tender for Package No. 21 Tanka 95 Farm Pond 25 - Package no. 21, Block - Khajuwala, Gram Panchayat - Kharwali, 4AWM,Work- Farm pond-25, Arable tanka (I)-25,Arable tanka (II)-60, Non-Arable tanka-10Sl. No. Item Description1 JCB machine/tractor with scraper for digging of soil, breaking of clods, sorting of grass & pebbles and maintaining section/profile of bund (in cut area) including lifting and lowering of the bund upto initial lead 250 m and lift upto 3 m. Draft based on chapter 5th of irrigation page number 32 to 34 (Valid from 01/02/2017) Unit 1 cubic meter Machinery Work Machinery Work in Soft Soil2 Excavation work by JCB machine/tractor with scraper, breaking of clods of excavated soil, sorting of grass & pebbles and sectioning of bund (in cut area)/maintaining profile including lifting and lowering of the bund initial lead 250 m and lift upto 3 m. Draft based on chapter 5th of irrigation page number 32 to 34 (Valid from Date 01/02/2017) Unit 1 cubic metre Machinery work Machinery work in Hard Soil3 Preparation and dressing the sub grade including removal ofirregularities up to 7.5 cm in soil, morrum mixed with pebbles, small boulders and kankar & murrum for(b) Side slopes (WRD Item 14b Chapter IX)4 Supply of 500 HTP HDPE Geo Membrane BIS 15351/2015 (Horticulture department circular 39-134Date 20.04. 2023)5 Laying, welding & testing of 1 mm HDPE Liner (WRD Item 44 Chapter V)6 Fencing of 150cm height Iron post 35X35X5mm at 3m distance and 30cm deep in ground Cement concrete 1:3:6 (.30X.30X.60m) corner and every 10th post Supporting with 35X35X5mm iron posts, along with black barbed wire in 4 lines, tying and fitting with GI staple wire between 2 posts. Analysis For upto 27 m. length fencing, including earthwork (0.54 cm concrete)7 Excavation of earth upto 1.5 m depth in foundation, trench, drain, tamping the bottom, pouring water, beautifying the sides, taking out the excavated earth, filling the empty spaces with earth again after filling the foundation and disposal of the remaining earth upto a distance of 50 m8 Foundation and plinth first class brick masonry in cement-gravel 1:6 mortar, including closing the side cracks and tamping.9 20 mm cement plaster on wall by mixing cement-gravel in 1:6 ratio and scraping the joints and regular watering for 14 days. (gkn bsr item no. 77b)10 Iron work in grill/gate etc. which includes cutting, mounting and fixing flat cone, T and corrugated (channel) etc. (For Display board)11 Applying enamel paint in 3 layers to give even shade. Making even surface on new/old work. (For Display board)12 Land clearing including removing small bushes vegetative cover etc.13 JCB Excavation work by machine/tractor with scraper, breaking of clods of excavated soil, sorting of grass & pebbles, and maintaining section/profile of bund (in cut area) including lifting and lowering initial lead 250 m and lift upto 3 m. Draft based on chapter 5th of irrigation page number 32 to 34 (Valid from Date 01/02/2017) Unit 1 Cubic Meter Machinery Work Machinery Work in Soft Soil14 JCB Earth work by machine/tractor with scraper, Breaking of clods, Sorting of grass & pebbles, and sectioning of bund (in cut area)/maintaining profile including lifting and lowering of soil upto initial lead 250 m and lift upto 3 m. Draft based on chapter 5th of irrigation page number 32 to 34 (Valid from 01/02/2017) Unit 1 cubic metre Machinery work Machinery work in Hard Soil15 Earth work by manual for foundation including maintain side slopes watering safe disposal of excaveted soil for ordernary soft soil. 16 Over brunt brick kharanja in Cement moartar 1:6 in bond or camber and grade filling all joints of khranja and spreading moartar on bricks.17 Cement concrete in 1 cement : 2 gravel : 4 stone aggregate ratio with aggregate of 12mm nominal size including pouring, ramming and tamping etc.18 First Class Brick Masonary in CM 1:6 including curing, rackings of joints etccomplete in all respect19 25mm thick plaster on new work including 14 days curing and racking of joints in CM 1:420 Supply and proper fixing of stone patti lintals with joint by two stone strip fill joints with concrete cement . 21 Laying of roof with top quality stone strips, filling of joints at top and bottom with cement mortar in the ratio of 1:4 with stone arches for 1.5 m to 2.4 m span22 Laying of burnt brick pieces or small pieces of stone with cement mortar in the ratio of 1:4, supplying vortex on top of the strip roof and also with burnt brick pieces23 12 mm thick plaster on roof in CM 1:6 including 14 days curing complete in all respect24 S & F 22 gauge GI sheet opening cover which has all frame in 25x25x3 mm L section iron, 10 mm gril including argol, holefas and other items complete all respect. 25 Laying of over baked bricks including applying cement gravel mixture 1:6 in any void, camber and grade and filling cement mixture 1:6 in joints and spreading it over bricks.26 S & F pvc pipe for outlet 110 mm dia for over flow27 S & F water Inlet cover Iron Jali28 Write work related information with good quality enamel paint on pytan outer surface in 3 layers to give even shade