
Tender For For Carrying Out The Electrification Work Against Package No. 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 & 46/2024-25 Sanctioned Under Deposit Head In The Area Of Eudd-Iii, Aligarh - Safe Carriage Of 8.5 Mtrs. Long Pcc Pole From Store C, aligarh-Uttar Pradesh

Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited has published Tender For For Carrying Out The Electrification Work Against Package No. 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 & 46/2024-25 Sanctioned Under Deposit Head In The Area Of Eudd-Iii, Aligarh - Safe Carriage Of 8.5 Mtrs. Long Pcc Pole From Store C. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-03-2025. Overhead Line Tenders in aligarh Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For For Carrying Out The Electrification Work Against Package No. 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 & 46/2024-25 Sanctioned Under Deposit Head In The Area Of Eudd-Iii, Aligarh - Safe Carriage Of 8.5 Mtrs. Long Pcc Pole From Store C
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For For Carrying Out The Electrification Work Against Package No. 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 & 46/2024-25 Sanctioned Under Deposit Head In The Area Of Eudd-Iii, Aligarh - Safe carriage of 8.5 Mtrs. long PCC Pole from Store Centre, Sarsol to the respective site of work including the work of its loading & unloading at the repective ends. 2 Safe carriage of 9 Mtrs. long ST Pole from Store Centre, Sarsol to the respective site of work including the work of its loading & unloading at the repective ends. 3 Safe carriage of 11 Mtrs. long S.T.Pole from Store Centre, Sarsol to the respective site of work including the work of its loading & unloading at the repective ends. 4 Safe carriage of line material viz. Conductor, G.I. Earth Wire, Cross Arm, Angle, Channel, Insulators, Clamps & other material from store Centre, Sarsol to the respective site of work including the work of its loading & unloading at the respective ends. 5 Erection of 8.5 Mtrs. long PCC Pole single support including fixing complete HT/LT fittings as per RESSPO Munual including the cost of labour, T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 6 Erection of 9 Mtrs. long ST Pole single support including fixing complete HT/LT fittings as per RESSPO Munual including the cost of labour, T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 7 Erection of 11.0 Mtrs. long S.T. Pole single support including fixing complete HT/LT fittings as per RESSPO Munual including the cost of labour, T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 8 Grouting of 8.5 Mtrs. long PCC Pole single support as per RESSPO Manual including of the cost of labour,T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. The support shall be grouted with cement, sand & brick ballast in ratio 1:4:8 including the cost of arrangement of cement, sand, brick ballast etc. 9 Grouting of 9 Mtrs. long ST Pole single support as per RESSPO Manual including of the cost of labour,T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. The support shall be grouted with cement, sand & brick ballast in ratio 1:4:8 including the cost of arrangement of cement, sand, brick ballast etc. 10 Grouting of 11.0 Mtrs. long S.T. Pole single support as per RESSPO Manual including of the cost of labour,T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. The support shall be grouted with cement, sand & brick ballast in ratio 1:4:8 including the cost of arrangement of cement, sand, brick ballast etc. 11 Erection & grouting of 11 Mtrs. ST double pole including fixing complete HT/LT fitting, Fuse set & TPMO as per RESSPO Manual including the cost of labour, T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. The support shall be grouted with cement, sand & brick ballast in ratio 1:4:8 including the cost of arrangement of cement, sand, brick ballast etc. 12 Laying spreading, lifting and final sagging of Aerial Bunched Cable size3x50+1x35+1x16 sq.mm. including fixing of all accessories as per RESSPO Manual and as per direction of supervising engineer, including the cost of arrangement of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. : 13 Safe carriage of 11 kV XLPE cable 3x70 Sq.mm. and its laying including making proper connections at both ends. The work includes the cost of labour, T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 14 Safe carriage of 11 kV XLPE cable 3x120 Sq.mm. and its laying including making proper connections at both ends. The work includes the cost of labour, T&P and carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 15 Laying sagging stringing and binding of ACSR Weasel / Dog Conductor on the newly erected pole as per RESPO manual and as per direction of supervising engineer, including the cost of arrangement of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 16 Laying sagging stringing and binding of LT XLPE Aurmoured Service Cable size 4x25 sq.mm. from newly erected pole to consumer premises as per RESPO manual and as per direction of supervising engineer, including the cost of arrangement of labour, T&P carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 17 Erection and grouting of stay set including the work of nozzling etc. as per RESPO manual and also including the cost of arrangement of all grouting material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per RESSPO Manual. 18 Fixing & connecting of earthing rods as per RESSPO Manual including the cost of labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 19 Fixing of LT Distribution box including making connections of distribution box with LT mains by piercing clamps for Aerial Bunched Cable.The work will also include the opening of the service connection of the consumer and its connecting in distribution box. 20 Safe carriage of 25 KVA Distribution Transformer fromElectricity Store Centre, Aligarh or from any other place to the respective site of work including loading & unloading at the respective ends and mounting on double pole including proper jumpering from 11 KV line to the transformer and also connecting the LT site cables as per RESSPO Manual. 21 Safe carriage of 100 KVA Distribution Transformer fromElectricity Store Centre, Aligarh or from any other place to the respective site of work including loading & unloading at the respective ends and mounting on double pole including proper jumpering from 11 KV line to the transformer and also connecting the LT site cables as per RESSPO Manual. 22 Neutral & body earthing of Distribution Transformer by digging of pit upto water level depthand then inserting 1-¼” dia GI pipe of ‘A’ grade, conforming to the requirement of IS specification and then connecting the top of the inserted pipe and transformer body through GI strip of size 40x6 mm with the help of nut and bolt or through gas welding, as per direction of supervising engineer. It includes the cost of all material labour, T&P, carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. The aforesaid work shall be carried out as per RESSPO norms. 23 Fabrication of T-Off Channel as per RESSPO Norms. 24 Fabrication of Top Channel as per RESSPO Norms. 25 Fabrication of Dropper Channel as per RESSPO Norms. 26 Fabrication of Base Angle as per RESSPO Norms. 27 Fabrication of F-Braket as per RESSPO Norms. 28 Fabrication of Cross Arm Angle as per RESSPO Norms. 29 Providing 11 KV Cable Jointing kit size 3x70sq.mm. (O/D & I/D) and its Filling as per RESSPO Norms. 30 Providing 11 KV Cable Jointing kit size 3x120sq.mm. (O/D & I/D) and its Filling as per RESSPO Norms. 31 Carriage of 11kV Pilfer Proof Metering Cubicle from ESC, Aligarh to site and its installation as per RESSPO Norms. 32 Dismantling ofold & used Damge ST Pole form existing line and its safe carriage from site to store as per RESSPO Norms.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1180 /-
INR 5000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3 Lakhs /-


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