V,Power Factor more than 0.95, THD < 20 %, CCT 5000 K to 5700K, Uniformity ratio >0.45, Luminaries efficacy> 85 lumens/watt . LED driver efficiency > 85 %. ( Each fittings required LM-79 & LM-80 certificates) (IP-65), Surge -4KV Cat-III 11.1 EXTERNAL LIGHTING (STREET LIGHT): SITC of Street Light Pole, steel tubular swaged type, 7.5 meter long with single arm & M.S.base plate with pipe cap and over hung 1.5 m long having dia to suit the socket of 240V LED street light fixtures. Street light pole unit rate shall be with (i) IP 65 SMC box of size 20 x 15 x 15 cms. with MCB & terminal strip inside the box with hinged/sliding door (ii)50mm dia, B class GI pipe bracket min.1.5mtr long for Incoming & outgoing cable (iii)MS Cable Clamp of 25 x 3mm (iv)SITC of 1.5 Mtr.single Arm bracket of medium duty MS pipe of 4.2 cms. Out side dia complete with suitable sleeve tubing 45 cms. long of required size of pole top etc. and having spread of 1.5.mtr. length with 110 deg.(v) Complete painted with one coat of Red oxide / PU base primer and two coats of Aluminium / PU paint for Pole,Arm, pipe etc. 11.2 SITC of 70W LED Street light fittings with High power White LEDs wattage of 1Watt and above assembled on single MCPCB, efficiency more than 130 lm/w and corrosion free High pressure die cast aluminum housing with smooth finish powder coated and heat sink extruded aluminium with diffuser and Polycarbonate optics/ lenses with company mark/name engraved or embossed 120 to 300 V,Power Factor more than 0.95, THD < 20 %, CCT 5000 K to 5700K, Uniformity ratio >0.45, Luminaries efficacy> 85 lumens/watt . LED driver efficiency > 85 %. ( Each fittings required LM-79 & LM-80 certificates) Street Light (IP-65), Surge -4KV, 70 watt Cat-III (4nos. for proposed street light, 3nos. for exsting pole) 11.3 SITC of M-20 / 1:2:4 cement concrete foundation for Street light pole & 70 % PCC from bottom including excavation for the pole of size 60 x 60 x 120 cms. Deep in below ground level with plinth of 45 cms x 45 cms(or 45 cms dia x 45 cms) high upper ground level with necessary curing and finishing in approved manner. 12.1 SAFETY ACCESSORIES SITC of following safety accessories complete with necessary fixing brackets, other accessories and tools etc. as required to complete the job. Supply & Erecting carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher of 6.5kg capacity with necessary clamps made from 50 x 6 mm M.S. Flat with nut & bolts grouted in wall complete. 12.2 Supplying of standard first AID box with antiseptic cream, medicine for use on wounds due burn, crepe bandage, guage bandage, medicated ready to use bandage (Band-aid) adhesive tape for medicinal user, scissors, antiseptic solution (Savlon or similar) etc. (All above contents shall be of standard makes) 12.3 Supply & fixing of printed instruction (First Aid) Chart both in English and Gujarati and duly framed with front glasses, for treatment of person suffering from electric shock. 12.4 Supplying & fixing of floor mounting stand for keeping four nos. of FIRE buckets comprising 1500 mm in length, 900 mm height frame made out of 30mm X30 mm X 4 mm angle iron with cross supports for legs, welded with 4 hooks and duly painted with one coat of red lead and two coats of approved enamelled silver paint. 12.5 Supply and fixing of 20 W fluorescent lamp operated emergency light with maintenance free battery for 3 hours operation during mains power failure. (for LT / office Room) 12.6 Supply and laying of Synthetic Insulating Mat of Class - B of min. thickness 2.5mm as per IS:15652 and with good electrical insulation property for 11kV/22KV as per site requirement. (for HT Panel) 12.7 Supply and laying of Synthetic Insulating Mat of Class - A of min. thickness 2mm as per IS:15652 and with good electrical insulation property for 1.1KV/3.3KV as per site requirement. (For LT Panel) 12.8 Providing pair of rubber hand gloves ISI make suitable for working on 22 KV supply 13.1 LIASONING CHARGES FOR OBTAINING NOC Power Liasoning Charges for obtaining N.O.C from Electrical Inspector / Statutory authority for Power / Ele. Installation. (Fees shall be paid by tenderer for obtaining N.O.C. from Electrical Inspector / Statutory authority on behalf of client and shall be reimbursed on submission of original receipt to Client). Liasoning Charges shall include preparing required attested documents & drawing for obtaining NOC on behalf of client (Applicable Fees / deposits shall be reimbursed by Client). B TOTAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKS WITHOUT GST 1.0 SITC of Bourden type Pressure Guage glycerene filled having 150 mm dial with necessary fittings/accessories (Manifold valve, nipples, etc. shall be in SS 316 only) as per specifications & complete in all respects. Pressure gauge shall be provided on each Pump delivery & header side. Range : 0 - 6 kg / sq.cm. 2.0 HOOKUP with Existing PLC Panel Hookup of Proposed Pump, MOV,etc. with existing PLC Panel shall be carried out by success full bidder and AMC shall be arrange to provide the access in Existing PLC Panel to succesfull bidder for data hook of Proposed items and programming in PLC for auto operation of pump as per instruction of Client/ AMC. The Scope also dismantling the cable of Existing Starter and MOV at both end (PLC as well as Electrical Panel & MOV side) and gland and terminate new cable between PLC Panel , electrical panel and MOV. 4.0 INSTRUMENT CABLE & ACCESSORIES Supply, Laying, Installation, Connection, Termination, Testing & Commissioning of Instrument Cables along with gland as per specs. The unit rate shall include a) Supply, loading & unloading of the cable at site from store. b) Shifitng of cable from site store to place of installation. c) Fixing of cable clamps, brackets, supports, route markers etc. where ever required to fix the cables safely. d) Excavation, back filling and levelling of ground alongwith laying of fine sand, protection bricks and other necessary civil material for laying cables outside the building. e) Testing and submission of sketches & reports of all the cables laid. CONTROL CABLE 10C X 1.5sq.mm. 5.0 INSTRUMENT CABLE TRAY Supply and installation / erection of Perforated type cable tray of galvanized mild steel sheets of 2 mm thickness with required, hardware, fitting and support structral asccessories . All material shall be Hot dip galvanised as per IS 2629 and tray hardware shall be in GI. Support structutre shall be of structral steel for mounting the cable tray on wall / cable trench or as per site condition, 200 X 25 mm - Perforated type 6.0 CABLE END TERMINATION AND CONNECTION: Supply, fixing, connection, testing and commissioning of double compression brass cable glands and crimping type Bimetalic lugs / sockets with necessary tools and equipments as specified in specifications and IS complete in all respects. The glands and lugs / sockets shall be suitable for cable size and type mentioned above. The job also includes earthing the glands and armour of the cable with common earth bar or flexible copper mesh as applicable. CONTROL CABLE 10C X 1.5sq.mm. C TOTAL OF INSTRUMENTATION WORK W/O GST 1.0 LADDER Ladder shall be made out of light aluminium allow of good strength. They shall be of step ladder, foldable, self supportig type with sperader of metalic angles or high strength. 6 Meter long 2.1 OFFICE FURNITURE Wooden Office Table of size 1200 mm length X 600 mm width 2.2 Steel Office chair 2.3 Steel cupboard (4 feet H x 3 feet W x 1.0 feet 4 inch D) D GRAND TOTAL OF OFFICE EQUIPMENTS 1 Horizontal Split Case Centrifugal (HCSF) Pump-Motor Sets with Base Plate 2 Manually operated Sluice Valve 3 Electric Actuator operated Sluice Valve 4 Dual Plate Check Valve / NRV 5 Pipe & Special Between Suction & Delivery Valve except Expander & reducer 6 EOT Crane 7 LT Panel, Valve Actuator Panel for existing Pump-Motor Set 8 APFC Panel 140 kVAR 9 Transformer 500 kVA (T&R Make) 10 HT Panel – 1 I/C & 2 O/G - 800 AMP (CG Make) 11 Lighting DB along with wiring system 12 HT & LT Cables

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 3600 /-
INR 254300.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.54 Crore /-


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