
Supply Of Tower Materials, Stub Setting Concreting, Tower Erection, Strigning Of Acsr Panther Conductor For Conversion Of Existing 110Kv Gumidipoondi Sipcot I - Panjetty Sc Line Into 110Kv 4C Line On Mc Towers (I) For Making Lilo Of Both 110Kv Gpd Sipcot , Chennai-Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited has published Supply Of Tower Materials, Stub Setting Concreting, Tower Erection, Strigning Of Acsr Panther Conductor For Conversion Of Existing 110Kv Gumidipoondi Sipcot I - Panjetty Sc Line Into 110Kv 4C Line On Mc Towers (I) For Making Lilo Of Both 110Kv Gpd Sipcot . Submission Date for this Tender is 11-03-2025. Road Work Tenders in Chennai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Tower Materials, Stub Setting Concreting, Tower Erection, Strigning Of Acsr Panther Conductor For Conversion Of Existing 110Kv Gumidipoondi Sipcot I - Panjetty Sc Line Into 110Kv 4C Line On Mc Towers (I) For Making Lilo Of Both 110Kv Gpd Sipcot
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply of tower materials, stub setting concreting, tower erection, strigning of ACSR panther conductor for conversion of existing 110KV Gumidipoondi SIPCOT I - Panjetty SC line into 110KV 4C line on MC towers (i) for making LILO of both 110KV GPD SIPCOT I - SIPCOT IV feeder and 110 KV GPD - GPD SIPCOT II feeder for proposed 230KV SS at Panjetty.(Reach - I Gantry to LOC.10)-Fabrication and supply of Tower Parts as per specification including cost of all materials, labour, leads, and lifts etc., complete. GI – Tower Parts for Special cross armHT Tower 2 Fabrication and supply of Tower Parts as per specification including cost of all materials, labour, leads, and lifts etc., complete. GI – Tower Parts for Special cross armMS Tower 3 Supply of Hot dip galvanised bolts and nuts as per IS conforming to latest issue and as detailed in the specification (Various size) 4 Supply of ACSR Panther Conductor as per IS conforming to latest. 5 Supply of Earthwire 7/3.55mm 6 Supply of 120 KV Polymer Insulstor as per IS conforming to latest. 7 Supply of 90 KV Polymer Insulstor as per IS conforming to latest. 8 Supply of hardware fittings as per IS conforming to latest issue Single suspension fittings for Panther 9 Supply of hardware fittings as per IS conforming to latest issue Double tension fittings for Panther 10 Supply of hardware fittings as per IS conforming to latest issue Single tension fittings for Panther 11 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue Midspan Joint for Panther 12 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue Repair Sleeve for Panther 13 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue Vibration dampers for Panther 14 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue PA rod for Panther 15 Supply of Earthwire accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue subitable 7/3.55mm HTGS earthwire Tension fitting 16 Supply of Earthwire accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue subitable 7/3.55mm HTGS earthwire Midspan compression joint 17 Supply of Earthwire accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue subitable 7/3.55mm HTGS Aluminium earth bond 18 Supply of Number plate including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 19 Supply ofPhase plate (Set of three) including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 20 Supply of Danger Board including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 21 Supply of Name Board including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 22 Supply of 16 mm dia U bolts including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lift etc., complete. 23 Clearing juliflora jungle including cost of alllabour, lead, lift, etc., complete and as directed by the Dept. Engineer at site. 24 Labour charges for conducting check survey, marking of pits for tower foundation as per the approved profile including chaining, cutting of light and heavy jungles as may be required and carring theodolite instrucment, measuring span length and pit marking including cost iof all men and materials as direted by Department Engineer at site. 25 Engaging JCB including all labour lead lift etc., complete. 26 Providing temporary bund around tower location by supply and filling up the empty polythene bags with sand stitchig them conveying the same to site and stacking, laying in position around tower location and disposing off from site after successfull completion of work including polythene bags, jute, thread, and all materials and labour charges for filling sand, alying and filling and bailing out of water etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer at site 27 Supplying and laying of 900 mm dia RCC hume pipe in water logging areas for formation of approach road including cost of materials labour lead lift transport etc complete. 28 Earth work excavation in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton hard red eareth, shales, murram, grvel stoney earth, earth mixed witrh small size boulders and hard gravelly soil including bailing or pumping charges if necessary etc. complete. 29 Labour charges for transport of Template including assembling of template, stub and cleat and shifting of template from location to location and reassembling the same including cost of all labour, transport lead, lifts etc., complete as directed by the department engineer at site. (The template will be make own arrangement by the contractor). 30 Bailing out of water by pumpset including cost of diesel pumpset 0.5HP cost of all materials labour lead and lift etc complete 31 Shoring and shuttering using C.W. planks and C.W. scantlings including cost of all materials labour lead lift etc. complete as directed by the engineer at site. 32 Sand filling including cost of sand, filling charges, labour for watering and consolidation leads and lift etc., complete. 33 Labour charges for plain cement concrete 1:3:6 using 20mm HBG Stone including cost of all materials lead and lift etc complete. 34 R:C:C 1:1.5:3 using 12 to 20mm metal with form work including cost of all materials, curing,labour, lead, etc., complete. 35 Providing Steel Reinforcement including cost of steel labour for cutting,bending tying with binding wire and placing reinforcement as directed by the engineer at siteetc complete. 36 Back filling of pits with excavated earth including watering and consolidation and spread balance earth around the location ,lead and lift etc.complete. 37 Pipe type earthing - Providing Towerearthing using 25mm diaGI Pipe 3m longinto the bore including all materials, men, lead, lift, etc., complete the tower legas directed by dept engineer at site 38 Labour charges for erection of tower including cost of transporting charges,sorting out of tower parts,erection of tower,t&p etc complete 39 Welding of exposed bolts and nuts 1 cm each at two places opposite to each other after tightening and punching of tower parts including cost of welding rods all T&P upto bottom cross arm including cost of all materials, labour lead lift etc., complete 40 Transporting and hoisting of Polymer /Antifog insulator strings and fitting including transport T&Ps all labour charges leads, lifts etc., complete excludingcost of suspension clamp assembly andinsulators. (Under LC Condition) 90 KN - 07 Units 41 Transporting and hoisting of Polymer /Antifog insulator strings and fitting including transport T&Ps all labour charges leads, lifts etc., complete excludingcost of suspension clamp assembly andinsulators. (Under LC Condition) 120 KN - 08 Units 42 Transporting and paying out of 12 nos (4 circuits) Panther conductor conductor wirth fittings including cost of loading and unloading, transporting, sorting out of drums at store and at site according to drum schedule, providing trestles, paying out, etc complete Single Span 43 Transporting and paying out of 12 nos (4 circuits) Panther conductor conductor wirth fittings including cost of loading and unloading, transporting, sorting out of drums at store and at site according to drum schedule, providing trestles, paying out, etc complete Continuous Span 44 Transporting and paying out of 1 no GI earth wire with fittings including cost of loading and unloading, transporting, sorting out of drums at store and at site according to drum schedule, providing trestles, paying out, etc complete Single Span 45 Transporting and paying out of 1 no GI earth wire with fittings including cost of loading and unloading, transporting, sorting out of drums at store and at site according to drum schedule, providing trestles, paying out, etc complete Continuous Span 46 Labour charges for Stringing of 12 nos (4 Circuits) ACSR Panther conductor sagging tensioning to correct sag and fixing to towers as per specification and as directed by the Board Engineer at site clipping, jumpering, labour charges for fixing midspan compression joints repair sleeves wherever required and vlibrated dampers as directed by the Engineer (Under LC Condition) Single Span 47 Labour charges for Stringing of 12 nos (4 Circuits) ACSR Panther conductor sagging tensioning to correct sag and fixing to towers as per specification and as directed by the Board Engineer at site clipping, jumpering, labour charges for fixing midspan compression joints repair sleeves wherever required and vlibrated dampers as directed by the Engineer (Under LC Condition) Continuous Span 48 Stringing of 1 no GI earthwire including paying out,rough sagging, tensioning using tensioner/puller as per specification, clipping, jumpering, fixing of dampers , transport including cost of all T&Ps, labour lead and lifts etc., complete (Under LC Condition) Single Span 49 Stringing of 1 no GI earthwire including paying out,rough sagging, tensioning using tensioner/puller as per specification, clipping, jumpering, fixing of dampers , transport including cost of all T&Ps, labour lead and lifts etc., complete (Under LC Condition) Continuous Span 50 Providing muffing and coping in P.C.C 1:2:4 using broken stone 12 to 20mm size metal including cost of formwork etc., complete 51 Providing plastering C:M 1 : 5, 12 mm thick including cost of all materials labour lead, lift, etc., complete in all respect 52 Providing Temporary stay during rough sagging and tensioning including necessary excavation burying anchor strucutures fixing stay wire refillings and removal of stays after tensioning with cost of all materials, all labour leads, lifts, etc., complete. 53 Arranging and attending shutdowns work on HT/LT, EHT lines, dismantling and restringing of HT/LT/EHT lines after completion of line stringing work including charges for T&Ps, transport all labour leads and lifts etc, complete ( one set means all the conductor and earth wire in the corresponding one no HT/LT/EHT line) 54 Painting tower legs using best qulity anti corrosive black paint two coats 1m above coping including cost of all materials labour lead lift complete in all respects. 55 Providing special trussels for road crossing including cost of all materials lead, lift etc complete 56 Preparation of crossing drawing in Auto Cad and submission of P & T, EHT, Roads, Railway crossing etc., including cost of all materials, leads, lifts etc., complete. 57 Supplying and fixing display boards of size 3x2 as per the standards of road crossing location including cost of painting, letter writing, labour for transorting and fixing with all lead, lift, etc complete. 58 Labour charges for painting yellow base and black colour letters for feeder name and location number including cost of all materials, lead, lift, etc complete. 59 Labour charges for dismantling of existingtower parts on reuse condition without damaging the structural membersincluding sorting and keeping in position as per engineer in charge at site including the cost ofloading and unloading with necessaryT&P lead and lift etc., complete. -AS IS WHERE IS CONDITIONTower Parts 60 Labour charges for dismantling of Panther conductors 6 Nos under L.C condition -AS IS WHERE IS CONDITIONACSR conductor Scrap 61 Labour charges for dismantling of GI Earthwire -1 No under L.C/normal condition-AS IS WHERE IS CONDITIONGI Earth wire scrap 62 Dismantling the insulatorstring including cost of labour for releasing ,Tools and Plantstransporting charges from site etc complete (under LC condtion) for8units of120 KN Disc Insulators -AS IS WHERE IS CONDITION8 units of 120 KN Disc Insulators (Dismantled) 63 Dismantling the insulatorstring including cost of labour for releasing, Tools and Plantstransporting charges from site etc complete (under LC condtion) for 7 units of 90 KN Disc InsulatorsAS IS WHERE IS CONDITION7 units of 90 KN Disc Insulators (Dismantled) 64 GST for bidders within TamilNadu 65 SGST 66 CGST 67 GST for bidders outside TamilNadu (IGST)

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INR 384000.0 /-
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