
Gups Ramdev Colony Khiwandi - Dismantling Stone Slab Terrazo Chip Flooring Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Of Serviceable Material And Disposal Of Unserviceable Material Within 50 Meters Lead. Dismantling Old Plaster Or Skirting, Raking Out Joi, Pali-Rajasthan

RAJASTHAN COUNCIL OF SCHOOL EDUCATION has published Gups Ramdev Colony Khiwandi - Dismantling Stone Slab Terrazo Chip Flooring Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Of Serviceable Material And Disposal Of Unserviceable Material Within 50 Meters Lead. Dismantling Old Plaster Or Skirting, Raking Out Joi. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-03-2025. Dismantling Work Tenders in Pali Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Gups Ramdev Colony Khiwandi - Dismantling Stone Slab Terrazo Chip Flooring Laid In Cement Mortar Including Stacking Of Serviceable Material And Disposal Of Unserviceable Material Within 50 Meters Lead. Dismantling Old Plaster Or Skirting, Raking Out Joi
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Tender Details

Gups Ramdev Colony Khiwandi - Dismantling stone slab terrazo chip flooring laid in cement mortar including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meters lead. Dismantling old plaster or skirting, raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 meter lead. Brick work with F.P.S. bricks of class designation 75 in superstructure above plinth level upto floor V level in all shapes and sizes in Cement mortar 1: 6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand) Grading roof for water proofing treatment with water proffing compound Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate 10mm and down gauge) including finishing with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) as per standard design: Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joint etc. complete fine finish: 20mm thick P&F rigid PVC Pipe (IS:4985 mark) class II/ (4 Kg. /Cm2.) approved quality /make including joining the pipe with solvent cement rubber ring and lubricant. 110 mm dia P&F rigid PVC pipe fittings (IS: 4985 mark) of approved quality/make including joining the pipe with solvent cement rubber ring and lubricant: Bend 87.5 110mm dia Providing & laying broken glazed titles on roof (broken glazed tiles not less than 9 Kg/Sqm) on top of hot bitumen 1.7 Kg/Sqm. (1.40 Kg of VG-40 (30/40 )grade and 0.30 Kg/Sqm. Of VG-10 (80/100) grade) and joints filled with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement:2 marble dust mixed with water proofing compund all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

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INR 1.12 Lakhs /-
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