
Supplying Of Tower Parts, Line Materials, Earth Work Excavation, Stub Setting, Concreting, Tower Erection And Commissioning Of 110 Kv Dc / 110Kv Mc Narrow Base Tower From Location 27 To 33 By Dismantling The Existing 110 Kv Line And Existing Towers From O, Chennai-Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited has published Supplying Of Tower Parts, Line Materials, Earth Work Excavation, Stub Setting, Concreting, Tower Erection And Commissioning Of 110 Kv Dc / 110Kv Mc Narrow Base Tower From Location 27 To 33 By Dismantling The Existing 110 Kv Line And Existing Towers From O. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-03-2025. Construction Material Tenders in Chennai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supplying Of Tower Parts, Line Materials, Earth Work Excavation, Stub Setting, Concreting, Tower Erection And Commissioning Of 110 Kv Dc / 110Kv Mc Narrow Base Tower From Location 27 To 33 By Dismantling The Existing 110 Kv Line And Existing Towers From O
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Tamil Nadu

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supplying of tower parts, line materials, Earth work excavation, Stub setting, concreting, tower erection and commissioning of 110 KV DC / 110KV MC Narrow base tower from location 27 to 33 by dismantling the existing 110 KV line and existing towers from Omega 230kV SS to Orchid common point and stringing of 9 Nos. ACSR Panther conductor from location 36 to 42 to provide 110KV supply for a demand of 31000KVA for M/s. CMWSSB @ Nemmeli, Chengalpattu District. (Source - II) Under DCW Basis (Reach III)-Fabrication and supply of Tower Parts as per specification including cost of all materials, labour, leads, and lifts etc., complete. GI – Tower Parts for Special cross armHT Tower 2 Fabrication and supply of Tower Parts as per specification including cost of all materials, labour, leads, and lifts etc., complete. GI – Tower Parts for Special cross armMS Tower 3 Supply of Hot dip galvanised bolts and nuts as per IS conforming to latest issue and as detailed in the specification (Various size) 4 Supply of ACSR Panther Conductor as per IS conforming to latest. 5 Supply of Earthwire 7/3.55mm 6 Supply of 90 KV Discs Insulstor as per IS conforming to latest. 7 Supply of 120 KN Disc insulatorshardware fittings as per IS conforming to latest. 8 Supply of hardware fittings as per IS conforming to latest issue Single suspension fittings for Panther 9 Supply of hardware fittings as per IS conforming to latest issue Single tension fittings for Panther 10 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue Vibration dampers for Panther 11 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue Midspan Joint for Panther 12 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue Repair Sleeve for Panther 13 Supply of Earthwire accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue subitable 7/3.55mm HTGS earthwire Tension fitting 14 Supply of Earthwire accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue subitable 7/3.55mm HTGS Aluminium earth bond 15 Supply of Number plate including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 16 Supply ofPhase plate (Set of three) including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 17 Supply of Circuit Plate including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 18 Supply of Name Board including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 19 Supply of Danger Board including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 20 Supply of anti climbing device (set of four) including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 21 Labour Charges for check survey, clearing jungles, carrying theodolite instrument, measuring span length and pit marking including cost of all men and materials as directed by Department Engineer at site. 22 Levelling the site and removing scrub jungles and earth by engaging JCB with lead and lift, hire charges etc., complete. 23 Transport of piling and boring equipments such as boring rig, winches, motors, bentonite pump, shells, boiler casing pipe, etc., to location by pulling into river using crane including transport and hire charges etc., complete as directed. 24 Setting of piling and boring equipement, tripod with all accessories and tools at each tower location (per leg) based on the sequence of operations approved by the Engineer in charge at site irrespective of the location and distance of the boring rig for 1000mm dia. piles including mobilisation and demobilisation after completion of piling works etc., complete. 25 Supplying, fabrication of 6mm M.S. sheet for making into circular casing shape to the required dia. and length as directed including welding, placing in position and driving into bore hole including cost of all materials and MS plate, all labour charges, lead, lift etc., complete.-1000mm dia. 26 Boring and concreting of vertical reinforced concrete pile 1000mm dia. upto required depth from bottom of pile cap in all classes of soil using pile augers for boring using Bentonite slurry and filling the bore with RCC M30 concrete using 20 mm machine crushed metal and a maximum water cement ratio not exceeding 0.50 with admixtures of CONCARE or equivalent make @1.2 lit per cum. of concrete, as per specification including cost of all materials, labour, lead, lift etc., complete but excluding cost of steel reinforcement.-1000mm dia.(Length of Pile for payment shall be measured from bottom of pile cap) 27 Chipping and dismantling of pile concrete from bed level to cutoff level of pile to meet sound concrete and clearing the dismantled concrete from pile location including cost of all labour charges etc., complete. 28 Providing Shoring and Strutting using necessary Country Wood Planks 40mm thick and 8cm to 10cm dia. Casurina vertical posts at every 300mm c/c of 1.80m height duly anchored 300mm into the ground for firm support including placing and making the two rows of planks of top and bottom and one middle row of casurina with strutt arrangements at top so as to afford easy laying as cables. The rate shall also include necessary storage charges for the caasurina and Country Wooden Planks at suitable place so as not to affect the traffic and movement of public, transporting them to work spot, lead, lift besides the cost of materials etc., complete. (Any other improved method of shoring and strutting is also accelptable to TANTRANSCO but at no extra cost to TANTRANSCO). 29 Earth workexcavating and depositing on bank with initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders including cost of all materials, T&P, lead, lift, labour etc., complete. 30 Sinking well rings in loose soils, black cotton soil, sandy loam and ordinary soil under water including pumping if necessary etc., complete. for stub setting - (0-2 m First depth) 31 Sinking well rings in loose soils, black cotton soil, sandy loam and ordinary soil under water including pumping if necessary etc., complete. for stub setting - (2-4 m second depth) 32 Supplying and laying of Pre-cast RCC well rings having inner dia 2.40M, thickness 75mm and 0.30m depth including cost of all materials, curing, placing in correct position, lead, lift, etc., complete. 33 Providing and assembling of template in correct level and alignments, including cost of template, bolts lead and lift, etc., complete., [Template will be brought by contractor at his own] - KCO Type Tower 34 Providing temporary bund around tower location by supply and filling up the empty polythene bags with sand, stitchig them, conveying the same to site and stacking, laying in position around tower location and disposing off from site after successful completion of work including polythene bags, jute, thread, and all materials and labour charges for filling sand, laying and filling and bailing out of water etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer at site. 35 PCC 1 : 2 : 4 Grade using 20 mm HBG metal forpadding and footing concrete without form work including cost of all materials curing, labour lead and lift. etc., complete. 36 PCC 1 : 2 : 4 Grade using 20 mm HBG metal for chimney concrete with form work including cost of all materials curing, labour lead and lift. etc., complete. 37 Providing and assembling of template in correct level and alignments, including cost of template, bolts lead and lift, etc., complete., [Template will be brought by contractor at his own] - 110 KV NQD Type Tower (Narrow base) 38 Providing and assembling of template in correct level and alignments, including cost of template, bolts lead and lift, etc., complete., [Template will be brought by contractor at his own] - 110 KV NQC Type Tower (Narrow base) 39 Providing Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 using 20mm HBG metal for foundation without formwork including cost of cement, all materials, labour, lead, lift, etc., complete. 40 RCC 1 : 1.5 : 3 Grade using 12-20 mm HBG metal for Pile cap foundation and Chiminey concrete with form work including cost of all materials curing, labour lead and lift. etc., complete. 41 Supplying and fabricating and placing in position of MS/RTS steel reinforcement for RCC works including labour for cutting, bending, tying and fixing in position as per specification including cost of all materials, lead, lift, labour, cost of binding wire etc., complete as directed. 42 Spreading of surplus earth around the area including cost of allmaterials, labour charge, lead, lift, etc., complete. 43 Providing Pipe type earthing to towers including all materials G.I pipe 3 m length required length ofEarth wire and welded with washer at end connecting with Tower legandall lead, lift etc., complete.As directed by the Engineer at site. 44 Labour charges for transporting and erection of towers with bolt nut including sorting out of tower parts tightening, punching of bolts and nuts and rectification of defects if any during erection. 45 Welding of exposed faces of bolts and nuts 1cm each at two places opposite to each other after tightening, punching to avoid theft of tower parts including cost of welding rods, hire charges for generator includingweldingrods and painting, with good quality of zinc paint on the welded portion etc., complete. 46 Labour charges for transporting and hoisting of 90kN Disc insulator strings including cost of fitting and all materials, labours, lead, and lift, etc., complete. Under LC condition 47 Labour charges for transporting and hoisting of120kN tension insulator strings including cost of fitting and all materials, labours, lead, and lift, etc., complete. Under LC condition 48 Labour charges for paying out of 3 Nos. Panther conductor with fittings including sorting out of conductor according to drum schedule and loading and unloading at site providing trussels cost of T&P lead and lift etc., complete. 49 Labour charges for rough sagging, andtensioning, clipping jumpering for 3 nos. Panther conductor including cost ofall materials, labour, tools and plants, lead and lift etc., complete. Single Span 50 Labour charges for paying out of 6 Nos. Panther conductor with fittings including sorting out of conductor according to drum schedule and loading and unloading at site providing trussels cost of T&P lead and lift etc., complete. 51 Labour charges for rough sagging, andtensioning, clipping jumpering for 6 nos. Panther conductor including cost ofall materials, labour, tools and plants, lead and lift etc., complete. Single Span 52 Labour charges for paying out and stringing of 1 No. GI earth wire with fittings including sorting out of conductor according to drum schedule and loading and unloading at site providing trussels cost of T&P lead and lift etc., complete. 53 Arranging and availing of Shutdown works on LT & HT lines, etc., complete. 54 Plastering in CM 1:512 mm thickincluding cost of all materials, labour, lead, lift etc. complete.as per standard specification and as directed by the dept. Engineer at site. 55 Painting with two coats of anti corrosive black paint over stub and leg of tower for depth of 0.45 m including cost of all materials, labours, lead and lift, etc., complete. 56 Labour charges for dismantling of existingtower parts on reuse condition without damaging the structural membersincluding sorting and keeping in position as per engineer in charge at site including the cost ofloading and unloading with necessaryT&P lead and lift etc., complete. -AS IS WHERE IS CONDITIONTower Parts 57 Labour charges for dismantling of Panther conductors 6 Nos under L.C condition -AS IS WHERE IS CONDITIONACSR conductor Scrap 58 Labour charges for dismantling of GI Earthwire -1 No under

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