E Auction Of Unserviceable Items And Scrap-1 Van Share Appartus 2 Moisturised unconfined compression tester 3 Permiability mould Complte set with overhead tank 4 Sieve shaker Hand operated 5 Liquid Limit cone 6 Permiability Apparatus 7 Air driyer Elecrically 8 Itegrated type Compressive Proving ring Capacity 02 tonns 9 Compaction Mould 10 200 mm dia Brass frame 11 LL Device 12 LL Cone penitration 13 Pocket Penetrometer 14 Tempo Lab Oven 15 Electronic one dimention consolidation 16 Direct shere box Permiability mould Complte set with overhead tank 18 CBR Mould Assembly 19 Share Box Assembly 20 AIMIL Extractor Frame 21 AIMIL Infrared Moisture Meter 22 Unconfined comressive Tester 23 CBR Mould Base plate and Slotted weight 24 Compressive Proving ring and magnet base 25 Dial indicator capacity 0 to 25mm store least count 0.01mm 26 Split spool sampler brass liner, Dinamic cone 27 Direct shere Test aPP 28 Hand Pump HP 501 29 Split spool sampler brass liner, Dinamic cone 30 Precision type oven 31 Novatechnic Linear Potention Tranducer 32 Consolidation App 33 Stain dial gauges 34 Hydraulic Jack 50 tonn 35 0-50 mm displacement sensor 36 LVDt 0-0.50 mm displacement DC type 37 Sukam Battery 38 Hydraulic Jack 5 tonn 1 Notch Apparatus 2 Bernoullis Apparatus 3 Reynold Appratus 4 Orifiece & Mouthpiece 5 Metacentric Height 6 Hele shaw App 7 Venturimeter & Orificemeter 8 Electricla Analogy 9 Impact of Jet App 10 Venture Meter 11 Glenfield Rotorymeter 12 Seemens Water Meter 13 Glenfield Rotorymeter 14 Tempo Laboratory Hot Plate 15 ADVANI OERKON AIR Cooling Wilding Transformer 16 Wolf Make Electrically Operated Drill Machine 17 Reciprocating Pump Test RIG 18 8’ AIDM Ladder 19 Pitot Statics Tube 20 Pitot Sphere meter 21 Differential Manometer 22 Anchor 0.5 hp Single phase self pump 1 Dumpy Level 12”(30 cm) 2 Dumpy Level 12”(30 cm) 3 Dumpy Level 12”(30 cm) 4 Transit Theodolite 5 Diagonal Eye piece 6 Transit Theodolite 7 Redta staff equipment 8 Distance Measuring Wedge 9 IIuminating desk for mirror 10 Dahlta leveling staves 11 10m cotton belt accessories A,B,C,D,E 12 Leveling Staff 13 Alu.Leveling staff 14 Indian pattern Optical square 15 Surveyor’s Compass 16 Surveyor’s Compass 17 Surveyor’s Compass 18 Prismatic Compass without Stand 19 Trough Compass 20 Prismatic Compass, Stand 21 Prismatic Compass, Stand 22 Prismatic Compass, Stand 23 Prismatic Compass, Stand 24 Prismatic Compass, Stand 25 Abeny Level telescopic 26 French cross Staff 27 Open cross staff 28 Trough Compass 29 Plane Table 30 Plane Table with Alu.battens 31 Plane Table 32 Plane Table top clamping 33 Alidade simple 34 Planimeter 35 Planimeter 36 Planimeter 37 Planimeter 38 Planimeter 39 Planimeter 40 Electronic Digital planimeter 41 Engineers Chains 100’ 42 Engineers Chains 100’ 43 Chains 30m 44 Chains 20m 45 Chains 30m 46 Chains 20m 47 Brass Handles 48 Survey Umbralla 49 Beam Compass 50 20”Theodolite set 51 20”Theodolite set 52 Ranging Rod 2+3m 53 Watts Index Tripod B113 54 Watts Index Tripod B110 55 Fiber Glass Tape 30m 56 Tarpantins 57 Tarpantins 58 Shoulderie Tent Double Fly Size 59 Pentagraph 60 Survey Umbrella 61 Nautical Sextant 62 Line Ranger 63 Fiber Glass Tape 64 Ranging Rod 3mtr. 65 Wall mounting sweep 1 Classroom Chairs 2 Leumoprint Paper Copier 3 Balance 4 Compaq Laptop 5 Aquameter 6 Pedestral Fan 7 Geology Dept. Board 8 Geology Museum Board 9 Telephonic Instrument 10 Paper Cutter 11 Paper Cutting Box 12 Vagrale 13 Steel Glass 14 Steel Tabular Chair 15 Field Glass Carlzeiss 16 Cabinet Tary 17 Level Reflecting Abneys 18 Metal Shelving Cabinet 1 Lab Incubator 2 Lab Incubator 3 Hot Air Oven 4 Pairs of Tong 5 Heating Mental 6 Hot Plate 7 Platinum tipped tong and crucible 8 Laboratory Flocculator 9 Air Compressor 10 Laboratory Flocculator 11 Muffle Furnance 12 Sieve Shaker 13 Digital pH Meter 14 Electronic Weighing Balance 15 Vaccume Pump 16 Calibrated Weight Box 17 De-Mineralization Plant 18 Digital Conductivity Meter 19 Brass Seives 20 Ceiling Fan 21 Hand Operating Briquette M/c 22 pH Meter 23 Calibrated Weight Box 24 High Volume Air Sampler 25 BOD Monitor 26 COD analysis System 27 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 28 UV Visible Spectrophotometer 29 Ion Analyzer 30 ISA Electrode Fluoride 31 Ion Analyzer 32 Portable Gas Monitor 1 MON -HP COMOAQ LE 1902 X 18.5 - In LED Monotor Option ACJ Desktop 6200 Small form Factor Intel Core 17 -2600 3.40ghz ,8 m Bcache 4 Core 2 Desktop PC. HP Desktop 6300 SFF ,18.5 LCD Monitor Intel Core I 7 3.4G ,8 M HD 400,4GB ,DSR - 1600 1X4GB RAM. 3 Dell Precision T 1700 SFF CTO Base Work station with keyborad and Mouse 4 HP workstation Model TiPo9PA 5 DSP Based 20KVA 3 phase online UPS 1 Aggregate Impact Tester 2 Test Sieves 3 Test Sieves ( Brass) 1.70 4 AIMIL Profilo graph Type BRU -2 5 AIMIL North Dakota Cone 6 AIMIL Vicksburg Penetrometer SBV 7 7 AIMIL Dynamic cone penetration test apparatus 8 Drill rods with adopters for Dynamic cone penetration apparatus 9 Dial Gauges 10 Laboratory Oven 11 Digital Water Bath 12 Digital Thermometer 13 HP LaserJet Printer 14 Concrete Abrasion Testing M/c 1 Crack Monitor Proceq make 2 Crack Measuring Magnifier Model No 32513000 3 Crack Width Meter Proceq Model No.32529000 4 Corrosion Analysing Instrument, CANIN Make Model No.- 33000200 5 Deformation Meter Proceq make Model No-32525000 6 Spilt Air Conditioner 2 Ton.Daikin 7 10 KVA UPS HNUX 310 8 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Meter ( UPV)Pundit PL200 9 R Meter (Resistivity Meter) 10 E Meter Jems - USA 11 1 Poroscope Plus Jems - USA C-P-6050 12 Maturity Meter Jems - USA 13 Electronics Moisture Meter 14 Drying Shrikage Moisture Tester 1 20 MH2, 2Ch CRO 4 Trace S.N.0513009 2 Integrated Test Measurement Station 3 Signal Conditioning cards for protection Laboratory 4 Multimeter DM - 97, HTC 5 Elect4onic Trivector Meter H. T. 30, 3 wire 110V/5A 6 Digital Motor protector Relay with CTS 25/5A 7 Lineer IC Tester Model Nikki Line I AAB00200302006 8 Digital Communication Tablet of 32 GB with wifi & 3 G Ceeluar 9 Integrated Test & Measurement Station 10 Analog Kits 11 LCR Q Meter 4912 12 CRO 0-20MHz 3305-S 13 Signal Fun. Generator SG1602 C 14 DC Micro Ammeters- 0-1000MA 15 Digital Multimeter 16 Digital Storage Oscilloscope 17 Micro Controllar DSP Experimenter Board ( 1 ) AT mega 32 Micro controller based experimental Board 18 Micro Controllar DSP Experimenter Board 2) MSP 430 Micro controller based experimental Board 19 Micro Controllar DSPExperimenter Board 3) DSP Taxes TMS 28335 based experimental board JTAG Emulators 20 Yokogawa - AC, DC, Clamp on Tester Model CL 235 AC 400/600A DC 400/1000 21 Load Bank 30 A 400V 22 Desktop System Make - HP Model - ( L1G76 AV ) HP Etite 800 SFF 23 Desktop Computer System, Model - HP- 6300 SFF 24 Desktop computer sys. Model HP 6300 SFF 25 HP Laserjet Printer 1020 + CNCH339436 26 Laser Printer Color HP-MFP M475 D Sr. No. CND8F2RF2D 27 Printer HP- Laserjet Pro MFP M132 fn 28 LCD Projectors Hitachi CP- x 3030 WN 29 Xerox Machine Candn - IR 2420L 30 DSP bassed 40 KVA 3 ph Online UPS 31 Digital Multimeter 3 1/2 digit LCD ( 10mm ) with all nsrmal Ranges 32 CRO 20MHz, 2 channel, 4 Trace 33 Integrated Test & Measurement Station 34 20 MHz CRO 20MHz 2 Ch. 4 Trace 35 Integrated Test & Measurement Station 36 Digital Meter 37 Multi meter make Rishab - 410 1 Bundle note Counter 2 Laserjet Printer 3 Xerox Machine (Canon) IR-4225 Digital copier 4 Shredding Machnine 5 Air Cooler Sr. 038301110(02475) 6 Cupboard Glass Door 7 Xerox Canon model- IR ADV 4225 8 Samsung Printer model xpress SLM 2876 ND Sr No. CN B3 M492HW 9 wood tea poi 10 xerox copier 11 Printer Ricon Model: SP 100 SU 12 Fax Panasonic 13 Xerox Machine Canon IR 3245 14 Water Cooler USHA Storage 15 Laserjet printer 16 Printer HP Laserjet 1536dnf MFP Sr. No. CNG8G8P5JF 17 T.V. Screen 18 plasma T.V 19 printer 132 column total 1 HP Laptop Asus Ci5 Sr. no. : P1440- K4NXCVO9L 491188 2 HP Laptop Compaq nx6110 Sr. no. : CNU61311SY 3 Hp Laptop Sr. no. : 5CB1317JPL 4 Hp Laptop Sr. no. : 5CB1442Q1Z 5 DELL Vostro 1510 Laptop Sr. no. : PP36L 6 DELL CPU Sr. no. : B5CH2BS 7 DELL Desktop Sr. no. : CN-OG335H- 6418091L 8 Dell Desktop Sr. no. : CN-0657N- PN-64180-4IN-1D4B 9 Dell CPU Sr. no. : 7N7PD02 10 Dell Desktop Sr. no. : CN-0657N- PN-64180-4IN-0X6B 11 Dell CPU Sr. no. : JL7PD02 12 Dell Desktop Sr. no. : CN-0657N- PN-64180-4IN-1DZB 13 Dell CPU Sr. no. : 4Q7PD02 14 Dell Desktop Sr. no. : CN-0657PN- 64180-4IN-1EOB 15 Dell CPU Sr. no. : BP7PD02 16 Hp Desktop Sr. no. : CNT94550FW 17 Hp CPU Sr. no. : SGH002PRCI 18 Hp Desktop Sr. no. : CNT938517Y 19 Hp CPU Sr. no. : SGH002PRC6 20 Hp CPU Sr. no. : SGH002PRBX 21 Hp Desktop Sr. no. : CNT94550DY 22 Hp CPU Sr. no. : SGH002PRBS 23 AOC Desktop Sr. no. : AOCKHDMA 3200188 24 Hp CPU Sr. no. : INA8200DV8 25 Hp CPU Sr. no. : INA8250078 26 Hp CPU Sr. no. : INA825008C 27 Hp Desktop Sr. no. : CNT9455001 28 Hp CPU Sr. no. : INA8250091 29 Hp Desktop Sr. no. : CNC826QG06 30 Acer Desktop Sr. no. : ES CO208- 022516002 00PK01 31 Cannon copier IR 2018 N Sr. no. : MWG09998 32 Hp Colour Laser Jet 2600n Printer 33 Hp Laser Jet Printer Sr. no. : VNC6926192 34 Hp Laser Jet M1005 Printer Sr. no. : CNBY676GWT 35 UPS Supercomp 36 UPS V-Guard 37 UPS Intex 38 UPS Intex 39 UPS Numeric 40 UPS Numeric 41 UPS iball 42 Executive Chairs 1 Computer, Lamp, Etc. 2 E-Waste Scrap 3 Aluminium Scrap 4 Wooden/Furniture Scrap 1 HPA0 size color Plotter Model Derigrijet 500,42 length Unlimited 1200 DPI 16MB 2 Ricoh Xerox machine 3 Blue star Filter 4 Desktop System 30 computer 5 H.P Laser jet Printer p-1505 6 Hp - LaserJet Printer 1020+ 7 HP Laser Jet M1005 MFP 1) CNH8F612DS 2) CNH8F628SN 8 Printer H.P LaserJet L/J 2605 9 LCD Projector Panasonic 2/11/141 10 MPM113 MFPL Last Jet all in one printer ( 2qty) 1) ONG7D8RJBN 2) CNG7D8SKOQ 11 HP Laser jet Printer 1020 Plus 1) CNCH596345 2) CNCH 677830 12 Pedestal Fan 400mm Make Comport on high flo 13 Printer Laser jet 120 Plus 14 Printer HP Deskjet GT5810 15 Co-ordinate slide projector coordinated system with slide visualizing with sound coordination 16 Steel Tabular tables 17 Post processing software with unlimited license for total station including training 18 IBM SPSS Software 19 ArcGIS University 20 Computer Lab chairs gas filled 21 Go dreg plan filing cabinet 22 Chairs with cushion supreme Co.Ornel-Model 23 Ceiling Fan 1200mm 1 Refrigrator with guard 2 Digital copier godrej 3 Overhead projector 4 Techometer contact type 5 Digital Multimeter 6 Vacuum cleaner 7 Contact type Techometer 8 True RMS 4.1/2 Multimeter 9 Compnent Dev. Board 10 Programmer Multimeter 11 XPO MIT Master Unit Board 12 Speed sewing Transducer 13 Temp. Sensing Transducer 14 Stepper Motor Panel 15 Integrated Bread Board 16 Student Project Development Board 17 AC HV Test ( HVT-1) with Control Panel HVT-1/1 ) 18 DC HV Test set ( HVT-1/1 with Control Panel HVT-2/1 ) 19 12 Bit AD/DA converter Card 20 48 Bit Isolated DIO converter Card 21 4 Channel Isolated DA OP Card 22 Serew Terminal Board PCLD - 8710 23 Serew Terminal Board PCLD - 880 24 64 Channel Iso. Digita I/O Card PCI-1756 25 Invac AC Inverter drive IRAC 01M 26 DSP Controller Board TMS 320C50 27 PC Based A/D motor control Training sys. 28 Fast AD-DA module 29 Rotary Control Model (Teq-35) 30 Ceilling Fan 230V Volt 31 Celling Fan Cromption Greav 48 High speed with Regulators 32 Poten. Error Dectector 33 PID Traing. Sys. 34 PC Rotary incremental Encorder 35 PC DC position Sys. 36 PC DC servo sys. 37 PC Compensation Sys. 38 Study of DC motor 39 Main L. T. Panel with Data Cable & Data acquisition System 40 APFC Panel 41 Port. IP IE Dyn. Wattmeter type DPDC Range - 10/20A, 300/600V 42 Table Mounted Watt meter 150/300V 43 Wattmeter with Low Power factor 75/150/300V, 2.5/5 Amp 44 Solar P. V. Water - Pumping System 45 3 1/2 Digit AC-DC Multimeter Sr. No. 027914, Sr. No. 028090 46 TAchometer Analog I Contact type 0-10000 RPM with Various rubber prob 47 4 3/4 Digit Trums Multimeter 300 mV to 1000 Volt ( AC - DC ) 300 am to 10 AMP ( AC&DC ) 300 ohm to 30,000 Mhom. Suitable Probe for tempmeast 48 Fluxmeter DF900 49 02 KVA UPS System with Stand, 30 Min, Backup Model No D10200501150005A 50 Digital Multifunctional Network Device MODEL - AR - M 205 51 Auto level Controller 52 Submersible Pump 1.5 HP, 3 ph 53 IR Dome Camera IR BOX Camera PTZ Camera 54 Portable Fingerprint Time Attendance Sys. With 5V, 2A UPS Model AC-100 Sr. No.8110434, 35 55 Finger Print - Tme Attandance System 56 CRO 40MHz 2 Ch. 57 2MHz Fun. Gen. Model FG2M 58 10MHz Signsal fun.Gen.Scintec 59 Stepper Motor Panel P-25 ( Anshuman ) 60 Digital Trainer 61 Analog Lab Scientech make ST - 2613 62 Digital Multimeter Mastech Make M-3900 63 Electrical Bridge demo. Board 64 8031/8051 Trainer kit PS (logsun) 65 89C51/52 Trainer kit PS (logsun) 66 89C51/52 Proj. Dev. Board (logsun) 67 CRO 40MHz 2 Ch. 68 Integrated Test Measurement Station 69 89C51 Micro Trainer Kit 70 TMS320F2407 DSP Trainer Kit 71 2 Chanel DAC Interface Board 72 8 Charmel ADC Interface Board 73 8251/8253 Interface Board 74 Stepper Motor Controller 75 Real Time calender Board 76 LCD Interface Card 77 Temp. Measurement Cont. Module 78 Hexa Decimal Keyboard 79 Window Room AC Model - 40 C-6006 2Ton 80 LCD Projector sharp XR 15 81 DLP Projector with Celling Mount Model- Dell mp 1800 10 x 8 82 Optoma DLP Projector Model E x 530 83 Mitsubishi DLP Projector Model - Xd 550u Sr. 0002291 84 Permanent Magnet DC Motor, 90V, 75W, 1000RPM, with gear Box NO. Tcon 98/2796 DC Techageverator DPT 30,000 HP,Iov/No Tcoh 98/3442 with Tacho gen. (2/12/19) 85 Rotary Optical Encorder Resolution 360 pulses/rev op channel A, A, B, B, M, M, op ope collector + 24V/+36V, 20mA. 86 DC speed CS 1 HP DC Motor (TEQ-08) 87 Study of Temp. CS 88 PC Base Stepper Motor CS 89 PC Base Relay Control Sys. 90 Linear Simu. Sys. 91 LCR Meter - 3 1/2 digit 2000 MK - 1 Kusam MECO Make 92 Dual Power Supply 30V, 5 AMP 93 Power Scope 20MHz SN0604287 94 CRO 20 MHz SN080419129 95 CRO 20 MHz S. N. 90419368 96 CRO 25 MHz S. N. 3351053 97 CRO 20 MHz Trigger B/W 40Mhz S. N. 4210410, S. N. 4210420 98 1 MHz Fun. Generator 99 CRO 0-20MHz SN020417540,42 100 Digital IC Tester (teq-24/i) 101 CRO 20MHz 2 Ch. 4 trace 126 The Command Potentiometer module with Power Supply & Cable set 4mm lead set 127 DC Position Control System 128 Compensation Error Detection System 129 Potentiometric Error Detection System 130 Student Project Development Board 132 Apple iPad Retina wifit Cellulas 644B with 133 HP Probook Notebook Laptop 444Ls 17-3612 QM/DOS 134 HPZ 420 ES- 1620/8/ITB/Q600 Work Station 135 Lab View Hardware Kits 1) 9201 8ch, 12 bit + 1-1-VDC,500KS/s Al Module 136 NL - 9213 16ch. TC 24 bit C Series Module 137 NL 9940 Bachshell Fro 36 pos Connector Black ( Dty) 16ch. TC 24 bit C Series Module 138 NI 9237 4ch 50 kS/Sch 24 bit Bridge Al Module 139 NI 9949 RJ50 ( Female 0 to screw Terminal Adaptor ( Qty 4 ) 140 RJ50 Cable for 9944, 9945, 2m ( Aty 4 ) 141 NL 9203 8ch+20mA200 KS/S 16 bit Analog O/P 142 NI 9264 16ch. +10v 25ks/s 16 bit Analog O/P Module 143 NI 9940 Backshell for 36 Pos Connector Block ( Aty 1 ) 144 NI NI 9401 ech. 100ns TIL digital IP/OP module 145 NI 9422 8ch 60V 250us Sinking, Sourcing DI Module 146 NI 9939 Bachshell for 16 Pos Connector Block ( Aty 1 ) 147 NI 9234 4 Input - 24 bit, 51.2 ks/s SW selectable/EPE&AC DC 148 CDAQ 9178 Compact DAQ Chassis 8 lot USB 149 Power Cord 240V Euro Class 150 NI 9901 Deshtop Mounting kit 151 NI 9977 C Series Filler Module for Empty Slot 152 Multichannel Voltage & Current Sourle TR 6163 Sr. 2432008 ( Japan ) 153 Multi Outpur DC Power Supply LQ 6324 154 5 KVA UPS System Sr No. 1075110841 Sr No. 1075110842 155 Interactive Panel Globus G- Panel 17L, min diagonal Size 430mm reso.sxGA, Aspect ratio 5:4 Linux Compatability 158 LCD Projector PG - BIO5 4) Office Order No. COEP/Gen-Sec/ WO/ 2018/2208 date 18/04/2018 ( Tools ) 159 Vernier Caliper 25cm,0.01mm 160 Vernier Caliper 15cm,0.01mm 161 Micro Screw Guage 25mm(0.01 Accuracy) 162 VTP 18 Drill Machine (Hitach)